This is the collaborative book of the eTwinning project "The Book of the Four Seasons".
There are four volumes of the book: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer.
Each volume collects stories related to a season, which were written by the students taking part in the project.
Their creativity and imagination are present in the pages of the book, making it an enjoyable and unforgettable journey through the seasons.
Images of the seasons have been used with permission of the Hungarian photographer Christian Gutter.

Fall is still wondering. Barefoot in the street.
There is already frost on the grass.
Silk carpet made of leaves covers the ground.
Street cleaner are sweeping, sweeping.
A horse with luxurious mane is waiting for the horse woman.
And wants to dash through the forest.
And leaves would knock from under his hooves.
And the moss would shine with dew, like
emerald velvet.
The horse woman sly wondering alone under the fall endless...

Sviatoshyn gymnasium, Ukraine,Kyiv

The leaves are falling one by one
The sunny days
Will soon be gone
Yellow,orange,brown and green
The colours of
Autumn can be seen
The wind the rain,
the sun shines trough
It s colder now
for me and you.
Sports Highschool, Botosani, Romania
«Autumn has come!» –
The wind whispered in my ear
Sneaking up to my bed
She call’s us outside
To tumble in crunchy leaves
She’s here! Autumn’s here!
Fluttering of color
Gray skies, warm clothes, softer smile
Nostalgic dreams...

Once upon a time there was a hedgehog, his name was Tüsi. He was looking for food: grapes, apples, mushrooms and some bugs. He took them to his family and his family was very pleased with the delicacies.
They lived happily ever after.
Bulgárfoldi Altalanos Iskola, Miskolc, Hungary
The little hedgehog

The Super Chestnuts Heroes.
Once upon a time, in a small village, a woman who worked as a Chestnut Seller called Cat Girl, had the power of helping people. Every Autumn evening she was on the village main Square to sell her fabulous chestnuts. Cat Girl had a small group of children who were her helpers: Alex, Paula, Daniela, Hugo and Claudia. Neverthelesss, in the same village, there was another chestnut seller.. She was called Bat Woman. She was not as nice and good as Cat Girl.
One day, Cat Girl who was thinking that Bat Woman had an evil plan, she asked the children to spy her hut.

When the children found out the plan, they run out to warn Cat Girl, who had an idea and created a strategy: She would give one special sweet to each child. These sweets became the children into superheroes.
They began to use their powers against Bat Woman and the robot.
They turned the robot off and they froze Bat Woman and they got some chestnuts again.
And they lived happily and ate chestnuts.
CEIP Benito Pérez Galdós. Spain

The water droplet.
It's autumn. The water droplet is part of a damp veil that covers everything. It envelops nature, preventing the sight of the forest and even the noises are muffled. Now the droplet is above the crown of the chestnut trees, but a pale ray of sunshine attracts it upwards.
The veil is fraying. The drop is now in the sky, admires the turquoise color and smiles happily.
Como Rebbio Primary School, ITALY

Yellow,brown, red and autumn's other colors... Since September,our country is painted with these colors. Bare trees are preparing to rest after six months. The last leaves on branches say goodbye to us and rain comes after the summer to say hello. The birds, which were with us for six months leave our country for warm places. Fall shows us the weather will be colder but with its perfect scenery it always warms your hearts with love.

Halıcı Ahmet Urkay Anatolian High School,
For a long time, in the darkness of time, the earth was ruled by the spirits of nature.
Here the Father of the Seasons lived with his four daughters: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, each of them had a special grace. Autumn with tasty fruits and pastel colors.
Liceul Tehnologic Aiud, Romania, teachers Voicu Corina Valentina and Buta Ramon
The sad tree
Once upon a time in Greece there was a sad tree with thousands leaves on its branches. September came on and the tree began to lose some leaves by the strong wind and the rain. The flower pots are full of water. The clouds are angry and they are throwing lightnings. The tree was so sad because its leaves were falling down on the dirt. The birds stopped making nests on its leaves. The bunnies stopped making nests on its cavity. But it knew that after Autumn and Winter, Spring comes on and its branches will be filled with new leaves.

