Aslı.dt -Gülseren.dt
This story was created with the collaborative work of the students and teachers of Career Clubs Project as a final product.
Enjoy reading it!


Hello I am Alara. My interest in painting started at a young age. My mother was the first to notice this. Pens, paints, etc. have always attracted my attention.But I also cannot help dealing with repair tools, electrical materials, and electronic equipment. My mother always said I was a special child. She found me very creative as I was interested in a wide variety of fields. Years passed. Was I really a talent? Or was she exaggerating my tiny virtue, as every mother does?My father said that there are vocational high schools where I will study in line with my talents and interests, and that I can do very well with a good education.


We are so different from each other with my brothers David and Christie. David loves math class. He has abilities such as calculating and problem solving. Uses the computer very well. But on the other hand, he is in love with the sea. He looks after the big sailing ships and envied them and at every opportunity he says he wants to go.
Christie, on the other hand, seems to have been created for children. She thinks that she can play games, teach them all her life. She is the most fair person I know. She is our family's expert.For this reason, I think that she can also study law.

One day Alara went to "Professions Street" with her father. While they were walking around the street, they got into the shop. It was an electricity shop and Alara was interested in these kinds of stuff so she decided to go there. She met an old expert in the shop.
----Welcome, the old expert said.
----Hello sir, Alara replied.
She saw a lot of electronic chips and screwdrivers in the shop. She saw a multimeter and took it. Then, the expert saw her and asked.
----Do you know how to use it?
----Nope, she answered.
----We use it to measure voltage and ampere, he said.
Alara got surprised and said;
----Cooool !


The expert asked her:
---Are you interested in electronics?
Then Alara said;
---Yes, I have an interest.
Then, the expert said you can get there in her free time. Alara said;
---I would love to, thank you so much.
---You're welcome.
The old expert was cheerful and friendly. Then Alara's father joined the speech. He said;
---My daughter wants to make her remote controller car.
---Well I guess I can help her, the expert said.


--- We can built the remote control car together next time.
Alara was very happy.The old expert added:
--- I think you are very interested in the electronics department.If there are topics you want to learn, ı can answer them.
--- Yes,I think it is not enough for me to only be interested in this profession.Can you tell me what qualities I should have in this job?
---First of all, it is very important to be responsible. You also need to be familiar with science and math subjects. You must also have the spirit of teamwork.
Science and math are among the lessons I am good at and enjoy and I think I am a responsible person. I wonder where I can work when I graduate from this field. Do you think this is a profession with a future?


--- Yes since the electrical and electronics department affects my fields.It has a future and employment area is high. This field has turned into a productive industry. You can also keep all electrical machines running, Maintain and repair them. When you graduate , you can work in many public institutions or private sectors, gsm, automation. You can also open your own business.
--- Then I can build my remote control car, Alara said happily and added:
--- Do you have any information about the departments I can attend at the university?
--- You can choose many departments such as electrical- electronic engineering, computer engineering,mechatronic engineering , aircraft technology, digital game design.

Thank you very much.

--- Thank you very much. I got the answers to the questions in my head. I am interested in this profession, but do I have any skills? So I will come to visit you as soon as possible to build my remote control car.
--- You can come whenever you want. It makes me happy that young people are also interested in this profession.
Alara and her father thanked the expert again and left the shop. Alara turned to her father and
--- I think the electrical and electronics profession suits me, father, but I want to make my decision after getting information about other professions. For example, I also love painting. Let's see if there is such a shop on this street.
Alara and her father continued to walk on the street and father told Alara:
- If you want, we can visit a shop with painting equipment. The shopkeeper is an artist and I think he can draw himself and give us useful information.

But as they were walking down the street a building caught Alara's eye
--Father, what's that building over there?
--That is a workshop we can visit if you want since you’ve always liked constructions. If you'd like, we could visit the place?
-- Yes that is a brilliant idea! I would like to learn some more information.
Before they got in, they admired the shop from the outside. It was a big building with lots of constructions.
--I'm interested in this place! Let's go inside
Once they walked inside the workshop the owner welcomed and asked them:
-- Welcome! Are you searching for something or are you just browsing.?

This is my daughter Alara.
Alara's father replied:
--This is my daughter Alara. She was interested about the shop and we just wanted to pay you a visit!
The owner happily nodded and laughed.
Although before he could say anything, Alara quickly asked:
--What do you do for a living?
The owner happily replied:
--I am a mechanical engineer and I can fix, craft, design and upgrade anything. Basically i can construct and design metal equipment and I can build anything from scratch
Alara had another question for the engineer.
--How does one become a mechanical engineer?

