Getting Through the Hardest Things
Daniela Hidalgo

Really was on the floor screaming. She does that a lot. Really screams if she doesn't get what she wants, or if she wants something. Her mom gives her everything Really wants. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Really screamed. Her mom came into the room. "What's wrong, my dear?" "I CAN'T FIND MY BOW!!!!!" She continued to scream. Then, her mom held out the bow in her hand. "Here you go," she said. "Give me!" Really grabbed the bow out of her mom's hand. She never said, "thank you" EVER. Really was very, very, very, very, very, hard to understand.
"I'm bored!" Really was not a very happy person. She got everything she wanted but was never happy. Really was very pretty. She had orange-blonde hair and always wore a pink dress with a flower on it. She had dark blue eyes and tan skin. But many people were afraid of her. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I want to do SOMETHING!!" "I have an idea. Let's go to Mavis's Jewlery." Her mom, Veronica, hated to see her daughter unhappy. It made her very sad. So, they went to Mavis's Jewlery. Really bought many Jewels. Really looked very pretty in them. Many people even stopped to look at her. She would get comments like, "You look so pretty in those jewels!" Or,
"Those pearls match your eyes." Everyone liked Really. They didn't know her. But they liked her very much. Really even wore her jewels to school. Even the older kids stopped to look. Really was very happy until she saw Recida's new shoes. They were pink with glitter on them. Really wanted them for herself. But she knew she couldn't make Recida take off her shoes. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Really screamed. "I want these pink shoes that have glitter on them. Recida has them and want them!!!" "Let's go to Shoe Carnival had buy you those shoes." Said Really's mom. And so they did. Really looked at all of the shoes that were on display. But she didn't like any of them. Really didn't like sneakers or
or sandles. Then she finally saw them those shoes YES!! She had finally found them!!! "These are the ones." Said Really proudly. So, her mom bought the shoes for Really. Really wore them every day. But she didn't become popular. People even blamed her for wearing the same shoes as Recida. Really was VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed.

Rooka had dark red hair. She was a tomboy. Really was always teasing her. She bugged her all the time and picked on her. Rooka thought it was because of the way she dressed. Really wore beautiful cloths and beautiful shoes. But Rooka didn't care what she wore. She liked being a tomboy. Rooka's mom had green hair and didn't wear any shoes. Rooka's mom didn't have many friends. She worked in a hair salon called: KIDZSUPERLOOKS. Rooka was a very good student. She always did her homework and never failed a test. Her mom is thinking to send her to Quick Brains. Quick Brains was a school for smart kids. Rooka really did want to go but it was just too
expensive. Rooka had friends who were also very smart. Her best friend, Zura, was very good in math, science, and social studies. Zura was also good in religion. At Sunday School, that is what I meant. Rooka also had another friend named Lutenia who was not as smart as Rooka, but she was the second smartest kid in her class. Lutenia loved math, science, and social studies like Rooka. They were like twins. Many people got them mixed up. But they didn't care.

What Rooka did care about was Really. Rooka didn't know how she would make Really stop being so mean. But her mom always told her remember what a good person she is and why God put her on this earth. And she understands.