Bianca Romina Popa, Heritage International School Chisinau, Moldova
It is end of summer, Berke is sitting on a bank watching the scene ready for the autumn.He has a poor family,he has no friends.While watching the leaves falling down he hears a voice saying:
-What are you doing here alone? Berke turns around and says: Who are you?
-I am İlayda and I am walking around.Have you got friends. -No,I don't have friends.
İlayda says: I like watching sea in here and I come here everyday.
Berke and İlayda talk for a long time and they become friends.İlayda says:
-I only come her in autumn.It is calm and relaxing in autumn.
After leaving there they go home.Berke is happy for the first time for a long time.He thinks friendship is the greatest happiness,not money.He feels upset when he remembers his rich but bad friends.Now with a smile on his face he is waiting for tomorrow excitedly.
The Chrysanthemum Fairy
The Chrysanthemum Fairy is a tiny creature. She loves chrysanthemums very very much.
Every morning sprinkle your flowers. Provides autumn sunlight. Removes dead petals. Polishes the flowers and leaves. She has wonderful chrysanthemums.
The Chrysanthemum Fairy is the happiest being in the world.
Class 4 SbS
Petőfi Sándor Technological High School

Class 4 SbS
Petőfi Sándor
Technological High School
Fighetto, the worried tree in autumn
Once upon a time, in a forest of pine and chestnut trees, there was a tree called Fighetto.Fighetto was always the most beautiful tree and repeated every day " I am Fighetto, the most beautiful of the forest". One day Fighetto woke up and burst into tears because he noticed that he had lost all his leaves. A bird stopped by and told him that it was normal in autumn.All of a sudden, the chestnut trees started to shout to warn everybody that the woodcutters were coming to cut some trees to build a farm. Fighetto came up with a great idea and asked the wind to blow hard. When the wood cutters arrived, they were frightened by the strong wind. All the animals and trees yelled at them and told them to go away. The animals and trees all lived happily ever after and free in the forest.
DDS Mondragone Terzo, Italy.

In autumn plums are ripes, corn and grapes.
We get jam or brandy from plums.
We harvest the corn from which we get the flour.
When the grapes are ripe, we harvest it and make wine.
The forest is yellow
chestnuts fell from the wood
the grapes smelled
autumn invited us.
Autumn wind
it blows a little
in the garden the leaves fall from the tree
and the ripe apple is red.
The little sun is warming
some rain is falling
it's a little cloudy,
shrubs a little.
Primary school I.K.Sakcinski, Ivanec, Croatia
Autumn is a beautiful season. It is time for trees to change their color, from green to an amazing, bright orange. By the way Halloween is coming too! Fall in the Lithuania is as amazing as in every other place. The weather is the perfect ' Fall weather'. Everyone is happy! They start wearing their big coats and fluffy gloves. We don't have Halloween, but all the kids still celebrate it, it's just called ,,the creepy night''. The favorite for Lithuanians to do is to get a cup of hot chocolate, light some candles, crawl up in your warm blanket and hang out with your family in the evening.

The student Dange created the short poem about Autumn.
Lithuania, 2019

"He came, the autumn came, Cover my heart with something, With the shade of a tree or better Or better with your shadow ... " by Nichita Stanescu
Sports High School Botosani, Romania
It's going to be so sad when all the leaves will fall down and Autumn is over, but the new season will come, with cool and exiting things to explore!
Amira and Vakare
Autumn song
All the leaves are falling down...
falling down
falling down
All the leaves are falling down
in Autumn season.
All the leaves are red and brown
red and brown
red and brown
All the leaves are red and brown
in Autumn season.
2E & 3C - IC Manzoni Radice - Italy

Autumn in Moldova it is so beautiful. The leaves are colorful and in autumn it rains with leaves.
They change color every day.
I love autumn in Moldova so much.The school starts on the 1st of September,the first day is warm but near November is so cold.
Every day there is a carpet on the ground. We love autumn.
Alexandra G., Heritage International School Chisinau, Moldova
Toamna în Moldova
În Moldova, anotimpul toamna este un anotimp foarte frumos.Dar și foarte încărcat. Se culeg strugurii. Apoi se face vinul. Moldova e vizitată de mulți turiști.
Toamna Pădurile devin un colaj plin de culori uimitoare și atrăgătoare.
Toamna e un anotimp de vis in Moldova.
Lorena R., Heritage International School , Chisinău, Moldova
It's Autumn in Muggiò. In Muggiò there is the "De Gasperi" Primary School. It has got a big garden with a lot of trees. Under the roof of the school there is the nest of a family of swallows. They are busy: it's Autumn and it's time to leave Muggiò because the Winter is coming!
When all the things are ready, they fly to a farmhouse. There, many swallows are gathering and waiting for each others on a high tension wire. They have to make a long journey: they have to reach the hot Africa! They have to cross France, Spain, the Mediterranean Sea, Morocco, the Sahara Desert...
IC "Salvo D'Acquisto", Muggiò - ITALY

The wind was blowing. The gold leaves were floating in the wind. The setting sun was relaxing. The weather was raining and warm. The sky was red and orange. The waterfall was pulsing. He thinks a dead solitude. He was walking along the road with the leaves around him. He was picking ripe apples in the tree.