Welcome, I am Alexandra Gardner.
--It can be easy if you love the profession... You have to go to a university, graduate and then you can get a job pretty much anywhere. Unless you want to open a shop like I did!
The Engineer started laughing.
Alara's father thanked the engineer and they left the store. They looked at the shop together for a while. Alara said to her father:
--- Mechanical Engineering is also very interesting but I am still more interested in visual arts.
---Then let's go to the paint shop.
Alara and her father enter the painting store. There, they meet a painter and she says:
---Welcome! I am Alexandra Gardner. Are you interested in anything?
---Hello I am Alara. We saw your shop with my father and we wanted to visit here.

I love painting.
Alara is blocked by the multitude of colors and brushes. The expert sees her and asks:
---You are interested in these colours.Would you like to work here, among the paints and brushes?
-Yeah, I've loved painting since I was a kid. I was wondering if I could get an education about painting. and of course, I would love to paint here.
the Painter:
-Okay, then you can come here and paint in your spare time as for the training you can get in painting, if you want to be a painter or a visual arts teacher, you can go to a fine arts high school .For this, you must take the aptitude tests organized by schools and succeed. If you succeed, you'll be accepted to school, and you'll be painting for most of your educational life. When you complete your education, you can teach in schools, you can open an art workshop like mine, You can paint a lot of paintings, you can prepare great exhibitions.

See you later, bye.
Then the painter said :
-You could get there in her spare time. Her father says:
--Thank you, It is a great idea. ! And maybe she'll make his own portrait. Thanks for information about education also.
--A great idea! We'll definitely do it. Thank you so much hope to see you soon. I'll be sure to come by again to paint. but I can't wait to meet the graphic designer whose sign I see right now is 2 shops away, and I have a few questions I want to ask him.
---Of course, dear Alara. Graphic Design Artist Mr. Uçar. He's a very close friend of mine. I'm sure he'll give you some very good information. Please give him my regards.
- Okay, I'll see you later. Bye.
Alara and her father say goodbye to the painter and leave the store.

Hello, dear Alara
And they go to the store where the “Workshop of Dreams” sign hangs, decorated with wonderful colors ahead. This store is very intrigued and they enter with excitement . There are also young people a few years older than him. As he gazes curiously at them, Mr. Uçar, the owner of the workshop, calls out behind them in an affectionate voice.
---Hello, Welcome.
Alara’s father said:
--Oh, Hello, Mr. Uçar, your name is on the door. Mr Fikret Uçar.
---Yes, by himself !
---Nice to meet you, Mr. Uçar . I'm Walter, and this is my daughter Alara starting high school in the next few years.
---Hello, dear Alara, it's a pleasure to meet you. What's your situation?


---Hello, Sir, I'm fine, Thank you .I'm very pleased to meet you. My father and I traveled a lot today . I'm trying to decide what profession I should turn to when I start high school. Every profession has so many beautiful sides ! On the other hand, I am interested in technological tools, but on the other hand, I love visual arts, colors, color. That's why, we came to you. We bring you Mrs. Gardner's regards.
---Oh, she's a very old friend of mine . Thank you. Yeah, ask me, and I'll answer your questions.
---When did you first start graphic design when you were how old?
---Let me think. I think, I was 15 or 16 years old. I started at school, so I think I was a few years older than you.
---Yeah, well, what do I have to do to become a graphic artist?

Sounds great!
---Let's think about this. First, you should apply to schools that provide education in this area. If you succeed in your skill levels, you will be waiting for a multi-colored training that you will get lost between paper and paint from time to time, and from time to time you will be at the computer in the morning. You have to work all the time, You have to think, You have to dream and you have to draw. You have to study the work of different artists and get to know them. If you work with faith, you will surely be very successful.
---Sounds great! So, what kind of work can I do after I complete my training?

Thank you very much.

---Oh, yeah, that's a good question! The business opportunities of design artists are unlimited. Because in everything we see, there are always contributions to them. Billboards, books, TV ads,.. everything that is visual has them. But remember that those who do their job best, those who do it with the most love, have unlimited opportunities;
Alara was so excited. She had so many ideas that she would rethink everything he learned today at home and make a decision.
---Thank you very much , Mr. Uçar, you have given me very good advice when I get home, I will consider your words and what has been said to me in the places I have visited before, and I will make a decision. Good day see you later!
She and her father leave the store and go to the place where they will meet their siblings.

