GROUP 1 Testimonials, Scarcity, Bribery NALAN DEMIR Gülden - F- MCSSHS (Nalan D) /Sonia B - F - KEY S.(Olga P) /Dasha - F - KEY S.(Olga P) /Beyza -F - MCSSHS(Nalan D) /ırmak EAL F (Gül D)/Belinay B (F-) RSYKSSHS(Merve P) /Birgül (F-) RSYKSSHS (Merve P)/ Belinay G (F- ) RSYKSSHS (Merve P)/Yiğit - M - MCSSHS(Nalan D)/Gleb - M - KEY S.(Olga P) /Agnieszka-Polish School (Daria K)
Group 2: Plain Folks, Bandwagon, Flag Waving--- OLGA PUGA Merve -F - MCSSHS (Nalan D) /Zhaklin - F - KEY S.(Olga P)/Zoriana - F - KEY S.(Olga P) /Beyza EAL F (Gül D)/ irem EAL F (Gül D) /Ebrar Nida (F-) RSYKSSHS(Merve P) /Aslı -F - MCSSHS (Nalan D) /Nastia - F - KEY S.(Olga P) /Bilal Baran (M- ) RSYKSSHS (Merve P)/ , Edyta-Polish School(Daria K)
Group 3: Scare Tactics, Reasoning (logical), Repetition-- GUL DOGAN Esen EAL F (Gül D) /sıla EAL F(Gül D)/ Maya - F - KEY S.(Olga P) / ecem EAL F(Gül D)/ Eva - F - KEY S. (olga P) /Fatma Betül (F-) RSYKSSHS (Merve P ) /Melisa - F- MCSSHS (Nalan D) / Beyza (F-) RSYKSSHS (Merve P)/Nikita - M - KEY S. (Olga P)/ Max- M - KEY S(Olga P)/. Daria -Polish School(Daria K)
Group 4: Card Stacking, Name Calling, Call to Action-- MERVE PEKTAS Ravza -F -S MCSSHS(Nalan D) / lizge EAL (Gül D)/ Polina - F - KEY S.(Olga P)/Elif EAL (Gül D)/ Vlada - F - KEY S(Olga P)/ Hayriye (F-) RSYKSSHS(Merve P) / Beyzanur -F- MCSSHS(Nalan D)/ Boris - M - KEY S. Vlad - M - KEY S(olga P)/ Martha-Polish School(Daria K)



Testimonial is the sort of persuasion techniques, in which some popularity is included. This technique is one of the most popular techniques in the world and all the advertisers make such advertisement in this way, because there are many people who will truly believe in what this popularity says or uses and will go and buy- this is the main direction of this technique.

When we know something is rare or difficult to obtain, we value it more.When they say "hurry Tickets run out quickly" or "Only 3 left in stock!" they are using scarcity. Anything you can do to remind people that your offer is rare and unique and difficult to reach is strongly persuasive.Where to use it: Countdown timers, landing pages, email subject lines, any place where you really have limited stock / tickets / time and need to force someone to take action. Marketing psychology tip: Famine is strong. Use limited-time offers strategically.
Examples of Scarcity

Bribery in the media ,
It means making an additional offer to those who view a bribe advertisement in the media. Sectors benefit from promotional products when advertising products when advertising producs .In this way , the eating bar increases and the customer community is gained by activating the buyer .This is a very common concept . For example , in the pizza advertisements we watched on TV , they say “Buy pizza , coke free “ .The purpose of such advertisements is to ensure that the product is purchased and the idea is accepted .These messages don’t always convince us , but sometimes they do succeed and we may not even realize that this is happening . Big companies are increasing sales using this technique.
examples of Bribery
- buy 1 , get 1 %50 off
- buy any ice cream , get one free
- buy 2 holiday drink get 1 free any cookies
-Buy 1 cream , choose your free gift. Get one of these 4 products free

Plain Folks
As the speakers convey their ideas to the audience, they empathize with the audience and try to look at events from the audience's perspective.
Thus, the speaker tries to show the audience that he is also a member of the public.
The speaker tries to show the listener that they have a common goal and that they are defending the same idea, thereby giving the listener a sense of trust and comfort.
examples of Plainfolks

The bandwogan effect is the tendency of an individual to acquire a particular style , behaviour or attitude because everyone else is doing it .
It is a phenomenon where by the rate of uptake of beliefs ,ideas , fads and trends increases with respect to the proportion of others who have already done so.
As more people come to believe in something ,others also “hop on the badwagon “ regardless of the underlying evidence .
examples of Bandwagon

