This is the first part of Codally's team collaborative book.
So many motivated teachers participated in European Code Week 2019 with their students. Moreover as we all love challenges we link our activities. Our alliance consist of 67 colleagues and 49 schools/institutes from 6 countries.
Maria Tsapara
Leading Teacher Eu Code Week
![StoryJumper Logo](https://www.storyjumper.com/images/cloud-logo-250.png)
- Georgia Livitsani - Kindergarten of Saint Dimitrios in Zante, Greece
- Maria Topoliati - Kindergarten Klimatias in Ioannina, Greece
- Lia Siameti - 1st kindergarten of Keratsini, Greece
- Panagiota Nianiara - 1st Kindergarten of Ilioupoli, Greece
- Vaia Archonti, Penelope Georganti, Georgia Kasiktsi, Rentzepi Katerina, Tsapara Maria - 2nd Kindergarten of Perama, Greece
- Anthi Arkouli - 2nd Kindergarten of Peristeri, Greece
- Roxani Georgoula, Dimitra Kanata, Georgia Papaioannou, Evangellia Triantafyllou - 2nd Kindergarten of Paiania, Greece
Sofia Maglaridou - 2nd Kindergarten of Plagiari, Greece
Stavroula Konstantinou - 2nd Kindergarten of Nikaia, Greece
Dimitra Saxoni - 3rd Kindergarten of Voula, Greece
Maria Kriklani - 5th Kindergarten of Alimos, Greece
Evangellia Komzia, Trigona Tziontziola - 6th Kindergarten of Aghios Dimitrios, Greece
Martha Tsoxantaridou - 7th Kindergarten of Aghios Ioannis Renti, Greece
Trachoni Public kindergarten, Limassol, Cyprus
Through storytelling, children are called upon to solve a problem. "The country of colors lost all colors except the basics (red, blue, yellow). Two scientists, through experiments, are trying to recreate them". The kids are programming the BeeBot to help the 2 scientists find the other colors through the blends of the basic colors.
They make recordings on a color mixing table, play with a double input table, and then complete worksheets.
International School Eindhoven, Netherlands
We are Robots! #1
Learning Objectives:
- Maths: I can use directional language (forwards, backwards, right, left).
- Communication & Language: I can follow instructions.
- ICT: I can operate an electronic device; I can switch it on/off (pretend).
- ICT: I can programme an electronic device (pretend).
We are Robots #1
The teacher made a grid on the floor of the classroom using masking tape. Then, she placed a stuffed animal in one of the squares in the grid. Next, she called a pupil to play the Robot-Helper.
The aim of the game is for the Robot-Helper to collect the stuffed animal. To do so, first we need to switch the Robot-Helper on by pressing the "power button" (the pupil's tip of the nose). Next, we give instructions/ we programme the Robot-Helper so they move in the grid. At the end, we switch the Robot-Helper off, by pressing the "power button" again.
The teacher plays the instructor with one pupil at a time, while the rest of the children observe the game.
International School Eindhoven
We are Robots #2
Learning Objectives:
- Maths: I can use directional language (forwards, backwards, right, left).
- Communication & Language: I can follow instructions.
- ICT: I can operate an electronic device; I can switch it on/off (pretend).
- ICT: I can programme an electronic device (pretend).
We are Robots #2
This time we go outdoors in the playground area. It is covered in soft, square tiles and use them as our grid, where the Robot-Helpers move onto.
This time we collaborate with Group 7 pupils, who are paired with the Group 1's and give them instructions. At this point, we introduce the use of a remote controller (a card made of cereal boxes with arrows drawn on) in order to give the instructions to the Robot-Helper.
This activity serves as consolidation of the terms we learnt (forwards, backwards, left, right). All the pupils play at the same time with their paired Group 7 pupil. Group 1's and Group 7's alternate the roles of Instructor/ Robot-Helper.
Kindergarten Analipsis, Greece
Οι πρώτες μας δραστηριότητες είχαν ως στόχο την εξοικείωση των μαθητών με τον τρόπο προγραμματισμού του ρομποτικού ποντικιού αλλά και τον προσανατολισμό του στο δάπεδο κίνησης.
Έτσι, πραγματοποίησαν:
απλές διαδρομές
φύλλα εργασίας (καταγραφή εντολών διαδρομής)
Στη συνέχεια, εντάξαμε το ρομπότ σε δραστηριότητες οι οποίες αφορούσαν στη θεματική ενότητα που ασχολούμασταν, δηλαδή την επέτειο της 28ης Οκτωβρίου.
Παίξαμε 3 παιχνίδια:
Α) Οδήγησε το ρομπότ στο δάπεδο κίνησης ώστε κάνοντας τις κατάλληλες στάσεις να γράψει τη λέξη «ΟΧΙ»
Β) Ρίξε το ζάρι, οδήγησε το ρομπότ στη σωστή εικόνα και διηγήσου το αντίστοιχο γεγονός (χρησιμοποιήθηκαν εικόνες από το βιβλίο «Το Έπος του’40» του Φ.Μανδηλαρά).
Γ) Διηγήσου τα γεγονότα της 28ης Οκτωβρίου κάνοντας τις αντίστοιχες στάσεις στο δάπεδο κίνησης.
Learning Objectives:
Maths: I can use directional language (forwards, backwards, right, left).
Communication & Language: I can follow instructions.
ICT: I can operate an electronic device; I can switch it on/off .
ICT: I can programme an electronic device .
Primary school (1-3) Poland roczko - Primary School No. 10 in TarnoJbrzeg, 2D class, Poland
Mathematical calculations
Ozobot programming and coding.
Tinkering introduces a new way of learning in the classroom, which can be easily summarised in the following three actions: Think, Make, Improve (TMI). Following the TMI process, students dive into a pure process of creation, where they give shape to their ideas and feelings to make something tangible.
