This e-book is a collaborative product of the "If I Were ..." project and contains students' literary creations.
It was made by the students and teachers involved in the project.

If I were an animal, I'd love to be...
Argue the choice made in a maximum of 10 lines.
The collaborators of this e-book are:
Lăcrimioara Săbăreanu Voicu Corina Valentina
Lucian-Alexandru Săbăreanu Adina Mirela Onet
Valentina Chira Anamaria Munteanu
Gülay Yazman
Magdalena Oancea
Sergin Şahinoğullarıgil
Yovka Zhecheva
Patrizia Carotenuto
Emine Nigar
Yeşim Görgöz

Lăcrimioara Săbăreanu's Team
”George Călinescu” Secondary School, Onești, România
If I were an animal, I would love to be a butterfly because it is fragile, easy to look at and hard to touch.
He resembles me because I am fragile and some words hurt me, I am easy to look at, you can talk to me about anything and I am difficult to touch, I do not let anyone know everything about me.
Written by Ștefania O.

If I were an animal, I would love to be a dog because we are very similar. He is loyal and friendly, just like me. We are very energetic and when we feel the danger, we start searching. A dog attaches quickly to a person, just like me, but sometimes people forget about us.
When he feels that a person is bad, a dog usually wants to bite him, but I cannot bite so I move away from that person.
In conclusion, the old saying "The dog is man's best friend" is true because this animal is very affectionate and stays with his owner until the last moment.
Written by Darya C.
If I were an animal, I would like to be a dog because I have a lot in common with this animal.
Dogs are lively, playful, funny, energetic but sometimes annoying beings... However, they are friendly, their friends appear in any situation and they quickly make new friends, just like me.
The dog is also my favourite animal and I think it defines me.
Written by Cristina B.
I would like to be an owl ...
If I were an animal I would want to be an owl, because I know it represents me and I look a lot like her.
The owl is a solitary animal, shy and nocturnal ... as I am.
Written by Alexia M

I would like to be a wolf ...
If I were an animal I would want to be a wolf, because he knows how to coordinate a team and be independent, just as he would like me to be.
Wolves are strong and cooperative animals and that's how I would like to be.
I can easily do anything on my own but when I have to work in a team I wish I could do it easily.
Written by Diana B

Lucian-Alexandru Săbăreanu's Team
”George Călinescu” Secondary School, Onești, România
I would like to be a cat ...
If I were an animal I would like to be a cat, because they are playful, cute and love to sleep. I feel that this animal represents me, that's why I would like to be a cute cat.
Written by Sigrid B.

I would like to be a cheetah ...
If I were an animal I would like to be a cheetah because it runs very fast and has very good eyesight, being a predatory and fearless animal.
Written by Cristina M.
I would like to be a chicken ...
If I were an animal I would want to be a chicken, because everyone can hold me in their arms. He's small and limp, so am I. It has soft, yellow and velvety feathers as is my hair.
Written by Alexia P.
I would like to be a dolphin ...
If I were an animal I would like to be a dolphin, because I stay in the water all day and I would swim to see new places, always beautiful. If I want, I can stay away from the hustle and bustle and enjoy the stillness of the water.
Written by David E.
SU Sv.sv. Kiril i Metodii Smyadovo/ Bulgaria
Yovka Zhecheva

Oh, hello! I am an ostrich and my name is Clumsy. In case you don’t know, I live in savannahs in Africa. Today I will tell you a funny story about how I understood why I am called Clumsy. Yesterday I was walking around doing my daily exercises while I was enjoying the heat. I burn more calories this way. I stopped to rest and chat with my friend Arthur the Zebra. We laughed so much. When I continued my daily cardio, I noticed that someone was watching me. I started running faster and faster, but this creature was still following me. I turned back my long neck and I saw him. It was Django, my enemy, my biggest fear. Django is a cheetah that beat me in a running competition years ago. I remembered that day and distracted myself. Or I am just clumsy. A branch of a tree slapped me in the face… I felt not only pain, but shame too. Django will make fun of me long time. Well, at least I learned one thing. Don’t try to outrun a cheetah if your name is Clumsy, no matter whether you are a fast ostrich. Or you will end in a hospital with a broken neck. Bye!
Ivlena Ivanova
SU Smyadovo, Bulgaria

If I could have a chance I would like to be a bird. Flying high in the sky I can enjoy the beautiful nature and marvellous view from above. I will admire the magnificent waterfalls, mountains, rivers, valleys.
I will be so happy to float free all the time, to perch on a branch for a while to talk with other creatures.
Kids will be my best friends and they will feed me with corn and crambs.
I wish my dream come true...
Rumena Vasileva
SU Smyadovo/Bulgaria