It was an autumn morning.It's raining and clouds wawed to me.I went to windows near for watching the rain.One of the clouds came to my near. _ Do you want to wander in the sky. said.When I said ' Yes ! Of course ' It reached to me .After it took me on its back.Yeah! I'm shouted 'I'm flying' .When I touch the sun I noticed that everything was a dream with I fell out of the bed :)
Turkey Samsun İlkadım Osmangazi Iho
The autumn treehouse
One rainy autumn morning, Katie went for a walk in the forest. There were brown,yellow and golden leaves everywhere. The air smelt great because of the rain. As she was walking, she heard a noise. She looked up and saw a treehouse built on a tree branch. There was a kitten inside because of the constant 'miaow' sound. Katie climbed up quickly and opened the wooden door. A little kitten with smart blue eyes was looking at her. She picked it up and went back home quickly. She had found a new friend!
5th Primary School of Chrysoupoli, Greece

Once open a time a tree .The leaves start playing the wind ,making her mom being so nervous,so she putted them dawn.When the leaves got windy,their mom felt lonely.She cried so much ,as sun felt worried about her .He promised to turn back them again in another seasons.She had just to wait during that time and not to be worried .
And so she did .
Shkolla''Qazim Mehja''-Oblike-Shkoder-Albania

It was raining on Sunday and Monday.The streets were wet.Children run out of the school and opened their umbrellas.There were black umbrellas,grey rain,dark sky...It is raining today too.Out of the school gate boys and girls run out with coloured umbrellas.,,Look mum,today is raining happy rain,,-said the boy.He run after the kids and searched an orange umbrella.

Hristijan Petkovski
North Macedonia
Cracker, the little squirrel
A cold wind blew around Cracker's nose so hard that he almost fell off the tree. “Wow, that was close!”
Cracker climbed quickly down the tree and collected a few nuts.
“Oh, there are so many nice and colourful leaves!” exclaimed Cracker. “Oh, and here's beautifully soft moss! I can use it well for my bed” he said.
Then there came another small blow of wind.
“It is almost dark. I need to get home quickly!”
by Wichtel group, Freie Schule Kassel, Germany

The wind was gently blowing. The gold leaves were floating in the wind. The sun was setting and it was relaxed. It was raining and warm. The sky was red and orange. The waterfall was pulsing. She was walking along the road with the leaves around her.

It was October 2020. Our teacher asked for various leaves for the leaf printing we would do in the classroom. My friend and I went to the forest and started picking leaves. I liked to see the yellow leaves, orange leaves and dried branches falling from the tree. When I went to school, I did my activity with my teacher and friends. When I got home, I ate cauliflower, an autumn vegetable. I ate spinach on a dish that was not saturated. Even in the evening I realized that we live in autumn even the fruits we eat autumn fruit.Armut, quince, pomegranate ate and fell asleep.
Mother Nature was watching her babies while they were asleep.
Whose turn was it?
Who was going to wake up now? Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter?
Just at that moment, one of the babies began to move slowly. It was Autumn. While he was yawning, a chilly wind filled in the room. After the wind, came a roaring thunder and then, a fiery lightning.
Oh, my God! It is raining now. First, small drops of rain made the pavements wet. But then, a heavy rain came. It was raining cats and dogs now.
The baby, Autumn, opened his eyes widely. It was September, 15. Black clouds were hanging on the sky.
Mother Nature said,” I must go and get my shawl. It is getting cooler and cooler everyday”.
Mother Nature stood up and walked towards the window. Wow! All the trees outside were bare. The yellowish brown leaves were lying on the ground. It was such a perfect view!
Suddenly, a stronger thunder came. The baby was happier now. He was doing his job well. He began to crawl out of the room.
As soon as he went out, a hurricane caught his hand and they flew towards their office. They were going to be very busy for the next three months until his brother, Winter, woke up.
Foxy was having a rest in his den when he heard a sound. It was a whistling sound.
'I wonder what that noise is?' thought Foxy as he poked his nose out of his den.
Foxy saves the day!

