This e-magazine is a common work of our etwinning project called LET'S LEARN WEB.2.0 TOOLS WITH FUN.
Done with enthusiasm and collaboration.

-Havran Anatolian High School
-Pursaklar Vocational Technical High School
-VOŠ, SPŠ automobilní a technická

Prepared by
- Alznya Secondary School For Girls
-Aksaray Merkez Şehit Yavuz Çoban
Vocational Technical High School
-Denizli Durmuş Ali Çoban Anatolian High School

While creating the project, we aimed for our students to include web2 tools in both their education and learning lives. Throughout the project, excellent products emerged with the contributions of our students. It was inevitable for them to use the web2 tools in many areas such as health, sports, technology hobby, education, art, music and cinema that we frequently encounter in our daily lives. Then, the idea of creating an e-book that we can use all of them together came to mind, and thus an e-book we prepared with the contributions of our students came to light. We hope you like it, share it with your loved ones.


7-11Teknofest 54-57 Education in Turkey
12-13 Aselsan 58-60 Education in Jordan
14-18 Important Developments 62-65 Music in Turkey
ın Technology. 66 Music in Jordan
19-21 Jordanıan Innovators 67 Jordanian Poet
23 Hobbıes in the Past and Today 68Music Touches the Soul
24-26 Hobbies in Diifferent Cultures 69- How Music Affects the BrainJ
27-29 Traditional Turkısh Hobbıes and Art 70- Jordanian Poet 71-Puzzle Time
31-36 Sports ın Our Counties 72-75 Our National Anthem
38-39 Sport Cities in Jordan 76-77 Art of Marbling and Ceramic
40-41 Jordan's Basketball and Taekwando Teams 78-Ankara Opera House
42 Jordan's Sportman 79-Jordaniıan Newpaper
43-44 Turkısh Sportsmen 80-81Traditional Turkish Theatre 82-Best Turkish movıes
45-52 Sports and Health 83 Jordanian Cinema 84 MovieTtalk 85Answer of the Puzzle

TEKNOFEST is the first and only aviation, space and technology festival in Turkey with the partnership of many organizations that play a critical role in the preparation of national technology in Turkey under the leadership of Turkey Technology Team Foundation (T3 Foundation) and T.C. Ministry of Industry and Technology.

The TEKNOFEST Aviation, Space and Technology Festival, the first of which was held in 2018, aims to increase the interest in technology in the society by hosting many activities such as technology competitions, air shows, concerts, events and talks on various subjects, and to raise awareness about the transformation of Turkey into a society that produces national technology.

Technology competitions are organized in various disciplines and categories in order to realize the dreams of thousands of young people who aim to increase the human resources trained in the fields of science and engineering in Turkey. In its first year, 4333 teams and 20 thousand young people made applications to the technology competitions held in 14 different categories. In 2019, 17,373 teams and 50 thousand competitors from 81 provinces and 122 countries applied to the competitions in which technology competitions were held in 19 different categories.

Turkish Aerespace
Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TUSAS) was incepted under the Ministry of Industry and Technology on June 28, 1973 to reduce Turkey’ foreign dependence in defense industry.
Being among the top hundred global players in aviation and space industry, TUSAS is organized under six strategic business centers depending on the projects, including:
-Structural Group,

Security systems division carries out activities starting from requirements specification to design, development, manufacturing, deployment and integrated logistic support for security and surveillance projects comprising:
Public Security Systems regarding the physical security of public places, monitoring urban areas with cameras, and ensuring the security of information flow and information harmonization among military and civilian security units;

Aselsan Space Technologies having her missions in both communication satellites and surveillance & reconnaissance satellites, to fulfill the demands for both military and commercial frequency bands, ASELSAN provides national and unique solutions on both Satellite Payloads and Satellite Ground systems. Besides, performs electrical and mechanical ground support equipment design & production, integration of ground systems, subsystem and equipment design, payload design, production, integration and provides test services (including in-orbit tests).


When people began to make technological devices, they certainly didn’t know how much these deviceswould develop in the future. For example, when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, he probably couldn’t imagine that people would use a mobile phone one day.
An Italian engineer Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio in 1895. John Logie Baird, who was a Scottish engineer, made the first working television system in 1925. How would they feel if they could see today’s radios or televisions?
As technology develops, the world develops. Here are some of the most important technological developments. Bell laboratories made the first video phone in 1969.

