This book is dedicated to peggy. (His recent pug) :(

Hey guys here to talk about Dantdm ;) So I guess if you read this you watch him. But im here to talk about his pugs a little too because recently one had um...
been put to sleep. Witch I seen the one where he was sad and just seeing how sad he was kind of made me cry too. To be honest.
But still as we all know dantdm is the best and will continue his life the best he can. And he will be the best youtuber one day but for me he already is the best. ;)

So yes please subscribe to him, and it will probably make him feel even better about himself. So now he has 16 mil so im guessing that every 1 mil he gets he´s gonna celebrate about it. But yes please sub to him. He is the BESSSSST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now he has had so many people like him forever I mean just think 16,000,000 PEOPLE WATCH HIM EVERY DAY!!!

And people im with Dan on this thing mostly because the DAB IS STUUUUUUUUUPID. Like for real,¨ oh lets act like we are sneezing and make it cool yaaaaaa.¨ -_-

So yes please join I think its on twitter or something. But so ya he has a girlfriend and her name is Jemma and he loves her and she loves him. She has her own youtube channel too, JemmaMC.

So guys im gonna end it here with another GREAT book about DANtdm the best youtuber yet.

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This book is dedicated to peggy. (His recent pug) :(

Hey guys here to talk about Dantdm ;) So I guess if you read this you watch him. But im here to talk about his pugs a little too because recently one had um...
been put to sleep. Witch I seen the one where he was sad and just seeing how sad he was kind of made me cry too. To be honest.
But still as we all know dantdm is the best and will continue his life the best he can. And he will be the best youtuber one day but for me he already is the best. ;)

So yes please subscribe to him, and it will probably make him feel even better about himself. So now he has 16 mil so im guessing that every 1 mil he gets he´s gonna celebrate about it. But yes please sub to him. He is the BESSSSST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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