This book was written by our students. Thanks for your good work little eTwinners.
In this book, we will work on
-Northern Bald Ibis
-Polar bears
-Gray wolves
-Griffon Vulture
-Global warming
-A short story to save them.
This book includes many endangered animals. There are many information about them. We still have time. We can save them. Please take action and help us to spread this!!!
14 Eylül Ortaokulu- Aycan TETİK ALGÜL
Hi friends.
I am fallowdeer.
YES! I am fallowdeer that you know.
Actually Iam the One which is the subject of the folk songs,tong twisters,films,fables and legends.
Because of cruel and unconscious hunting ,we have become nearly extinct. İn Turkey there are only seven of us.These days, with the help of precoutions, the population of us has started to increase
100.YIL AKKENT ORTAOKULU – Sümeyya Gürses Badar
Northern Bald Ibis (Kelaynak) is in the Red List of Threatened .Their total population is estimated to be around 530 in the wild. They live only in Birecik, in Turkey.
Carettas die out
The most important spawning area is Yumurtalik district of Adana and Belek, Anamur, Koycegiz and Dalyan beach.
It is estimated that they live 30 to 62 years in the wild.
Tom joined an exhibition about wildlife. He learned about endangered animals. He felt so sad! Suddenly, he found an idea! He thought "I can start a campaign about endangered animals at school and our city! I should talk to my friends! We can save animals!"
Hello dear friends! Some animals are endangered because people destroy their habitats and overhunt them. I think we can start a campaign and help these animals. What do you think?
It's a good idea! Let's talk to our teacher! She can help us!
Miss Tyler, I saw an exhibition about endangered animals. I feel bad. They will disappear. We have to do something. Could you help us to start a campaign?
Tom you are a smart boy. Of course, I can help you. Let's find more people to help us.
Tom and Miss Tyler walked into a classroom. They told Tom's idea. They talked about the campaign. They worked in small groups to prepare posters and brochures to inform more people.
Erzincan Bilim ve Sanat Merkezi – Vasile Ziftci
and Little Defenders of The Earth Team
Şehit Cengiz Topel Mithatpaşa Ortaokulu – Dilek Çinar
Tom and Miss Tyler found more people to help teir campaign. They prepared posters and brochures to inform people. Firstly the posters and brochures were exhibited on the school board. Then, they decided to inform more people and their works published in local newspaper.
With this campaign awaraness was created about endangered animals in humans. Now people are going to give more attention to the animals. Animals are our friends. We should protect them. The earth is not only ours. Now Tom and his friends are very happy because the warned people.
The end.
Here are our works to help the earth for a better future:
Mehmetçik Ortaokulu – Özlem Işık Özbulut
Hi! I am POLAR BEAR. I am living at the North Pole. Unfortunately I and my lovely cubs are in danger.The ices are melting in our habitat due to global warming. I am loosing fat and cannot produce enough milk for my cubs. Industry is moving to our lands. It will destroy the food chain and can't find any food in the future. This is our last call to human beings to stop the extinction of polar bears. PLEASE HEAR OUR VOICE!
Çağlayan İlkokulu – Bora Gür
Hi, I’m panda! I’m on the edge of extinction. My habitat is restricted to around 20 isolated patches of bamboo forest in six mountain ranges in China's Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu provinces.
You should save me! Because, I’m one of the charismatic animals on earth. But, that’s not all! I also spread bamboo seeds in China. So, I help the vegetation to grow.
My name is AXOLOTL.As you can sense by looking at my sad facial expression that I'm critically endangered nowadays.That's why I'M NOT so happy.IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF POLLUTION AND URBAN SPRAWL .STOP AND SAVE US PLEASE !
We are fireflies and we light up every continent except Antartica but our magic display could fade into dark if you DON'T take action to save us.Don't destruct our habitat,don't use pesticide and lessen light pollution.
Lozova Gymnasium,Ukraine - Oksana Dushylo and Little Defenders of the Earth
Tigers are going through a critical time. We are highly vulnerable to numerous threats in our natural habitat.
From poaching to climate change and a set of factors in the middle, heading the list those that result from human activities. Thousands of us still live under very poor conditions in circuses, zoos and private ownership.
Osnovna škola Vladimira Nazora Pribislavec, Croatia - Iva Naranđa
Osnovna škola Vladimira Nazora Pribislavec, Croatia - Iva Naranđa
Osnovna škola Vladimira Nazora Pribislavec, Croatia - Iva Naranđa
Osnovna škola Vladimira Nazora Pribislavec, Croatia - Iva Naranđa
Hey!!! Where are the glaciers? I never like hot weather
We apologize, my friend. we humans have done a lot of harm to nature but don't worry we kids will protect you
This book was written by our students. Thanks for your good work little eTwinners.
In this book, we will work on
-Northern Bald Ibis
-Polar bears
-Gray wolves
-Griffon Vulture
-Global warming
-A short story to save them.
This book includes many endangered animals. There are many information about them. We still have time. We can save them. Please take action and help us to spread this!!!
14 Eylül Ortaokulu- Aycan TETİK ALGÜL
Hi friends.
I am fallowdeer.
YES! I am fallowdeer that you know.
Actually Iam the One which is the subject of the folk songs,tong twisters,films,fables and legends.