Kindergarten of Rodopolis, Greece
Activity#1 Everything is......code
During the code week both our classes participated in unplugged activities as well in programming activities with Lego we do and by using the app Quiver.
As an introduction to the importance of using code we started the code week with unplugged activities.
Activity #2 Code.....your friend
Then the pupils became robots. They were robots that had the mission to find music eggs. One pupil was the programmer and wrote the code and the other was the robot that followed the order and found the egg.
Activity#3 Code is .... a book
This is a work sheet inspired by a book named "The book that didn't want to be read" . A little book were hiding in a shelf because it was afraid to be taken in children hand. In this worksheet the pupils wrote the code to guide the boy to find the book.
Activity#4 DIY Robots walk the ...line
First the pupils created their own robots with everyday material and they “wrote” the code in a paper in order to program their robot to reach the end of its course. In this activity they use “orders” (forward, back, turn” ) in paper stickers.
Activity#5 Robot inside a volcano
In the end of the week we created our robot with lego we do in order to explore a volcano. The robot followed our code and entered the volcano to collect data. We were able to see the data by using the Quiver app that gave life to the volcano.
This is what we learned.......
Maths: We can use & understand directional language (forwards, backwards, right, left).
Communication & Language: We are able to follow instructions.
ICT: We operate an electronic device
We know and we can name basic part of a computer and of a robot
We can identify and use a programming language.
Kindergarten Paralia Vergas, Greece
In Code Week at Palaria Vergas Kindergarten, we implement different kind of activities. Students played the robots with their bodies. They all had so much fun and incorporated these activities into their daily educational practice.
Kindergarten of Saint Dimitrios in Zante, Greece
Δημιουργήσαμε ένα πλέγμα στο πάτωμα του σχολείου.Τα παιδιά κινήθηκαν σαν ρομπότ μαθαίνοντας βασικές εντολές προγραμματισμού.Στη συνέχεια αποτύπωσαν τη διαδρομή που κάνει ένα αρκουδάκι μέχρι το βάζο με το μέλι.Κάθε παιδί έφτιαξε τη δική του ξεχωριστή διαδρομή.
Ένα σπίτι για όλους ένα παραμύθι με χρώματα, σχήματα, ζώα, συναισθήματα ..και εκεί στην άκρη ΕΓΩ..ένας ποντικός αποφάσισε πως είναι το τέλειο σπίτι για να μείνει, το ίδιο κι άλλα ζώα του δάσους, το ίδιο και ένας μεγάλος αρκούδος, όμως χωράνε στ΄αλήθεια όλοι στο ξύλινο σπίτι; άραγε πόσα ζωάκια μπορούν να ζήσουν σε ένα σπίτι, πόσοι άνθρωποι σε ένα άλλο, υπάρχει χώρος για όλους; μπορούμε να ζήσουμε μαζί κι αγαπημένοι; τι χρειάζεται για να τα καταφέρουμε;
1st kindergarten of Keratsini, Greece
In the beginning we paint our home
Our home was in the forest.
every little house had a window. One for every animal inside it.
a magical house both day...
It had 9 windows
It was a dream home.. the animals loved it very much. We also loved it... we made paths from one end of the forest to the other and we had fun folloing the footsteps of the animals.
and night...
a house with my name...
my home...
The students have to work in pairs. Two pairs share a board, a path on the floor made of square tiles. On the board we have placed letters . Each pair has cards with arrows. We assign the role of robot to one student and programmer to the other. The programmer should help the robot to find the letter of the name of the robot. We do the same activity with the cards of stages of human development. The programmer should help the robot to find the right sequence of the cards.
Unplugged activities(Find the first letter of your name/ Find the right sequence
1st Kindergarten of Ilioupoli, Greece
Pixel art.The students participate in pixel art activities. They will create a drawing by following the coding instructions. We use aw a board egg cartons and boards in A4 papers.
2nd Kindergarten of Perama, Greece
2nd Kindergarten of Peristeri, Greece
2nd Kindergarten of Paiania, Greece
- Full access to our public library
- Save favorite books
- Interact with authors
This is the first part of Codally's team collaborative book.
So many motivated teachers participated in European Code Week 2019 with their students. Moreover as we all love challenges we link our activities. Our alliance consist of 67 colleagues and 49 schools/institutes from 6 countries.
Maria Tsapara
Leading Teacher Eu Code Week
![StoryJumper Logo](https://www.storyjumper.com/images/cloud-logo-250.png)
- Georgia Livitsani - Kindergarten of Saint Dimitrios in Zante, Greece
- Maria Topoliati - Kindergarten Klimatias in Ioannina, Greece
- Lia Siameti - 1st kindergarten of Keratsini, Greece
- Panagiota Nianiara - 1st Kindergarten of Ilioupoli, Greece
- Vaia Archonti, Penelope Georganti, Georgia Kasiktsi, Rentzepi Katerina, Tsapara Maria - 2nd Kindergarten of Perama, Greece
- Anthi Arkouli - 2nd Kindergarten of Peristeri, Greece
- Roxani Georgoula, Dimitra Kanata, Georgia Papaioannou, Evangellia Triantafyllou - 2nd Kindergarten of Paiania, Greece
Sofia Maglaridou - 2nd Kindergarten of Plagiari, Greece
Stavroula Konstantinou - 2nd Kindergarten of Nikaia, Greece
Dimitra Saxoni - 3rd Kindergarten of Voula, Greece
Maria Kriklani - 5th Kindergarten of Alimos, Greece
Evangellia Komzia, Trigona Tziontziola - 6th Kindergarten of Aghios Dimitrios, Greece
Martha Tsoxantaridou - 7th Kindergarten of Aghios Ioannis Renti, Greece
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