For a fan of Shaun and all the dinosaurs in Cretaceous World.

VIII. At least
All the animals here are all giant lizards. Also, there are lots of Cryolophosaurus' fossils. Shaun thinks that this is what ancient Antarctica looks like.
In fact, Shaun reads a book to explore about this. He reads that Antarctica freezed when the Himalaya forms. The tops of the mountains are so high that they contain lots of carbon dioxide, also called CO2. Meanwhile, opposite of rocks, the atmosphere contains less CO2. That's cause the heat on Antarctica blows out planet Earth.
In South America, the three sheep explore this continent. It's bigger than South America today.

As I know, this is 100 things to know about planet Earth. If you have this book, go to page 62-63 and read the information in the below. The titile is Antarctia became frozen... after the Himalaya had formed. This book has sold thousands of copies, from Usborne Publishing.

Wow, sounds like my teacher's name.

The sheep rest under a tree shade. South America is super big. One sheep takes out two maps of South America out to see.
Shaun finds a place where there is lots of fresh grass for everyone. Some grass taste bitter, but the sheep are very hungry now. Shirley, like usual, eats the most grass in the flock.
Suddenly, Shirley sreams loudly, like there's something strange in his mouth. It has stucked here. Shaun opens Shirley's mouth to see. Then, he almost forgets that Shirley is in trouble because in Shirley's mouth, it's the lamp.

What's happening with you!?

Finding something inside Shirley's mouth.
Shaun quickly takes the lamp out of Shirley's mouth. But unfortunately, all the sheep who have wanted to wish for Shaun refuse to do their promise. All the sheep fight to get the lamp, but Shaun doesn't have to because he doesn't have any wish to do that.
Timmy's mother wishes that she wants to have a pair of ear rings. Then Timmy says he wants to have a story book.
Then, Shaun has a good idea. He uses his phone and go to app Animals Translate. Then he just screams "Beeeeeeee, beeeeeeeeeeeeee." The translator translates his sayings into a man's voice. "I wish I have a race car.
All of a sudden, a car appears in front of Shaun. His wish is real now and he is happy.

Using technology to have a car.
Luckly, no one is angry with Shaun. In break time, some sheep even ask Shaun about this for their wishes.
Shaun says, "All right, you just have to download the app on App Store or Google Play. And if you have wifi, you can edit the readers or translator tool. If you want to say something, you just speak aloud. But remember, you must choose the language of animals or human first."
IX. Home
The sheep continue to live in Antarctica until one day they want to go home.
Shaun phones the sheep in South America to ask them about going home. Early that night, the two ship begin to sail back home. All the sheep are happy because they can meet each other. Shaun uses a pair of binoculars to see how long have the sheep gone from Antarctica. The ship is fast so Shaun sees that it's gone 3000 kilometres to the North.
Also, the sheep are ready, too.
Some sheep want to see their friends right now. But it isn't real. Shaun takes out the lamp and gives to them. They all wish together. Then, they see the land that may be only 10 kilometres long. Several minutes later, the sheep meet each other again.
This is Shaun's chance. He says,
"Now, we'll have time to explore some dinsaurs!"
"What do you mean?"
"It means we can now be free and explore some new dinosaurs with me."
First, the sheep go into their tree house to rest for one hour. Then they get out the tree house and start to explore some dinosaurs before the Hungarosaurus see this and attack them!
The point that Shaun advises in this adventure is to solve a mystery about the biggest animal in the world, Bruhathkayosaurus. Bones of a neck, a tail and a leg was found in Kallamedu, India. They're presented by Yadagiri and Ayyasami in 1989. But the scientists said that it's only a stone-turned log. Shaun wants to see them himself to prove to the scientists. Then, Yadagiri, Ayyasami and him will be famous and'll be appeared on World News. Shaun lets the sheep to the time machine and go to the last centuries of Cretaceous. They go to America first. When they get out the door, Shaun is surprise because America filled with many kinds of dinosaur. Almost all of them are grass eaters. Very few dinosaurs here are animal eaters.
The first dinosaur that the sheep see is a Gryphoceratops. It looks heavier than Shaun abit. It only weights 10 kilograms, too small for a dinosaur.
Shaun continues to let the sheep to see some dinosaurs. Then he sees a Nasutoceratops. It heights 5 metres and weights 1 ton. Shirley has to stay and watch the sheep riding Nasutoceratops because he's bigger than that dinosaur, too. Then, when the sheep finish riding on Nasutoceratops, they are surprise to see Shirley is riding on a Medusaceratops.
Shaun says,
"Looks like that Shirley likes MEDUSA the best in all creatures in ancient Greece."
"Do you know why scientists named this dinosaur MEDUSA?"
"Yes of course. Because it's spike looks like the snakes."
"That sounds awful."
After lunch, Shaun and Shirley go fishing in Tethys Ocean, which today is Pacific Ocean. In Cretaceous World, we need to be careful while fishing in the sea. We might fish a fish like Mixosaurus, then we'll be in trouble.
Shaun and Shirley carefully fish minute to minute.
X. BruhathkayosaurUs
When lots of delicious fish have caught, Shaun carrys the bucket of fish while Shirley carries the fish's prey. They go home and place all the fish in the fridge. Then Shaun and Shirley hop outside to meet the other sheep. The sheep use the time machine to get to place where India would formed. The lanscape is quiet with no dinosaur here.
Shaun says, "I'm afraid that Bruhathkayosaurus is not alive."
But the sheep don't give up. They continue to walk along place where India would formed to see Bruhathkayosaurus.
When the sheep are enjoying the fresh air of Cretaceous, one of them notice that there is a small earthquake. Then the earthquake become larger and larger. Until, a disaster is
Well, I think you know what are they
coming. Until, Shaun sees a giant yellow dinosaur is walking across them. It may heights as a small building.
"Look! That's Bruhathkayosaurus!"
"Oh yeah, we'll be famous in World News."
Bruhathkayosaurus is having lunch next to a bunch of leaves. Carefully, Shaun measures this kind of dinosaur. Just in the book, Bruhathkayosaurus heights 40 metres and weights 200 tons.
Shaun says again, "We'll take this dinosaur to the present, but I will let you do that later." This is the twenty first of October. The sheep put Bruhathkayosaurus in the time machine and travel back to where America would formed. Everyone is proud of themself. They decide to have a small
party for this. First, they get in the tree house
Using 2/3 fish Shaun and Shirley have collected, the cooks begin to cook lots of food for the party. They fry some fish and steaks. They also boil the vegetables and cook the rest of rice in 5 rice bags for everyone.