When Christie started wandering around the Street of Professions, the first place that came to mind was a kindergarten. She had no difficulty finding it. Because it's colorful structure, walls decorated with plant and animal figures managed to attract Christie's attention.
When she walked through his door and saw the children laughing and running around, a smile appeared on his face as if saying “This is where I should be”. And as she watched, immersed, a hand touched her shoulder:
This person is none that is a kindergarten teacher. Teacher:
---I think you are interested in children. I understood this from the smile on his face.

Who are you?
Why are you here?
Can you play with us?

---Yes, I love taking care of them and teaching them something. But I'm not sure if I want to choose it as a profession. I came to get advice from you.
The teacher admired her courage and her desire to understand what he could be in the nearest future. So after a while, the teacher let her alone in a classroom rounded by lots of children. Every child went near her and asked her many questions: ---"Who are you?", "Why are you here?" Can you play with us?" "How does it work? (showing him a strange object). Many questions in a very quick sequence. She was dazzled and a bit confused but then she tried to listen to them and began answering their questions, sharing knowledge with them and enjoying being there, helping them find their place in life....The teacher was glad, without any words, Christie had understood that to be a good teacher. First of all, you have to listen to your students and to their needs. That was a wonderful experience:walking together to be better citizens.

Hello, how can I help you?
Leaving those joyful voices in kindergarten behind her and she kept on walking.While thinking about how much she loved children, she suddenly saw a sign with the picture of Themis Statue on it.She knew the statue of Themis symbolized justice.And it was the office of a lawyer. On the sign was the name of Lawyer Mrs. Julia Brown.
''My family always says that I am a very fair person.I never hesitate to express my opinions. When I see someone who has suffered injustice, I take it as my duty to fight for them.That's why my sister especially thinks that I will be a very good lawyer.'' While grappling with these thoughts, she found herself in the office.
--- I need to learn the details of being a lawyer.
- Hello, how can I help you?

What if I fail?
Christie began to speak directly:
- Do you think there would be a better lawyer than me?
Her eyes were shining as she said this. The lawyer responded to his excitement with a smile, and it was obvious from every way she wanted to learn the details of the legal field.
- Come on, let's have a little chat with you. '' The lawyer started to speak.
- To be a lawyer, of course, you must have verbal skills. In addition, analytical thinking and reasoning ability, knowing what to look for and where to find it is necessary. Memorizing the laws alone does not help. You have to grasp its logic. Besides all this, you will have to make a lot of sacrifice. Can you do that for the community?
---I am not sure. I have been terrified of being ashamed of everything I have done in my life. The "What if I fail" feeling hurts me. For this reason, I can wear myself a lot.

Thinking about students and the needs of students?
---You shouldn't think like that. You never know what will happen at the end of starting a job. Obviously, you are a young girl who can mean "justice" and "right". Legal education will enable you to become an even more conscious citizen.
---Well, the information you give is very valuable to me. Thank you. Christie was grappling with questions as she left the lawyer:
‘’Am I ready to choose a profession that requires such sacrifice?’’
"What profession doesn't require sacrifice?"
'' Is it to spend time with children all day long or to work for justice? ''
Christie needed some time to think, So she headed to the park and sat under a tree.
She thought about the words of the Teacher: ‘To be a good teacher, first of all you have to listen to your students and to their needs’.

Verbal skills, analytical thinking?
Of course she was a good listener. Moreover, she was an excellent storyteller. She remembered with pleasure being surrounded by kids looking for her attention and being delighted at satisfying their curiosity.
Then she went back to the words of the Lawyer:
‘To be a lawyer, of course, you must have verbal skills, analytical thinking and reasoning ability. Legal education will enable you to become an even more conscious citizen’.
She realized she was lucky. my verbal skills are pretty good and i also got analytical thinking. I am convinced to be a good citizen because both in her family and at school i learned to be respectful of people and of the law.


Then she thought she wanted to be a teacher. What she most wanted was to be surrounded by cheerful, curious young people, to support them in exploring the world, to respect them, and to nurture good citizens.She wanted to be a teacher! She was eager to start her education but still wasn't sure about it.She wanted to tell this idea to David and Alara. For this, she took swift steps towards where she would meet them.

How can I help you?

When David entered the Professions Street, he stopped in front of a shop selling uniforms. He looked one of them in the uniforms in the window. He imagined that he was wearing a shirt with epaulettes on his shoulders, in white from his hat to his shoes. How exciting it would be to be in the distant seas with his ship? He had forgotten how long he had been there when he recovered from the voice of the store owner:
---How can I help you?
---Thank you, I was just looking.
The owner of the store was a very old and kind man. He had seen him examining the captain's uniform for a long time.
---A client will come soon. He's the captain, if you want, I can make you chat with him a little bit,

This is David.

