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I have just arrived in the beautiful Amazon Rain
forest.All that surrounds me is the lovely trees
and tropical lime green grass.luckily had a cabin
to live in but not that much was in it all i had
was a bed and some food so After a while i got
board so i went out looking for adventures

Sadly i have lost my way of
home but i have not lost
hope.Sudenly i saw the
Amazon river,it was beautiful
the water was shimering and
sparkling,i felt i was in heaven.

Happily i found my cabin so i could
get some thing to eat.after that i
went looking for some animals to see
but all i saw was a jaguar and a frog

Luckily i came across some lovely
flowers called tulips.I really loved
their color because it was a nice
shiny gold

While i was looking around i found a lovely dress
on the ground and it was a perfict fit i wonder whos
it was but i didn't care"finders keepers losers
weepers.While i was on my way home i saw a tree
falling down because of the horrible wood cutters
all the animals looked depresed that there home is
destroyed,all i saw was the animals wondering
away to find a knew home.

It was getting dark so i went back to my
cabin to get some sleep.after a while i
woke up and looked out my window and i
saw a really cute kitten he was Grey
beautiful and beloved so i took him in.
Not long after i decided to
give him a name,i was
thinking and thinking
then i got it i will
call him tales

Me and Tales were out looking for
some fun but it got to dark and
we got really scared,We heard
roars and croaks and really scary
so i picked up Tales and we ran
away.Thankfully we got home
safe and sound but lets never
out late


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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2010 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

I have just arrived in the beautiful Amazon Rain
forest.All that surrounds me is the lovely trees
and tropical lime green grass.luckily had a cabin
to live in but not that much was in it all i had
was a bed and some food so After a while i got
board so i went out looking for adventures

Sadly i have lost my way of
home but i have not lost
hope.Sudenly i saw the
Amazon river,it was beautiful
the water was shimering and
sparkling,i felt i was in heaven.

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