Flag Waving
Flag-waving is a fallacious argument or propaganda technique used to justify an action based on the undue connection to nationalism or patriotism or benefit for an idea, group or country. I This fallacy appeals to emotion instead to logic of the audience alming to manipulate them to win an argument. All ad populum fallacies are based on the presumption that the recipients already have certain beliefs, biases, and prejudices about the issue. The act of flag-waving is trivial display of support or loyalty to the nation or to the political party.
examples of Flag Waving

Scare Tactics
examples of Scare Tactics

Reasoning is thinking enlightened by logic. It can be defined more broadly so that it becomes equivalent to problem solving or critical thinking. Logic apparently developed, in India as in Greece (1956), out of techniques for refuting arguments. Logic is a social invention, but it too has a long history coming from one generation to the next, along with such cultural signs as language and clothing. The empirical study of such logical thinking began in England early in the twentieth century when psychologists and educators used syllogisms for tests of ability and as materials for the investigation and training of reasoning.
examples of Reasoning

Repetition is used in advertising as a way to keep a brand or product in the forefront of consumer's minds. Repetition can build brand familiarity, but it can also lead to consumer fatigue, where consumers become so tired of an ad that they tune out or actively avoid the product. Therefore, to be effective, repetition must occur in the right proportion, as too much repetition may be counter-productive as an advertising strategy.
examples of Repetition

Card Stacking
In 'card-stacking', deliberate action is taken to bias an argument, with opposing evidence being buried or discredited, whilst the case for one's own position is exaggerated at every opportunity. Thus the testimonial of supporters is used, but not that of opponents.
Coincidences may be artificially created, making deliberate action seem like random occurrence. Things 'just seem to happen' whilst you are 'in town'.
For example:
A politician just happens to be in town when a new school is opening - so they just drop in, hi-jacking the press for their own means.
During election periods, political parties will often gag their loose cannons, who might open their mouths and say the wrong things.
A minister of a new church sect sets up in a poor area, feeds people who will listen, tells them of how the poor will be saved, and so on.

Name Calling
Name calling - the act of insulting someone by calling them rude names.
Usually, “name calling” uses in a bad way, for example to offend someone.
Of course, it’s not the act that you can be proud of, as it’s kinda bullying.

examples of Name Calling

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GROUP 1 Testimonials, Scarcity, Bribery NALAN DEMIR Gülden - F- MCSSHS (Nalan D) /Sonia B - F - KEY S.(Olga P) /Dasha - F - KEY S.(Olga P) /Beyza -F - MCSSHS(Nalan D) /ırmak EAL F (Gül D)/Belinay B (F-) RSYKSSHS(Merve P) /Birgül (F-) RSYKSSHS (Merve P)/ Belinay G (F- ) RSYKSSHS (Merve P)/Yiğit - M - MCSSHS(Nalan D)/Gleb - M - KEY S.(Olga P) /Agnieszka-Polish School (Daria K)
Group 2: Plain Folks, Bandwagon, Flag Waving--- OLGA PUGA Merve -F - MCSSHS (Nalan D) /Zhaklin - F - KEY S.(Olga P)/Zoriana - F - KEY S.(Olga P) /Beyza EAL F (Gül D)/ irem EAL F (Gül D) /Ebrar Nida (F-) RSYKSSHS(Merve P) /Aslı -F - MCSSHS (Nalan D) /Nastia - F - KEY S.(Olga P) /Bilal Baran (M- ) RSYKSSHS (Merve P)/ , Edyta-Polish School(Daria K)
Group 3: Scare Tactics, Reasoning (logical), Repetition-- GUL DOGAN Esen EAL F (Gül D) /sıla EAL F(Gül D)/ Maya - F - KEY S.(Olga P) / ecem EAL F(Gül D)/ Eva - F - KEY S. (olga P) /Fatma Betül (F-) RSYKSSHS (Merve P ) /Melisa - F- MCSSHS (Nalan D) / Beyza (F-) RSYKSSHS (Merve P)/Nikita - M - KEY S. (Olga P)/ Max- M - KEY S(Olga P)/. Daria -Polish School(Daria K)
Group 4: Card Stacking, Name Calling, Call to Action-- MERVE PEKTAS Ravza -F -S MCSSHS(Nalan D) / lizge EAL (Gül D)/ Polina - F - KEY S.(Olga P)/Elif EAL (Gül D)/ Vlada - F - KEY S(Olga P)/ Hayriye (F-) RSYKSSHS(Merve P) / Beyzanur -F- MCSSHS(Nalan D)/ Boris - M - KEY S. Vlad - M - KEY S(olga P)/ Martha-Polish School(Daria K)


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