After what Rooka's mom had said, Rooka was happier than ever. Her mom was right. She was never wrong. Ever. Rooka's mom's name was Karabella. Karabella was a very nice lady that always encouraged people to stand up for themselves. But nobody seemed to care. Rooka always told people how her mom was the nicest person in the world. "Ha! Ha! Ha!" Really laughed real hard. "Your mom knows NOTHING!!!!" And she laughed even harder. But Rooka's mom knew much more than Really even though she was smart. One day, Karabella showed up at the hair salon in a good mood. Her friend Morea was working for Ms. Lenova. Ms. Lenova was an old woman. Well, not THAT old. She was 71. She was always grumpy and never seemed to be in a good mood. Karabella didn't like it when people were unhappy. So, she put on her friendly face
and smiled at Ms. Lenova. Ms. Lenova didn't smile. She just frowned. Then, Karabella had the best idea. She went over to the receptionist's desk and grabbed and took some cookies. Whonda, the receptionist frowned and said, "Those are my cookies! You can ask and I could hand you a few." So, Karabella asked Whonda for a few cookies. When Ms. Lenova saw the cookies, she said with delight, "My, MYYY! There are beautiful." She ate them like crazy and thanked Karabella. Morea was surprised that Ms. Lenova said, 'Thank You'. she had never been so nice before. When Karabella told her daughter about what she did with Ms. Lenova, she decided that she would encourage everyone to be proud of their selves. Even Really. But she didn't seem to want to listen. She
didn't want to listen to anyone. She thought she was the best of them all. Karabella was the third nicest person in the world. Jesus was the first. Malibu Jamezz was the second. Karabella Sims was the third. Really was at the bottom of the list. She was not on the nice list. NOT EVEN CLOSE! It's not hard to get on the nice list. You just have to be nice to be on the nice list. Karabella is defiantly on the nice list.
Karabella, I have already said that she was on the nice list. Karabella went over to Really's house to do her hair. Really had begged. to have her hair lighter. And of course, she didn't say please. When Karabella was done, she gave Really a mirror. "I don't like it." Really said to her mom. "You are fired!" she yelled. Karabella was very confused. It was exactly like she had asked. "But it is just like your daughter wanted it." "I wanted it short!" Really sneered. Karabella was really angry. "WELL, YOU NEVER SAID YOU WANTED IT SHORT!" Karabella yelled at Really. "Well, GET OUT!!!!!" yelled Really's mom. Karabella picked up her things and ran away. Really began to scream.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "How about we go to Resse Park. That always makes you happy." Resse park was Really's favorite place in the whole world. Meanwhile, Karabella was walking down the street with her bag, frowning. She could not stand Really any longer. She was worse than Ms. Lenova. Really was an awful child. No one can ever make her change. But doing Really's was only for a few seconds. No not just any seconds. It was not what you thought. These seconds were AWFUL!!! And they were the Creepy Seconds. Yes! The Creepy Seconds I tell you........
Rooka found her mom by the lake. She ran over to her mom and saw that she was frowning. "MOM! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Rooka shrieked. "Really. That girl and her mom are monsters! She wanted her hair blond. Then she got mad at me for not making her hair short. She NEVER said she wanted her hair short! Then her mom FIRED me!!!!!!!!!!!!" Her mom began to cry. Rooka began to cry. They cried for 70 hours. It felt good to let all that sadness out. "Let's not pay any attention to Really and her mom. We just have to be us. Who cares about them? They know nothing about being kind. But we do. My best friend Lutenia told me that if you are good, you can defeat the bad." Karabella was amazed about what her daughter
had just said. She was very smart. She was the smartest person in the world. Her mom gave her a big hug. And they began to cry even harder.
Everyone needs help sometimes. There are people who need help urgently. And there are people who need a little help. But there is a girl that I would like to tell you about. Her name is Recida. Recida is nice and has many friends. But there is one person who is very mean to Recida. Can you guess who it is. Correct! it's REALLY!!!!!!!!!!! Really?! AGAIN?!?!?!?!?! Yes. Really always gets noticed for the bad things she does. She is a BAD person.... What Really does to Recida is she takes her lunch, tries to get her very special shoes dirty. Recida doesn't like Really. The main reason why Really teases Recida is because she is not from earth. She is from a planet called Neptune. She was very sad to leave her best friend, Quenston. Recida wished she didn't have to move. But Neptune became a horrible place to live.
Recida lived in a big city called Crosmo. She loved it. there were so many things to do there. Recida would like to go and visit sometime. But her parents just never had the time. Recida feels so different from her friends. Her best friend, Murcia, is very different from Recida. She has dark, dark, brown hair. She always wore a pink fuzzy sweater. Recida didn't like pink. Murcia did. Now let me get to the point. Recida is SICK and TIRED of Really being mean and HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!! So, she asked Malibu. Malibu is a woman who is always willing to help others. She has helped Recida be more confident and to stand up to Really. And she is doing a great job.

Now you are probably wondering about Malibu. Everyone likes Malibu. Malibu likes everyone. She wears a blue dress and has red hair that is always in a bun. Malibu likes to help people out with problems they have. BIG problems. She first started helping a girl named Alexia. Alexia was having a lot of trouble talking to people. Every time she tried to talk to someone, she would run away when they turned around. Malibu was helping her for 2 years. She could finally talk to people. After that, she helped a little girl, 4 years old. Her name was Nicole. Nicole was afraid of going outside. She wanted to be under a roof all the time. Malibu taught her that it isn't scary to be outside. She worked with Nicole for 1 year. Nicole learned fast and now loves to go outside.
5 years after she helped Nicole, she helped this boy named, oh wait! He feels very embarrassed to say his name. He is even embarrassed to even write his name. But I'm telling the story so I will tell you his name. Hallan. Yes. His name is Hallan. And Malibu taught him how to make friends. It took him 7 years to do that. He was harder than Alexia and Nicole. Alexia was 10 when Malibu helped her. Then when Malibu was done seeing Alexia, she was 12. Write after she had helped Alexia, she went right over to help Nicole. She finished helping Nicole when she was 5. Then, when 5 years past, Alexia was 17 and Nicole was 10. Hallan was only 8. Malibu stopped helping him when he was 15. But wait!
There is something very important that you need to know. If you ever need help, shout as loud as you can: "MALIBU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" YES! THAT IS IT! Recida has been needing a lot of help lately. It was not easy to handle Really. But if anyone can do it, it's MALIBU!

Corea was one of Rooka's best friends. She did not look anything like Rooka. But she looked like any other human bean. Corea is known to be the quietest kid at school. Corea says that quiet makes the world a better place. One day, Corea was at her desk doing her spelling in her spelling book. "Corea. What is 9/7 + 2/3?" Mrs. Cuniea asked. Corea was confused. Why did her teacher ask a math question? "Q-U-E-S-T-I-O- N. Question." Her teacher frowned. "Corea. I asked you a math question. I don't know what you were doing. But whatever it is, don't do it." Corea didn't like her teacher very much. She took math very seriously. Whenever Mrs. Cuniea asked a math question, Isra, Darien, and Tara raised their hand. What showoffs, Corea thought.
At the end of the day, Corea picked up all her books, shoved them in her backpack, and walked home with Rooka and Lutenia. "Mrs. Cuniea is taking this math stuff so seriously!" Corea complained. "You don't like math? It's the best! Mrs. Cuniea is the best math teacher in all of Reggie Brick School." Corea did not understand. Rooka and Lutenia are almost like twins. They mostly think the same. They even have the same thoughts. It is very strange. Corea had spelling homework to do. She had to work on pages 82, 83, and 84. She loved spelling. She ran inside her house and set to work on her spelling homework. Then she took a bath and ate dinner. But there was something Corea needed. She needed a friend that really thought like her. Rooka and Lutenia don't seem to be the right friends, though. She does need someone who was like her. But
who in the world would be like Corea? The next day at school, Corea ran into Monica. Monica didn't like math. She liked spelling. "Hi, Corea." said Monica. "Hi, Monica." said Corea. "Umm...... I was thinking, the Reggie Brick Spelling Bee is coming up very soon. Maybe you and I can study the words?" "SPELING BEE?! I WOULD LOVE THAT!!!" Monica shirked excitedly. Corea and Monica spent the whole week studying. They both won the spelling bee. Corea and Monica were the best spellers in all of Reggie Brick School. They were even better than Mr. Skye. Mr. Skye was the spelling teacher. Then something amazing happened, Corea and Monica got to
teach spelling. Rooka and Lutenia were very proud. So was Mrs. Cuniea. Corea and Monica soon become best friends.
Corea Monica

