With the support of the programme of the European Union.
Stories about The Path To Democracy in
Many years after the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the rights of the weaker ones and minorities are still being violated on a daily basis. Instead of a peaceful and safe life for all human beings around the world, the lack of values of freedom, acceptance and tolerance is leading millions of people to be bullied, discriminated, mistreated, excluded, imprisoned and killed.
Schools host a wide range of diversity and the lack of citizenship and democratic values very often leads children and teenagers to be bullied, discriminated and exluded, based on prejudice and stereotypes.
With the project DemEUcracy for ALL! we are taking action against the violation of human rights and promoting in our schools and communities a spirit of democracy and active citizenship in the defense of human rights.
June 2021
III Liceum Ogolnokształcące in Zamość Poland, Primary School nr 3 in Zamość
Primary School nr 28 in Lublin
Text: class 2gP secondary
Illustrations: Marek Karpinski-Milczarek,
Natalia Łatka,
Izabela Juszczak
Był piękny słoneczny dzień, zbliżały się wakacje, ale uczniowie klasy piątej wciąż jeszcze mieli do wykonania zadanie: przedstawienie swojego ulubionego autora. Trójka przyjaciół: Peter, Sarah i Lisa spotkała się po lekcjach w parku, aby zrobić projekt na temat słynnego pisarza.
- Znacie „Królową śniegu”? Kay i Gerda…? - Peter zaczął opowiadać o jednej z baśni Andersena. – Fajna duńska opowieść o biednych dzieciach.
- No tak, przecież Andersen pochodził z Danii! - skojarzyła Sarah. – W przeszłości dużo ludzi cierpiało tam biedę. Słyszałam, że dawno temu... w Danii rządzili król i królowa, ale ludzie nie byli z tego powodu szczęśliwi, ponieważ bardzo cierpieli. Dlatego w 1849 roku wprowadzono Konstytucję i od tego czasu wszyscy mieli prawa i wolność wyboru.
- What is this Constitution like? - Lisa broke up with the question
Sarah looked at her mysteriously:
- The authority is divided among people: some deal with judging, others with making regulations, and others execute them. This arrangement has continued until today.
- Has anything changed now? -asked Peter
- A jak karano przestępców w Danii według nowych praw? – ożywił się Peter.
- Słyszałam ostatnio, że kiedyś bito i głodzono więźniów – odparła Lisa - oraz traktowano ich bez żadnych praw.
- Czy teraz coś się zmieniło? – zapytał Peter
- Tak – odpowiedziała Sara - teraz zrezygnowano z kar cielesnych i założono zakłady poprawcze, aby uczyć dobrego i uczciwego zachowania.
- Jaka jest ta Konstytucja? - wyrwała się z pytaniem Lisa
Sarah spojrzała na nią tajemniczo:
- władza jest tam podzielona między ludzi: jedni zajmują się sądzeniem, inni ustalaniem przepisów, a jeszcze inni ich wykonywaniem. Taki układ panuje aż do dzisiaj.
- Co jeszcze zmieniło się w Danii? – zainteresowała się Lisa
- Sytuacja ludzi chorych. - spostrzegła Sara, której zainteresowania historią nie ograniczały się tylko do odrobienia pracy domowej w szkole. - Dawniej bano się niepełnosprawnych. Zwłaszcza chorzy psychicznie byli traktowani drastycznie, ponieważ uważano, że znęcanie się nad nimi przywróci im myślenie. Dopiero niedawno zaczęto ich traktować jak innych ludzi, a dzieci psychicznie chore mogły pójść do szkoły.
- The situation of sick people. - remarked Sara, whose interest in history was not limited to the homework at school. - In the past, people were afraid of the disabled. The mentally ill, in particular, were treated drastically because abuse was believed to return their thinking. Only recently have they been treated like other people, and mentally ill children have been allowed to go to school.
- O tym wszystkim pisał w swoich baśniach Hans Christian Andersen. – zauważył Peter – teraz lepiej je rozumiem.
- Wiemy już jak stworzyć projekt o pisarzu! – zawołała Lisa – A teraz chodźcie pobawić się LEGO!
Skola za ostecene sluhom-nagluve Stefan Decanski
Why always you?
Зашто увек ти?
Why always you?
It was another ordinary day in Belgrade. Jovan, Ivana, Sara, Mihajlo and Stefan were in the school yard. It was very warm. Bojan was approaching them. Everyone's mood changed.
Bojan is the main one in the company: He always determines the game, as well as the rules. Only he has the right to violate them.
"Hello," he said. Everyone retaliated.
"We will play football today. Ivana will bring the ball. Stefan and Mihajlo will defend. Jovan will be the referee, and Sara will not play because she is very slow.
Although dissatisfied with the rules, the children agreed to play.
After the game, Bojan was the first to go home. The other children talked about Bojan's behavior. Sara was still sad because she was not part of the team.
"What are we going to do now?" Ivana asked.
