Prepared by partner students

ilkay çekirdek
A long long time ago, on the other side of the rainbow, there were two small villages. Between these villages was a massive and strong waterfall which was the main source of water for both villages. Every first day of the month, the village people would get together around the waterfall. They would sing, dance and laugh. Whenever the village people had a lovely time, the waterfall would flow even stronger, but the people could never understand why.
Once again, on a first day of a month, the village people got together. However, this time they didn’t laugh, sing or dance. A fight started between two men of opposite villages. Nobody knew how and why it happened. The fight only got bigger and bigger and in the end, the villages came to the conclusion that they would never ever meet again. That day became the last day these villages got together. The people even started to hate each other so they started to take turns to go to the waterfall so that they could avoid contact.
One day, the village on the right side went to the waterfall and they saw that the waterfall was flowing much slower than it was before. They were in the season summer, so they thought this occurred because of that. They just filled their jugs with water without a care. A day later, when the village on the left side went to the waterfall, the waterfall was flowing even slower. But they didn’t care as well and returned to their village.
Months passed like this and the waterfall was completely dry. The villages were missing each other yet they were still rejecting to meet. The two wise men of these villages had ideas and suggestions, but they were rejecting to open up to each other. But in the end, these wise men met up at the waterfall without letting anyone else know. Since they were away from each other for too long they noticed that their hearts were aching, so they hugged tightly. Short after their hug, they started hearing water sounds. Tiny drops were falling from the waterfall. That’s when they understood why the waterfall was dry all this time. Both of them rushed to their villages to announce this situation to their folk. The village people who heard about this gathered in front of the waterfall. When the village people saw each other for the first time after a long time, they finally understood their mistake. Everyone apologized to each other and promised they would make peace and never break it.
The waterfall started to flow just like how it was flowing before and according to what people say, it is still flowing strong and powerful even to this day.
Muğla Anatolian High School-Turkey
gülsüm şanlı
Once upon a time in the World of birds it was a happy day. The locals of cherry tree and plump tree were tweeting happily as usual. The black and white birds on the two trees were living fraternally and equally. However, one day crusty clouds were wondering in the air and this was frightening ail the community. They were worrying that something bad might happen. Not too later the news started to come from the other neighborhood. The reports were coming to spoil their neighborhood. Immediately, they started to get prepared for defense but disagreement arouses among the black and White birds. Their ideas conflicted and at last they accepted each other as different and an enemy because of their colours. They not only broke each other’s heart but also decided to separate their trees. The grey birds which couldn’t understand how fast the events progressed just watched but didn’t do anything. A few hours later the black birds settled the on the cherry tree, the white birds settled on the plump tree. They just crossed something back and forth without communicating or interacting at all. They were running out of time. The grey birds said “The raptors are coming! Hide away!” in great fear. Our birds which never did anything instead of telling the other’s fault. Then they came to their senses.
The noise of the raptors flapping was approaching and the birds were in great fear. Then two birds among the black and white birds had an idea. They picked up lots of bushes and wanted their friends to do the same and put the bushes on the trees. The black birds carried the bushes up early because they were stronger and the white birds picked up the bushes easily because they were quıcker. After getting into their shelter they understood a very important thing: “İnstead of preventing themselves from the waports looting, they fought each other although each of them was innocent.
After getting rid of the danger they hugged each other for a long time and they realized how important the peace was one more time. Because peace was the only thing that could solve anything. The birds on the other trees which learnt about the shelter told it to their neighbors that they called enemies and they built shelters too. The grey birds started to help the other birds instead of just watching. The reports could no longer give damage to anyone so everyone was very happy.
All obstacles to world peace can be resolved. If you looked up world peace in a dictionary, chances are it would say something about tranquility, and nonviolence. If you searched for a synonym, it might even say a truce. However, World Peace is far more than just a truce. A truce is an agreement to stop fighting. If we are to achieve world peace, we must, every day, make a difference. A globally known quote states that “Peace begins with a smile." It’s said that a smile can light up a room, so imagine what a world of smiles can do. If every day, someone does something kind for somebody else, it will create a ripple effect. Think of the times when you’ve dropped a stone into a pond. It generates a small ripple at first, but after a while, that little ripple spreads throughout the entire pond. Now, think of world peace. If someone apologizes to someone else, and that person do the same, imagine what we can achieve. The first step in achieving world peace is to understand the factors which influence it. These factors include understanding, respect, non-aggression, non-interference and equality. These major headings may seem like common sense to us, but this generalization isn’t enough to help build and maintain world peace. Once people start understanding each other, they would begin developing high viewpoints about the other factors. Conflict refers to misunderstandings, misconception, disagreement, differences of opinion and personality clashes between two or more individual.
