To my mom who encourages me to write these stories
Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Warp
Chapter 2: ‘‘Bill, I think the question is when are we’’
Chapter 3: The Library
Chapter 4: The Stand
Chapter 5: Hamburgers + Guns = Hamburguns
Chapter 6: The Explanation
Chapter 7: Invasion 1.0
Chapter 8: Who is Bob?
Chapter 9: It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no, it’s an evil sugar cookie!
Chapter 10: We’re Back!
Chapter 1
The Warp
It was a nice sunny spring day in San Jose, California. Ten-year-old Bill was playing basketball at recess against his eleven year old friend, Carl. Carl, being bigger and having more experience, beat Bill twenty-four to seventeen. Bill was the more humorous one and loved to tell and listen to jokes. He was very smart and remembered everything he learned. Carl was kind, brave, and very athletic. He was above average in height, being 5’ 5”. Bill, however, was only 4'7".
When they got back to class, they were excited because spring break started the next day.
“What are you doing over break?” asked Carl.
“I am going to Florida to see the alligators,” responded Bill.
“Cool,’’ replied Carl. “I’m going to New York, New York and I have map of the city and the subways.”
“Nice,” Bill responded.
The day passed very slowly and for some reason all of their classes were on New York. In History, they learned about famous people who lived in New York. In Art, they learned about famous paintings made there.
In Social Studies, they learned what people wore, talked like, and did in 1960’s New York, and compared those who lived in the city then to those who lived on farms. In Music, they listened to some 1960’s early rock.
When they walked to Science class together, they heard a strange noise from behind them. Once again, they heard it.
“What is that noise?” Carl asked, now curious.
“I dunno,” Bill replied, also confused as well as curious.
Then they turned around, saw a bright light and then nothing - absolutely nothing...
Chapter 2
“Bill, I think the question is when are we ...”
When they awoke, several tall buildings loomed above them. They were standing on a busy sidewalk next to a street sign that read 57th Street. They were surrounded by old style cars and taxis.
“Carl?” Bill asked, “Where are we?”
“Bill, I think the question is when are we,” Carl said.
They walked towards 9th Ave., turned onto it, and saw a old-style coffee shop on 56th St. From part of their lunch money, they bought a newspaper inside for ten cents (money was worth much more back then). The title read:
New York Times
April 4, 1962
They saw a clock nearby that read two thirty-six.
“Wait a minute… Carl, does this mean that we have traveled 54 years, one week, three days, 4 hours and twenty-two seconds back in time and about 3,000 miles away in the blink
of an eye?”
“Uh, yeah... what you said,” Carl responded.
“But how did we travel 54 years, one week, three days, 1 hour and twenty-two seconds back in time and about 3,000 miles away in the blink of an eye?”
“Dunno, how we are going to get back to our time and place without breaking the temporal prime directive?*” asked Carl (the directive that prohibits Star fleet personnel from interfering with historical events. He said this because they were both avid Star Trek fans).
“Well, I guess we’ll have to build a time machine,” said Bill.
“Yeah, I guess so, but how?” Carl asked.
“Let’s go get a book and find out how to build one,” said Bill.
“Yeah, wait a minute… Bill, they haven’t been invented yet,” Carl said.
“Oh. But this is fiction, remember, we can do almost anything,” Bill noted.
“Well, let’s get to the library!” Carl exclaimed.
“First, we’ll need a map of the city which I saw in the newspaper. Also, if we are going to survive out here, we are going to need some money,” Bill noted.
* See for more details about the temporal prime directive.
Chapter 3
The Library
Coincidentally, they found two abandoned bicycles in a nearby park, so they rode them to the New York Public Library on 42nd St. and Ave. of the Americas. While they rode, they looked at the amazing New York skyscrapers and long sidewalks. Since Carl knew the Dewey Decimal System pretty well, they walked straight towards the book “How to Build a Time Machine” and found that they would need a 3’x3’x5’ cardboard box, two uranium cells, a light bulb, four copper
Time Machine
coils, a dial and a red button. To construct it, they would need to attach the light bulb to the top of the box, the uranium cells on the side, and all three with wires connected to the button. With the the last wire connecting the button and dial inside. The book said it should look something like this.
“Well, let’s get building!” said Carl.“Sure. First let’s find a way to make money for the food and supplies that we'll need,” Bill said.
“Yeah, but I was wondering, how did we get sent here?” Carl questioned.
“Me, too. My guess is that something or someone sent us here,” Bill said.
“But who? I don’t have any enemies, and I don’t think you do either,” Carl asked.
“I don’t know, but we should try to find out while we are here,” Bill stated.
“We should make a to do list to see what we need to do,” Carl suggested.
“Good idea,” Bill said.
Chapter 4
The Stand
On their to do list which they had bought at a grocery store for 20 cents, was this:
_____1. Find a way to make money
_____2. Find who sent us here
_____3. Build Time Machine
_____4. Stop them
“First on the list is ‘Find a way to make money',” Carl noted.
“But how could we make money with only $9.70, a to do list, some extra pieces of paper, a newspaper and two bicycles to start with?”
“We could buy some lemons, sugar, cups and water and make a lemonade stand and use the papers as signs,”
Carl proudly suggested.