Martin Cooper, who is an American engineer, designed the first handheld mobile phone in 1973. And in 2000, millions of people began to use mobile phones. In 2009, technology companies made the first smartphone, which performs many functions of a computer.
Today smartphones are everywhere. They are used by people all over the world.As for computer technology,the developments are unbelievable.
In 1944, Tommy Flowers designed the first electronic digital computer which was programmable. In 1973, computer engineers made the first computer which had a keyboard and a mouse.And the first laptop was created in1983. A British scientist Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989. 1991 is the year when WWW became available for everyone. The first wireless Internet network started in 2000. And the Internet has continued to develop rapidly since then. Now we live in the digital era, and computers are in all parts of our lives.

Youth's Internet Usage Rate in Turkey
According to the results of the use of information technologies in Turkey, the rate of Internet usage among the young population in the 16-24 age group was 93.0% in 2018 and 92.4% in 2019.

SANLAB is a pioneering company in simulation industry founded in 2009 , provides unique services in the areas of Training Simulators and Motion Platforms. It is located in Gebze,Turkey.
Simulations require the use of models; the model represents the key characteristics or behaviors of the selected system or process, whereas the simulation represents the evolution of the model over time. Often, computers are used to execute the simulation.

On March 16, 1926 Robert Goddard launched the world's first liquid-fuel rocket in the desert, Massachusetts, and the rocket’s importance lies in the exploration of space from planets, stars, the moon and its unknown secrets .
The Jordanian innovator, Omar Naji, has developed smart glasses to help people of determination with visual impairment to recognize objects and shapes, distinguish colors of traffic lights and avoid obstacles while they are walking on the roads, so that its user reaches the stage of practicing his daily activities without the need to help others, and Naji's innovation includes a camera installed in The glasses are programmed to identify various surrounding objects and the color of traffic lights, to transmit information to the People of Determination through a connected headpones.

Noura Fraihat despite the presence of companies that produce edible cups and spoons, but what is different, among the farehat, is that “the past years have worked to develop a product made 100% of biscuits, without the presence of any preservatives or industrial, such as those contained in plastic manufactures that cause harm to human health. “. According to a previously published UN report, most plastic breaks down into particles smaller than five mm in size, known as nanoplastics, whose impact is based on ecosystems, to infiltrate the food chain, and its danger lies in transmitting diseases, because it brings pathogens and pollutants. Cups made of plastic that are produced by the home of the farahat. "Do not break down into particles polluted with the environment and health, or contain materials with high toxicity, high temperatures, without melting and for long hours, and then you end up eating them."

Jordanian Shahd Douglas won the "Tech Medicine" prize for the spirit of the global innovation competition in health care, which is represented by a mobile application.According to Douglas, who holds a master's in public health from the University of Science and Technology,
The idea of the project is based on the merging of the technology and health sectors, and Douglas points out in a special interview to "Because I care" that the idea is to apply a phone that cares about requesting medical services to the home from various medical services and sciences across the geographical location ( Such as therapeutic sessions, blood drawing and requesting medicines)


A hobby is a general definition given to all skill development activities for the purpose of evaluating one's free time, whether necessary or not mandatory. Along with developing and changing conditions, hobbies also began to manifest themselves in the field of technology.
For example, in the past, people would open soda lids very carefully and add these lids to their collections by accumulating them. At the same time, they were spending their free time collecting stamps but now people spend their free time learning a new programming language, making short films, learning how to use electronic devices. Especially during these pandemic periods, the most valid hobbies must be the activities we can do at home

Family, dignity and education are the most important values of single youth between the ages of 17-24 in Turkey. In the first place of his dreams, there is a profession and career.
While young people prioritize spending time with their friends, traveling around as a social activity, their most common hobby is listening to music.

Hobbies in Anatolia "Taşpınar carpet" is the state of the feelings and thoughts of Anatolian people reflected in the motifs. Taşpınar is one of the best places in Anatolia that represents the Turkish carpet tradition that started in Central Asia. Taşpınar carpet, which has been preserving its feature for centuries, has an original character with its Weft, Warp and knot ropes being completely wool.

Weaving technique, number of loops and root dye used in weft yarn reveal the quality and difference of Taşpınar carpet. Root dye obtained from plants grown in the region is usually used in dark red and dark blue colors as an indicator of devotion to tradition in Taşpınar carpets.

It is the shaping of a copper mine by forming it with various techniques.
Handmade authentic copper products in Turkey are famous worldwide.

