Mehmet Akif Ersoy Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi (TURKEY/ANKARA)
Erdem Bayazıt Anadolu Lisesi(TURKEY/ANAKARA)
Sırrı Yırcalı Anadolu Lisesi(TURKEY/BALIKESİR)
Özel Çerkezköy Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi(TURKEY/TEKİRDAĞ)
Instituto Nun' Alvres(PORTUGAL/SANTO TIRSO)
Centrul de Excelență in Horticultură si Tehnologii Agricole, Țaul, Dondușeni(REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA/TAUL)

Çanakkale İbrahim Bodur Anadolu Lisesi(TÜRKİYE/ÇANAKKALE)
Mustafa Kemal Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi(TÜRKİYE/FETHİYE)
Dr. Binnaz Ege-Dr. Rıdvan Ege Anadolu Lisesi(TÜRKİYE/ANKARA)
Akören Ali Aşık Çok Programlı Anadolu Lisesi(TÜRKİYE/KONYA)
Ortaokul "Kiril i Metodii" - Radomir(BULGARİSTAN/RADOMİR)
Vahit Tuna Anadolu Lisesi(TÜRKİYE/ÇANAKKALE)
On the last day of school, the child teacher said:
"Everything in your life is Mathematics."
"You must love math and correct your grade."

All the students felt defied by those words.
Then they decided to make a zoom meeting to share their own experiences ...

Yeah. And after that day, I seem to have started to see the existence of mathematics everywhere.I see math in so many things that it's like I'm cursed with math.
All are joined at the zoom meeting:



I went to our famous lake Mogan Lake the other day. There were many kinds of birds there. I wondered what the probability is that a bird I randomly chose from here is a "Fulica atra" type bird. I also see Mathematics.
Musa Bera MAE

You know, friends, we live in Gölbaşı. Did I tell you about the Sevgi Çiçeği (Flower of Love), which is unique to Gölbaşı?

Efe Bünyamin MAE

The Sevgi Çiçeği (flower of love) is an endemic plant that only belongs to the Gölbaşı . Its scientific name is “Centaurea tchihatcheffi” but we call it the flower of love because it is red.
Anyways. While visiting the garden with love flowers the other day, poplar and willow trees at the end of the garden caught my eye. I planted those trees.
Bünyamin Efe MAE

When planted, the poplar was 9 cm. The willow was 13 cm. Poplar grows 7 cm every 4 months. Willow grows 5 cm every 3 months.
There is now 5 cm between the two. I wonder how many years ago I planted these? I thought. You see, it's math again.
Efe Bünyamin MAE

Efe Bünyamin MAE

Friends, you have told very interesting stories. It may seem strange to you. but I have a story.
Mir Emir MAE

We had a school trip recently. We went to the mausoleum. For those who don't know, Anıtkabir is the mausoleum where the tomb of our leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who was the chief commander in our country's freedom struggle, was our first president. Peace park, which is built on a large area, contains Freedom Tower, Lion Road, Freedom Tower, Ceremonial Square, Atatürk Library, Atatürk Museum, Art Gallery, Mausoleum, Grave Chamber and many other monuments that I cannot count.
Mir Emir MAE

Mir Emir MAE

At the door of the Burial Chamber, guards wait. When I saw those soldiers, this question came to my mind. If one of these soldiers was changing guard every 3 hours and the other every 2 hours, and when would the two soldiers I see side by side now appear side by side again?
Mir Emir MAE

I thought I was a math prodigy too. What comes to mind, I said well done. Am I wrong or not? Is it all just a curse?
Mir Emir MAE
Hey!!! Friends, I visited the Hacı Bayram Mosque in Ankara's Altındag district the previous Friday. I learned that it got its name from the tomb in its garden.
Hasan Ali MAE

I learned that this historical monument was built in 1429 and is covered with an octagonal drum lead dome. I was surprised to learn that it is a mosque with a place of worship for six thousand people.
Hasan Ali MAE

Me and my friend were side by side. I was looking at a corner. My friend was looking at the corner 2 next to the corner I was looking at. At that moment, the following crossed my mind: I wonder how many degrees is the angle between our eyes?
Hasan Ali MAE

Ankara Ethnography Museum is located in Ankara's Altindag district. In the War of Salvation, the old name of Friday prayers was founded in the place of Namazgah. After considering the use of the Previously as Archaeological Museum, this museum is in the center of Ankara and reflecting the date is an important triumph that reflects the date


Well in this museum is exhibited on the old things that the old items have been on this former when it's old items I stayed at this time why are the reason why our days don't stay so long.

