1.Elif Akkuş and her students (Alya, Defne, Berennaz, Melisa, Osman, Duru, Beren, Enes, Cemre, Baturalp)
2. Kübra Güngör and her students (Hamide, H.Ayşe, Beyza, Burak, Hatice, Ecrin, Rümeysa
3. Esra Memiş and her students (Didem, Yaren, Nursima, Özge, Kader, Seher, İbrahim, Mustafa)
4.Sofia Plexida and her students(Sofia, Eleftheria, Dimitris, Eva)
5.Eleftheria Roubaki and her students(George, Vasw, Kallia, Argyrw)
6.Ayşe Yüksel and her students ( Elifsude, Afra, Atahan, Aysima and Ceylin )
7. Alice Mignemi and her students (classes 1A and 1B)
8. Rita Baiamonte and her students (Class 1C)
9. Mariarita Germanà and her students
Sherlock Holmes is a middle aged fisherman. He lives in a forest with a friend called Dr. Whatson. They go for a walk with their horses to reach their ship on an island called Crusoe.
Then, their horses suddenly stop. They recognize that their horses are thirsty, so they go to near sea. While they are drinking water, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Whatson begin searching some fish.
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Whatson

There aren't fishes in the sea, so Sherlock and Dr. Whatson search for fruit but they only find beans.
They eat a lot and they see a path and go for a walk.
On their way together, Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson run into the Red Riding Hood. They see the little red riding hood lost and scared.

Sherlock and Dr. Watson calms the little Red Riding Hood, Sherlock declares that if Holmes gets scared, he has a gun with him. Then they talk about the Queen's magic beans.

Sherlock and Dr. Watson calms Little red riding hood ,Sherlock says that if Holmes gets scared, he has a gun with him. Then they talk about the Queen's magic beans.

Sherlock and Dr. Watson calms Little red riding hood ,Sherlock says that if Holmes gets scared, he has a gun with him. Then they talk about the Queen's magic beans.
Little Red Riding Hood asks the two friends to help her look for the queen's magic beans and they set off on horseback to start the search.
During the journey they meet giants who want to obstruct their passage but they can not because they are not intelligent so they go on looking for the queen's beans and they also go to a forest even further away.
The two friends are looking for the magic beans to bring them to Little Red Riding Hood

While they are looking for the beans, they find a village and they ask some information.
They continue traveling and they meet three strangers who take them in a magic place

In this magical place everything is different: the atmosphere is magical, the horses fly and everyone is happy.

They understand that this place is to fool them.Sherlock Holmes hides his gun, feeling the queen has different plans for them.This magical and beautiful setting frightened her and her friends.
They must be careful in this place. Everything is perfect and charming for everyone. When Sherlock Holmes touches trees, these trees convert into the golden sticks.
Suddenly an extravagant parrot whispers something. He speaks a strange language, saying he wants a cake. In a palace as a prisoner. He is very tired and sad. She needs this cake for her special powers.

The parrot asks for help to Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson to find four magic ingredients for the cake: a golden apple, 1 egg, 5 violet strawberries, the magic beans. In this cake there is the key to open the prison. Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson do 4 challenges to find the 4 ingredients.
In the first challenge, they want find the golden apple. But they meet the Canterville ghost.
They have to fight with the Centerville
ghost but there is a problem.They can not see the ghost,because the ghost is invisible. They try anyway, they pour some painting everywhere hoping to see the ghost.
To see the ghosts, they need to find special glasses. But these glasses are protected by a monster.
The paint that they spill everywhere works.After defeaiting the Centerville ghost,Sherlock Holmes and Dr.Watson set out to find the golden apple.On their way,these two friends meet Xury.
After finding golden apple, they move the second challenge. While they are searching for 1 egg, they see Robinson walks by the sea.
They come closer to Robinson. They greet him. Robinson is happy to see them.
Robinson want help them and he says: "The egg is in a cave".
Very curious, they ask him where the egg is. And he tells them: Watch out! It is phosphorescent and protected by an arrogant man.
They find the egg but the savage man doesn't want to give it. Then, Robinson shouts "You are a fool".

Everyone asked the goat to tell them where the queen was hiding the magic beans.

the goat goes to the sea and meets Robinson that he is talking with the savages.
The beans are in safe place. The goat is helping Sherlock. He is happy to meet the goat.

