And We thanks our family for always supporting us.

Liam Jhonson: He lives in Dallas / Texas and is a millionaire. He is a person concerned about his problems, but he is always someone grateful who is willing to help.
Pablo: A man from a humble family. She lives in lower Texas, her mother has had many illnesses for a long time. He is someone very calm, charismatic, and cool.
Principal Characters
WCarmesi: A company from the city. It is dedicated to making partners in different companies. So far, he has rarely treated Liam.
Camila: A woman friend of Pablo who sells donuts. She is very energetic and active.
Secondary Characters
Maria: She is the mother of Sophia and Pablo. He had a very good youth, but now he suffers from many diseases. She is very good with people.
Sophia: Pablo's sister and owner of the hairdresser. She takes care of all the affairs of the house. She is very kind but always worried about her mother.
Javier: A very strange man who shows up at Pablo's house. Work for the WCarmesi
Police: Some people who work in a police station near the city. They are a bit teasing but attentive to their work.
ACT 1: Scene 1: Liam was the owner of one of the most successful insurance companies in Dallas - Texas. But one day, some men came to his house, they began to strip some of his things, and one named Javier approaches him to show him something.
Liam: But sir, why are you doing this to my house !?
Javier: Well, we are from the WCarmesi company, and as stated in this contract, you were leaving all your belongings and properties to the Company.
Liam: I never signed this contract Mr. Javier, you know we made contracts but not about this.
Javier: The only two contracts we have made were the temporary partner contract and the property dispossession contract. If you want you can see these documents.
Javier shows some documents with Liam's signature and the information about the dispossession of properties.
Javier: I don't know if you were drunk or has some diseases, but if you don't agree, you have to look for evidence to show that you have not signed this contract.
Without letting Liam speak, Javier storms off, leaving a noise for the workers and Liam.

-Liam: I'm going to clear this up with the police before I can't already.
Escena 2: Liam llega a la comisaría y empieza una conversación con dos policías donde expresa la estafa de la compañía:
Liam: ¡Pero lo digo en serio, nunca he firmado esos documentos!. Esa firma no está hecha por mi mano.
Policía 1: Entonces cómo cree que está ahí, ¿apareció de repente?
Los dos policías empezaron a reírse como si hubieran escuchado un chiste.
Liam: Tengo algunas pruebas, primero, en las reglas de firma de la compañía, dicen que hay que estar presentes en una habitación grabada para poder firmar sus propios documentos, si hubiera estado ebrio, no podría haber firmado eso, así que pido que empiecen una investigación con sus superiores.
Policía 2: Le informaremos a nuestros superiores sobre esto, pero no nos haremos cargo de que se te olviden las cosas, por ahora tienes derecho a irte..
Los dos policías van a otra habitación a dar el informe, mientras que Liam partía para tratar de agarrar algo de su casa.
Scene 3: Liam arrives at his house, where there was no longer any furniture, he finds Javier with a suitcase and other company employees:
Javier: As we saw that you don't want to get rid of everything, we packed you a suitcase with everything we think you need.
Liam: Okay-
Liam takes a hit from the other employees, and then wakes up on a street of people with a lower economy than him. He meets a man.
Pablo: Hi!
Liam: Who are you? Why am I here? Who are you? I have so many questions!
Pablo: Well, my name is Pablo, I'm from around here, a humble family, and well, here is the lower area of Dallas. I saw some mens kick you out here, so I think you did something bad or something.
Liam: I didn't do anything wrong, some men from one such company called WCarmesi scammed me and used my signature to keep all my belongings. So could I stay with you?

Pablo: ¿Cuál es la palabra mágica?
Liam: Por favor…..?
Pablo: ¡Exactamente! Ahora ven conmigo te llevaré a mi casa.
Pablo lleva a Liam a su casa en el camino Liam observaba casas en mal estado y detruidas, que estaba a unos pasos de donde
estaba Liam.
Liam: ¿Es esta tu casa?
Pablo: Si, pasa, pasa.

ACT 2: Find a Solution: Scene 1: Liam enters Pablo's house, in an armchair is Pablo's mother, who are ill, in the kitchen, there was Pablo's sister, Sophia.
Liam: Good evening.
María (Pablo's mother): Hello son, what's your name?
Liam: My name is Liam.
Sophia: The well-known rich man from Dallas !? What has that well-known phone company got !
Pablo, how did you find it?
Pablo: Well it's a long story ...
Pablo and Liam begin to tell them about how they kicked Liam out of their house.
Maria: Well, could you give Liam the guest room, Sophia? We better host him, we must be a caring family.
Sophia: Im going to show your bedroom, well Liam, down this hall is the bedroom, the bathroom is right next to it (and you better go take a shower).
Liam goes to sleep in his room.
Escena 2: A la mañana siguiente, Pablo lleva a Liam a una reposteria.
Pablo: Y bueno, ¿no hay alguna forma de revertir todo esto? ¿Cómo podemos darle fin?
Liam: La única forma es ir a la compañía, quien sabe como será ahí.
Pablo: He escuchado a personas que dicen que en los edificios hay un ducto en el parqueo trasero del lugar, pero tal vez no sea muy seguro.
Liam: En realidad no imp-
Camila: Hola Pablo, ¿quieres algo para comer?
Pablo: Oh si... Podrías darme un plato de donas para compartir con mi invitado. Y café con leche para mi, ¿tu quieres algo?
Liam: Creo que quiero un café sencillo.
Camila: ¡Entendido! Ya se los traigo.
Camila se va corriendo a la cocina y empieza a preparar las donas.
Pablo: We could really go tomorrow, what's more, let's get things ready and go.
Liam: And why don't we go now?
Pablo and Liam eat their donuts and run to the great WCarmesi letter building

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And We thanks our family for always supporting us.

Liam Jhonson: He lives in Dallas / Texas and is a millionaire. He is a person concerned about his problems, but he is always someone grateful who is willing to help.
Pablo: A man from a humble family. She lives in lower Texas, her mother has had many illnesses for a long time. He is someone very calm, charismatic, and cool.
Principal Characters
WCarmesi: A company from the city. It is dedicated to making partners in different companies. So far, he has rarely treated Liam.
Camila: A woman friend of Pablo who sells donuts. She is very energetic and active.
Secondary Characters
Maria: She is the mother of Sophia and Pablo. He had a very good youth, but now he suffers from many diseases. She is very good with people.
Sophia: Pablo's sister and owner of the hairdresser. She takes care of all the affairs of the house. She is very kind but always worried about her mother.
Javier: A very strange man who shows up at Pablo's house. Work for the WCarmesi
Police: Some people who work in a police station near the city. They are a bit teasing but attentive to their work.
ACT 1: Scene 1: Liam was the owner of one of the most successful insurance companies in Dallas - Texas. But one day, some men came to his house, they began to strip some of his things, and one named Javier approaches him to show him something.
Liam: But sir, why are you doing this to my house !?
Javier: Well, we are from the WCarmesi company, and as stated in this contract, you were leaving all your belongings and properties to the Company.
Liam: I never signed this contract Mr. Javier, you know we made contracts but not about this.
Javier: The only two contracts we have made were the temporary partner contract and the property dispossession contract. If you want you can see these documents.
Javier shows some documents with Liam's signature and the information about the dispossession of properties.
Javier: I don't know if you were drunk or has some diseases, but if you don't agree, you have to look for evidence to show that you have not signed this contract.
Without letting Liam speak, Javier storms off, leaving a noise for the workers and Liam.
- END >
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