I went to the famous golden village the other day, there are many tree species there, I wondered if a randomly chosen tree from here could be a pine tree, now I see math too

Now why am I thinking like this, I thought I should enjoy the moment. But now I realize it didn't just happen to me. As far as I can see you have the same.

Can you believe that the literature teacher told us that she also thinks about maths when she’s reading or visiting some places?!

It was the day I went to Oporto. There I was visiting Ribeira, a wonderful tourist destination. Something incredible happened to me in Ribeira....
And even here I couldn't believe I was seeing math.
I remember the day I went to Oporto for the first time!!! Well, how could I imagine that it was such a city...
Ana Maria

Porto has many challenges. Whenever I feel an instinct to search maths, even in literature I can find it!

João Watanabe

Did you know that one of the most beautiful bookstores in the world is in Oporto?
It's called LELLO!!!!

There you can find many books, even some which are very exclusive and antique.
Search for Lusíadas!
Here are the clues:
it’s an epic book written in Cantos, each one has x stanzas and all of them 8 verses. How many verses are there in total?

There I found an enigma about an epic adventure named "Lusíadas".
This is exactly what I'm worried about. This has been bothering me all day. And I've been seeing math everywhere.

Joana Bessa

Well, the other day, I went to Clérigos Tower....
The following figure shows the scheme used by João to determine the height of the Clérigos Tower, in Porto.
João was at point J and the height of the Torre dos Clérigos is represented by h.
With an angle-measuring instrument João concluded that AIC = 68.2° and ABC = 82.4
It is also known that JB=20 m and that AJ is perpendicular to AC. What is the height of the Torre dos Clérigos? In the intermediate calculations, keep four decimal places and give the result, in meters,

Diogo Ribeiro
Consider that a photovoltaic cell with the area of 1.00 x 10-2 m2 provides, on average, during one day, the energy of 3.89 x 104). Knowing that each train of CP.with four Siemens three-phase asynchronous motors each with 1890 HP (21400 KW).
Determine how many cells will have to be placed on top of the train to reach the Santo Tirso station.
I went to Santo Tirso by train.
Can you imagine that I saw physics in the trail?!

Diogo Ribeiro
After that meeting, strange events started in my life as well, here is the first one:

I'm in Hİstory Class;
The Trojan War tells the story of the Greeks attacking the city of Troy in Anatolia as a result of the Trojan Paris abducting Helen in Greek Mythology. Troy is a city that dominates the trade route connecting Çanakkale and the Black Sea and is known to have existed in the 15th-12th century BC.
Create: Emirhan VTAL

It is on the World Heritage list. The Greeks made a wooden horse to win the war they could not win for 10 years, and they filled it with their soldiers and made it enter through the gates of Troy. Soldiers coming out of it at midnight burn and destroy the city of Troy.

Create: Emirhan VTAL
<-(Trojan Horse)

This horse, which has a large model on the Çanakkale cordon, came to my mind and I am in it. There are things I'm curious about...
- If I want to calculate its weight with the soldiers inside;
- Let the weight of one of the soldiers of equal weight entering it be x kg.

Create: Emirhan VTAL
- What was the original size of the Trojan Horse? What were its dimensions?
How many soldiers fit inside?
- How many kg does it weigh?
Create: Emirhan VTAL

- If the gross weight of the Trojan horse is 1500kg. Any soldier who enters it will affect the weight of the horse.
Create: Emirhan VTAL

Answer: f(x)= 2x + 1500
- Accordingly, how can I calculate the weight change of the horse according to the number of soldiers on each Trojan horse?
Create: Emirhan VTAL
- Each soldier, together with the weapon and other materials on it, constitutes 2 times its own weight.

All those experiences are so cool!
I think we are really lucky to have those perspectives!
Let’s see ……
Diogo Ribeiro
Did you know that I had an unexpected lunch!
A speciality of Oporto!
I will give you some tips!

João Henrique

I got the recipe and went to the market to buy everything to cook the “Francesinha”

Well, I’m curious to know how many calories it has...


Well, I can tell you that:
Note (1 Kcal=1000 cal)
Now you have to calculate it!
There's something I can tell you... You will need to go to the gym after eating this...

Lúcia de Jesus

Tic tac, tic tac ….the clock says…
let’s move!

Tânia Bezerra
Who could imagine that all those stories exist because we are talking about Maths???
So many experiences!!!

