Abalone: A medium-sized to very large sea snail, whose exceptionally strong shell is made of microscopic tiles stacked like bricks. When something bangs against an abalone shell, these tiles slide back and forth rather than shattering, resulting in a material stronger than ceramics made by humans. Even better, the abalone makes this super-tough material out of calcium carbonate – also known as chalk!

Aerofoil: A device that provides reactive force when in motion relative to the surrounding air; can lift or control a plane in flight
Agouti: A rodent that inhabits Central America,
related to the paca
Airplane: A flying motor vehicle that can rise and move through the air with the help of the pressure exerted by the air under its wings.

Albatross: Albatross is the name given to the bird species that make up the Diomedeidae family. They can soar for a long time without flapping their wings. Inspires to the glider
Amphibians: Cold-blooded animals such as frogs, toads, salamanders and newts which start out breathing water and later grow into air-breathing adults. Amphibian populations around the globe are threatened or extinct, and scientists do not agree on the reason.

Angle:The space between two lines or planes that intersect
Ant: It is the common name given to insects that make up which are part of the membrane winged group together with wasps and bees, and that show social life.
Architecture: The discipline dealing with the design of fine buildings

*Bacteria:Very tiny organisms with just one cell. Bacteria live in every habitat on Earth, including soil, water, radioactive waste, and in your body. The word “bacteria” is plural; the singular form is “bacterium.”
*Barbed wire:It is a wire that runs along the border of a field to make the passage difficult. Inspired by the hedgehog.
*bat :They are mammals classified in the order Chiroptera, whose forelimbs have adapted as wings and can naturally fly.
Bacteria: Bacteria are microscopic, single-celled organisms that thrive in diverse environments. These organisms can live in soil, the ocean and inside the human gut. Humans' relationship with bacteria is complex
Barbed wire: It is a wire that runs along the border of a field to make the passage difficult. Inspired by the hedgehog.
Bat: They are mammals classified in the order Chiroptera, whose forelimbs have adapted as wings and can naturally fly.

Beak: It is an anatomical external structure of birds. In addition to feeding, it is used for grooming, cleaning, skillfully handling objects, killing prey, probing in foraging, courting, and feeding their offspring.
Beaver: It is the common name of rodents that live on water shores and feed by gnawing trees.
Bee: Insect that makes honey and beeswax and stings with its needle (Apis mellifica)

Biological: Pertaining to life and living thing
Biomimicry: From bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate A relatively new science which imitates or take creative inspiration from nature to solve human problems sustainably. Biomimicry is when a person is inspired by nature and makes a building, a vehicle, a thing ...
Butterfly: The common name given to four-winged insects, whose bodies and wings are covered with fine scales and various colors, with about one hundred and seventy thousand species.

Catfish:Tey are flat structured freshwater fish. They are inspire to ghost planes
Color: It is the feeling caused by the nucleus structure of the light in the eye or reflection from objects.
Concentration: The transformation of more than one molecule into a single molecule, concentration, concentration.
Climate: A description of the temperatures, humidity, rainfall and other weather factors in a certain region over a long period of time (at least 30 years
Cross-pollinate: Fertilize by transfering pollen

Device: A thing made or adapted for a particular purpose, especially a piece of mechanical or electronic equipment.
Dron: An aircraft without a pilot and operated by remote control

Echolocation: Orientation by radar. *Echolocation is a biological sonar used by several animal species
Ecological: Characterized by the interdependence of living organisms.*Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment
Eiffel tower: It is the iron tower in Paris. The tower has also become the symbol of France all over the world. Inspired by the thighbone

Elephant's trunk: It consists of the combination of elephants' snouts and upper lips; they are very strong and can bend in all directions. Elephants use their Tubes while sniffing or holding objects. Inspires the robot arm
Entegration: Coming together, unification, integration.
Extinct: Lost or especially having died out leaving no living representatives. A species of animal or plant that is extinct no longer has any living members (dead, lost, gone, vanished)

Emulate: To copy something achieved by someone else and try to do it as well as they have
Endangered: Animals or plants that may soon not exist because there are very few now alive.An animal that is endangered is close to extinction: there aren't many of that type of animal left in the world.