Leaves rained down on his nose; orange, red, yellow and brown, they made him sneeze!
'Atishoo!' spluttered Foxy.
He looked up. He saw a bird's nest hanging off a branch.
'Oh no!' cried Foxy. 'It's going to fall!'
He ran out of his den and looked for something to catch the nest in. He couldn't see anything around him but..

then he saw the leaves. He used his tail to brush the leaves into a big pile. Just in time!
The bird's nest fell but fortunately it landed in the leaves and the birds were safe.
'Thank you,' tweeted the birds.
'I'm glad to help,' replied Foxy.
And they lived in peace together forever!

written by 4MG
Whitehouse Common Primary School, Sutton Coldfield, England.

It was the times when the mother nature didn't show its ugly face. At the beginning everything was great. I heard that this plane tree where i was born and which has been a home for me is 600 years old. It has been a home for millions of leaves like me. İf you ask me how i learned it, i heard it from strange creatures whit two arms two legs. They can stay on their feet which differs them from animals.
I was really surprised when i learned the existence of these strange creatures and our home had been our home for 600 years.

I called to the leaf next branch:
-Neighbor, neighbor! What do you know about these strange creatures that can walk on their feet? Neighbor leaf answered:
-They are human beings.
They were created for us. They supply the carbon dioxide which we need.
-Oh! I am surprised!We must treat them well because they are our life source.
Neighbor leaf said:
-Why should we treat these the poor well?They can exist as long as we wont them to exist.Everything is up to us.
-I think all the creatures are equal.I think you should like human beings.
At the very moment the neighbor leaf was answering it began to yellow.Suddenly,the wind blew and the neighbor leaf held my hand not to fall down.It screamed"Hold me please!"While i was trying to hold it tightly,i felt myself cold.İ consumed all my energy.I saw that i was yellowing like the neighbor leaf.In spite of my efforts not to leave my branch, the wind blew more severe and left us from our home...
700.Yıl Osmangazi Secondary School,Turkey
Autumn,the man with the brown beard
One day two little brothers went to a wood to look for wood.
While walking they met a man with a brown beard, he wore a cloak of different colours and in his hand he had a basket with mushrooms, grapes, walnuts and chestnuts. He looked at the children and greeted them. The children said they didn't know him but he replied that he had arrived on September 23rd , he was called Autumn and was there for three. Autumn walked through the woods every day, dropping chestnuts and lots of yellow, red and brown leaves from the trees. The children went by for the whole three months, but one day they didn't see him again and they understood that he had left and would come back the following year.
2° Circolo Didattico ”Francesco Giampaglia” ,class 5th C/D

The nightmare forest
Once upon a time, there was a place called Irati's forest. It was beautiful and with a lot of animals. One of this animals was a wolf.

Every year, thousands of tourists visit the forest. They cut the trees and make the animals to be scared of them. The wolf was very sad.
At the end, all the animals run away but it was only a nightmare of the wolf. The forest is as beautiful as it was.
C.E.I.P. José María de Huarte (Pamplona,Spain)
Autumn dream Moţ Cornelia, Şcoala Gimnazială Nr. 2 Lugoj, România
Autumn is the season of melancholy, rainy days and the carpet of gablen-gold-colored leaves give you a state of peace, of gloom.
Autumn is the season when the days become shorter, the nights become more and more long
and more cold.Autumn is also called the season of change,because everything changes when autumn comes, the trees remain empty and sad.
Autumn is a beautiful season but from time to time we lack the sun's rays and the wonderful and cheerful color of the summers.

Kutlukent 80. Yıl Primary School Samsun Turkey

In autumn the leaves of the trees become colorful.
Yellow orange, red.
Birds migrate to warm countries.
Everyone prepares for winter.
Before it snows.
Nature sings songs,
Before sleeping.
Color revel.
Children are rounded among the leaves.
Painting is exciting.
With collected leaves.