The mural occupies the 135 square meters of the facade of a building next to the S. Bento Station.
"Who are you, Porto?" is Locomotiva's new project and is coordinated by the artist Miguel Januário.
The 3,300 tiles were painted in workhops led by students from the Escola Superior de Educação do Porto.
Can you determine the size of each tile?

After that ZOOM meeting, I'm problem solving everywhere. I don't understand how this happens

Create: Elif VTAL Çanakkale/Turkey

Even when I went to eat at that cafe on the Dardanelles Pier, which is very popular with everyone, I can't believe that there was a Mathematics question next to every dish on the menu.
This made the cafe so popular because the customer who answered the question correctly was not charged.
1. No fee is charged to the person who solves the question correctly.
2. 20% of the fee is not collected from the person who solves the question incorrectly.
3. Those who leave the question unanswered are charged the full fee.

BOZCAADA SQUID: Is every polynomial a function? 100 TL
BIGA MEATBALLS: Should the degrees of the terms of the polynomials be integers? 80TL
GÖKÇEADA Cookie: Does P(1) give the sum of the coefficients? 30TL
BAYRAMİÇ KAŞKEĞİ: P(0)= 0 Is it a zero polynomial? 45TL
When I entered the cafe, there were 8 people inside and here is the Menu:

Create: Elif VTAL Çanakkale Turkey
EZINE CHEESE PASTA: Is the leading coefficient of the polynomial the largest coefficient? 25TL
TURKISH COFFEE: f(x)=x Is it a unit function? 15TL
TEA: Is f(x)=-2x+5 a linear function? 5TL
AYRAN: f(x)=8 Is it a constant function? 10TL
I would like to share with you one of the many problems that come to my mind

If everyone could order only one different product from this menu,
If 2 people answer the questions incorrectly, 3 people answer correctly and the rest are left unanswered,
how much will the restaurant charge at most from 8 people inside?
ANSWER: In order to get the mosy money, people who answer the question correctly or incorrectly should eat the lowest-priced foods.

This year (2022) is our school's anniversary. Now is up to you to discover when it was founded following this three tips:
- Egypt independence, ocurred 10 years before
- In the same year, BBC made it ‘s first TV programme
- The "Battle of Stalingrado" ocurred 10 years after

Everytime I see the sunset, I think to myself what’s happening on the other side of the world!
Imagine that in Portugal it’s 8 p.m. What time is it there?
I'll give you the coordenates of Portugal.
It’s up to you to find our partner at the other side of the world.

39°23'59.5'' N 8°13.467' O

João Almeida

Hello colleagues! Today in class I had the task of writing a story that will have the elements of mathematics.
Please appreciate my work.
Create: Lilia Berjan, Republic of Moldova

Starting his journey through the Park from Țaul, the child noticed that the trees grow in the shape of a circle. a child got lost picking berries in the forest. What do you think helped him find the right path?
Create: Lilia Berjan, Republic of Moldova
A forest fairy came to the aid of the child who, in exchange for the correct solution to her problem, promised to take him out of the forest.
Thinking the child remembered that the distance between 2 opposite trees is the diameter of the circle, which means the radius is equal to half of it, that is, 30m. Length and area calculation formulas
The distance from 2 opposite trees of a given circle is 60 m. What is the area and length of the circle?

Thus, the child understood that mathematics surrounds us.

How did you like my story?
Create: Lilia Berjan, Republic of Moldova

Hi! What are you doing?
Hey, I'm coming from practice, I'm doing it at the bank!
And how do you feel?
I was amazed that all I encountered was math!
I don't think so, what does mathematics have to do with the financial-banking field?
Create: Anna Berjan,
Republic of Moldova

Not surprisingly, mathematics is the foundation of the banking world and financial systems. For example:
*dynamic models, based on systems of partial differential equations;
*models of systemic analysis, discrete mathematics, game theory;
*models based on classical econometric methods (regression and correlation analysis, factor analysis, etc.);
*modern methods of mathematical and statistical modeling (cointegration theory, methods of analysis of chaotic oscillations etc.) and many more.
Even today I worked with forecasting and simulation. While estimating the probability of bank failure, we diagnosed the critical condition of the bank. Such systems are called early warning systems for possible bankruptcy. In order to estimate the probability of bankruptcy, by using different statistical data, periodically, we analyzed different internal and external causes of bankruptcy.
In integrated bank modeling, the main operating parameter is often the assessment of the bank's stability and profitability (its effectiveness).
That's how I realized that math at the bank surrounded me.
Create: Anna Berjan,
Republic of Moldova
Learning math even in sleep
It was unknown what happened before, but I was certain that what I saw was clearly a dream. There was a witch holding me her prisonnier, and she was uglier than the math homework exercises. Realy, you couldn't understand where the top was and where the button was ;)
-Poziumski David-

