with ideas. I couldn't have gotten it all done without
you. Thank you all for reading this and I hope you have
as much fun reading it as I had writing and making it.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

School is so boring, why does it have to drag on for so long? Why
can't our teachers make it fun? This is what I was thinking as our
teacher turned the television on for the morning announcements.
Then we saw something very strange on the screen, so strange in fact
that we thought it was a science fiction movie, or a very bad
children's show.
The news was displaying what appeared to be a giant pumpkin
falling from the sky. Wait, no, not falling, flying! And it was headed
right for our town! I watched as our teacher stared at the television
first in shock, then in panic. She quickly hid her feelings though, and
turned the television off. She told us to begin on our assignment for
the day while she went next door to ask the neighboring teacher
something. So, we all thought nothing of it and began writing. Then
we heard a loud crash and there was no denying that something was
going on in our little town of Lenore, Rhode Island.

"Sir, we've selected the planet with the best resources for our new
colony," reported Commander Carrot.
"Excellent, commence with the locking procedures. I want to be
there in 20 minutes," demanded General Eggplant.
Commander Carrot began to input some codes into the control panel
of the space ship. Soon, they were buzzing off through space. Before
long, they could see this new found planet called Earth from the
window of their ship. The entire crew was alight with the idea of a
new home, one where their families could live bountiful lives. They
didn't care if was at the expense of any other beings that may
currently habitate the planet. Besides, their mission as soldiers was to
conquer the planet with any means necessary. They didn't concern
themselves with whether it was right. They left that kind of thinking
to higher command; and higher command only cared for one thing,

When the crash was heard, any sense of normalcy had vanished.
Some students started crying for their mothers, some started yelling,
others panicked and started running around the room. At this point
our teacher came back into the class and attempted to settled us
down. She locked all doors and covered all windows, telling us to be
quiet because we had no idea what was going on.
Just as she had gotten everyone quiet, the principal's voice boomed
on the loud speaker. "Teachers and students, please stay calm. We
realize that there is little known about what is occurring, and ask that
all classes please join us in the cafeteria. We will sound bells for each
grade level to travel to the cafeteria in an orderly fashion."
By the time the fifth bell rang, the rest of my class was quite antsy.
We started walking to the cafeteria as we were thinking things
couldn't get any stranger. Then they did. We watched as huge blobs
of color fell from the sky. Where they... vegetables?

From the televisions in the cafeteria, we watched the invasion of
giant vegetables fold out. Soon the vegetables that had fallen from
the sky began to make their intentions clear by destroying the
buildings around them.
The invading vegetables had no way of moving other than rolling or
jumping up and down in the direction they desired. They squished
cars under their massive bodies, rolled over homes, and crushed
stores. They only left destruction in their wake. But their size wasn't
their only weapon, they also had ray guns that shot out lasers.
Unfortunately, we saw what these ray guns did when a curious
news reporter got too close to these strange aliens. As the reporter
approached the giant onion, she was shot and instantly turned into a
candlestick. It was clear that something had to be done about these
aliens. But what?

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with ideas. I couldn't have gotten it all done without
you. Thank you all for reading this and I hope you have
as much fun reading it as I had writing and making it.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

School is so boring, why does it have to drag on for so long? Why
can't our teachers make it fun? This is what I was thinking as our
teacher turned the television on for the morning announcements.
Then we saw something very strange on the screen, so strange in fact
that we thought it was a science fiction movie, or a very bad
children's show.
The news was displaying what appeared to be a giant pumpkin
falling from the sky. Wait, no, not falling, flying! And it was headed
right for our town! I watched as our teacher stared at the television
first in shock, then in panic. She quickly hid her feelings though, and
turned the television off. She told us to begin on our assignment for
the day while she went next door to ask the neighboring teacher
something. So, we all thought nothing of it and began writing. Then
we heard a loud crash and there was no denying that something was
going on in our little town of Lenore, Rhode Island.

"Sir, we've selected the planet with the best resources for our new
colony," reported Commander Carrot.
"Excellent, commence with the locking procedures. I want to be
there in 20 minutes," demanded General Eggplant.
Commander Carrot began to input some codes into the control panel
of the space ship. Soon, they were buzzing off through space. Before
long, they could see this new found planet called Earth from the
window of their ship. The entire crew was alight with the idea of a
new home, one where their families could live bountiful lives. They
didn't care if was at the expense of any other beings that may
currently habitate the planet. Besides, their mission as soldiers was to
conquer the planet with any means necessary. They didn't concern
themselves with whether it was right. They left that kind of thinking
to higher command; and higher command only cared for one thing,
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