"We all have equal rights," said Mihajlo.
Sara thought about it and got the idea - "I propose a strike like in the shipyard in Gdansk, in 1980. That is how we will fight for our rights."
"What kind of strike and where is that Gdansk?" - the other children asked in confusion.
"My older brother told me. In history class, they learned about democratic changes in Poland", Sara continued.
"Workers in Gdansk went on strike because they were not satisfied with the authorities who did not respect human rights. Since all the workers joined the strike, the authorities were afraid that no one would stay to work. so they decided to talk to them and give them the rights they demanded. That is how the development of democracy in Poland has began. "
All the children shouted: "Great idea Sara! That's how Bojan will understand that we are all equal".
The very next day, Bojan had no one to play with. He apologized for his behavior and since then he has learned to respect all his friends.
Зашто увек ти?
Био је то још један обичан дан у Београду. Јован, Ивана, Сара, Михајло и Стефан су били у школском дворишту. Било је јако топло. Приближавао им се Бојан. Свима се расположење променило.
Бојан је главни у друштву, увек одређује игру као и правила. Једино он има права и да их крши. „Здраво“, рекао је. Сви су му узвратили. „Данас ћемо играти фудбал. Ивана ће донети лопту. Стефан и Михајло ће бранити. Јован ће бити судија, а Сара неће играти пошто је јако спора“. Деца су иако незадовољна правилима, пристала на игру.
Након завршене утакмице, Бојан је први отишао кући. Остала деца су разговарала о Бојановом понашању. Сара је и даље била тужна, јер није била део тима.
„Шта ћемо сада?“ – питала је Ивана.
„Сви имамо једнака права“, рече Михајло.
Сара се замислила и добила идеју: „Предлажем штрајк као у бродоградилишту у Гдањску, 1980. године. Тако ћемо се изборити за своја права“.
"Kaкав штрајк и где је тај Гдањск?" – збуњено упиташе остала деца.
"Причао ми је старији брат. На часу историје су учили о демократским променама у Пољској", настави Сара.
"Радници у Гдањску су ступили у штрајк, јер нису били задовољни тадашњим властима које нису поштовале људска права. Пошто су се сви радници прикључили
штрајку, власти су се уплашиле да нико неће остати да ради. Зато су одлучили да разговарају са њима и да им дају права која су захтевали. Тако је почео развој демократије у Пољској."
Сва деца повикаше - "Одлична идеја Саро! Тако ће Бојан схватити да смо сви једнаки“.
Већ следећег дана Бојан није имао са киме да се игра. Извинио се за своје понашање и од тада је научио да поштује све другове и другарице.
The People's Revolution
A Revolução do Povo
AESAndré Barreiro
Text: Gonçalo Calado 11ºE
Illustrations: Escola Básica Telha Nova
The People's Revolution
Once upon a time, there was a poor man who lived in France around the 18th century. He was so poor that he didnt have anything to eat. Everyday he would walk around the city asking for food and money to other people, but no one gave him anything.
A Revolução do Povo
Era uma vez um homem pobre que vivia em França por volta do século 18, que era tão pobre que não tinha nada para comer. Todos os dias ele andava pela cidade a pedir comida e dinheiro a outras pessoas, mas ninguém lhe dava nada.
But one day, a kind noble appeared before him and said:
- Do you want things to change? If you want, help me and I promise to help you too.
The poor man had nothing to lose, so he followed the noble. He led him to a group of people just like him, poor and hungry, and announced:
- Today we are rebelling against the ones who made your lives like this. ARE YOU READY TO FIGHT?!
Mas um dia, um nobre simpático apareceu à frente dele e perguntou:
- Queres que as coisas mudem? Se sim, ajuda-me e eu prometo ajudar-te também.
O homem pobre não tinha nada a perder, portanto seguiu o nobre. Ele levou-o a um grupo de pessoas tal como ele, pobres e com fome, e anunciou:
- Hoje iremos revoltar-nos contra os que fizeram as vossas vidas assim!
Everyone wanted things to change, so all of them marched, with everything they could find as weapons, and went to Bastille, the fort and prison of the city. There, all the corrupted nobles were being protected, and innocent people were being held.
When seeing the little army marching towards the fort, everyone around the city decided to join, because they too wanted to help. When they reached their destination, the little army turned into an unstopable force, and with the sign given by the kind noble, the people rebelled against their corrupted leaders. There were so many people that the guards didn’t have a chance of winning, and with that, they released the innocent and captured the corrupt.
Todos queriam que as coisas mudassem, portanto todos marcharam, com qualquer coisa que eles conseguissem encontrar como armas, e foram até Bastille, a fortaleza e prisão da cidade. Lá, todos os nobres corruptos estavam a ser protegidos, e pessoas inocentes presas.