-Kid! I really need your help here, you know?So don't get mad at me for asking for your help, young man...
-ok, i'm in it, but i need you to get me out of here after, and never do something like this to anyone else...
-Ok, you have my word. So i need you to calculate the area of this floor
- ok i shall help you, and then please wake me up from this dream!
-Poziumski David-

Needed theory

Poziumski David-Republic of Moldova
Here we go, the aria of this floor is about 64 meters sqare...
Oh, thank you! I finaly can comand the carpet for my fluffy cat, <(0w0)>.... to fit this size
--And after that i woke up, and understood that you'll never know when math can be helpful, even in the most strange situations-- Story by Poziumski David- Republic of Moldova

Walking, walking, the child saw near a theatre. Next to it was an announcement said that ,,Goat with three goats" show would be shown that day. The boy loved this story. And beacuse he had some money with him, he decided to buy a ticket and go to the show.

Interesting...How many seats are in the theater?...
The number on the theater ticket was 36. That number meant the number of the seat he had to sit on.
Todița Ana, Republic of Moldova, CEHTA
The ticket seller said:

Then the fairy came to the child again and told hm:
12*15=180 (seats in total)
To solve this problem you need to know that to find out how many seats there are in total, you need to multiple the number of seats in a row by the number of rows.
There are 12 seats in each row. And in the theater there are 15 rows of seats.

Todița Ana, Republic of Moldova, CEHTA

A long time ago, I visited the "Estação de São Bento" with my grandma and my brothers. It was a great day for me, was really fun.

These tiles were all hand painted, telling the story of Portugal. Now focus your attention on the stained glass windows around the clock, imagine that each one is a square with 225cm2. Determine the distance between A and B represented in the picture.
My favorite teacher said that he would be assigned to one of the districts of Çanakkale, but it was not clear where he was yet. Where would he go?

Create: Ceren VTAL Çanakkale/TURKEY
I started calculating all the possibilities. I couldn't stop myself.
I wrote the names of all the districts on the papers and put them in the bag. Ayvacık, Bayramiç, Biga, Bozcaada, Çan, Eceabat, Ezine, Gelibolu, Gökçeada, Lapseki, Yenice.


The probability of drawing a coastal district from the bag is 8/11.
Or is it an island? The probability of attracting an island is 2/11.
The probability that the district starts with the letter ''B'' is 3/11.
Create: Ceren VTAL

ıt was like in a nightmare

And after calculating probability all night, I found out the next day at school that his parents had given up on moving and he wasn't going anywhere.
Create: Ceren VTAL

Heyy.. Look, something happened to me too and I started seeing math everywhere. Let me explain.

arda dılwyn mtal

Babadag peak, where thousands of people come to paraglide every year in Fethiye, is about 2000 meters. While watching the paragliders jumping from its peak, questions come to my mind:
1) 1 mile is how many kilometers?
2) 1 kilometer is how many meters?
3) How many Babadag peaks form the entire coast of Muğla?
arda dılwyn mtal
Image taken from www.trthaber.com

Whatever I look at, whatever I think immediately turns into a math problem.
arda dılwyn mtal

Hi. I see mathematics everywhere too. I want to tell you what happened to me the other day.
kayahan mtal

We went to Fethiye's famous holiday resort Butterfly Valley. There were many species of butterflies out there. I thought about the possibility that a butterfly I saw might be a species of 'Muschampia Proto'.
kayahan mtal
Image taken from wwf.gezicini.com

I'm starting to get a little worried. Everything seems almost like a math problem.
kayahan mtal

ali ege mtal
Hey Hello! While listening to you, I realized that I also use mathematics in my daily life. Let me explain:

We went to Dalyan Iztuzu Beach the other day. We examined the habitats of sea turtles there. I learned that the length of the Caretta Carettas is between 115 and 150 cm, and their weight is between 70 and 90 kg.
ali ege mtal
Image taken from www.aa.com.tr

The incubation period of the loggerhead loggerheads is about 60 days, and when I learned that the hatchlings, which broke the eggs at the end of the incubation period, remained motionless in the sand for about 26 hours and then started to climb towards the surface, I immediately started to think.
ali ege mtal
Image taken from ntv.com.tr

When I learned that the caretta caretta turtles, which are thought to have a lifespan of about 50-60 years, wander for kilometers in the open seas and come to Iztuzu Beach to breed again, I found myself making calculations.
ali ege mtal
Image taken from wwf.org.tr