Corea and Monica were the best friends in the universe. Everyone knew about the friendship between Corea and Monica. Their friendship was known throughout the school. Rooka and Lutenia didn't mind Corea and Monica's friendship. The rest of them didn't matter. Their last names or what they like to eat didn't matter. But Corea and Monica want you to know MORE about them. Corea's last name is Maxwell, and Monica's last name is Kapala. Monica has a baby sister who is actually a year now. Corea doesn't have any brothers or sisters. Her mom is 43. But now let me get pack to the friendship part. Corea and Monica never let each other down. They aways want to help one another if they are having trouble. That is what a real friend does. And they are real friends.

Really was going to a new school. She didn't like her old school. She was having a hard time making friends. So, her mom decided to send her to a catholic school so she can learn more about God. Really kept saying how there was no way she would go to school. But she had to. She was supposed to wear a uniform, but she didn't want to follow the rules and the principle couldn't do anything about it. She walked to class in her pink dress and orange-blonde hair. The teacher smiled at her and introduced her to the class. "Class, this is Really Julekha. I want you all to be nice to her and to show her some respect." The class smiled at Really, but she didn't smile back. She went to her desk by Olivia Hernandez.
Then Olivia said, "I don't want to be bossy or anything. But you have to have on a uniform. That is how this school dresses like." "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Really shouted. Everyone looked at her. Olivia didn't mean to make her upset. But the teacher just said, "Let's let Really sit in the front since she is new here." Really liked sitting in the front. She felt better than everyone. At recess Really Jump roped. She did it all alone. Everyone was afraid of her. They boys liked her. They hid behind the basketball net. They were in love and scared of her. But how can they do both?? They just CAN'T!
The next day, Really had to stay in Aftercare. Aftercare is where you stay if your parents can't pick you up at the exact time to go home. Really's mom was very busy. Really was very upset. But then she just remembered that she was outside, and she could Jump Rope. Really Jump Roped. She was having fun until Ms. Hollander blew her whistle. "Let's go!" she yelled. Really put down her Jump Rope and ran inside. "Why do I have to go in?" she asked Olivia. "We do our homework." Really didn't like to do her homework. Luckily, she only had a grammar workbook page and a reading log. So Really did her grammar and her reading log. But then she needed her homework checked. It was all right. Then at
4:23, it was time for her to go home. Really grabbed her pink shimmery backpack and took off to her car. She was greeted by her mom who hugged her. "How was your day?" she asked. "Amazing!" Really didn't have much to say in the car. Aftercare was the only good thing.

Davitta was a girl with purple hair. She used to be a girl. She always wore her hair in two small pigtails. She wants me to tell you her full name. Okay? Davitta Puffeles. She went to Reggie Brick School when she was little. Before she had her very own friend, she was friend with an axe. Her axe's name was Lorenzo. One day, Davitta was sitting alone in lunch. She knew she couldn't bring Lorenzo to school. So, she had to eat alone. Then this girl with short light brown hair stood by her. "Can I sit with you? It looks like my friends don't want me now." "SURE!" Davitta exclaimed. "My name is Mia. What's yours?" "Davitta Puffeles." "Mia Julekha." The two girls chatted and ate together. They played together at recess. They became
friends very fast. Davitta and Mia were like twins. They wore a blue shirt with the Mother's Animal Circus Cookies logo on it and a black skirt with pink Toms. They started out as friends when they were only 10 years old. They went to each other's houses every day after school. But then it all changed when Davitta and Mia started college.

When Davitta and Mia were 19 years old, something very strange happened. Davitta was meeting Mia at Reese Park. But when she got there, she saw that Mia Was wearing a sparkly green dress and black high heels. She didn't look up at Davitta. "Hey, Mia. That's a nice look." Mia looked up but didn't say anything. "So um, want to go on the swings?" "I can't! My shoes will fly off if I swing too hard." "But we always go on the swings." Davitta did not understand. "Swings are baby things. I'm grown up and have NO time for baby things." Davitta could not believe what Mia was saying. They had always gone on the swings together. Mia was being so rude. And she was like that for years. She even grew her hair long and began wearing a dark red shirt and long black pants with red high heels. Davitta was very angry. She
never talked to Mia ever again after that. She didn't like the new Mia. And worse of worse of all, Mia changed her name to Veronica. Davitta was sad for many years until she found a man. He was perfect and understood her. And with that, she married him. They had a little girl named Nora who was nothing like Really. She always said please and was thankful for what she got. Davitta had totally forgotten about Veronica. She worked in a cookie shop as the one who makes the cookies. They were a happy family.

