Dedicated to those who believe in the power of friendship against struggling with the pandemic.

Laura was a 16-year-old girl. She loved visiting her grandfather and listening to his stories. From time to time, Laura's grandfather talked about a pandemic that affected the whole world when he was young. Laura wondered how a disease could appear in a small town and spread all over the world. One day, she decided to satisfy her curiosity. She entered the cabin in her room and was teleported to her friend Robert. She said she wanted to travel to 2020 to discover the pandemic. Robert also wondered what life was like 50 years ago. They bought their smart tickets and decided to meet at the time travel station the next day.
Burcu Güzel - Sırasöğütler Anatolian High School

When they arrived to the year 2020, they realized a different world and people were struggling against the pandemic. Their all perspectives had changed. They were very surprised because they saw that all schools and shops were closed and the streets were empty and people were wearing masks to protect themselves.Everything was so different that their grandfather told about.The education was online.Teachers and students were meeting in online classes via a system called the internet.Every country and people were helping each other under the roof and idea of “friendship” in order to survive and have a better,healthier future. Robert and Laura were wondering around,They were observing what all people were doing to have healthier lives.They understood that the idea of friendship in each country,city,street would help people to cope with this trouble pandemic.Robert and Laura saw that people were hopeful about the future. By helping each other under the idea of""friendship" they would have their better past lives again.Robert and Laura understood that acting,struggling altogether in a friendship point of view could defeat all obstacles .
Abdullah BARUT and The students of
Iskenderun Sefa Atakas Vocational and Technical High School
As Laura and Robert were continuing to examine the surroundings with curious eyes, the disinfectants found on every street-side caught their eyes. The pandemic forced all people in the world to be on lockdown. People were just going out to meet their needs for a short time. They kept a social distance and wore their mask when they were out. Although this situation seemed strange to them at first, Laura and Robert realized that everyone was moving away from each other to protect their family and friends from the pandemic. Even vaccines weren’t enough to eradicate it. Everything was getting worse and worse. Laura and Robert had another problem, as well. How would they go back to the year 2070? They didn’t have anywhere to stay or anyone they know. As two friends were walking down a quiet street in cold weather, Laura realized suddenly that there was a box of pills she brought from the future in the pocket of her coat. This pill was good for all diseases in their time. Then they decided to go to an authorized person and say that they came from the future and that pill will be able to recover people. Maybe people’s life will be saved after using it and friends will hold hands again.

