Aboulkasem chabbi secondary school, National "Mircea cel Batran", Çankaya Şehit Mert Kaya Ortaokulu, Ecole primaire de la république Siliana, Ülkü İmamhatip Ortaokulu, Cumhuriyet Primary School ,Şehit Cennet Yiğit Kız Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi, Yahya Akel Fen Lisesi,

-In a far away country, there is a rich and happy family.The wife , Judi and the husband Adam love each other very much.Their happiness will be perfect because they are going to have a baby in April.
April comes and Judi has a girl baby.She is really cute, beautiful and white. When Adam first sees his daughter he thinks she is as white as snow. They decide to call her “Snow White”
Snow White is really smart, beautiful and calm baby. Snow White learns new things every day. She seldom cries , and always smile at her parents.
When autum comes Adam has to go on a business trip for two weeks to a far away country.Judi doesn’t want to go with him because the trip will be difficult for her and Snow White, so she decides to stay at home.But, she is sad and anxious.Adam says he will finish his job and return as soon as possible.

I need to go on a business trip
When Adam comes, Judi wants Alis to stay and continue to look after Snow White. In fact Judi doesn’t get well yet.Adam try to find a good doctor for his wife.He finds a good doctor and takes his wife to him but the doctor can’t understand and cure Judi’s illness.
Judi becomes weak day by day.Adam is sad and hopeless. Snow White becomes one year old but Judi is still ill. The next morning Adam has to take Judi at the hospital and Judi can’t return her home again and dies after two days.

Adam is so sad that he even doesn’t want to see his lovely daughter for a long time. Days pass one after another. Snow White isn’t a happy baby any more. She doesn’t understand where her mother is. She becomes two years old and then three years old. Adam’s friends and relatives advise Adam to get married because he needs a wife and Snow White is very young. Adam doesn’t want but he knows that they will say it again and again. He thinks and decides to marry Alis.Because Alis knows Snow White and loves her.Adam asks Alis to marry him and Alis accepts it happily because she loves Adam very much.

They get married. At first Alis is still kind to Snow White. But as Snow White grows old and becomes more and more beautiful and Adam loves her daughter more than anything in his life , Alis feels jealous of Snow White. She starts to make plans to get rid of Snow White. When Adam comes home she complains about Snow White.She says Snow White is spoilt, bad tempered, naughty but Adam has a great tolerans to his daughter. In fact Snow White plays herself and never disturbs her step mother.She is at school during the day and when she comes home she does her homework and reads books.But Her step mother Alis doesn’t want her at her sight and at home. She makes plans about getting rid of Snow White.

Alis search for a boarding school in a far away country for her. When Snow White is 13 years old her step mother is sucessful.She convinces Adam for the boarding school. Alis says it is really perfect for Snow White and she will learn at least 4 foreign languages, how to play the violin and the piano, will learn coding, art , computer, designing etc. Adam talks to his daughter and tells her that the school is really good for her and she will get a perfect education.Snow White doesn’t like the idea of boarding school but she doesn’t know that is her Step mother’s idea so she accepts and says nothing to make her father happy.But in the depth of her heart , she feels that her father doesn’t want to see her.Because she looks like her mother as she grows up.

Snow White, you should go to boarding school. it will be better for you. You will get a very good education.
Whatever you want dad.

You're finally leaving home, Snow White.
Her step mother Alis is very happy.She and Adam will be alone.And Adam will be hers. Snow White gets ready to go to school.It is 13 hours away by plane from her house.So she will be away at least 10 months. It is a long time for a young 15 year old girl. As people say " Out of sight, out of mind" .She is afraid that her father will forget her and her stepmother will plan to get rid of Snow white forever.There are lots of negative questions in her mind.
Her step mother Alis is very happy.She and Adam will be alone.And Adam will be hers. Snow White gets ready to go to school.It is 13 hours away by plane from her house.So she will be away at least 10 months. It is a long time for a young 15 year old girl. As people say " Out of sight, out of mind" .She is afraid that her father will forget her and her stepmother will plan to get rid of Snow white forever.There are lots of negative questions in her mind.
And days pass one after another. The day come for Snow white to say goodbye to her dad, room, house, City and country. She is ready for school, she has packed everything she will need except her feelings. She has bad feelings, she is sad, anxious but she has no other choice. She will go to the boarding school in a far, far away country, even she doesn´t know it´s location on the map. Because her stepmother has planned this, because her father wants her to take a good education, because she isn´t wanted at home and at her stepmother´s sight. The most and real reason is this one. She knows this but she can´t blame her with this plan in front of her father.

Her father and stepmother drive her to the airport. Stepmother comes because she doesn't want father and daughter spend any time alone and talk to each other and change their mind.
They give cold hugs to each other and Snow white gets on the plane which will seperate her from her father perhaps forever.
On the plane while waiting to take off, Snow White knows in her deep heart that this maybe the last time she sees her father.
Soon after the plane takes off she feels sleepy because for nearly a week she has only 3 or 4 hours sleep a day.
Nearly after five hours she wakes and opens her eyes.She doesn't want but she opens with the pilot's announcement that there will be air turbulance and the plane will shake but there is nothing to be afraid of.
The hours pass and they start to land. There is a stranger waiting for her to take her to her new life and school.
After a half an hour car drive, they arrive a big, old grey building.It looks really scary.