Veronica got Really new cloths. A blue shirt with a sunflower on it, white shorts, and light yellow sandles. "There is no way that I am wearing that." Really didn't like wearing any other cloths that weren't pink. She always wore her pink dress. She never got bored of it. She had gotten her pink dress when she turned 10 the day before she started 4th grade. It was a 10/11. Her mom got it at the pharmacy. It represents how to live good, to wear the dress. It was made from Cortizone 10. She had really needed a new dress. "Come on, Really. You will look amazing. I know it." So Really tried on the cloths. She looked very pretty in them. She went to show her mom. "You look so

cute!" she exclaimed. But Really didn't think she looked cute. She thought she looked terrible. Really's mom wore a red beach dress with yellow flowers and a floppy beach hat. Her mom made Really look important. Then something caught Really's eye. "Look at that!" she pointed to what looked like a heart. Her mom ran to see what Really was pointing at. It was a paper pink heart that had the words Follow Me written in. It also had an arrow that pointed to the left which was another heart. It had looked like the hearts Davitta used to put on the trees so Veronica could find were Davitta would be. "These are from my best friend, Davitta Puffeles." "I've never seen her." "We stopped talking to each other when we were 19. Didn't seem to get along." Really then understood. "I think that you should go talk to her again." Her mom could
not believe what her daughter was saying. "I don't know, Really." "I think you should give it a chance." Really said hopefully. So, her mom followed the hearts. They led to a yellow brick house. Veronica knocked on the door. A man with curly light brown hair opened the door. "Who are YOU?" he asked quite oddly. "My name is Veronica Julekha, and this is my daughter, Really. My name was Mia before I changed it." The man narrowed his eyes at her. "You are NOT WELCOMED HERE!" he yelled. "Marc!" yelled a woman. She came to the door, she had purple hair, a white shirt, pink shorts and pink flats. Her green eyes grew as wide as mangos. "MIA!" "DAVITTA!!!" The two women looked at each other in disbelief. "But it can't be! I actually see you again after all these years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mia squealed. They
hugged each other real hard. "I changed my name to Veronica. But I still have the same last name." "I'm just glad to see you again." said Davitta. "And I am now Davitta Kidd." They talked for a bit. "Oh, wait! Your daughter should meet my daughter. Nora!" A girl about Really's age ran towards the door. "This is Really Julekha. Daughter of my of my best friend." "Hi." said Nora. "Hi." said Really. The two girls chatted for a while and so did Davitta and Really's mom. They soon went home. "Thank you very much, Really." "I just felt that you needed your friend." And with that, they hugged.
Now, you are probably wondering why she is called Really. That is not a name. It is a word. But I will tell you how she got her name. While her mom was pregnant, she didn't know what to name her baby. "Alexiea? Brianna? Really?! To original. Like, really? I need to think of a really good name. REALLY?!?!?!?!!?!" It took her a long time to think of a good name for her daughter. When Really was born, her mom still didn't know what to name her baby. Then when Really was 3 months, her mom finally thought up a name. "Since I say really a lot, I'll just name her Really." And that is how Really got her name. She loved her name. It made her feel special.
Today was Recida's birthday party. There were many people going to her party. Rooka, Lutenia, Corea, Monica, Isra, Maryellen, Quenston, Emirah, Luniea, Aaron, Maribel, Zuri, Concertina, Anne, Polly, and Lucena. Recida's party was in the school gym, but it would be decorated with streamers and a disco ball. Everyone would wear something very fancy. Recida's dress was obviously the prettiest.

Rooka's dress Lutenia's dress Corea's dress Monica's dress
Isra's dress Maryellen's dress Quenston's tuxedo Emirah's dress
Luniea's dress Aaron's tuxedo Maribel's dress Zuri's dress

Concertina's dress Anne's dress Polly's dress Lucena's dress

Recida's dress was the prettiest. All of the dresses were beautiful. But Recida's was the prettiest. Her friends surprised her with a cake and a disco ball. She twirled around Her dress was like a rose blooming. Then, Quenston took her onto the dance floor, and they danced together. It was so romantic. Recida felt like Cinderella. Then after dancing everyone had cake. Then Quenston and Recida took the dance floor. And Of Corse they danced again. Recida didn't even want to open presents. She was too busy dancing with Quenston. They danced for 8 days. Then hugged.

Recida had a dog. But her dog did not bark like most dogs. He meowed. His name was Durple Purple. He was very naughty as well. Sometimes he would sneak out of the house. And this time, he snuck into the Julekhas' house. They had forgot to close the window. He snuck into Really's mom's room. It was her hair that attracted him. He played with it for a bit, but then went into another room.


Really screamed so loud, people in Geogia heard her. Her mom came into the room. "A dog licked my face!!!" "STOP IT! BAD DOG!" Really's mom shrieked. She grabbed the dog. It had a number on the tag. It said: 665-419-2679. Then on the back it said: Durple Purple Hulenia. Really looked at the dog tag. "He must be Recida's dog." Recida's last name was Hulenia. So, Really's mom called Recida's mom and told her that Recida's dog was in their house and that they would send them the address. After 40 minutes, Recida and her mom came over. "Here is your dog," said Really as
she handed Recida Durple Purple. "Thanks," she started on. "Thanks for calling us." Recida was amazed on how nice Really was being. People can really change. Get it? Really change? Durple Purple also thanked Really.