Nice to meet you, David.
Before long, he appeared at the door in his uniform. The store owner explained the situation and introduced David to his seafarer customer. David was so excited. It was the first time he was talking to a captain. He could ask him anything he was curious about.
---I love the sea and big sailing ships. My dream has always been to sail to distant seas. But I don't know if these alone are enough to choose seafaring as a profession.
Seeing the excitement in this young man, the Captain answered David’s question with a sincere smile.
Problem solving, dreaming, learning languages.

-First of all, the most important thing is to dream and to really want. You have achieved these. Beyond that, a captain must be a good leader and be able to solve any problems he may encounter in a calm manner. He should also be able to master information technologies so that he has both radar reading knowledge and other technological devices on board. Also, a captain must have a foreign language. In particular, he should at least have a good command of the English language. Of course, it's best to be proficient enough to understand several foreign languages. I think you also have a talent for this job, the most important thing is to want it very much. The rest come like a sock ripper.

Good morning Mr. John.
David was very pleased with Captain's comments. Features such as problem solving and knowledge of information technologies were already present in him. He just thought he had to improve his foreign language. Yes, if he is going to do this profession, he should definitely improve his foreign language in the future. He thanked the captain and the shopkeeper for the information they gave, and began to continue his investigation in the Professions Street.
While David was walking down the street thinking about the conversation he had with the captain,he remembered that he had to pay a bill in the nearby bank where his father’s friend,Mr John worked.
-Good morning Mr John.
- Oh look at you! David! You ‘ve grown up! How can I help you?
-My father sent me to pay this bill.
-Come to my office, please. Have you finished school?
-No, I am finishing this year.

That's amazing! I find your profession really interesting!
-Have you decided about your future studies?
-Well, to tell you the truth, I am a little bit confused. I haven’t decided yet. I don’t know what profession I should choose. What are your studies Mr John and how did you select this job?
---From a young age I used to like Maths and problem solving. I was the best student in class. My dream was to study Economy and Accountings! And I did it! When I finished my studies, I took part in a national competition and started working in this bank. I like my job so after many years of hard work, I managed to become the director of this bank.
---That’s amazing! Could you please tell me about the skills needed to become a banker?I find your profession really interesting!

Here how can I help you?
---Well,you need to have good written and verbal communication skills ,you need to be good at Maths and problem solving,to operate smoothly and efficiently within a group, and finally to have good organisational skills.So if you think, you have any of these skills why don’t you study Economy and Accountings?
---Thank you very much Mr john!I have to think all these carefully! Goodbye!
---Goodbye David! Hope you make the right decision!
David continued on the Street of Professions, thinking of the conversations he had with the captain and John, and the knowledge he had acquired. In the light of the information he gained, he realized that he also had these features. While walking with these thoughts, he saw a Software Company across from him. He had the opportunity to reinforce his thoughts and gain deeper knowledge about information technologies. He entered the company. The secretary asked :---Here how can I help you? He said;
---I wanted to learn about software development.

Welcome, I am Tom.
He was looking around while talking to the secretary. He noticed that everyone was working at the computer and that it was a quiet and peaceful environment. He had the opportunity to talk to one of the software developers.
---Welcome. I'm Tom. I am a computer engineer. How can I help you?
---Hello I'm David. There are some things that stuck in my mind when it comes to choosing a profession. I would like to talk to you about this, if available.
---Of course. I want to help you. You can ask me your questions.
---How did you decide to become an engineer?
---Math was my favorite subject. I would also be interested in technology. We spend time every day on the internet with a computer or phone. I was wondering how the sites we use, the games we play, the devices we use work.
That's why I started to improve myself in high school. I started taking training on the Internet.

Thank you very much for the information you provided.
---First you have to be curious?
---Of course. You should not be content with existing information, but constantly improve yourself. But first you have to be enthusiastic about it. Our profession requires being a researcher. It is dynamic. As soon as your curiosity is over, you will fall behind in this industry. Because you know that a new coding language comes out every day. You must follow them.
---So where should I start first?
---First, think about whether you have a sense of curiosity or a desire to solve problems. If you think these are happening, you can start with the first algorithm concept. You will find yourself in this great world when you start to search anyway.
---Thank you very much for the information you provided.
---I thank you. You can always come. We also wait for you to take a look at the work we do.

Which one am I supposed to choose?

