This story is created by
the eTwinning team of the
'Be my pet- friend! project

Once upon a time there was a girl called Zbelutka. When the girl was playing with her brother and her dog eTwinning it started raining. It was a storm. The girl and her brother ran to their house. Next morning Zbelutka wanted to play with eTwinning but it got lost. She was worried. She took her bike and her cat Miaukot.
Chapter 1
Primary School in Zbelutka (Poland)
She decided to look for her dog. She needed some help. She went to her friend Sadków.

Zbelutka and Sadków sat at the window. They were thinking about how to find eTwinning. Suddenly Zbelutka’s smartphone rang. When she answered it she heard her dog yelping and a strange voice: ‘I have got your dog. If you want to see it alive you have to do a few tasks’. Zbelutka froze with fear. She was really scared.

Chapter 2
7th Primary School of Acharnes
Athens Greece
Zbelutka managed to say: ''What do you want me to do?''
''I am a rare flower collector and my name is Acharnes. First, you must bring me a red flower from the Dark forest. It only grows there.
Second, you must bring me a moon flower that blooms only when the moon is full. But you can only do it in the full moon of October, so hurry.
Third, you must bring me a white flower that only grows in the deep ocean.
Zbelutka hung up the phone. Suddenly the doorbell rings. Sadkow opens the door. They find a letter that writes :''Find my flowers. I will be waiting for you at the moonbridge behind the old hotel in 20 days from now.
A rare flower collector.''

Everybody was scared so much that could not even say a word. When Zbelutka, Sadków and Miaukot came to themselves they decided that eTwinning needed to be saved. Zbelutka said: "And besides these three flovers are not of great rarity." But they did not know how hard their long journey would be...
Chapter 3
Novovolynsk School 5, Ukraine

When friends were almost ready, someone knocked at the door. Sadków opened it and found one more letter with the same mark on the envelope. He read: "The full moon is coming. Hurry up!"

This letter gave them more strength. As there was a strong wind outside, the envelope dropped on the floor and a map of the dark forest flew out of it.
So Zbelutka with Sadków and cat Miaukot got off the house. They went too long and were too tired. Suddenly the dark forest appeared in front of them.

In the forest Zbelutka and Sadków followed the map. In an hour Sadków shouted: "Loot! It is a dragon!" But it was not the angry dragon His name is Novovolynsk. Novovolynsk saw that children were upset and decided to help them. He asked: "What happened?"

Zbelutka told the dragon about eTwinning and Novovolynsk showed them the place where the red flower was growing.
Zbelutka and Sadków thanked Novovolynsk for help and gave him some food for it - chinese spaghetti and fish. Zbelutka, Sadków and Miaukot took the red flower and went on happily.

Chapter 4
Ronçana School (Spain)
Zbelutka and her friend Sadków went to the Dark forest and they saw another letter hanging from a tree.

Miaukot was almost falling, but Sadków caught him. Suddenly, Zbelutka heard some steps. They were frightened and confused because they didn't know who was there. It was a werewolf and he was very angry.

Zbelutka, Sadków and Miaukot started to run towards the mountains, but the letter fell from Zbelutka's pocket and the werewolf took it. They were really scared but they had to find eTwinning.
So Zbelutka confronted the werewolf and told him about his lost dog. The werewolf was not that bad, he was just angry because he thought they were hunters. He was called Ronçana and he loved animals. so he decided to help them and he told them how to find the moon flower. They had to hurry, the full moon was almost there.

The moon flower was at the top of the
mountain. Zbelutka, Sadków and Miaukot
ran to the mountain, but they couldn't
climb it up because it was too high. The moon was full, they had to hurry up. They searched for a way to go on and Miaukot , who had a well sense of smell, found a strange stone and pressed it. There was a secret path and they decided to follow it. They climbed up the stairs and reached the top of the mountain, but there was a problem, they saw lots of flowers and they had to find the correct one.

Sadków found the moon flower thirty minutes later and he held it up as a victory. However, everything went wrong because a giant eagle appeared and took the flower far away. Zbelutka, Sadków and Miaukot ran behind the eagle, but they lost sight of it.

Suddenly a giant hawk appeared and took them flying. The hawk was quicker than the eagle and reached it. The guys caught the flower. Finally they had two flowers.
Chapter 5
Khmelnytskyi SZOSH 6, Ukraine
There was one more task to be done: to find the last flower. This task seemed to be the most difficult. Friends had to find the rare flower on the bottom of the ocean. So, Zbelutka, Sadkov and Miaukot started their trip. There were many obstacles on their way. Firstly, friends might meet dangerous animals. Secondly, they had no idea how to breathe and swim under water.
In spite of all the dangers and obstacles, friends began their journey. Suprisingly, they didn't meet any animal on their way to the ocean.

Having arrived to the ocean, children saw a scary monster, who guarded his territory. He was hairy, dirty and sad. Friends dared to come closer. They got acquainted with the monster. His name was Khmelnytskyi. The monster was very unhappy, because he had no friends. Nobody wanted to live in his neighbourhood, because the ocean was polluted. So friends decided to help Khmelnytskyi and proposed to clean the water and the bottom.
"But how can we swim under water? We can't breathe", said Zbelutka.
"Don't worry. I'll help you. I have magic power and can make air bubbles for you to breathe under water", replied Khmelnytskyi.
So, friends put air bubbles on their heads and started cleaning the territory. Soon the first inhabitants arrived. They were two fish, an octopus and some jellyfish. Khmelnytskyi welcomed his new neighbours. He was very happy!
"Thank you very much, my dear friends! What can I do for you now? I've got many treasures here, in the ocean. You can choose and take whatever you want", proposed Khmelnytskyi.
"We are looking for a rare ocean flower. We need it to save our friend, eTwinning", replied Sadkov.
"I know what you are talking about. Come with me and we'll get that flower", invited Khmelnytskyi.
The flower was hidden deep in the ocean, that's why it was very dark and scary. But Khmelnytskyi asked his new friends, jellyfish, to light the way.

They spent much time looking for the flower and exploring the bottom. Suddenly, friends saw a bright glow in the distance. It was coming out of the shell. Zbelutka was the first to come there and she successfully got the flower. It looked magnificent!
Everyone was so happy: Khmelnytskyi found new friends and neighbours, Zbelutka, Sadkov and Miaukot got the third flower. But now friends had to return back home and meet a rare flower collector. They thanked Khmelnytskyi and ocean animals for their help and started their way back home.

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This story is created by
the eTwinning team of the
'Be my pet- friend! project

Once upon a time there was a girl called Zbelutka. When the girl was playing with her brother and her dog eTwinning it started raining. It was a storm. The girl and her brother ran to their house. Next morning Zbelutka wanted to play with eTwinning but it got lost. She was worried. She took her bike and her cat Miaukot.
Chapter 1
Primary School in Zbelutka (Poland)
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