Our teacher was right when she said 'mathematics is everywhere'. When I think about it, I agree with him.
ali ege mtal

After that meeting, everything is very complicated for me… And here is one of the hundreds of thousands of problems that occur in my head;
Altuğ VTAL
Çanakkale / Turkey

KİLİTBAHİR: A Bosphorus village connected to Çanakkale's European game Eceabat district. With its Kilitbahir (Kilid of the Sea) Castle built by Fatih Sultan Mehmet in 1452.
I come to school from Kilitbahir every day and I only have 10 minutes left before the Kilitbahir ferry leaves. Not letting the minutes count so I called a taxi.

Altuğ VTAL
Çanakkale / Turkey
- If I think that the taxi is moving at a speed of 90 km per hour,
- Accordingly, how many kilometers would this vehicle travel in 10 minutes?

My friend Ege, on the other hand, walks to school every day and says;
- If he walks at 40 m/min, 4 minutes later than the normal time he should reach school,
- If he walks at 60 m/min, he says he arrives 4 minutes earlier than normal.
- What was the normal time it took to arrive at school?

Altuğ VTAL
My mind couldn't get rid of the problems. The Math Curse was supposed to be something like this…

- How many meters was it from home to school all night? I've been thinking.

Altuğ VTAL

Balıkesir is a touristic city in western Turkey. There is a really beautiful bell tower in Balıkesir. It is so high. It is 20 metres.


I went to the Şeytan Sofrası a week ago. I got so tired while going up there because its altitude is 130metres.

While passing by the historical clock tower of Balıkesir, I looked at the clock and saw that it was three o'clock, then I realized that the angle between the hour and minute hands was ninety degrees.

Zagnos Pasha Mosque or Balikesir Grand Mosque is a mosque located in Balikesir, Turkey.
The mosque was built in 6 weeks with the assignment of 48 men of Fatih and it was opened to worship on March 3, 1461 with a great ceremony.


I went to The Cyzicus Hadrian Temple last summer in Erdek. It is calculated as 116 meters in length and 62 meters in width.

The house of Mehmet Akif Ersoy,
the authorof our National Anthem, the National Anthem of the Republic of Turkey, is only 2 hours away in Bayramiç, the town of Çanakkale province.
Did you know?

Yesterday, at the invitation of a friend who lived there, I entered that house, which is now a museum. It was as if I had stepped into another world.


While I was examining each room in detail, a book fell from the corner bookcase and I found myself in a dazzling brilliance. When I rub my eyes, a man points to a poem in front of me;
M. Akif Ersoy: Did you like it?
Me: Who are you and where am I?


M. Akif Ersoy: I am Mehmet Akif Ersoy and today I will submit my poem to the competition.
Besides Mehmet Akif's poems, 7 more poems were submitted to the competition and I was calculating the ratio of the probability of not being selected to the probability of not being selected in this competition.

Ok but how did I know that???

I found the exact answer when a voice:
-Ezgi we are going.
(In a moment the bright light disappeared)
I was immersed in the books in the library, how many of these books had he read?
Everything was turning into a problem...
ANSWER: 1/8/7/8 = 1/7


ANSWER: 1/8/7/8 = 1/7

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Mehmet Akif Ersoy Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi (TURKEY/ANKARA)
Erdem Bayazıt Anadolu Lisesi(TURKEY/ANAKARA)
Sırrı Yırcalı Anadolu Lisesi(TURKEY/BALIKESİR)
Özel Çerkezköy Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi(TURKEY/TEKİRDAĞ)
Instituto Nun' Alvres(PORTUGAL/SANTO TIRSO)
Centrul de Excelență in Horticultură si Tehnologii Agricole, Țaul, Dondușeni(REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA/TAUL)

Çanakkale İbrahim Bodur Anadolu Lisesi(TÜRKİYE/ÇANAKKALE)
Mustafa Kemal Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi(TÜRKİYE/FETHİYE)
Dr. Binnaz Ege-Dr. Rıdvan Ege Anadolu Lisesi(TÜRKİYE/ANKARA)
Akören Ali Aşık Çok Programlı Anadolu Lisesi(TÜRKİYE/KONYA)
Ortaokul "Kiril i Metodii" - Radomir(BULGARİSTAN/RADOMİR)
Vahit Tuna Anadolu Lisesi(TÜRKİYE/ÇANAKKALE)
On the last day of school, the child teacher said:
"Everything in your life is Mathematics."
"You must love math and correct your grade."

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