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The Friendly Lion’s tan fur glistened in the evening sun. In the
scorching Jungle of Tanzania, the Lion played by himself.

The Friendly Lion was bigger than the other animals in the
jungle. He had sharp teeth and a big mane. Although he was
big, he was a gentle lion, he would never harm anyone. The
Friendly Lion treated everyone with kindness and respect.

Everyday the Friendly Lion would watch all the other animals play in the
jungle, from a distance. Every time he tried to play with the other
animals, they would run away and hide. The Lion grew lonely and sad.
He longed to have a friend that wouldn't be scared of him.

One animal that was especially scared of the Lion was the
Disapproving Mouse. The tiny Mouse remembered the other
animals telling him horrifying stories of lions and their
wickedness. “My mom told me, lions are cruel and vicious and I
should stay away from them.” The zebra said. The mouse grew

“I heard a lion dug his claws into an elephant, for looking the wrong
way!” The monkey joined. The Mouse perked up his big rounded ears
and cringed. He agreed from then on, he would never cross paths with
a lion.

One day when the dusty gray mouse and the other animals were
messing around he accidentally fell into a ditch, that seemed endless.

He cried and cried for help but none of the other animals could reach
the mouse, as they were to small.

The Friendly Lion heard the Mouse crying for help, “Some one
help me please!” As he ran to help the Mouse, all the animals
scurried away.

“Don’t worry I’ll help you!” shouted the Lion. The mouse was
relieved someone was going to help him, until the Lion peered
down in the ditch. The Mouse froze in place when he caught a
glance of the Lion, shivers running down his back.

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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

The Friendly Lion’s tan fur glistened in the evening sun. In the
scorching Jungle of Tanzania, the Lion played by himself.

The Friendly Lion was bigger than the other animals in the
jungle. He had sharp teeth and a big mane. Although he was
big, he was a gentle lion, he would never harm anyone. The
Friendly Lion treated everyone with kindness and respect.

Everyday the Friendly Lion would watch all the other animals play in the
jungle, from a distance. Every time he tried to play with the other
animals, they would run away and hide. The Lion grew lonely and sad.
He longed to have a friend that wouldn't be scared of him.

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