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Lupinville. It was a happy little town full
of friendly gentle mice. The town was
located inside a yellow kitchen with
checkered tile and was relatively safe,
however there was a big, scary, gray
striped cat that often rested on the

food, looking for fresh plump strawberries
and grapes, or better yet, the yellow, thick,
delicious, triangular CHEESE that sat on
the table in the middle of the kitchen.
Unfortunately, the humans that lived in
the house didn't like the mice. The mice
had to be especially sneaky, smart, and
most importantly fast to avoid getting
caught in traps or being seen by humans.

The quickest and most-known mouse in all of
Lupenville was a blue, speckled, scruffy mouse
named Skippy.
Skippy was a very likeable and generous mouse.
He even shared all the food that he found with
the rest of the village! Everyone admired Skippy,
and were all very fond of his girlfriend Amy, the
mouse in town.

named Willy. They had done everything together for as
long as either could remember. Every race Skippy won
first place in, Willy won second. Every time Willy found
a crumb of cheese, Skippy found a block of cheese
almost the size of a full grown mouse!
Willy rarely won any of the races he and
Skippy ran. After a while, Willy became
jealous of Skippy. In fact, Willy wanted
to be just like Skippy and wanted to be the
number one speediest mouse!

he saw the cat playing with his catnip and hatched a
plan. Willy knew that the cat loved his catnip more
than anything. He would play with it every day and
if something were to happen to it he would
hiss and scratch and make a frightful
"If I can't defeat Skippy, I can just make him lose in
front of everyone!" Willy thought scheming to
himself. At that thought, he retreated back to the
town, determined to find Skippy.

suddenly William burst through the door.
Skippy jumped up with a shock and
exclaimed, "what's going on Willy?
Are the mice folk alright?"
Willy answered with a sly smile, "I just
thought of the greatest thing! Skippy, you
are... the greatest, right?"

bashfully. "You can do anything right? Your
speed is unbelievable, your moves are
incredible and your skills are unmatched!
Then, we shall put those skills to the test! I
believe I found something that is impossible
for even YOU to accomplish!" Willy
challenged in a teasing way.

simply asked, "What is it Willy, what
have you thought of this time?" Willy
beamed with sly mischief, giddy with the
sense that things were going his way and
said "I bet you can't take the terrifying
cat's catnip."

would be a really dangerous task and said,
"I don't think that would be a great idea."
Willy continued to pester Skippy, calling
him mean names and saying things like,
"you said you could do anything! Taking
back what you say now that its put to the
test, huh? You chicken!"

when I come back with that ball of catnip, you
better remember who is the best at
everything!" With that, Skippy walked out the
door toward where the cat was sleeping with
his ball while Willy gathered a crowd. Skippy
then sneaked up to the cat, gently pulled the
ball of catnip out of the cat's enclosed paws
and promptly walked back to the crowds
where Willy was.

and a big proud smile.
The crowds erupted in cheers, chanting "Skippy
did it, Skippy did it, Skippy's the greatest!
Skippy can do anything!"
Willy on the other hand was shocked. His plan
had failed. "Darn! It was too easy," Willy
thought, "I could have done that, that could have
been my name they
were cheering."

getting ready to put the ball of catnip back.
That was when Willy got an evil plan
and suggested, "Hey Skippy why don't you go
home, and I will return the catnip. All I
have to do is lay it close to the cat right?"
Skippy thanked his friend and began to go

Willy picked up the ball of catnip and
headed toward Lupinville, away from the
When Skippy arrived at home it was
nearly past his bedtime! He promptly went
to bed only to be woken up to the squeaks
of mice and large crashing sounds.

"Help us! Help us!" He heard some mice
screaming. When he stepped outside,
Skippy saw the cat pawing through the
town destroying everything in his path.
"What in the world?" Skippy thought.
Finally the cat stopped and bent its head
to pick up something. When the cat lifted
his head, the ball of catnip was in its

"Oh dear, what did we do wrong?" asked
Then the voice of Willy could be heard
over the crowd. "It was Skippy's fault!
It was he who stole the cat's catnip and
brought it to town!"

steal the catnip, and Willy promised me
he would return it to the cat!" yelled
Skippy, however no one believed him.
Before long, Skippy was accused of
destroying the town, and was forced to
leave his home, his friends,
and his girlfriend, Amy.

Soojin, a park that was far away from the
place he had once called home. The park
was filled with all different kinds of birds.
There were yellow birds, red birds, blue
birds, and orange birds. The blue birds
were the prettiest of them all, and were
admired by all the park's residents.

admirable. All the other birds respected
what he said, and did what he asked.
Jake had a brother named Mike who was
always getting into trouble. Mike was
lazy, and always looked for ways to get
out of searching for food.

was very lonely and sad. He had been
looked down on by everyone he knew.
Skippy knew that it was Willy that had
placed the ball of catnip in the town.
Now, Skippy's trust in others had
vanished. Because of this, Skippy lived
a very lonesome life.

day and night Skippy would constantly
search for food.
"It's all I'm good at," he reasoned. He
stored and collected it in a dug-out hole
he made for himself.
As there was no one to share it with, and
Skippy was just one mouse, he valued
treasure began to pile up.

made Skippy happy. He felt like he was
filling up something missing in him when
he filled up his food hole.

hole bigger and bigger to provide space
for all the food he was finding. He even
found a plastic sheet near the park's
trashcan to cover and protect his food.
He spent all day either looking for food,
or making his hole bigger.

food in the dark. Never would he eat his
favorite foods.
One day when Skippy was out looking
for food, Mike the bird flew over Skippy's
From the sky he spotted the plastic sheet
and decided to investigate.

Mike swooped down and pulled away the
plastic sheet to discover Skippy's food. "This is
my lucky day, finders keepers and I'm definitely
going to keep this!" Mike thought.
Suddenly it began to rain. Both Mike and the
food got soaked. Mike, seeing that he could not
eat anymore of the food, flew off.


mushy, soggy, and rotten!
Skippy was devastated. He didn't stir or move,
he only sat in disbelief wondering what
had happened.
Before the next morning, the food had created
a terrible smell. A few humans noticed and came
to clean it up.
As they were taking away his ruined food,
Skippy could not help but follow them.

He climbed up a tree to watch the humans
until they were no longer visible.
As he reached the top of the tree, Skippy saw a green
bird fly away from a nest.
He went to investigate the nest and found an egg!
"How could a mother leave her child alone?" Skippy
wondered. "We are both all alone, huh? I'll
stay with you until your mom gets back." Skippy
decided, looking at the egg.
Skippy then sat down by the egg, and tried to keep it

Skippy waited and waited for hours, however the little
egg's mother never came back.
Skippy soon realized that the mom was never going to
"What am I going to do? I don't know how to take care of
an egg!" Skippy thought, getting scared. "Mrs. Henry
does, and she lives in the next tree over," a voice in his
head said.
"No, no," Skippy muttered. "Why on earth would she
help me? Besides, she probably will just tell me lies."
However, the voice won him over asking, "What have you
got to lose?"

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Lupinville. It was a happy little town full
of friendly gentle mice. The town was
located inside a yellow kitchen with
checkered tile and was relatively safe,
however there was a big, scary, gray
striped cat that often rested on the

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