There is a little girl I think you should meet. Her name is Patricia. Patricia has blonde hair and wears a blue dress. She was a very pretty girl. In fact, she was the prettiest girl in her neighborhood. But one day, her dress became too small. She was now 7/8. She had really grown these days. Patricia was sad that she could no longer use her favorite dress anymore. She then knew that she needed a new dress. So, she went to Sadler's Dresses at THE GARDENS MALL. "How about this dress?" asked her mom. "I don't like it very much. I want something blue." So, Patricia and her mom looked everywhere for a blue dress. Finally, they found a very cute
blue dress that was 7/8. Patricia tried it on. She really liked. "I will take this one, mom." She said to her mom. So, they paid for the dress, and then they were out in a flash. Patricia loved her dress. She didn't miss her old one a bit.

Class 4S was having a new teacher. Mrs. Cuniea got pregnant and could not teach for right now. Hopefully, she can come back. Their new teacher was tall woman with long hair. Her name was Ms. Willibey. She came into the classroom looking serious. "My name is Ms. Willibey. I will be your teacher for now." Everyone looked at her. She was very serious looking. "Now I want all of you to take out your math workbooks and do page 98." So, everyone took out their math workbooks and began page 98. Lutenia passed a note to Rooka. It said:
Uh-oh. Looks like we're stuck with her! Rooka looked at
Lutenia all wide-eyed. She put the note away and did page 98 in her math workbook. 25 minutes later, Ms. Willibey looked up at the class and told them it was time to go over the math page. Rooka got them all right. "Okay guys. I want to do something a little bit fun. I want to start reading a novel. The book I chose was a really good book that I think we should all read. It's called: Hidden Figures." The entire class groaned. "It's a very good book that I think we should all read it." At lunch time, Rooka, Lutenia, Recida, Corea and Monica and Zura met together at the table they usually sit at. "We have a new teacher named Ms. Willibey." said Corea. "You do?" asked Monica. Monica wasn't in the same class. She was in Ms. Harlock's class. "Yes. She is very serious. Not like Mrs. Cuniea. Very, very, very different." Added Recida.
"No way," said Zura. Zura was also in Ms. Harlock's class. "Yes." Said Lutenia. The girls ate in silence. As they were going out to recess, it started to rain. TWEEEEEEET! Ms. Harlock blew her whistle. The kids lined up with their lunch boxes over their heads. Ms. Willibey came running outside with her heels. She led the class inside. Since it is raining, we are going to do a bit of silent reading. Take out your independent reading books." The class groaned but Ms. Willibey didn't say a thing. Lutenia was right about Ms. Willibey.

Ms. Willibey
Rooka Lutenia Recida Corea Murcia Ryan Terrance

Matin Jorden Claud Karl Maribel Lauren Jennie
The class spent 15 minutes reading. They actually liked to read. At the end of the day, Lutenia, Rooka, and Recida walked home together. "Ms. Willibey is pretty serious." said Recida. "Yes. VERY. She must be teaching for the first time, I think. I mean, she looks very young, and she seems to really be interested in what we do. No." Lutenia said. The next day, Ms. Willibey seemed to be smiling. "Class. I want each of you to listen to me VERY CARFULLY. Mallory, a young girl who knows a lot about medicine will come to class and talk about different medicines that help us." Everyone groaned, again!
Jessica just moved to Florida from Virgina. Her mom died so her dad couldn't pay the house. He thought that it would be easier if they moved to Florida. And so, they did. Jessica stood outside Reggie Brick School. She was hoping that she could really make friends. She walked into class and saw that there were many more kids than there were in her old class. About 12 more kids. And the teacher was a woman. Here old teacher was a man. "Everybody, take your seats!" said the teacher. Everyone sat down. "We have a new student in our class today. Her name is Jessica Kar. Now I want all of you to say your names. I will start. My name is, Ms. Meevo."
Everyone went around saying their name. Tarina Une. Flora Mell. Xaver Allinger. Sutton Shritz. Molly Ross. Darla Kae. Huston Katz. Justion Gusspi. Nikki Xitz. Tiffany Lee. Andrea Yette. Katey Papadakis. Sean Morgen. Clemintine Hipp. Lauren Ruvike. Michael Carson. Allan Hisspipi. Maurico Ventine. Carl Dart. Reida Zuri. Uliena Zart. Elliana Fartine. Jessica was happy to get to know all these kids. After two days, Jessica became friends with Molly Ross, Lauren Ruvike, Clemintine Hipp, and Elliana Fartine. They all had so much in common. Jessica was happy she could make some friends. She never wanted to leave 3rd grade.

Recida has never been so confused. She had to dress fancy and wash her hair. Recida's mom had made this frilly white dress for her to wear. Recida did not like to wear fancy things. She thought that it was ugly. Her parents had a surprise for her. But they didn't tell her. "I think I look horrible." she said to her mom. "I don't think I have ever seen you look so pretty." Recida's parents were also looking fancy. Recida climbed on her dad's Ruggie Buggie. It was a vehicle that could fly. She was so excited to go to outer space. She would see Crosmo and Quenston.