Sports in Turkey

In Turkey, the Ministry of Health distributes free bicycles to university students. Some universities provide bicycles to their students. Young people cycle around the campus on bicycles and pedal for health.
There are more than 45 ski resorts in Turkey. Skiing starts at the age of 6-7 and is done until the age of 70-75. The number of licensed skiers in Turkey has increased and reached 5000.

Turkish Super League is the highest level league in Turkey . This league has been since 1969.There are 16 teams in this league and all teams have talented players and many teams have been champions since the beginning of the league.

Ankara City Hospital is a hospital located in Ankara, Turkey. Opened in 2019, the hospital is the largest in the country with a bed capacity of 3,704.Located in the Bilkent district of Çankaya district, the hospital is built on an area of 180 decares. The hospital has 131 operating theaters, 904 polyclinics and 82 VIP rooms, 1,554 single-bed rooms, 725 double-bed rooms and 700 intensive care units with a total of 3,704 beds. When operating at full capacity, it will serve 30,000 patients a day and treat 8,000 emergency room patients. There are cardiovascular surgery, neurology, oncology, orthopedics and general branch units in the hospital.

Health City
of Turkey
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS, MŠMT in Czech) is responsible for public administration in education, for developing educational, youth and sport policies and international cooperation in these fields.
The Sports Department is responsible for the area of sport and physical education, for which ‘State Support of Sport’ is announced for the relevant calendar year.
Sports in Czech

Sports in Jordan

There has been a feeling of Jordanian leadership since the mid-sixties of the last century, the need for Jordanian youth to establish a pioneering center that serves youth in all fields to highlight their capabilities and creativity and keep pace with progress and development, which reflects a bright image of Jordan and its people.

Jordan is one of the Arab countries in Asia that is most interested in youth and sports in general, and this is evident in the number of sports complexes and cities dedicated to youth, which positively affected its participation in many Arab, regional and international tournaments, especially at the level of football and basketball, which received great interest and attention before Jordanian youth. As well as games of self-defense, swimming, tennis, hand and equestrian are all games that young people in this city eagerly accept. The Higher Council for Youth also contributed to developing the capabilities of youth in all aspects of life by spreading youth centers in the various governorates of the Kingdom
Sports in Jordan
Sports City or Al-Hussein Youth City is located in the heart of the capital, Amman, and extends over a plot of land of about 1,200 dunums. Trees cover a third of its area, while sports facilities, playgrounds, parks and parking spaces occupy the remainder of its area. The construction of the city began in 1964 and took about four years.
Sports Cities in Jordan

Sports cities There has been a feeling of Jordanian leadership since the mid-sixties of the last century, the need for Jordanian youth to establish a pioneering center that serves youth in all fields to highlight their capabilities and creativity and keep pace with progress and development, which reflects a bright image of Jordan and its people.
Sports City or Al-Hussein Youth City is located in the heart of the capital, Amman, and extends over a plot of land of about 1,200 dunums. Trees cover a third of its area, while sports facilities, playgrounds, parks and parking spaces occupy the remainder of its area. The construction of the city began in 1964 and took about four years.

The Jordanian Basketball Leagueis the highest-level tournament among the local basketball tournaments in Jordan, and it is one of the oldest tournaments in West Asia and the Arab region. Nine clubs competed for the title throughout the history of the tournament, the first title being the Electricity Club 1952 season, The last season they won the club title is Al Wehdat Club, season 2020

The Jordanian Basketball League

After the Jordanian Taekwondo team won 10 colorful medals in international tournaments in recent days, its players in Moscow are preparing for the final fourth round of the Grand Prix tournaments, after they won the gold in the third round of the world championship. Jordan has transformed, with these numbers and achievements, from a country that did not know the game of Taekwondo to a country whose players have become a difficult number in the world tournaments.
Jordanian Taekwondo Team
In 2008, Mostafa was awarded the Independence Medal by King Abdullah II of Jordan fOR HİS success of Everest.
Jordanian Sportsman
Halil Mutlu, World and Olympic champion is a Bulgarian immigrant Turkish weightlifter. 3 times Olympic Champion, 5 times World Champion, 10 times European Champion, broke more than 20 world records in 52 kg, 54 kg and 56 kg. He was nicknamed Dinamo due to the successive records he broke.
Turkish Sportsman

Hidayet Türkoğlu, who is called Hido in Turkey and Hedo in the USA, is the representative of Turkish Basketball in NBA
Turkish Sportsman
HEALTH via sports
Sports And Health

Doing sports can make you stronger and healthier. One of the most effective ways to achieve physical and mental well-being is doing sports undoubtedly. That’s why sport is very important in our lives. Sports do not only ensure a healthy life but also has a versatile necessity in our life in fact. Sports can make our lives full of success.