Fast Train: High-speed train is a railway vehicle that provides the opportunity to travel faster than normal trains.inspired by the kingfisher.
Femur: The thigh bone. It is the longest and strongest bone in the human body, longer than any of the other bones in your limbs
Fertilizer: Chemicals which help plants grow. Many types of fertilizer come from natural sources, such as decaying plants and animal manure
Fly: It is the common name for arthropods from the insect group called bipeds or biplane. Inspired the zipper
Forest: The trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area.
Gecko:A small lizard found in warm climates which chirps when interacting with other geckos. Tiny bristles on the gecko’s foot allow them to climb walls and even walk across ceilings, seem to defy gravity. Scientists are mimicking these bristles to make a glue-free yet sticky tape.
Ghost plane: They are aircraft that cannot be caught by radar systems or are very difficult to catch. Its design was inspired by catfish.

Glacier: A large river of ice, made out of many compressed layers of snow, moving very slowly. Fixed wing aircraft that can fly without any power source on it.
Glider: The increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth’s near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century, and its projected continuation.
Global warming: An increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere (especially a sustained increase that causes climatic changes)

Goat: Mammal from this ruminant, breds all over the world for its meat, milk, skin and hair. It is one of the best and fastest climbing animals in the world.
Golden rule fibonacci: Golden ratio, in mathematics, the irrational number (1 + Square root of √5)/2, often denoted by the Greek letter ϕ or τ, which is approximately equal to 1.618.

Hammock: Net bed made of netting, cloth, etc., which can be hung between two trees or poles, that can lie on and swing
Hedgehog: It is an insect-fed animal, about 30 cm long, covered with sharp spines, taking the shape of a ball for protection in case of danger.
Helmet: worns by motorcycle riders to protect the head from bumps.

Hidden: Difficult to find
Helicopter: An overhead, overhead propeller aircraft that can also be used in tight spaces because it can take off and land vertically
Honeycomb: Beeswax plate filled with honey

Ice axe: An ax used by mountain climbers for cutting footholds in ice synonyms
Imitation: Something copied or derived from an original
Insects: The most diverse group of animals on Earth, more than half of all known living organisms are insects. The study of insects is called entomology, which means “cut into sections” in Greek.
Inspıratıon: Arousal of the mind to special unusual activity or creativity

Jaguar: A large spotted feline of tropical America similar to the leopard; in some classifications considered a member of the genus Felis
Jungle: An impenetrable equatorial forest
Kingfisher: it is a bird that lives on the shores of water and feeds on fish, about 20 cm in length, with short legs, a long pointed beak, a bright blue back, dark green shoulders, a dark green belly, and a white neck. inspired the fast train.

Land: The part of the earth that is not covered by the sea, the ground, the soil.
Lifespan: The typicsm can bal length of time that any particular organe expected to live.
Lotus: Bative to eastern Asia; widely cultivated for its large pink or white flowers.
Mystery: Something not understood or beyond understanding
Mammal: A vertebrate animal which has sweat glands (including sweat glands modified for milk production), hair, three middle ear bones used for hearing, and a special region in the brain called a neocortex. There are over 5,000 species of mammals, including dolphins, whales, bats, cats, rats, donkeys, cheetahs, camels, pigs, bears, hyenas and humans.
Mimesis: Imitative or realistic representation in art and literature
Mountaineer Anchor: It helps in glacier climbing, waterfall climbing, climbing and descending routes containing ice and rock and is a very important tool that allows you to hold on to life when you slide on the ice and saves you from death.
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Abalone: A medium-sized to very large sea snail, whose exceptionally strong shell is made of microscopic tiles stacked like bricks. When something bangs against an abalone shell, these tiles slide back and forth rather than shattering, resulting in a material stronger than ceramics made by humans. Even better, the abalone makes this super-tough material out of calcium carbonate – also known as chalk!

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