Laura and Robert felt tired themselves. They didn't fınd anywhere to stay and sleep. They slept on a bench at the park. The other day, they came across a young man in the car. They wanted to talk with the man. The man found them strange. Because they wore bright and colorful clothes. First, he didn't want to speak with them, but he wondered who they were and what they wanted to say hım. The man took them to the car and started to speak with them. Laura said that we had come from 2070 by time machine. My grandfather told us your story about pandemics, what the people suffering from illnesses a lot, and the problems they had during these days. The man was shocked and didn't belıeve them. He said that you had been crazy, I should take you to mental hosptıtal to cure. They were unhappy with the situation. They walked around the street. They met another man who was thirty years old. The man asked if they were good or not because they felt terrible. They wanted to tell their story first. They explained to the man that they came from 2070. The man laughed at them a lot. You were kidding. They were disappointed but they were in trouble. They wanted to help and ask him for a place to stay for a few days. The man asks them their names, and also Laura asked the man his name. The man said ‘I am Paul. Paul Walker. I'm an engineer at Browns Company. Laura was shocked. He was her grandfather. she wanted to hug him but she didn't do it. Her grandfarher dıdn't belıeve her . She didn't say anythıng. The man asked them to stay at his own house for a while. They went to Grandpa Paul's home together. Laura was excited and she got the vapors. She was shocked. She saw her grandma alive in front of her. Her grandma had died two years ago in her real life.
Contributers: Busra BUHAL,Cıgdem BUHAL,Enes BUHAL;Ezgi BUHAL,Merve BUHAL,Seyma BUHAL
When they came home, they were both starving. Laura's grandma is a cheerful woman. A few hours later, her grandma made some food for them. They sat at the table for dinner all together. Laura was eating meals and looking at her grandma with curious eyes at the same time. Laura asked a lot of questions to her grandma and grandfather. Because she was really wondered their youth. After dinner, she decided to tell them the truth. She said that I am your granddaughter! In the beginning, they did not want to believe her. But laura told them some special things about them and they finally believe her. They had talked about the memories that they did. Laura said that she has pills. The pills are really good for all illnesses even pandemics. She said we can use that pills for the people. We must give these pills to all doctors. Grandfather Do you know any doctors? He answered Yes! My neighbor is a doctor in the city hospital.
Laura and Robert went with their grandfather to the city for doctor, the one their grandfather knew. Doctor Ana was very busy, she treated Covid patients, she was dressed in a white suit and with a mask on her face, she told them to wait. They waited for an hour, Ana came and asked her to come to the office, Laura and Robert told that they have good pills for Covid goodies, in fact for all diseases, Ana thought that these children were joking with her. Their grandfather tried to tell a story, instead Ana said she didn't believe, she didn't try, being against the rules in the hospital and asked her not to tell anyone what she told her, because they would be thought crazy. The three left, they saw Ana on TV in an interview, she was talking about Covid ...
In the meantime, their grandfather started coughing, but he refused the pills from Laura and Robert, finally feeling that he could not breathe anymore, he accepted, miraculously their grandfather became healthy, only in 15 minutes. Grandpa and Grandma wanted this story to be known, but they didn't know how, they would risk being considered crazy.
Contributers: Ceche Adriana, Constantin Cosmin, Preoteasa Nicoleta Iulia
Teacher Dragut Violeta/ Technological High School Costesti
Laura and Robert were happy to find a doctor to give the pills. If the pills were effective for the virus, the lives of billions of people would change. People would no longer live with anxiety and lose their relatives because of this disease. They slept well at night because they were very tired. In the morning they went to the doctor's house and knocked on the door, but no one opened the door. Someone inside said they were in quarantine so they couldn't open the door. Laura and Robert wouldn't see the doctor for days. They didn't know what to do. They had to find another way. On their way home, they saw people wearing strange white clothes. People were watching them anxiously from the windows of their homes. People in strange clothes stopped in front of a house and examined two people living in that house. They both looked very sick and weak. Laura and Robert returned to their grandfather's house in disappointment. In the evening, things started to get worse. Robert’s temperature was high, and he started to feel unwell.
Burcu Güzel - Sırasöğütler Anatolian High School
Robert and Laura arrived in the world to assist humankind in coping with the dreadful pandemic. In the primary periods of the arrival via time machine, they were disillusioned, distressed, and stunned. The unexpected infection, the disease of Robert, consequently made Laura miserable. When Robert and Laura came to the world in the era of the dreadful pandemic, they determined to help out all the people to bring to an end terrible pandemic with pills they brought with them. Even though Laura was lonely, she tried to remain calm and patient. Soon after dealing with the astonishment of Robert’s getting infectivity, Laura decided to continue hopefully to reach their aims for the sake of saving humanity that was under the gigantic threat of a pandemic. Laura gave the pills to Robert for his curing and she realized that Robert was healing day by day with the help of the pills that they brought with them. Robert recovered miraculously. The pills helped Robert recover soon. For that reason, Laura decided to distribute the pills that she took with her to save all ill people because of pandemics. Laura considered finding new friends for the distribution of those pills to the whole world. She became pleased that Robert was becoming healthier as a result of the pills. Laura worked day and night patiently and eagerly in cooperation with friends against pandemics. They were acting as real heroes and heroines. Laura believed that in the end she and real friendships would win.
Sefa Atakas Vocational and Technical High School
Day by day Laura and her friends distributed the pills to thousands of people. That's why the effect of the pandemic decreases day after day. But there were still a lot of people that are not taking the pills. So they had to work hard. By the way, new volunteers joined to work with our guys. Of course, that situation made them very satisfied. Their friendship was getting spread all over the world. They found a slogan '' youth movement''
Barış GÖKKAYA - Kemah Sultan Melik Çok Programlı Anadolu Lisesi
They met new and sick people every day and they felt more eager to find a certain solution. Some of them were doctors. nurses and engineers, some of them were businessmen and businesswomen who suffered from Covid-19. All of the people they met wanted to help them as best as they can. One day a businessman whose name was George Savior offered them help and they founded a medicine company with the help of the other helpful people. They produced mıllıons of pills to rescue all humanity. Moreover, they sent them all suffering countries for free. This brave group’s motto was “ two heads are better than one”. This charitable activity spread all over the World. The number of people who were sick was decreasing day by day. All people felt hopeful and they thought that everything would be better ın the future.
Contributers: Busra BUHAL, Cigdem BUHAL,Merve BUHAL, Seyma BUHAL
Esra DURMUŞ KARAASLAN/ Bursa Hürriyet Anatolian High School
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Dedicated to those who believe in the power of friendship against struggling with the pandemic.

Laura was a 16-year-old girl. She loved visiting her grandfather and listening to his stories. From time to time, Laura's grandfather talked about a pandemic that affected the whole world when he was young. Laura wondered how a disease could appear in a small town and spread all over the world. One day, she decided to satisfy her curiosity. She entered the cabin in her room and was teleported to her friend Robert. She said she wanted to travel to 2020 to discover the pandemic. Robert also wondered what life was like 50 years ago. They bought their smart tickets and decided to meet at the time travel station the next day.
Burcu Güzel - Sırasöğütler Anatolian High School

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