Sport has great importance in our lives. Doing sports prevents most health problems. If you think about your health, you should do sports. There are many sports conscious people, it is up to us to raise the awareness of other people.
Martial arts is a method or school in education that combines a set of combat and defense techniques, without a weapon or with weapons, and historically: it is training on the spiritual and moral dimension of self-control and self-control (this principle is essential both to avoid fighting if possible, in order to deal in the situation In an optimal and effective way), and enriching several comprehensive knowledge (cultural, philosophical, medical, etc. Thus, martial arts aims at the comprehensive development of the individual (external, such as strength, flexibility, and internal, such as energy, health, intellectual, moral, and moral development).

Sport is essential for a healthy life. It is better to do sports regularly and consistently and doing so keeps people healthy, vigorous and solid.
Sports and health themed poster link

Sports And Health

Reverse hyper
Manufactured and fully assembled in Columbus, Ohio with US steel, the Rogue RH-2 is a reverse hyper machine designed to meet the unique, changing needs of the athletes it serves. Widely utilized for physical therapy and back rehab exercises
Real fitness results require variety in pace, style, and effort.
More efficient gym workouts mean faster results!


According to the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, every citizen has the right to education which is free of charge for the compulsory primary education. Except in specially licensed and foreign institutions, Turkish must be taught as the mother tongue. Since 2012, twelve years of education is compulsary for boys and girls, which can be divided into 4+4+4 years of schooling.

Education in Turkey is a state-supervised system designed to produce a skillful professional class for the social and economic institutes of the nation.
Compulsory education lasts 12 years. Primary and secondary education is financed by the state and free of charge in public schools, between the ages of 6 and 19, and by 2003 enrollment of children in this age range was nearly 75%. Secondary or high school education is not mandatory but required in order to then progress to universities. By 2012 there were 165 universities in Turkey.
Except for the Open Education Faculty (Turkish: Açıköğretim Fakültesi) at Anadolu University, entrance is regulated by a national examination, ÖSYS, after which high school graduates are assigned to university according to their performance.

Education in Turkey
Eba is used as Education Information Network. This system, prepared by the Turkısh Ministry of National Education, is a social education platform. It has been prepared in order to provide free education in case each student cannot receive special education by supporting their lessons and to provide convenience in education.

Smart board; It is a technology that enables you to use the power, speed and flexibility of the computer on the board by touch without the need for an electronic pen. It is used in schools in daily life.
In most schools of Turkey , smarts boards are used for almost 8 years.


Education in Jordan is one of the best educational systems in the world. The role of education plays a pivotal role in the life and culture of Jordanian society. An efficient education system has greatly contributed to making Jordan a developed country.

The University of Jordan ranked first locally, and within the 601-650 best universities in the world category.As per the QS World University Rankings 2021,

The mother of the Jordanian schools, after a participation whose name was associated with the founding of the Jordanian state, where she played a prominent president in life, and graduated thousands of leaders in various political, parliamentary, judicial, media and intellectual positions.


Music in Turkey

Turkey has a rich musical tradition of varied and often contrasting styles. Turkish music forms great examples of such a mix of cultural influences. From Turkish folk, classical and pop music to military and mystical sounds.
There are a number of musical instruments in Turkey such as;
There are a number of prominent music festivals in Turkey including the Aspendos Opera and Ballet Festival which is held in June and July and the Istanbul Music and Jazz Festivals.Also, popular music industry in Turkey boosted by the MTV style TV channels playing non-stop music videos.

Music in Jordan
Music has developed in Jordan in recent years significantly and noticeably with the preservation of the rural and Bedouin folk heritage, and among the traditional Jordanian songs,"hyjani and Samir, and folk songs" with the performance of some dances and dances accompanying the Samer or the poem, and sometimes the Bedouin singing is accompanied by the Rababa instrument. As for village singing, it is similar to what is found in the Levant, with its accompaniment with dances.


How Listening To Music Affects Your Brain, According To Science
Confucious once said, “Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.”
Besides gifting the world with beautiful melodies and timeless ballads, music has a significant impact on us physiologically. And we bet that these findings on how music affects your brain specifically will have you singing all day long.