I think being fancy is dumb!
They were soon making their way on InterPlanet 8. "Are you going to tell me that surprise now or what?" "Recida. We will tell you. We are going to see Quenston again. But we are not going to Crosmo. Quenston and His family just moved to a planet called Qanstiviti. It is very far away. About 7 galaxies away. But don't worry, the Ruggie Buggie goes very fast." Recida's mom said. They were already crossing Jupiter. 14 minutes later, they passed Neptune where they used to live. "I loved Neptune." said Recida. But her parents
didn't seem to hear. They were soon approaching Milky Way Highway. Milky Way Highway seemed MUCH bigger than InterPlanet 8. Recida talked to Zura on her phone for a bit. She told her she was going to see her best friend from Neptune again and how she was very exciting. 3 hours later, they arrived at Qanstiviti. "Follow me, Recida." said Her mom. They stepped out of the Ruggie Buggie and walked up the driveway to Quenston's house. JIKN-JIKN! They rang the doorbell. A tall lady opened it. "HELLO! HOW NICE TO SEEE YOU AGAIN! RECIDA! YOU HAVE REALLLY GROWN UP!" Quenston's mom had a very loud voice. Quenston
ran down the stairs very fast. "RECIDA!" "QUENSTON!!!!!!" They two ran to hug each other. "I'm SOOO happy to see you again! I was in the car for five hours and I am finally hear! How have you been doing?" "Amazing. I am super excited for this evening. You are never going to believe it!" "WHAT IS IT?!?!" Recida wanted to know very badly. "My girlfriend and I are celebrating our 4th year of being together." Recida's face turned gray. She never knew Quenston had a girlfriend. "Good for you." Was all Recida could say.
Recida and Quenston had been best friends since they were only 6. She wanted to cry when she heard this. She was mad at her parents for not telling her. "HOW WOULD YOU ALL LIKE A SNACK?" asked Quenston's mom. "Yes," "I would like purple berry gurple with blue sauce. "Okay Sweetie," Recida ate purple berry gurple with blue sauce. "So, what school do you go to, Quenston?" Her mom asked him. "Jud Yaks Highschool." "And what do you like about this planet?" "I like that it has many cool things that Crosmo didn't have. Crosmo, Neptune was cool. But Norgado, Qanstiviti is much bigger and cooler. Recida was
mad. Quenston felt like a different person. At 6:00pm, It was time for the party. Recida brushed her teeth and made sure she was looking clean. And she was. Quenston's mom had made some blackberry cobbler, pink peppers, purple berry gurple with some blue sauce, and finally, she made xurdle triti. Quenston's girlfriend was a girl with pink skin and beautiful yellow hair. She had this shimmery dark blue dress and these very pretty shoes. It made Recida jealous.

"Recida. I want you to remember that this is Quenston's party, and he is going to be with his girlfriend. Don't try to interrupt conversations of Quenston and His girlfriend." "Can I ask what his girlfriend's name is?" "Yes." Recida went up to Quenston who was talking to His girlfriend. "Hi, Quenston! I wanted to ask, what is your girlfriend's name?" Before Quenston could answer, His girlfriend stepped in front of him and said, "My name is Vernette Fertel. Quenston and I go to Highschool together if you HAD TO KNOW." Recida could not believe it. Quenston's girlfriend was so mean! How could anyone want to hang out with her??????
His girlfriend said that everyone was jealous and thought she was so, so, so, so pretty. Recida was mad at Quenston for choosing this girl. And to make it worst, Her MOM SAID SHE HAAAAAD TO WORK ON HER PROJECT MS. WILLIBEY SAID TO WORK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Recida was so upset. But she did it. After she was done working on 5 more slides, she had already mad 6 before and only needed to make 3 more, Vernette and Quenston began to dance. It reminded Recida about her birthday and she and Quenston were dancing. She was very unhappy. No one saw she was crying because they were all looking at Vernette and Quenston. It really was THE WORST DAY EVER!!!!!

8 days after the incident with Quenston and Vernette being together, it was time for all the kids to show their projects to the class. Recida had been working very hard. Hers was on a medicine called Skyrizi. The whole class presented one-by-one telling and showing their very good slides. Jennie fell asleep because everyone was taking a very long time. "I think Jennie is asleep." said Murcia. "OKAY EVERYONE! The winner is, LUTENIA UVEKA!" Ms. Willibey announced. Lutenia did a very good job. She did hers on Claritin. Everyone thought it was the best. And it was. Mallory had brought in a prize for the one who wins. "Here you are, Lutenia Uveka." She handed her a brown paper bag. Inside was a chocolate chip cookie, a shell, and a little pin that said I AM A DOCTOR on it. Lutenia was
very upset. She thought that it would be something big like a trophy. But NO! Just an old brown paper bag and a doctor pin and a cookie and an ugly shell! She thought Mallory was insane. And she was. At recess, everyone wanted to look at the present Mallory gave Lutenia. "It's just junk. I don't want to be a doctor and I hate cookies and I think seashells are dumb." "But I think that you got a lot of good stuff." Rooka chimed in. "But you don't like seashells! Just like me!" Lutenia thought that Rooka and her liked to do the same things together. Lutenia then had the best idea. "If you don't want all that junk then I can have it," said Martin. And when he said that it gave her an idea. She would have all the boys together and throw one of the things she got up in the air and whoever cached it first got to keep it. And that was
what Lutenia did. Ryan caught the cookie. Karl caught the pin. And Terrance caught the seashell. Lutenia threw away the bag. At that very moment, Mallory came outside. "Lutenia. I gave you the wrong present. That other present was for my aunt. I have your actual present with me. Lutenia's eyes got very wide. All the boys looked shock as well. Karl and Terrance had their supplies, but Ryan had already eaten the cookie. "I am SO SORRY! Terrance, Karl, I need back the seashell and the pin. Give them to Mallory now." Lutenia said. They both said sorry and handed the pin and seashell to Mallory. "That's okay. I'll just buy another bad and another seashell. Now let me get your prize, Lutenia." Mallory came back with a silver trophy. Lutenia has never seen something
so beautiful. She took it home happily and didn't even care if it was too heavy. She loved it too much to think about bad stuff.

