In ancient times, the territory of Moldova was inhabited by Dacians, who were later conquered by the Romans. Although the territory of future Moldavia was not occupied by the Romans, except for the southern regions, the Romanization process took place due to the economic ties between the Romanized Dacians and the free Dacians.
Moldova has a very interesting history, many events, courage and wisdom.Stephen the Great is considered a prominent figure in the history of Romania, endowed with great qualities as a statesman, diplomat and military leader.

Moldova is full of beautiful places to visit. There are a lot of monasteries, rivers, villages, monuments that are really worth seeing. It is a simple country with a special beauty, a unique beauty that you will not find everywhere.

There are plenty of fields of sunflower, lavender, poppies, wheat and other cereals, vast fields that are taken care of by hardworking people in Moldova
Moldova is an agrarian-industrial state, with agricultural land occupying 2,499,000 hectares in a total area of 3,384,600 hectares. It is estimated that 1,810,500 of these hectares are arable.

Another occupation for which Moldova is famous is the production of grapes and wine
Vin moldovenesc se poate referi și la vinul produs în Moldova, România. Republica Moldova are o industrie a vinului bine dezvoltată, cu o suprafață de 148.500 hectare de vii, din care 107.800 de hectare sunt folosite pentru producția comercială. Restul de 40.700 de hectare sunt viile cultivate în sate, pe terenurile de lângă case, folosit pentru a face vin de casă. Multe familii au propriile lor rețete din struguri care au fost transmise de-a lungul generațiilor. Cea mai mare parte a producției țării de vin comercial este pentru export.

Moldova also has the best possible chefs with talents taken from our grandmothers in the country. You can find the best traditional dishes in our country. Unique tastes. The taste of home
Moldovan cuisine is a style of cooking related to the people of Moldova and its breakaway region of Transnistria. It consists mainly of ingredients such as beef, pork, potatoes, cabbage, and a variety of cereal grains. The local cuisine is very similar to Romanian, and also draws inspiration and elements from other cuisines in the region, including Greek, Polish, Ukrainian, and Russian, with a great influence left by the Ottoman cuisine.

Moldovans are extremely talented in the arts. The specific music of Moldova is popular music. We have famous orchestras, instrumental bands thanks to which we have our great and beautiful concerts in the great palaces, halls and theaters of our country.
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In ancient times, the territory of Moldova was inhabited by Dacians, who were later conquered by the Romans. Although the territory of future Moldavia was not occupied by the Romans, except for the southern regions, the Romanization process took place due to the economic ties between the Romanized Dacians and the free Dacians.
Moldova has a very interesting history, many events, courage and wisdom.Stephen the Great is considered a prominent figure in the history of Romania, endowed with great qualities as a statesman, diplomat and military leader.

Moldova is full of beautiful places to visit. There are a lot of monasteries, rivers, villages, monuments that are really worth seeing. It is a simple country with a special beauty, a unique beauty that you will not find everywhere.

There are plenty of fields of sunflower, lavender, poppies, wheat and other cereals, vast fields that are taken care of by hardworking people in Moldova
Moldova is an agrarian-industrial state, with agricultural land occupying 2,499,000 hectares in a total area of 3,384,600 hectares. It is estimated that 1,810,500 of these hectares are arable.
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