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Hi my name is Johnny. Today my grandma told me to go and get
the newspaper and can you believe I had to pay taxes for it. I was
confused on why we had to pay taxes on it. When I returned
home I asked grandma. She told me it was because England was
in debt for helping with the French and Indian War and needed it's
money back. I asked if I could go for a walk and she said yes.
When I walked down the street I see some of the colonist
"What's going on?" I asked
"Their protesting the Stamp Act" said some guy watching I decided
to leave because I didn't want to get into any trouble. Before the
Stamp Act was the Sugar Act. This put taxes on Sugar and
Molasses. Pretty crazy huh?
Colonist continued to protest and refused to pay taxes.

A year had past and things weren't getting ant better. When I
had came home one day I had found two soldiers in the house
on the couch laughing. I ran to grandma and she told me to
calm down.
"Hush Boy" she said.
She had cut me off.
"It's the Quartering Act, the soldiers will be living here with us
for a while and we will feed them and make sure they have a
place to sleep."
I didn't like the fact of the soldiers being here but I really had
no say. The soldiers were loud and always asking for
something. I even had to give up my bed for one of the
soldiers. Grandma told me we had to treat our guest nicely. I
wasn't one to complain so I just did as i was told and slept on
the floor. I couldn't wait for these soldiers to leave.

Its now October and colonist are getting even madder
about the Stamp Act. Today they are drawing up a
petition then I heard their gonna send it to the
parliament. I hope this Stamp Act will soon be gone.
Taxing on important documents like the newspaper
can be very expensive. A couple days later I saw
colonist boycotting. the next in the newspaper i see in
all caps TRADE DROP 14%!!! The Stamp Act was
canceled and us colonist were happy.


Things aren't getting any better. the British are
now trying to make money off of us colonist.
We can only buy from East Indian Company.
This is the most craziest thing I've heard. I
asked Billy what this was about he said he
wasn't sure but they called it the Tea Act.

I was talking to Billy again and he asked me if i
wanted to participate in the Boston Tea party.
"What's that?" i asked
"Its where we are going to dress as Native
Americans and dump 350 chest of tea into the
Boston Harbor."
"Are you crazy" I ask him
"No are you gonna do it or not?"
"well......I guess"
"great! I'll see you tonight.
I soon found this whole Boston Tea Party was
the Son of Liberty's idea.

Billy was part of the Sons of Liberty. I had almost joined but
decided not to. Billy and the rest would protest day and night
and didn't like the British policies.
On September me and some other people from 12 colonies
came together and we boycotted all the British goods. We did
this until the Intolerable Acts ended. This was punishment to
colonist, they also shut down the port of Boston I was a little
scared and not sure if this plan would even work. We were
then called minute men because we were ready to fight in a
During my free time i decided to read common sense and i
agree with Thomas Paine 100%. Common sense made me and
many others to go and fight for freedom.

"Did you hear the horrible news?" asked Billy
"No whats going on?"
"The parliament passed some crazy Quebec Act"
"Whats that?"
"They gave the French in British Canada
freedom to be Catholic and they also get the
land west of Appalachians and North of the
"You got to be kidding me this is horrible."
Once again the Colonist grew mad.

The Olive Branch Petition was our last effort at
peace. We asked the king for peace and to stand
up for our rights. I guess you could say we did
some sucking up. Soon the Continental Congress
began to govern the colonies and Washington was
elected to lead the army.
On July 1776 a lot of colonies are supporting
Independence. Thomas Jefferson had pen the
Declaration of Independence and we were happy.
We were so excited to have freedom. We were no
longer ran by Britain.


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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Hi my name is Johnny. Today my grandma told me to go and get
the newspaper and can you believe I had to pay taxes for it. I was
confused on why we had to pay taxes on it. When I returned
home I asked grandma. She told me it was because England was
in debt for helping with the French and Indian War and needed it's
money back. I asked if I could go for a walk and she said yes.
When I walked down the street I see some of the colonist
"What's going on?" I asked
"Their protesting the Stamp Act" said some guy watching I decided
to leave because I didn't want to get into any trouble. Before the
Stamp Act was the Sugar Act. This put taxes on Sugar and
Molasses. Pretty crazy huh?
Colonist continued to protest and refused to pay taxes.

A year had past and things weren't getting ant better. When I
had came home one day I had found two soldiers in the house
on the couch laughing. I ran to grandma and she told me to
calm down.
"Hush Boy" she said.
She had cut me off.
"It's the Quartering Act, the soldiers will be living here with us
for a while and we will feed them and make sure they have a
place to sleep."
I didn't like the fact of the soldiers being here but I really had
no say. The soldiers were loud and always asking for
something. I even had to give up my bed for one of the
soldiers. Grandma told me we had to treat our guest nicely. I
wasn't one to complain so I just did as i was told and slept on
the floor. I couldn't wait for these soldiers to leave.

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