You probably never knew that Malibu has a sister. Her name is Siri. Siri has been jealous of her sister for many years because she got chosen to help people. They come from a family of people who help other people around the world. Malibu got chosen. Siri was mad. Now to not confuse you with these to people. Siri has brown hair and wears an orange dress with orange glasses. Malibu has red hair and wears a blue dress.

They are actually twins. Are they?! They have different hair and different dresses! Yes. But they were born on the same date. July 26. 1992. Siri cannot stand it when people say how much she looks like Malibu. It annoys her so. You wouldn't want to meet Siri because she spends 9867 hours talking about how she should by the lady who got chosen to help people. It's not fair. "BUT I WANT TO BE THE HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLPEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRPEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!" Siri one time said to her mom. "Malibu was the one being kind and you barley did your chores. Now do your math page."

Siri Kart
1. What is 50 times 98?
I don't care!
2. What is 200 times 200?
Why are u asking me? U know that!
3. How is multiplying different from dividing?
Multiplying is dumb and division stinks!
Siri had to do math problems. Malibu was the best in math. Siri would always have marked up papers in math. The teacher didn't even bother to call on her during math class because she would give a silly answer. Siri's parents did everything they could to help Siri, but she just didn't want to learn. And that is why you don't want to meet Siri.

When you guys read this, you will be in shock. We haven't heard from Really in a very long time. Really isn't a mean person anymore. She is now a nice person. When she made her mom follow the hearts Her best friend made. But nobody knew that she changed. At school, all of the kids looked at her in a mean way. Really would like it for everyone to give her a second chance. She even wore her hair in a ponytail. She didn't wear a uniform but good school clothes. It started out when she saw Daniela. She said hi to Her, but Daniela just walked away. She tried to speak to the boys, but they also ignored Her. Even the teacher wouldn't call on her whenever Her hand was raised. So what was
the use? Really thought real hard about how she can make everyone like her. She decided that she would give nice comments. She commented Michaella's bow. She commented Iskra for answering a question right. Everyone was in shock. Even the teacher. This really WAS THE NEW REALLY!!!!
Jorden was a loudmouth. She talked very, very loud. Louder than Quenston's mom. She was one of Murcia's best friends. "HI MURCIAAA! HOW ARRRE YOU DOOOINNGG???" "I'm fine, Jorden." There was just no way anyone can deal with a loudmouth. Murcia and Jorden were both very different. Murcia liked nature and didn't mind cleaning up after animals. She wanted to be a zookeeper when she grew up. Jorden, on the other hand did not like nature. She liked fashion and was always making sure to be clean. But there was something that Murcia liked about Jorden. That Jorden was positive. But one day,
Jorden ran up to Murcia. "UGGGGGRRRRRRHHHHH!!!! MURCIA! I don't know WHY Michaela just stole my peanut butter sandwich! THAT GIRL CANNNNOOOTT TAAKKE MYYY LUUUUUUUUUNNNNNCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" "Jorden! You are being VERYLOUD! EVEN WHEN you talk to me, you SONDLOUD! THIS loud talking had got to STOOPP!!!" Jorden widened her eyes. "OH! I didn't know," When Jorden talked normal, she was whispering. And now everyone wants to be Jorden's friend.
Recida was excited. Her parents have told her she was getting a surprise. "Can't you guys just tell me?" Recida asked the same question over and over again. Should we tell her? her mom thought over and over again. "Okay, okay. Quenston is coming over with his girlfriend today at 4pm." "WHAAAHHATT?!?!?!?!" "You will love meeting her. Her name is Vernette." said Recida's dad. "I ALREADY KNOW HER NAME." Recida said hotly. She had to put on a dress again and put makeup on. Well, her mom would put her makeup. Recida was mad at her parents. She was mad at everyone. Things were not going well. A few hours later, the bell rang.

"Marten! Querkia! And Quenston Karwetrentqy! And YOU! Vernette Fertel! You look amazing!" "THANK YOU ZARVMEN!" Recida could not even stand hearing Quenston's mom talk. Then Recida's mom said, "We are very pleased to have you. I think you remember Recidmedia." "OH YES! RECIDA! JUST LOOK AT YOU! I don't think I recognize you at all." Recida hated to be called that. "Hi, Recida. Me and Vernette met these awesome new people you would like to meet. They are the Icy Ream People. I met a couple who has a daughter your age. Her name is Karnette Isiq." "Uh-huh," Recida and Quenston's parents ate together. "Recida, why don't you show Vernette your room?" Recida's mom said. Recida led Vernette to her room. Quenston had already seen it.
"So, this is your room. Very nice." "You don't mean it, do you?" How could Vernette Fertel make such a nice comment to Recidmedia Hulenia? For your information, Recida's real name is Recidmedia. "Let me go get something. Sit down." A few minutes later, Vernette came in with a very big book. She plunked it down hard on Recida's desk.