Bogasieru Cosmina Alina Şcoala Gimnazială Nr.4, Lugoj, România
In the cool of the morning, the forest looked like copper, polished by the shy rays of the sun. Late autumn was piling up its black and moving clouds over the mountain.
On the numb ground faded odors and mottled leaves fall. The wind blows lightly through the orchards, spreading sweet and bitter aromas. The stinking scent of ripe fruits is felt.
The silence drowned in the crystalline sound of the river. Soon the buzz of insects will no longer be heard.
The trees have lost their ornament, and the rusty foliage is set in the whole meadow. Every leaf whispers my happiness; the silver haze adorned the garden, and the fluttering cheeks numb with cold. Cool nights are coming, and the cold is easily left, shattering the hidden mysteries of autumn.
Autumn is coloured season
Red, yellow, brown, orange.
In the wood there are many things to find ...
alunni 2^E - C Manzoni Radice

It's Autumn.
Hello!I'm the autumn full of wind.I paint the leaves of many colours;the cyclamens are my flowers.I go to the wood and the mushrooms are born.My days are not long.I smell the must and the roasted chestnuts.When I arrive,the farmer collects the grapes to make wine for us.Bears,squirrels,ants and snails make provisions for the winter and they get ready to go into hibernation.
Hello,I'm the windy autumn .I paint the leaves of many colours,red,yellow and brown.When I go to the woods,the mushrooms are born.But I'm sad,my days are not friends ,bears,squirrels,ants and snails are ready to hibernate,because my brother WINTER is coming!

Fatma Kul
50.Yıl Secondary School
Once there was a girl.She didn't like the season 'Fall'.Because her family was so poor and had to study at a boarding school,she had to leave from her home,her family for months.Autumn means sperating for her.But years passed away quickly and she is a teacher at a boarding school now.She is just like a mother to her students.She loves job and her students so much.
It was cold and dark morning. When it's cold outside, it was hard for Beste to wake up. 'Autumn is coming and I’m feeling tired' said to herself . She looked out of the window and watched the view. The garden was full of yellow leaves and her lovely flowers were dying. Most of the trees seemed naked or yellow. She didn't feel like doing anything during the day. However she knew that she had to tidy up her room and organize her clothes in the closet. Firstly, she vacuumed and mopped the floors. Then she started to organize her clothes. While she was laying her summer clothes on her bed the phone rang and she left the room to answer it.
'Why are you so sad ?' said the red dress to the white t-shirt. ' It's getting cold and Beste won't be wearing me for a while' answered the white t-shirt.'You are right. It's now the time to wear pullover, cardigan, vest and raincoat ' said the red dress.'Yes, it's now our time!' said the autumn clothes. They were all so happy.
Beste continued gathering and folding her clothes as soon as she hung up the phone. Suddenly she screamed 'thank God I found you! I missed you so much!' to her blue vest ecstaticly. She didn't realize this but her blue vest was also very happy to be found again.
Suddenly Beste realized that she missed her autumn clothes and she was really happy to see them again. 'Hey I missed all of you. May be autumn will pass better than I expected' she said happily. After that moment, her feelings about autumn has completely changed. 'The life cycle finishes for many creatures during the autumn. However autumn also means new beginnings. Come on Beste, enjoy the autumn!' she said to herself happily.
Atatürk Secondary School -TURKEY
Year 8, Jasmin Les Iles School, Agen,France

Autumn Party
A long time ago, in an old town, a party took place for the first time to celebrate autumn. It took place in an old forest on the outskirt of the town. Today teenagers are having this party to celebrate the holidays. But one thing has never changed, every year a teenager is kidnapped at midnight, on October the 13th.
But this year, a group of teenagers has decided to make things change and discover WHO the kidnapper is.
Grrrrrr! Why are they still doing this party! I don’t want to clean the forest again! I’m so tired said the tree (which wasn’t really a tree but a teenage boy who had been kidnapped 600 years ago) to all the animals which were around him (they weren’t real animals but the people kidnapped each year and transformed to help him clean the forest!).
If this stupid Forest god hadn’t put this spell on me we wouldn’t be here! On the other side of the town, Max, Lily and Jacob were preparing the party.
Lily: this year, I’m the one in charge of the organization and I swear it, nobody will be missing!
Jacob: Every year we say that but in the end, someone is always missing!
Max: I don’t want to disappear!
Lily: Me neither! You know what, we should go into the forest and try to find some clues about the kidnapper!
Jacob: Let’s go!
The 3 teenagers had been searching for hours when suddenly Max heard a noise and said: Jacob, Lily come here! I think I can hear someone talking!
They walked a few steps when the talking tree appeared in front of them. Surprised and scared, they stayed silent and listened to him, telling to the animals why and how he had been changed into a tree!
At the end of his story, they were so sorry for him that they decided to talk to him. After a long conversation, the tree was finally happy to hear that the teenagers wanted to help him. He agreed to stop kidnapping teenagers if every year after the party, the young people organized a green walk to clean the forest. He also accepted to transform the animals back into teenagers.
All is well that ends well!
The legend tells, that hundreds of thousands years ago, each god, let on the Earth, a seed of each fruit and placed them into a straw.
Everything seemed good, until one morning when a leaf appeared on a grape.
-Yuppy! I am the biggest and the most beautiful of all.
When the pear heard that, it got angry.
-No! I am the proudest and the heaviest.
-Absurd, the apple answered! I am the fattest and the one with the most reddest cheeks.

