Third Person – because an external narrator is telling the story. I noticed a lot of "he," "she," "it” in this form of narration.
What kind of narration is it?
The first example concerns Rod, and unfair situation in which he, as good teacher, fond himself, after accusing Dan's mother of beating her son. After this incident, he was temporarily suspendet from work and the metter came to proceeding in court.
The second example concerns the main heroine Fanella, who went through many life difficultes: not able to have a children, betrayal and leaving a boyfriend, problem
with adoptation, bilding relationships with a difficut girl, look for a reable men, so in the end she deservs
a real happy familly.
Give examples of poetic justice
What is the sitting of the story?
The story takes place in the city Cambridge nowdays

Give examples of foreshadoving.
For example, the premise that Rod was accused of beating Dan was the conflict between him and Dan's mother.She has prejudice towards the teacher and also Rod can't explain to the mother that her child was conflict.
The permis that this story will have a happy ending and Fanella and Rod will be together were a number of facts.For examle the narrator often hinted at theyr sympathy and feeling for each other.

The main theme of the novel is love. Love
for children for work and just
for life.
For example,thanks to the love
Fanella for Ellie, she managed to find an aprouch to a rather difficult child. Due to the fact that Rod liked his work, he managed to gain the affection of the children and respect in the team.
What is the theme of the novel?

What is the role of the dialogue in the novel?
Dialogue helps make the story more belivable. The story seems more naturaly. Dialogue helps reveal characters. The reader thinks the characters are closer and the reader seems to be experiencing all the events together with the heroes.

Are there any symbols in the work?
In my opinion, to some extent, a child can be consider a symbol in this work. So a child as a symbol of a fulfilling and happiness life.
What are the part of the novel?
The work consist of 18 parts. They can be devidid into:
a) the introduction: this includes 1th and 2d parts
b)the complication: this includes 3 -13 parts
c) the climax: this includes 14 -17 parts
d) the conclusion: this includes 18 part.
I think that this work doesn't have a Suprise Ending. Rather, on contrary, a happy ending, the fact that the main characters Fanella and Rod will be together and they will be happy, could have been predicted.Since the narrator has repeatedly pointed out the symphaty between the hroes and how in difficult situations they supported and worried each other. And even the fact that Fanella was pregnant was expected, because they had gone through so much together.
Does the novel have a Suprise Ending? Why?
This novel can be attributed to realism because it shows a real picture of people's life. Problem that are described in the novel (betrayal of a loved one, problem with adoption of child and the adaptation period, conflict with a teacher, relationships between friends and relationships between people in love) are quite typical in society, people often meet with them in life.
Is there any realism in the story? How do you know that?
For example, Steven left Fanella due to her obssesion with adopting a child. He was not ready for the difficulties that awaited adoption. He found another, younger, who did not want to have a child yet and went with her to London.
Another example,Rod couldn't find an approuch to Dan's mother, which led to a conflict when Dan's mother complained aboud Rod quasi he beat his son.
Or, for example, Fanella broke up with Mark because she realized that she really loves Rod.

Give examples of cause-and-effect-relationship among the events in the novel.
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Third Person – because an external narrator is telling the story. I noticed a lot of "he," "she," "it” in this form of narration.
What kind of narration is it?
The first example concerns Rod, and unfair situation in which he, as good teacher, fond himself, after accusing Dan's mother of beating her son. After this incident, he was temporarily suspendet from work and the metter came to proceeding in court.
The second example concerns the main heroine Fanella, who went through many life difficultes: not able to have a children, betrayal and leaving a boyfriend, problem
with adoptation, bilding relationships with a difficut girl, look for a reable men, so in the end she deservs
a real happy familly.
Give examples of poetic justice
What is the sitting of the story?
The story takes place in the city Cambridge nowdays

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