Conflict provides for the first stepping stone towards war, so to avoid this we must limit exposure to misunderstanding and act appropriately to certain situations, hence creating peace. Respect and non-interference usually come automatically through understanding. Respecting other people includes respecting their nature and culture too. The popular belief says if you respect others, others will respect you back. Being patient and understanding every situation in life are the main aspects you should consider to develop maturity in your behaviour. This maturity will definitely bring self-respect and will make you value other individuals too. Keeping your attitude calm and peaceful helps, you maintain that serenity which turns your decision making into extremely non-aggressive. It is crystal clear that harsh speech and insulting words always bring disagreement and conflicts. To reduce such conditions, people should avoid anger and hatred towards other religions, cultures, civilizations, states and countries. We human beings, together make up a generation of curious people. Famous Idioms such as “curiosity killed the cat” is something we should consider. Seeing curiosity as being so powerful, causing death, we could straight away jump to the conclusion this has an opposing meaning to world peace. We should learn to “Mind our own business.” It does not mean that you should not help others in their difficulties and keep yourself tied to your environment. Everybody should mix up with the world, but at the same time, it is vital not to interfere into others’ work, cultural habits, religious matters, properties and daily life. Thus, there are a small percentage of individuals out there who may challenge this belief. They may argue saying “But a cat has nine lives, so who cares.” Well maybe they are right; perhaps we should be curious and interfere with others life.
But the group of “other people” being referred to is the group whom has such an attitude. If we want to promote world peace, we must interact with “these group of individuals,” to try and alter their way of perceiving things, hoping that these messages stays engraved in their minds. Why is equality so important in this world? Why is everyone so hungry for equality? Equality is the act of treating an individual in the same way you want to be treated, being polite and behaving well with others. It requests for equal opportunities, equal access to specific facilities and acceptance of all groups. Equality is commonly seen to pair up with the word justice. If words can be grouped and paired together, we humans should be doing the same. Our world needs to interact more in positive ways. We must aim to create love and peace, not war. In conclusion, all obstacles to world peace can be monitored, controlled and resolved. Taking a sneak peek into our world, already we see people taking little steps together, creating bonds and linking hands to balance out the inequality happening in the world. Large support organizations are seen to be the main contributor to help maintain this peace we are seeking. These contributors provide us with free education, free or low cost access to health facilities and laws has been made to protect and provide equal work opportunities in the business world. Keeping in mind that it’s not necessary for us to think black and white. It is important for us to understand, that we are the individuals who can make a difference.
Peace is a very important element for people Peace cannot be ensured in a society cannot be peace; because one of the most important factors for the formation of a peaceful society is peace
Ataturk; We have come to success and have come to these days We can provide peace in the country and in the world if we support each other and provide unity and solidarity We do not give opportunity to those who want to share our country with human ends We have to make all kinds of customs in order to create a lasting peace conditions in the world
War is the face of mankind; because it causes deep wounding in the world, causing humanity to remain deeply depressed in economic and political terms. For example, hundreds of people are slaughtered mercilessly every day in Iraq. This shows how innocent people are destroyed and how bad the war is.
Since the creation of the world, mankind has not sought ways to live together in peace. From the first ages people have come together to protect themselves against some of the dangers they have tried to accomplish. Hani, there is a sun to rise after the darkness. because peace can give light to dark environments
We must not forget our Mehmetçik, who have fed their lives in their young age, which enables us to have our happiness, peacefulness and our peaceful life today
For the continuation of the living world in the world, all the countries must fulfill their responsibility for the peaceful and peaceful life of the people. Always being in peace means always being happy; because happiness can only live in peace.
There once lived a king who announced to prize the artist who would paint the best painting depicting peace. Many great painters cite the king's pieces of their best art pieces. One of the most beautiful pieces of snow in the mountains is a calm lake perfectly mirrored in peaceful towering snow-capped mountains. Overheard was a blue clear sky with fluffy clouds. The picture was perfect. Most of the people who viewed the pictures from the various artists thought that it was the best among all.
But when the king was announced the winner, everybody was shocked. The picture which won the prize had a mountain too but it was rugged and bare. The sky looked very angry, there were lightning. This did not look peaceful at all. It looked like the artist has mistakenly submitted his painting depicting storm rather than peace. But if anyone even looked at the painting, he could see a tiny bush growing in the cracks in the rock. In the bush. In the midst of the rush of angry weather, the bird sat on her nest with peace.
The peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise or trouble. Peace means to be in the midst of all the chaos and still be calm in the heart. The real peace is the state of mind, not the state of the surroundings. The mother bird at her calm, despite her chaotic surrounding indeed was the best representation for peace.
Love is a dream. Some people really only live in their dreams. Some people see with their eyes and heart while they are alive. Yes it is just a dream, a living miracle; "Seeing a clear dream" is one of the most beautiful definitions of love. LIFE AND LIFE...
Fly away with love
Saint Saint Cyril and Methodius, Asenovgrad, Bulgaria/
¨Raindrops on roses
And whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things!¨ The little girl sang out.