"WASN'T THAT A FUN TIME?! I NEVER FORGOT! RECIDA SHOULD HAVE CAME!" It was Quenston's annoying mom. "These are drawings on how I want my room to look. Recida looked through all the drawings. They were very nice. "What color is your room?" Recida asked Vernette. "Dark purple. I want it purple SOOOOOOO badly. Recida and Vernette talked about their rooms. And soon it was time for dinner. They had Resyu Gyjo Corn from a planet called Oreksratmshqwer 88 galaxies from Neptune. It was verry good. Then Vernette told a story about the Yurves Contest on Qansiviti. "And they thought my name was hard to spell and they spelled it wrong! They spelled it 7 ways wrong: Verenette, Verenitte, Veranatte, Verinnette, Vernettie, Verneanette, Verensatte." And everyone laughed like it was so, so, funny.
Luci is 12 years old. She is Rooka's cousin. Luci likes to play golf. She is really good at it. But not everyone thinks Luci is very good. The girls in her class tease her. They say things like "You are SUCH a tomboy!" or "Why is your hair so long? If you want to play golf, cut your dumb hair!" Those girls are Victoria Jezz, Leslie Nalles, and Ulla Martinez. They like to ware pink sparkly clothes and are at the top of all classes. So is Luci.

One day, Luci was walking to her math class with Nia Dallessandro. Nia is her best friend. But at that very moment, Leslie Nalles came up to Luci and Nia. "You guys better hurry up. You don't want to be late to Ms. Kallisandro's Math Class. You know she gets mad." And Leslie skipped away. Leslie is the most annoying one in the group. Ulla was the loudest. And Victoria was the one who was always in fashion. On a scale from 1 to 10, Leslie would be like a 7. Ulla would be a 9 and Victoria would be in between an 8 and a 9. The girls also have another girl in their group. Tiffany Wen. Tiffany Wen is SUPERSMART. She makes a very great effort. But she is mean to Luci. She wasn't there that day. Luci and Nia tried to avoid her. But the good news is that she is only in 2 periods.

Luci had just had it. She knew what she had to do. "I NEED VICTORIA JEZZ, LESLIE NALLES, AND ULLA MARTINEZ!" Luci shouted at the top of her lungs. "AND TIFFANY WEN!" The four girls all sassy walked to Luci. "Punk. If you wanna tell us something', do it NOW." said Tiffany Wen right in Luci's face. "I'm TIRED OF YOU GUYS BEING SOOOOOOOO MEEAAANN!!! You have got to stop!!!!!!!!" The girls looked at her. Then left. Luci had defeated them.

Vernette Fertel is 15 years old and has no siblings. She's happy that way. She began to like Quenston at the age of 11. Quenston began to like Vernette at the age of 12. He is a year older. They loved each other very much. But until one fateful day. Recida's mom was talking to Recida's neighbor, Ms. Dalventi. At that point, Quenston and this girl with bright orange hair came walking down laughing. Vernette and Recida looked and could not believe their eyes. Quenston said he would ALWAYS promise to be with Vernette. "QUENSTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "VERNETTE! RECIDMEDIA HULENIA!!!!" "WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP CALLING ME THAATTT?!?!?!?!??!!!!!!!!" shouted Recida.
"Quenston, WHO IS THAT GIRL and whaaaaaahhhaaahhhattt are you doing????" "Listen, Vernette," Quenston began. "I'm with Abby R'Calligh. My new girlfriend." "GIRLFRIEND?!!" Vernette shouted. "Yes. I am Abby R'Calligh. Quenston is SOOOOOOO HOOOOOTTT!! You should meet him." Vernette was very, very mad. She wanted to kick Abby. And Quenston and Abby walked away. Vernette looked as if she was about to cry. "C'mon, Vernette," Recida walked sad Vernette Fertel back to Recida's house.

Vernette was so upset. Quenston was with another girl. It was over. "I need to know more about this Abby girl." Vernette told Recida. "But you hardly know her! How will you find your information?" Recida thought a bit. "OH! OH! I know where you can find out more about Abby. I've seen something like her in a book," Recida took out a book that said, "Alien Types." They flipped until they found a species labeled "Martian." "Abby is a Martian. She is supposed to be green, but she got sick and turned red." "I wonder what she is doing on Earth?" Vernette said. They read more and more. Nothing interesting.

"Today we will be starting a new book called, "Froggy's New Friend." said Ms. Raleigh the librarian. Sometimes Really went to the library to listen to Ms. Raleigh read.
"One very sunny day, there was a little green frog called Froggy. Froggy was just starting school. He really wanted to make new friends, but it wasn't very easy...."
Really thought about Froggy and making new friends. The girls at school acted nicer with her but did they really like her?

Froggy's New Friend

"Froggy waited at the bus stop. He felt very nervous as he got on the bus. He tried to sit next to a kitten, but she moved her tail so he couldn't sit down. So, Froggy had to sit all alone."
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Getting Through the Hardest Things
Daniela Hidalgo

Really was on the floor screaming. She does that a lot. Really screams if she doesn't get what she wants, or if she wants something. Her mom gives her everything Really wants. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Really screamed. Her mom came into the room. "What's wrong, my dear?" "I CAN'T FIND MY BOW!!!!!" She continued to scream. Then, her mom held out the bow in her hand. "Here you go," she said. "Give me!" Really grabbed the bow out of her mom's hand. She never said, "thank you" EVER. Really was very, very, very, very, very, hard to understand.
"I'm bored!" Really was not a very happy person. She got everything she wanted but was never happy. Really was very pretty. She had orange-blonde hair and always wore a pink dress with a flower on it. She had dark blue eyes and tan skin. But many people were afraid of her. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I want to do SOMETHING!!" "I have an idea. Let's go to Mavis's Jewlery." Her mom, Veronica, hated to see her daughter unhappy. It made her very sad. So, they went to Mavis's Jewlery. Really bought many Jewels. Really looked very pretty in them. Many people even stopped to look at her. She would get comments like, "You look so pretty in those jewels!" Or,
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