---I will definitely come. Have a nice day!
David has deepened his previous knowledge here. He continued walking on the Professions Street thinking about it.
After wandering in the professions street for a couple more hours, David finished with all his responsibilities and went on to find his sisters. He was really confused and concerned about his future. His sisters noticed and they tried to spike a conversation in order to help him with his problem. They went for a walk and then proceeded to talk about David’s day and experiences.
“I just don’t know, I like all three of these career paths, which one am I supposed to choose?” David wondered.
“Well David, you got to think about the pros and cons of each one of these professions and then choose what suits you best.” Alara told him.

Hello Mr. Uçar.

“Alara right, David, you are a kid with great potential and talent, who can make all your dreams come true. You just need to weigh the advantages and disadvantages and make the decision that will satisfy you the most. " Christie added.
Alara saw that her brother was really worried about his future, so she decided to take him to the professions expert, Tevfik UÇAR, the same man who helped her in taking her decision about her career. Once they arrived at the “Dream atölye ”yerine kapıyı çalıp içeri girdiler:
“Hello Mr. It flies! ” The kids greeted the kind man sitting on his desk.
“Hello kids! Alara, good to see you again! What brings you here?” Uçar asked the children.
“Well Mr. Uçar, my brother is struggling with taking a decision about his future career and I thought that you could help him with that.” Alara explained to Mr. Uçar.


“Oh! Of course I can help, it would be a pleasure! So, tell me David, what career paths are you considering?”
“The first profession I’m thinking about is that of a captain. What do you think about the profession of a captain, Mr. Uçar? What is good about it and what isn’t?” David asked with curiosity in his voice.
“David, the truth is that this profession has great opportunities, but its disadvantages outweigh the advantages.”Uçar started,
“Captains may have some pretty generous salaries, cool outfits and generally adventurous and exciting lives but they rarely get to see their families, set foot on land. They take long trips that may last for months, not to mention that it is also really dangerous out in the wild sea.”
“Oh okay, I see. And what about bankers? Is there a better worklife balance?”
“I used to consider this career path myself when I was younger, David.”

That would be an excellent choice, David!
Uçar said excitingly, “In order to follow this profession, as Mr. John has probably already informed you, you must love math, have excellent organization skills and be extremely competitive in your field. The salaries are high, but it might be exceptionally hard to climb the ladder of success. The job itself is pretty fastpacing and often gets stressful. All that competitiveness could easily exhaust and overwhelm you.”
“How do you think the field of computer engineering is?’’
“That would be an excellent choice, David! A smart kid like you who is good with numbers and has an aptitude for tech, will do great in this profession.This field will not only provide you with great opportunity for growth and innovation, but it will also allow you to balance your professional and personal life, give you space to do your own thing while not being too stressed and you will get paid a lot as well.”

Thank you Mr. Uçar.

“"Thank you, Mr. Uçar. I feel relieved now. I think I will finally be able to make a more comfortable decision about my future. The advice you gave would clear up my questions. I think I am very excited that now I can choose my job more easily and start my studies from next year!”
And with that, David and his two sisters thanked the kind man for helping them and left.


Later, Alara, Christie and David met where they planned. The three brothers were eager to tell each other the knowledge they had acquired. At first, Alara with great enthusiasm started telling her brothers about the professions she met and the professions they knew about.
Alara said:
---I have known different professions and they all impressed me. I got information about both the university and the future job. But it was my most exciting meeting with the graphic artist for me. The thought of thinking of a new design with no new idea drawings is great, isn't it?


---I also have curiosity when working with electronic devices. Think about it, I have drawn a character and I can draw this character on the computer! Think about it, Christie, I became Disney's illustrator! Very exciting! Yes, yes I must be a graphic artist, David, the new designer I think it is great!
Well, what do you think?
Christie interviews:
- Now my ideas have begun to form. Before I make a final decision, I want to tell you about my ideas. Even if I am sad or tired, it feels like I will feel good whenever I spend time with children. I come to life with children. I listen to children's songs, I do research about children in my spare time, how to communicate with the child more easily, I usually read them. I'm preparing the ground and trying to improve myself.

What do you think, David? Can you share it with us?
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Aslı.dt -Gülseren.dt
This story was created with the collaborative work of the students and teachers of Career Clubs Project as a final product.
Enjoy reading it!


Hello I am Alara. My interest in painting started at a young age. My mother was the first to notice this. Pens, paints, etc. have always attracted my attention.But I also cannot help dealing with repair tools, electrical materials, and electronic equipment. My mother always said I was a special child. She found me very creative as I was interested in a wide variety of fields. Years passed. Was I really a talent? Or was she exaggerating my tiny virtue, as every mother does?My father said that there are vocational high schools where I will study in line with my talents and interests, and that I can do very well with a good education.


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