This book is submitted to Mr. John Carlo M. Ramos.

Wow, we found your first clone!

Hey! She looks like you!
Haha, That's not me!
When I was in junior highschool, my friends would always tease me and send me pictures of people who they thought looked like me. They say that there would be 7 people around the world who will look just like you. They could be living in a far off place, or maybe not on this timeline but in the past, or maybe in the future.

Am I really as unique as I think I am?
And at that time, it made me think, how sure are we that we are the one and only version of ourselves out there? Are we really as unique as we think we are or are we just a bunch of traits that can easily be duplicated and classified as?

We are so different!

looking back now, I think it’s silly for me to think that there would be chances that someone would look exactly the same as me, yes someone could have the same facial features as mine but can they have the same scars that I had when I was 10? Or have a mole in the specific right place in their jaws as mine?

This idea goes the same for our inner self. Psychologists and scientists are delving their studies deeper in order to understand and hopefully predict exactly how a person will react and turn out to be under different circumstances. Although, they are slightly making improvements in accuracy, there is always an extent to their capabilities.

Hmm... interesting

Every single person is unique themselves, all of us have been able to walk different paths in life, experience a variety of situations, and develop distinct perceptions or actions in these situations in accordance with our beliefs and values.
We are all unique!!

This, I believe, is what makes a person an individual. The thoughts that they have interpreted by themselves, which are incomparable to others because each of them are influenced by how that certain person came to be, the factors that the person is surrounded by such as her family, her community, the societal norms, the stereotypes that she had to fight, the cultures or traditions she has instilled in her mind, or even her own flaws and defect.

No, please let him be...
Why is there a poor man here?

In my understanding of the self, the two things that influence our becoming is society and our life encounters. There is nothing truer than the phrase, no man is an island, humans and even other species rely on others in order to survive. In accordance with Urie Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological system’s theory, Our family is our biggest influential factor because we grew up being led by them.

We act morally and humanly because our parents taught us how to behave like this. If we are the older sibling, we act responsibly and authoritatively because we have to be ideal for our siblings, we act accordingly to the gender roles we are expected to have. Other spheres such as the macrosystem also impact us by being a constant, unmovable factor that we have to adapt to.

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This book is submitted to Mr. John Carlo M. Ramos.

Wow, we found your first clone!

Hey! She looks like you!
Haha, That's not me!
When I was in junior highschool, my friends would always tease me and send me pictures of people who they thought looked like me. They say that there would be 7 people around the world who will look just like you. They could be living in a far off place, or maybe not on this timeline but in the past, or maybe in the future.

Am I really as unique as I think I am?
And at that time, it made me think, how sure are we that we are the one and only version of ourselves out there? Are we really as unique as we think we are or are we just a bunch of traits that can easily be duplicated and classified as?

We are so different!

looking back now, I think it’s silly for me to think that there would be chances that someone would look exactly the same as me, yes someone could have the same facial features as mine but can they have the same scars that I had when I was 10? Or have a mole in the specific right place in their jaws as mine?
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