Ao ver o pequeno exército marchar até à fortaleza, todas as pessoas da cidade decidiram juntar-se, pois também eles queriam ajudar. Quando chegaram ao seu destino, o pequeno exército tornou-se numa força imparável, e com o sinal dado pelo nobre simpático, as pessoas revoltaram-se contra os seus líderes corruptos. Eram tantas pessoas que os guardas não tiveram chance de ganhar, e assim, eles libertaram os inocentes e capturaram os corruptos.
After that, people around the country, encouraged by their revolution, did the same to other forts, until the king surrendered and the 1st French Republic was formed. The poor man, due to his efforts in the fight, was given the role as a guard of the kind noble, who now became minister, and everyone who helped was given food and money as a reward.
Things would change in the future, but that’s another story.
Depois disso, pessoas de todo o país, encorajadas pela revolução, fizeram o mesmo a outras fortalezas e castelos, até o rei se render e a 1ª República Francesa se ter formado. Ao homem pobre, pelos seus esforços na luta, foi dado o cargo de guarda do nobre simpático, agora um dos ministros, e toda a gente que ajudou recebeu comida e dinheiro como recompensa.
No futuro as coisas iriam mudar, mas isso é outra história.
"Afonso and the Beautiful Flower"
by 2b, Middelfart Gymnasium, Denmark
and 3 kl. Båring Skole
Nine-year-old Afonso lived in a small house in Barrerio, Portugal. At Afonso's house, his dad was mad. For several years, an evil man had ruled over everyone. Afonso understood his father.
He didn't like it when his Dad was telling him what to do. Why would it be different for grown-ups, Afonso thought. Afonso's father often talked to his friends about the evil man.
Afonso på 9 år boede i et lille hus i Barreiro, Portugal. Hjemme hos Afonso var far sur. I flere år havde en enkelt ond mand nemlig bestemt over alle i landet. Afonso kunne godt forstå sin far. Han kunne heller ikke lide når far bestemte over ham. Afonsos far snakkede tit med sine venner om den onde mand.
They took to the streets to tell him that it wasn't okay for the man to be a dictator. Afonso was curious and followed his father. A lot of people came into the street. They were all angry with the evil man. Dad saw Afonso. "Afonso what are you doing here?", his father said. "Dad, Dad, why are we mad?" Dad said, "We want our freedom back." People were shouting and screaming. Afonso's father threw Afonso on his shoulders.
De gik på gaden for at fortælle at det ikke var okay, at manden bestemte. Afonso blev nysgerrig og fulgte efter sin far. Der kom mange mennesker med ud på gaden. De var alle sammen sure på den onde mand. Far så afonso. “Afonso hvad laver du her” sagde hans far. “Far, far hvorfor er vi sure”. Far svarede “Vi vil have vores frihed tilbage”.
Afonsos far smed Afonso op på skuldrene.
Here he sat well. He could see everything and further along he saw a flower. It was red. Alfonso picked it up and smelled it. He turned his head and saw that others were doing the same thing. Strong military men put the flowers in their rifles. It looked very nice. After a long walk, they finally reached the evil man's castle. Here they told him that things had to change. They said it wasn't okay for him to tell them what they could and couldn't do. Several of them said they wanted to decide for themselves.
Her sad han godt. Han kunne se over alle hovederne og længere henne fik han øje på en blomst. Den var lyserød. Alfonso plukkede den, og rakte den i vejret. Han vendte hovedet og så at andre gjorde det samme. Stærke militærmænd puttede blomsten i deres gevær. Det så meget flot ud. Efter en lang gåtur nåede de endelig den onde mands borg. Her fortalte de ham at det ikke var okay det han gjorde. De sagde at det ikke var okay at han bestemte over dem. Flere af dem sagde at de også gerne ville bestemme.
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With the support of the programme of the European Union.
Stories about The Path To Democracy in
Many years after the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the rights of the weaker ones and minorities are still being violated on a daily basis. Instead of a peaceful and safe life for all human beings around the world, the lack of values of freedom, acceptance and tolerance is leading millions of people to be bullied, discriminated, mistreated, excluded, imprisoned and killed.
Schools host a wide range of diversity and the lack of citizenship and democratic values very often leads children and teenagers to be bullied, discriminated and exluded, based on prejudice and stereotypes.
With the project DemEUcracy for ALL! we are taking action against the violation of human rights and promoting in our schools and communities a spirit of democracy and active citizenship in the defense of human rights.
June 2021
III Liceum Ogolnokształcące in Zamość Poland, Primary School nr 3 in Zamość
Primary School nr 28 in Lublin
Text: class 2gP secondary
Illustrations: Marek Karpinski-Milczarek,
Natalia Łatka,
Izabela Juszczak
Był piękny słoneczny dzień, zbliżały się wakacje, ale uczniowie klasy piątej wciąż jeszcze mieli do wykonania zadanie: przedstawienie swojego ulubionego autora. Trójka przyjaciół: Peter, Sarah i Lisa spotkała się po lekcjach w parku, aby zrobić projekt na temat słynnego pisarza.
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