We need to cook some of these. And remember to cook carefully.

Some sheep are playing football outside when they sniff the air and run into the tree house. One cook places the dishes while the other uses a cloth to cool the food. All the sheep sit on the chair and start to have dinner and talking so much. Most of the sheep are happy to present the Bruhathkayosaurus to the scientists. Then they'll be rich. All the sheep dream that they are standing on the stage to answer some questions from the judges and World News, CNN, BBC reporters. But their only worry is about the costumes. Will they help them to pretend to be humans? Timmy's mother sometimes fix all the costumes. She has to make a giant pair of clothes for Shirley.
XI. Faster
Shaun wants to present the dinosaur to human so much that he tells the sheep to do the job right now. But then, he changes his mind. The costumes haven't finished yet. The shortest time the costumes would finished is next week. Shaun waits day to days. On the fourth day, Shaun has an idea to make the costumes faster. He jumps into the time machine and travels to the present. At the taylors', Shaun steals a machine that uses to knit clothes and gives to Timmy's mother.
Soon the day that all the sheep want comes. All the sheep where the costumes in and travel to present. Luckly, the Dinosaur competition is open. Shaun brings with everyone Bruhathkayosaurus.
welcome to dinosaur competition. today we have lots of archeologists that will "fight". do you know who are they? if you don't, lets explore the archeologists in the next part of the competition !!!

Hey Shaun, do you think that we can finish this challange?

Yes, of course. Let's try to do this. I think we can!

Ladies and gentlement. My name is Shaun. I...

Guys, Shaun's presentation is so cool. 10 minutes later it's my turn.
Don't worry about languages. I have the translator tool.
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For a fan of Shaun and all the dinosaurs in Cretaceous World.

VIII. At least
All the animals here are all giant lizards. Also, there are lots of Cryolophosaurus' fossils. Shaun thinks that this is what ancient Antarctica looks like.
In fact, Shaun reads a book to explore about this. He reads that Antarctica freezed when the Himalaya forms. The tops of the mountains are so high that they contain lots of carbon dioxide, also called CO2. Meanwhile, opposite of rocks, the atmosphere contains less CO2. That's cause the heat on Antarctica blows out planet Earth.
In South America, the three sheep explore this continent. It's bigger than South America today.

As I know, this is 100 things to know about planet Earth. If you have this book, go to page 62-63 and read the information in the below. The titile is Antarctia became frozen... after the Himalaya had formed. This book has sold thousands of copies, from Usborne Publishing.

Wow, sounds like my teacher's name.

The sheep rest under a tree shade. South America is super big. One sheep takes out two maps of South America out to see.
Shaun finds a place where there is lots of fresh grass for everyone. Some grass taste bitter, but the sheep are very hungry now. Shirley, like usual, eats the most grass in the flock.
Suddenly, Shirley sreams loudly, like there's something strange in his mouth. It has stucked here. Shaun opens Shirley's mouth to see. Then, he almost forgets that Shirley is in trouble because in Shirley's mouth, it's the lamp.

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