The goat tells to Sherlock Holmes and Watson that the magic beans are in an enchanted tree

Sherlock takes the beans to the Giant's wife to protect them.
Sherlock and Watson promise to Robinson to come back and they go to complete the mission. Sherlock and Watson change their outfit to hide in the island from the enemies. They go across the island but they meet a trap and they fall in it.
They try to escape the trap. Some woodcutters arrive and want to help them. But they tell a lie and they take Sherlock and Watson in a cave with some wolves.

When they are in the cave a storm begins and wolves are scared and runs.

When Sherlock and Watson are in the cave, one of the woodcutters comes into it. This man brings them some magic water.

Sherlock takes the magic water and they listen to a loud noise. The water falls on the floor.Suddenly, a big plant grows up from the floor. Sherlock and Watson climb the plant to go out from the cave.

They leave from the cave. They are very happy to escape from it. They start walking in the island.
Walking on the desert island they meet again the wolves trying to escape, they are stranded in a forest.

Then, the wolves chase Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. When the wolves catch them, they collapse on Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson and they hold their feet.

Then, they cooperate together and scare the wolves. Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson run up the hill.

Τhey descend the hill walking for many hours and reach to a small village.

Sherlock Holmes and Watson go in the village and see a big plantation of fruits. They look for the violet strawberries.

Sherlock Homes and Watson are in the platation but they can't see the violet strawberries because they are invisible. They only see grapes.

Watson wants to touch grapes. However, Sherlock Holmes thinks that maybe they are poisonous. He warns him not to touch them.

Watson obeys his warning. He does not touch grapes. They go on searching violet strawberries.

Because they can't find the violet strawberries, they calls their close friend Friday to ask help. Friday lives in the Baker street in London.

On the way to the plantation they think of a trick to chase the wild ferret.

Sherlock Holmes proposes to use the guns. But Watson decides to prepare a trap. The ferret falls down in the trap and Sherlock Holmes and Watson can take the purple strawberries.

Now, they have all the ingredients: violet strawberries, the egg, a golden apple and magic beans. So, they can come back to the prison to give freedom to the parrot.

Whıle Frıday ıs lookıng for hıs frıend Royal Advısor,he runs across Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson on Baker Street ın London

Sherlock , Friday , Royal Advisor and Dr. Watson decides to go back and search for the magic beans. They prepare all the ingredients and go to the parrot.
Sherlock, Friday, Royal Counsel and Dr. They think it is possible for the Watson Parrot to come out of prison invisibly.
They take rice to the parrot.The parrot eat it and get out of the prison without a bloodstain because it has got special powers and now it is invisible.
The parrot meets the emperor and together escape from prison. The parrot is innocent and the emperor became poor.
They all see a haunted house and there are a lot of small people there. They are surprised.
They give money to small people and ask help to go home.
The little people give them horses to go to the nearby port. There they will meet Captain Peter who is friends with the little people and will help them when they tell him a secret word.

They say the secret word "loom" and captain. Peter helps them to get on the ship.
The ship passes through the icebergs and there is a frightening storm.
Sherlock and Watson travel a lot and they arrive in England. They are very happy to be at home.

So as soon as they get home they decide to celebrate because they are back safe and sound
When they arrive, they organize a party with their friends. Duringthe party, a princess knocks at the door. Sherlock opens the door and he sees this beautiful princess. Watson falls in love with her. She confesses to be the parrot that a witch transformed in a parrot and they saved her.
Watson and the princess get married and they live happily for ever.

1.Elif Akkuş and her students (Alya, Defne, Berennaz, Melisa, Osman, Duru, Beren, Enes, Cemre, Baturalp)
2. Kübra Güngör and her students (Hamide, H.Ayşe, Beyza, Burak, Hatice, Ecrin, Rümeysa
3. Esra Memiş and her students (Didem, Yaren, Nursima, Özge, Kader, Seher, İbrahim, Mustafa)
4.Sofia Plexida and her students(Sofia, Eleftheria, Dimitris, Eva)
5.Eleftheria Roubaki and her students(George, Vasw, Kallia, Argyrw)
6.Ayşe Yüksel and her students ( Elifsude, Afra, Atahan, Aysima and Ceylin )
7. Alice Mignemi and her students (classes 1A and 1B)
8. Rita Baiamonte and her students (Class 1C)
9. Mariarita Germanà and her students
Sherlock Holmes is a middle aged fisherman. He lives in a forest with a friend called Dr. Whatson. They go for a walk with their horses to reach their ship on an island called Crusoe.
Then, their horses suddenly stop. They recognize that their horses are thirsty, so they go to near sea. While they are drinking water, Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Whatson begin searching some fish.
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Whatson

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