She meets the headteacher assistant and learns her room number.She tajes her suitcases and finds her room.While she unpacks her clothes a shy and nice girl enters the room.Snow white introduces herself immediately,as she has guessed the girl is her roommate,Sandra.They like each other but don't talk very much.Later Snow white meets Sandra's 6 other friens.They call themselves seven dwarfs.They become close friends with Snow whitw.Each dwarfs has a different feature.The tallest one,Emily likes sleeping very much.The fattest one Maria likes eating and youngest one Lily likes writing,the oldest Susan likes drawing,Nancy the second talllest likes cleaning and the laziest is Carla and Snow white's roomate Sandra likes dancing very much.

Snow White's New like all of the seven girls.Thay are her first friends.They make her happy. The school is very diciplined and teachers are mostly strict about lessons and school rules.However, girls are kind, lovely and friendly because they almost share the same destiny and problems, they are all away from their home.
Snow white has got used to her new life in a few months. The lessons are hard and teachers give lots of homework and tasks to do.
Snow White's like all of the seven
girls.Thay are her first friends.They make her
happy. The school is very diciplined and
teachers are mostly strict about lessons
and school rules.However, girls are kind,
lovely and friendly because they almost
share the same destiny and problems, they
are all away from their home.
Snow white has got used to her new life in a few months. The lessons are hard and
teachers give lots of homework and tasks to do.
They have rarely time to chat . At night they usually feel tired
and sleep early.Everything is ok, but she misses her father
and the feeling , the thought that her father will not love and
remember her make her upset.
The next morning when she looks out of her room window she sees that flowers bloom, she can't believe that
spring comes.It is 7 months since she begins this school.She
has stopped writing letters to her father as he never answers her letters.
Summer comes and school finishes, teachers say anyone who wants to spend the summer at school can stay at school. Because some of the girls don't have families.Snow White and seven fairies decide to stay at school .
She doesn’t know that her stepmother also has written a letter to school manager not to send Snow White during holidays as she needs a diciplined education.If she learns she will be really sorry , but it is her decision to stay at school and she is happy to be with her friends.
Years pass one after another seven girls always help each other and protect Snow White. The girls graduate from high school. Five of them don’t have a family or house to return back.In fact Snow White doesn’t have a house either. It isn’t her house any more, when her mother dies nowhere is her house when she is young she doesn’t know this but when she grows up , she realizes this fact.
During these years her stepmother can’t be happy although Snow White is not near them because Adam is not happy and he doesn’t love Alis as a wife.Her jealousy and anger to Snow White grow bigger and bigger.She thinks that Snow White is the reason of her unhappiness.
Snow White and her 7 friends decide to live together in the same house.They move to the capital city and rent a three-stroy house. They run their own business. Her stepmother hires a detective and finds Snow White’s address.She decides to visit and poison her.
She injects poison into the apples and takes them with her. She learns that Snow White is a little ill and stays at home on that day.She rings the door bell of Snow White. Snow White recognize her difficultly and lets her in anxiously . They talk a little and stepmother takes the apples out of her bag, and insists Snow White to eat one of them, saying it was a gift from his father.
As soon as Snow White takes a little bite from the apple she falls down. Then the stepmother leaves the house immediately without anyone sees her.
When her lovely seven friends returns home from work, they ring the door bell but nobody answers it. They think Snow White is tired and asleep.

They open the door with their key and entered the house. They get shocked when they find her lying on the floor unconsciously. They carried her to a bed and called a doctor. When the doctor comes , he examines her and says that she is poisoned.He gives him some medine and says that they will wait and see. The doctor goes but Snow White doesn’t open her eyes or wakes up. The girls stand-by near her bed in 3 hours shift.But she doesn’t come to herself. The next day the doctor comes again and give some different medicines. The doctor is really sorry for Snow White. He looks at her beautiful face and he can’t help feeling sorry. He feels he falls in love with her at first sight .
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Aboulkasem chabbi secondary school, National "Mircea cel Batran", Çankaya Şehit Mert Kaya Ortaokulu, Ecole primaire de la république Siliana, Ülkü İmamhatip Ortaokulu, Cumhuriyet Primary School ,Şehit Cennet Yiğit Kız Anadolu İmam Hatip Lisesi, Yahya Akel Fen Lisesi,

-In a far away country, there is a rich and happy family.The wife , Judi and the husband Adam love each other very much.Their happiness will be perfect because they are going to have a baby in April.
April comes and Judi has a girl baby.She is really cute, beautiful and white. When Adam first sees his daughter he thinks she is as white as snow. They decide to call her “Snow White”
Snow White is really smart, beautiful and calm baby. Snow White learns new things every day. She seldom cries , and always smile at her parents.
When autum comes Adam has to go on a business trip for two weeks to a far away country.Judi doesn’t want to go with him because the trip will be difficult for her and Snow White, so she decides to stay at home.But, she is sad and anxious.Adam says he will finish his job and return as soon as possible.

I need to go on a business trip
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