If I were an animal I would like to be a dolphin
I love this animal, because it is very clever, joyful and very appreciated by all, little ones and big ones as well.
It has got a very large domain, it is free , it has not enemies, so we can say that the dolphin is an animal for love and peace.
"MIHAI EMINESCU" National College Petroșani - "AVRAM STANCA" Structure, Romania
I want to be a squirrel
He's reddish, speedy and little.
They eat peanuts, they are my favorites.
She has a bushy tail.
She has appreciated by children.
She has a free and beautiful animal.
The squirrel is a nest of branches.
Excess food is hidden, either buried or in corners or holes in trees, and eaten when food is insufficient. Although the red squirrel remembers its hideout with a greater chance than random, the spatial memory is substantially less accurate and durable than the gray squirrel. She is often resting in its nest or mid-day, avoiding heat and the risk of becoming visible to predators, which are dangerous during these hours.
"George Baritiu" Secondary School, Jucu de Sus, Romania

Sergin Şahinoğullarıgil and Project Teams
İsmail Kulak Anatolian High School

If I were an animal, I would like to
be .... a CHEETAH

I'm the fastest animal on the planet... I have a soft and spotted coat...but there is so much more in me! Despite being a feline, I am a real and nice friend. I would also fight against a tiger or a lion to defend a friend because I am very brave. Do you know why my face is streaked with black lines? A legend tells that the mother of cheetah cubs cried so much when a hunter stole her cubs so that tears streamed down her face, leaving a black mark. I have a great love for the family as you can see... It's the most important thing for me!
By EMANUELE P. and his team
IC DD1- CAVOUR,, Marcianise, Italy

If I were an animal I would like to be a bear...
If i were an animal, i would want to be a bear. They eat everything, honey,fish,fruits,meat… Their biting forces are really strong that they can even crush a bowling ball or an iron skillet. They have 8 different species: North American black bears,
brown bears, polar bears, Asiatic black bears, Andean bears, panda bears, sloth bears, and sun bears. Adult grizzly bears can run up to 40mph. They weigh about 900-1500 pounds and grow
approximately 6-10 feet long. Bears are one of the most intelligent land animals. And they look so cute. That’s why i would want to be a bear.

Tülin AKTÜRK's Team
Halıcı Ahmet Urkay Anatolian High School, TURKEY
by Lara
Emine NİGAR's Team
Gazi Şahin Anatolian High School Ankara,Turkey


Once upon a time there was a small chameleon named Pırsık. He lived in a huge rainforest. The only game he knew and played best was hide and seek.I'm really not exaggerating Pırsik is very talented at this, even I can't find him sometimes.Anyway, one day, someone else noticed this talent of the wimp and tried to talk to him, but the wimp didn't like this friend at all because whenever he was hiding, he would find him and hurt him.One day that bad friend came again, but that day he was really big. It was even longer than that long tongue of the wimp. Everyone started to run away from that big fire with their life. Yes, that bad friend of the wimp was actually fire. and it covered the whole forest. Pırsık had to escape from the forest. Wherever Pırsık went, fire followed him and now it started to spread to other forests. Finally, flying iron things like birds that come to the forest every now and then, and a lot of people who call themselves humans, came and killed the fire, but there was something they didn't know. Now that Pırsıg has no place to play his favorite game, hide and seek.

Once upon a time, a king lion lived deep in the forest. This lion was very brave and 9 realms heard of his courage. One day, the hyena and his friends gathered in a secret area of the forest and plotted to kill the lion. Meanwhile, the mouse was looking for bait in the area, heard the hyena and his friends talking, and immediately ran over and knocked on the lion's door. And he told the lion what the hyena and his friends were talking about. When the lion heard about it, he went mad and immediately ordered his soldiers to prepare.When his soldiers were ready, they went to the hyena's house and stormed the house while the hyena and his friends were there, catching the hyena and his friends red-handed.They drove the hyena and its friends out of the forest.As a thank you to the lion mouse, the lion received all their meals for life and they lived happily ever after.
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This e-book is a collaborative product of the "If I Were ..." project and contains students' literary creations.
It was made by the students and teachers involved in the project.

If I were an animal, I'd love to be...
Argue the choice made in a maximum of 10 lines.
The collaborators of this e-book are:
Lăcrimioara Săbăreanu Voicu Corina Valentina
Lucian-Alexandru Săbăreanu Adina Mirela Onet
Valentina Chira Anamaria Munteanu
Gülay Yazman
Magdalena Oancea
Sergin Şahinoğullarıgil
Yovka Zhecheva
Patrizia Carotenuto
Emine Nigar
Yeşim Görgöz

Lăcrimioara Săbăreanu's Team
”George Călinescu” Secondary School, Onești, România
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