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August 8th, 1962
My name is Michelle Anne
O’Connell(some people call me Chelley),
my papa’s name is Mayor Timothy
O’Connell, and my mama’s name is Tracy
O’Connell. I am 11 years old. Me and my
mama and papa live in a big house in
Tupelo, Mississippi. I got this diary for

birthday (which is today :D) from our
maid, Tammy Hatcher, and I’m going to
write in it every single day! Tomorrow, I
start the 6th grade and I can already
tell that it’s going to be the best year
August 9th, 1962
Today I made a new friend!! While I was
sitting outside thinking

about what tomorrow is going to bring,
a girl came up that looked just Tammy..
I introduced myself and she said her
name is Elizabeth Hatcher(turns out
she’s Tammy’s daughter!!!), but that I
can call her Lizzie! I liked her, so I told
her that she can call me Chelley! I had
never seen her around here before, so

asked her what she was doing here. She
said that she came to see her mama
because she wasn’t feeling well. I
decided we are going to be best
August 10th, 1962
Today was the first day of school! My
teachers name is Mrs. Mayfield. She is
the best teacher ever!

I love all of my classmates, except
Lizzie isn’t in my class. I didn’t
understand why she wasn’t in my class
so I talked to mama about it. She
says that since Lizzie has a different
skin color, she isn’t allowed to be in
the same school as me. She talked
about how I shouldn’t want

“people of color” using the same books
and drinking fountains and bathrooms
as I use. I don’t understand why I
wouldn’t want them to! Why does their
skin color matter? I don’t know, I am
going to have to think about this more,
maybe I’ll talk to papa about it, he can
usually answer all my questions.

August 11th, 1962
I had a great day today! We played
lots of games at school and I know
everyone in my classes names by
heart! I also talked to my papa about
my questions. He says that he doesn’t
agree with mama!!!! We talked a long
time about how some

people believe different things than
other people. He says that right now
there is something called discrimination
going on. That means that people are
treated differently because of their
skin color! Papa said that right now
colored people are “separate but equal”,
but that he doesn’t think that’s enough,
it should be completely equal! I

think I agree with him! It’s not fair to
not let Lizzie go to my school just
because she is a different skin color
then me! I wish I could do something
about this!
August 12th, 1962
Lizzie came over today! We played
outside for a long time, but when we
went inside to get a snack, my mama

yelled at us! She told Lizzie to leave
right away and to not come into our
house ever again. It was really mean of
mama to yell at Lizzie like that. I
really hope that Lizzie still wants to
be my friend! When I told papa what
happened between mama and Lizzie, I
could tell he wasn’t very happy about
it. I told him that I wanted to stop

discrimination and he suddenly got a
huge smile on his face! Maybe he will
want to help me end this! I sure hope
August 14th, 1962
Boy has it been a big couple of days!
Me and my papa and Lizzie have been
working a lot on stopping
discrimination!! We have done

a lot of research too, to see what we
will need to do to change the
“separate but equal” policy. We think
that if we at least get this going in
our town, maybe other towns around
us will see what we are doing and will
follow after our footsteps!!! We
decided to

first spread the word around our town
so that we can get as many people as
possible on our side! It’ll be a lot of
work but I know it will be worth it in
the end! We are starting to make
posters that my papa says are called
propaganda! We are going to put them
all over Tupelo, where everyone can see
them. Then once we

have everybody on our side, my papa is
going to call a town meeting a make
new laws on the issue! I’m so excited
about all of this!!! And I can tell Lizzie
is too!

August 15th, 1962
Today we put out our posters all over
the town! When we were walking, we
saw people stopping to read them, we
could tell that some people love the
idea, but of course there were a few
who were not too happy about it. One
girl actually read one of the posters
then she got all huffy and puffy and

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Thanks for being amazing teachers
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

August 8th, 1962
My name is Michelle Anne
O’Connell(some people call me Chelley),
my papa’s name is Mayor Timothy
O’Connell, and my mama’s name is Tracy
O’Connell. I am 11 years old. Me and my
mama and papa live in a big house in
Tupelo, Mississippi. I got this diary for

birthday (which is today :D) from our
maid, Tammy Hatcher, and I’m going to
write in it every single day! Tomorrow, I
start the 6th grade and I can already
tell that it’s going to be the best year
August 9th, 1962
Today I made a new friend!! While I was
sitting outside thinking
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