When god heard, he descended from the sky in their house.
-What happened dear fruits?
-I can’t do this anymore!
-I can’t stand this!
-I want another house!
My pleasure! If a new house is what you want, I am not against it!
Then, with all his Force, He send each one in scary for away places.
When he saw that situation, god he let them each at her elsewhere: the orange sat and nightstand in Italy, the banana was sent in India, on a bench, the apple was sent on
a plate in China.
The fruits were so scared by their new places that they went home.
They arrived after such a long time that they were sweet.
When arrive, they sat down on that straw so that to and became an old basket.
God, happy because all fruits were together, he named the first of September, the first day of autumn.

Story written and drawn by Simina Blagoiu and Bianca Stancu!
”George Calinescu” Secondary School, Onesti, Bacau, Romania
It is a cold autumn morning and the rain is falling heavily. Ann is sitting in the classroom next to Peter. She hears the raindrops tapping on the windowpane and her eyelids are partly closing. If only she could sleep a little bit more this morning! But the alarm woke her up and she had to hurry to catch the school bus. Ann is already an eight grader and a very good pupil. She's specially fond of Art and English but she doesn't like Science very much.
Not another autumn story

She's listening to her science teacher but somehow she cannot concentrate. She skipped her breakfast again and knows that her mum will be really angry. She didn't have time to make her bed either. ''Why can't you organize better? You need to go to sleep earlier,Ann! No more late night video calls and YouTube! I'm serious Ann.'' She already knows what her mum will say when she returns home.

But it is so difficult to put away your mobile phone when all your friends are chatting, sending messages and publishing their stories and videos. And David published his Instagram photos last night. Ann couldn't stop watching the photos again and again. And she can't help herself. She's thinking about David all the time. And about the mysterious girl on the photo with David.

The tall, long haired, brown eyes girl with a happy smile on her face. And David next to her on the photo. Ann feels awful. She has stomach pain. She turns her head towards the window. The wind is blowing and the leaves are dancing in the air. If only she could be the little red leaf in the air, flying above the roofs of the buildings, above the parks, above the streets. It would be such a nice feeling. Suddenly, she hears the school bell.

All the pupils in the class stand up and go outside. It's break time. Walking in the school corridor Ann hears pupils' voices and the noise they're making disturbs her. Then she notices David approaching her. Ann's heart is beating frantically. The tall, long haired,brown eyes girl is walking next to him. ''Hi,Ann''David says excitedly'' Meet my cousin Melissa,she's from Italy''. Ann makes a puzzled look and smiles back at them. Her eyes sparkle with happiness again. The sunray splits the gray clouds outside and the sudden light enters the school corridor.

Written by pupils of 8th grade
Primary school ''Vladimir Nazor''
teacher Ivana Hrastović Mandarić

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This is the collaborative book of the eTwinning project "The Book of the Four Seasons".
There are four volumes of the book: Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer.
Each volume collects stories related to a season, which were written by the students taking part in the project.
Their creativity and imagination are present in the pages of the book, making it an enjoyable and unforgettable journey through the seasons.
Images of the seasons have been used with permission of the Hungarian photographer Christian Gutter.

Fall is still wondering. Barefoot in the street.
There is already frost on the grass.
Silk carpet made of leaves covers the ground.
Street cleaner are sweeping, sweeping.
A horse with luxurious mane is waiting for the horse woman.
And wants to dash through the forest.
And leaves would knock from under his hooves.
And the moss would shine with dew, like
emerald velvet.
The horse woman sly wondering alone under the fall endless...

Sviatoshyn gymnasium, Ukraine,Kyiv

The leaves are falling one by one
The sunny days
Will soon be gone
Yellow,orange,brown and green
The colours of
Autumn can be seen
The wind the rain,
the sun shines trough
It s colder now
for me and you.
Sports Highschool, Botosani, Romania
«Autumn has come!» –
The wind whispered in my ear
Sneaking up to my bed
She call’s us outside
To tumble in crunchy leaves
She’s here! Autumn’s here!
Fluttering of color
Gray skies, warm clothes, softer smile
Nostalgic dreams...

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