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of the Universe

Everything in the universe was in that one
super-heated and super dense speck.
About 14 billion years that speck exploded
and created all matter in the universe. That
was the start of our universe.
The Big Bang is the theory about how the
universe was created. It explains that the entire
universe started as an extremely small and
dense mass, then expanded into what we
today know as the universe.

The most popular theory of how our
solar system was formed is called the
nebular hypothesis. This theory states
that our universe evolved from a giant
cloud of dust and gas. Then that giant
cloud of gases and dust began to
collapse on itself and move in a giant
circle. At the center of the circle a star
(our sun) began to form. The star
became larger and larger as it gathered
more dust and gas. Then clumps of dust
around the outside of the center began
to form into planets, moons and
asteroids. This was the foundation of
our solar system.

After the general shape of the universe was formed there were
extremely powerful solar winds that began to blow. They blew excess
gas and particles away from the planets which made them stop
This is why planets closer to the sun are smaller; because the solar
winds were much stronger there and blew away the dust from the
planets much more quickly. This made the interior planets stop growing
much faster than the exterior ones.
Another effect of the solar winds was that the inner planets are rocky
while the outer planets are made up of a lot of gases. Because the solar
winds weren't effecting the outer planets as quickly they had more time
to collect gaseous materials.
This theory of Planet formation is called Core Accretion.

The Asteroid belt is a band of asteroids that
lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. It's
made up of thousands of objects that are too
small to be considered planets. Some are only
the size of a speck of dust while others can be
more than- 100 miles across.
Astronomer theorize that the asteroid belt
is either pieces of a planet that broke
apart long ago or the pieces of a planet
that never fully formed.

As explained before the sun formed from the giant
nebula of gas and dust from which the Universe was
created. The giant cloud began to have a common
center because of its own gravity. This is where the sun
was formed about 5 billion years ago. The center of
the cloud ha so much pressure and heat from the matter
pressing into it and creating even more heat. When it
reached a temperature of around one million degrees its
core ignited and the Sun started to create its own
energy through nuclear fusion.
Our Sun is a quite common star in the universe. There
are trillions of other stars just like it with their own
solar systems. It is simply a middle sized yellow dwarf
star with average heat and brightness.

Mercury is made out of a large percentage of heavier
elements, primarily iron. This is because of it's close
proximity to the sun. During the formation of the
planets,solar winds blew away much of the gaseous
material leaving an extremely dense planet. Next to
Earth, Mercury is the second most dense planet in our
solar system.
Mercury has no atmosphere, no moons, and very extreme
temperatures. On the side facing the sun it can reach
temperatures of 800 degrees Fahrenheit and on the side
facing away from the sun it can be 300 degrees Fahrenheit.

Like the other inner planets Venus was formed by the
collection of gases and dust when the solar system was
formed. Additionally, it is speculated that Venus experienced a
very large collision at some point. This is theorized because
Venus's orbit is opposed that of all the other planets.
Venus is extremely similar to Earth in that it has essentially the
same size, density, chemistry, and gravity. However, Venus is a
very deadly world. It's atmosphere is made up of primarily Carbon
Dioxide making it extremely toxic. Also, the temperatures there are
very high; surfaces temperatures could cook a meal within minutes.
Another attribute is the large number of volcanoes that are
continually seeping lava onto the surface of the planet. Because of
these things, no living thing would be able to survive on Venus even
though it has a similar make up to Earth.

The general formation of the earth followed the core
accretion theory of how the planets were formed in that it
was formed by the gathering of dust and gases and then the
solar winds blew away the excess materials, however, more
specific information about the formation of the earth is
Earth has a heated core and it's surface
is made up primarily of water with land
masses that we call continents. It has
an extremely gentle atmosphere and is
located at the perfect distance from the
sun to have mild temperatures. All of
these things make Earth the only
known planet capable of supporting life.
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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

of the Universe

Everything in the universe was in that one
super-heated and super dense speck.
About 14 billion years that speck exploded
and created all matter in the universe. That
was the start of our universe.
The Big Bang is the theory about how the
universe was created. It explains that the entire
universe started as an extremely small and
dense mass, then expanded into what we
today know as the universe.

The most popular theory of how our
solar system was formed is called the
nebular hypothesis. This theory states
that our universe evolved from a giant
cloud of dust and gas. Then that giant
cloud of gases and dust began to
collapse on itself and move in a giant
circle. At the center of the circle a star
(our sun) began to form. The star
became larger and larger as it gathered
more dust and gas. Then clumps of dust
around the outside of the center began
to form into planets, moons and
asteroids. This was the foundation of
our solar system.
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