The poet of Arabism and the homeland
Mustafa Wahbi, Al-Tal Arar

Find and circle the words in the puzzle and number the pictures
Its national anthem


It was officially adopted by Grand National Assembly on 12 March 1921 both as a motivational musical saga for the troops fighting in the Turkish War of Independence, and as an aspirational anthem for a Republic that was yet to be established
Written by :Mehmet Akif Ersoy
Composed by: Osman Zeki Üngör
The Jordanian National Anthem

Written by: Abdel Moneim Al-Rifai
Composed by: Abdul Qadir Al-Tanir

Czechıa's National Anthem

The lyrics were taken from the first stanza of the opera “Fidlovačka”, which was written by Tyl and performed in 1834. The song originally had two verses but when it became the first part of the Czechoslovak state anthem after the country’s liberation in 1918, only one verse was used. Upon dissolution of Czechoslovakia on 1 January 1993, the song became the anthem of the new Czech Republic (now known as Czechia), but only the first verse remains the official anthem.
written by the composer František Škroup
the playwright Josef Kajetán Tyl
Where My Home Is'' is the national anthem of the Czech Republic

The art of marbling is the art of harmony in which the artist reflects the soul of the artist and painted on the water.

A ceramic is any of the various hard, brittle, heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant materials made by shaping and then firing a nonmetallic mineral, such as clay, at a high temperature. Common examples are earthenware, porcelain, and brick.
Glazed ceramic household items or wall panels made by firing clay soil into paste and decorated with various colors and motifs are called “tiles”.
Young people learn how to make ceramics at the university.

The Ankara Opera Stage is the Great Theater (Exhibition Center or Exhibition House between 1933 and 1948), the building that was built as an exhibition palace in Ankara in 1933, was transformed into an opera house in 1948 and gave its name to the district.
It also serves as a theater stage for the Ankara State Theater under the name of “Büyük Tiyatro”.

The Ankara Opera Stage

It is an Arab political daily newspaper issued by the Jordanian Press Foundation, to all governorates of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and the headquarters of the newspaper is in the Jordanian capital, Amman .


Turkish theater refers to the traditional Turkish theater that includes the village theater in rural areas and the folk theater in the cities in Turkey, and the western style Turkish theater that emerged with the Westernization movement in the Ottoman Empire in the second half of the 19th century.
Tradıtıonal Turkısh Theatre

Traditional theater shaped by genres such as fairy tales, epics and legends as well as some prehistoric rituals, rituals and religious ceremonies in Turkish society as well as in other societies; With the contributions of the peoples of the Ottoman lands, Karagöz, Meddah, Orta dance, village theatrical plays, puppet and çengi have been created. These were the products of oral tradition, the starting point of which was humorous. Traditional folk theater merged with Western theater in the 19th century and transformed into a new style called Tulûat theater; The transition to theater with text took place in the same century.

Turkish cinema was not well known worldwide until the late 90s. With the rise of the new generation of young directors who were mostly categorized under the name of “New Turkish Cinema”, it has gotten more attention. But there are also other important films in Turkish cinema history that deserve a deeper look. Here is the list of 11 best Turkish movies of all time.

Cinema is the art that appeared around the year 1895 AD, and it is a mobile photography, showing clips that start from 10 minutes to two hours, in which a specific story or idea is presented to reach a large number of people, and any cinematic work needs 3 main components: text and output , And representatives.


This e-magazine is a common work of our etwinning project called LET'S LEARN WEB.2.0 TOOLS WITH FUN.
Done with enthusiasm and collaboration.

-Havran Anatolian High School
-Pursaklar Vocational Technical High School
-VOŠ, SPŠ automobilní a technická

Prepared by
- Alznya Secondary School For Girls
-Aksaray Merkez Şehit Yavuz Çoban
Vocational Technical High School
-Denizli Durmuş Ali Çoban Anatolian High School

While creating the project, we aimed for our students to include web2 tools in both their education and learning lives. Throughout the project, excellent products emerged with the contributions of our students. It was inevitable for them to use the web2 tools in many areas such as health, sports, technology hobby, education, art, music and cinema that we frequently encounter in our daily lives. Then, the idea of creating an e-book that we can use all of them together came to mind, and thus an e-book we prepared with the contributions of our students came to light. We hope you like it, share it with your loved ones.

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