“Good idea but where would we put it?”
“Central Park probably, because we could sleep there too,” Carl said.
“Central Park it is, then!” Bill said excitedly.
They walked back to the grocery store and bought 5 pounds of lemons, two pounds of sugar, and 25 cups for a tiny $1.70,
leaving their total money at $8.00. They rode up Fifth Ave. to Central Park Zoo, which had been opened in 1864 and remodeled in 1934. They set up shop, made the lemonade, and started business. Their first customer was a lady with her young son and daughter.“May I have two glasses please?” the woman asked.
“That would be 40 cents, please,” Carl said.
“Here you go,” she said as she handed them a nickel, a quarter and a dime.
Bill poured the lemonade into two of the cups, and he gave them to Carl who handed them to the lady.
“Thank you!” she said as she walked off into the zoo.
Five sold glasses of lemonade later, a man ordered fourteen glasses for his construction team and gave them a fifty cent tip totaling their money at $11.75 and profiting three dollars with four cups remaining and it was only four forty-five! Two cups later a lady ordered three cups and gave them a five cent tip ending business for the day with $6.50 profit totaling their money at $12.50.
Chapter 5
Hamburgers + Guns = Hamburguns
It was 5:15PM and they started to get hungry. After all, they hadn’t eaten any lunch. They walked across 5th. Ave and strolled into a burger restaurant called Steve’s Fast Food Diner and ordered two small cheeseburgers with fries for 40 cents. Shortly, their waitress Miley walked over to their table and laid down their meal. They ate their cheeseburgers slowly with puzzled chatting breaks in between bites.
“I really am confused about how we got here,” one would say.
“Me, too,” the other would say.
They would keep eating then repeat the conversation over and over until Bill finally got up to go to the restroom. Once he was inside, a man appeared out of thin air and started talking to Bill.
“Hi, sorry for the interruption, my name is Nrgy Hating (energy hatting), but you can call me Zach. First, let me explain some basic things. Steve, the owner of this restaurant, is from your future, 2053 to be precise. He sent you here because when you grow up, you will stop him from taking over the world. He made this restaurant as a cover so he can launch a plan to destroy you in this time because you have less power to stop
“Can you send us back to our time?” Bill asked.
“I’m afraid not. Only Steve has a time machine that can carry two people. You have to steal it from him,” Zach said.
“But how?” Bill asked.
“Here, take these. They are hamburguns. To stun your target, touch them while taking a bite. But be careful, they only have one shock each. This one is for you and this one is for Carl. I will meet you in Central Park once you leave, but hurry; it is not safe for us here,” Zach said as he disappeared.
Bill walked back into the dining area and told the strange story to Carl. As they were about to walk out of the
restaurant, they saw a tall well-built man with a name tag that read … Steve.
Chapter 6
The Explanation
He didn’t seem to notice the boys as he walked behind the kitchen counter.
“At least we know what he looks like now,” said Bill.“Let’s go meet Zach at the park.”
It was 6:00PM and they headed over to the park to meet him. They walked to the north side of Central Park Zoo where they had left their bicycles and other items they had brought. At their little stash stood Zach.
"Steve keeps all his supplies in a warehouse near a closed subway station on 60th St., including the time machine. Tomorrow at 8:30 A.M., I will meet you here and we will take the subway to 59th St. and 2nd Ave. We’ll get past the guards, break into the warehouse, steal the time machine and get you two home,” Zach said.
“I wrote that down, so I think we are good,” Carl said.
“But how do we get past the guards,” Bill asked.
“Buy a jack-in-the-box to distract them,” Zach suggested.
“OK,” Bill and Carl said simultaneously.
They walked to FAO Schwartz which was conveniently
located on 5th Ave. In the store, they asked the man at the register where the jack-in-the-boxes were.
“Second floor on the right, aisle twelve, toys section,” the man said in a dreary, tired way.
“Thank you,” Bill said. They walked up to the second floor over to aisle twelve and found the jack-in-the-box. They bought the jack-in-the-box which cost 50 cents and brought it back to the stash located on 5th Ave.
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To my mom who encourages me to write these stories
Created & published on StoryJumper™ ©2025 StoryJumper, Inc.
All rights reserved. Sources:
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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Warp
Chapter 2: ‘‘Bill, I think the question is when are we’’
Chapter 3: The Library
Chapter 4: The Stand
Chapter 5: Hamburgers + Guns = Hamburguns
Chapter 6: The Explanation
Chapter 7: Invasion 1.0
Chapter 8: Who is Bob?
Chapter 9: It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no, it’s an evil sugar cookie!
Chapter 10: We’re Back!
Chapter 1
The Warp
It was a nice sunny spring day in San Jose, California. Ten-year-old Bill was playing basketball at recess against his eleven year old friend, Carl. Carl, being bigger and having more experience, beat Bill twenty-four to seventeen. Bill was the more humorous one and loved to tell and listen to jokes. He was very smart and remembered everything he learned. Carl was kind, brave, and very athletic. He was above average in height, being 5’ 5”. Bill, however, was only 4'7".
- END >
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"The Time Warp"
First book in the trilogy "Time and Space". Two young boys travel back in time to 1960's New York and try to get back home.
(41 pages)
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