She hopped along the crackled stone path, jumping into the puddles in a giggling fit. Her chocolate brown eyes darted from left to right, filled with excitement. The soft Italian music plays and she sways gently. She hears something. Her curiosity pulls her through the crowded streets and leads her to the noise. Her eyes sparkle with a wonder. Suddenly, her smile fades. A deep grief fills her heart. A little bird. But, it isn't chirping. It laid frozen stiff on the ground, perhaps even lifeless. She picks up the small bird and suddenly her little heart softens. She will take care of this creature. She rips some cloth from her inner shirt. She wraps the bird delicately and puts it in her bright pink felt purse carefully, making sure not to damage the bird.
“That will be 35 dollars,” the veterinarian said with a strong American accent. He placed the bird in her hands. The bird was wrapped in layers of thick bandages and small contraptions that keep its wings steady. The little girl places the bird in a newly bought cage. Her hands fumble for the money she worked countless hours for. She shakily hands the vet the stack of bills and quickly scurries off, not forgetting her bird.
The little girl continued to take care of the bird. Every day it grew stronger. Its wings slowly needed less bandages. Soon, the bird could move freely on its own. But, it was trapped. The bird would not sing. Not a peep left its mouth. Every day she fed the bird and tried to make it sing. Oh it was living a wealthy life. The bird was strong and plump, but it was unhappy. How the loneliness she felt counteracted with all the food all the water all the shelter. She was depressed. She wouldn't sing because she was too sad to. The little girl just realized this. She knew what she had to do.
The little girl picked up the bird and held it in her hands, nuzzling her cheeks against the bird’s soft feathers. She carried to bird slowly to the river with great sadness in her heart. But she knew what she had to do. She gently places the bird on her outstretched palms. She let it free. While the bird grew stronger with the extra care, she also grew weaker. She did not sing anymore. She was unhappy. The bird lifted its head and flew away. The blue and purple feathers glistened in the sun. The cherry blossom flowers swayed in the earth as the bird was free. She flew away and for the first time she chirped as she joined her mother. At last, if you love something, you would let it go. You would shatter your heart so another can grow stronger.
Love What You Have
Birinci İnönü Primary School-Adana/TURKEY
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Canan .One day while returning from school with her mum, she saw a wonderful Barbie doll, on the shelf of a toy shop. The Barbie was designed and packed perfectly. She insisted her mum to buy it, but her mum was having a cash crunch and 50 dollar for the doll was bit too much to afford as her husband was separated and had and all she was using was her savings to live their life.
Days passed this continued, mum got fed up and slapped her daughter for the first time to forget about that toy, and she get a better one (obviously low cost), but the kid was very stubborn, she wanted that only.
Finally it was month of winter when her mum found a job which she had to do at home on her spare time at night after making her daughter sleep, the job was to stitch cloth. Finally she cud have extra money, now she was bit relaxed.
It was Monday morning, when like every school off she went to bring her daughter, but this time she didn’t went alone, she bought the Barbie toy for her. The kid was glad to see that, hugged her mum. She was in joy.
Each day the kid played with her doll, playing with it, making the Barbie bath, comb hair, making her put fancy dress (which she got with d toy).
Finally days passed, the kid grew up, she was in married and in her thirties, and come to visit her old mum. After lunch her mum to her to her room where she grew up, she was cherishing old times with her mum, suddenly she noticed, her old toy box, as she opened she saw and took out a Barbie, the doll without one hand, hair was torn off, and bit damaged.
Looking at that her mum flashed back story that how she managed to buy that, now Canan was more matured and made her feel importance of that doll again, she was into tears, that half broken and damaged doll was so precious now, she thought how
could she do this with that doll, for which she cried every day, and for which mum had to pay her hard earned money.
After all it was her memories, now was now very precious.
She took the doll along with her, and kept it in her house, after she kept that in her shelf, what she realized was that how we human being are so immature, what we want we want and we get, we forget its importance, and when we finally lose it, we are the one who suffer for it.
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Prepared by partner students

ilkay çekirdek
A long long time ago, on the other side of the rainbow, there were two small villages. Between these villages was a massive and strong waterfall which was the main source of water for both villages. Every first day of the month, the village people would get together around the waterfall. They would sing, dance and laugh. Whenever the village people had a lovely time, the waterfall would flow even stronger, but the people could never understand why.
Once again, on a first day of a month, the village people got together. However, this time they didn’t laugh, sing or dance. A fight started between two men of opposite villages. Nobody knew how and why it happened. The fight only got bigger and bigger and in the end, the villages came to the conclusion that they would never ever meet again. That day became the last day these villages got together. The people even started to hate each other so they started to take turns to go to the waterfall so that they could avoid contact.
One day, the village on the right side went to the waterfall and they saw that the waterfall was flowing much slower than it was before. They were in the season summer, so they thought this occurred because of that. They just filled their jugs with water without a care. A day later, when the village on the left side went to the waterfall, the waterfall was flowing even slower. But they didn’t care as well and returned to their village.
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