1.GARLIC FRIED FRIES- Rana AL- SHAYEB- Doqara Secondary School for Girls/JORDAN (Page 5-6)
2.TURKISH LENTILS SOUP RECIPE-Halime GÜN-Orhangazi İmam Hatip Secondary School/Söğüt/Bilecik/TURKEY (Page 7-12)
3.KALBURABASTI - Aslıhan ÜRÜN-Bulakbaşı Secondary School / Şırnak -Uludere- TURKEY (Page 13-18)
4.TRAY KEBAB- Ayfer KARATOPUK-Hayriye Kaya Secondary School-TURKEY (Page 19-21)
5.PASTRY- MEHMET GÜNEŞOĞLU-Yunus Emre Secondary School/ Merkez-Hakkari-TURKEY (Page 22-24)
6.STUFFED VINE LEAVES WITH OLIVE OIL- Ayşegül ARITÜRK-Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Girls İmam Hatip High &Secondary School-Toroslar/ Mersin/TURKEY (Page 25-30)
7.BACALHAU DA CONSOADA DE NATAL -Helena GOMES-Agrupamento de Escolas de Canedo, Santa Maria da Feira /PORTUGAL (Page 31-33)
8. PORTUQUESE STEW- Natividade SANTOS/A Beira Douro Group of Schools/PORTUGAL (Page 34-37)
9.RUSTIC SALAD- Maria Manual VALENTE - Agrupam-ento de Escolas de Canedo, Santa Maria da Feira/PORTUGAL (Page 38-19)
10.KHOROVATS- Gayane MAYILYAN-Basic SchoolN2 Vedi -ARMANIAN (Page 40-41)
11.MANSAF-Mysoon Bany FAWAZ-King Abdullah 2nd School of Excellence-JORDAN (Page 42-43)
12.PAN-Nihan YILDIZ NARİNALP, Şehit Üsteğmen Mustafa Şimşek Ortaokulu, Kayseri / TURKEY (Page 44-48)
13. BAKED MEATBALLS WITH POTATES- Elli KALFA- Elementary School of Kosmio, Komotini/Greece (Page 49-53)
14. "MELOMAKARONA" GINGERBREAD- Elli Kalfa- Elementary School of Kosmio, Komotini/Greece (Page 54-57)
15.ZUCCHINI STUFFED WITH RICE AND MEAT - Fidaa MOHAMMED-School Secondary Dokara for Girls (Page 58-63)
16.OLIVE OIL LEAF WRAP - Reyhan GÜLTEKİN-Özlüce Nurettin Topçu Girls Anatolian High School- TURKEY (Page 64-68)
17.MUTABBAL - Hadeel AlRABEE /Kalida Algesha SwiftKey/JORDAN (Page 69-71)
18.GALAYET BANDORA- Baraa MOHAMMAD/Um Shuraik Secondary School for Girls/JORDAN (Page 72-75)
19.BANSKO-Iva Kisyova KALINKOVA/Vocational School of Economics and Management Elias Canetti/BULGARIA (Page 76-80)
20.POLISH ZAPIENKA- Katarzyna ANNA KALISZEWSKA /School Podsawowa Barciany and Straza Border/POLAND (Page 81-84)

Potato Wedges With Garlic
by team
Rana Al-Shayeb - Doqara Secondary School for Girls/Jordan
***Potato wedges with garlic***
2 potatoes
Two tablespoons of garlic
3 tablespoons of olive oil
Teaspoon salt
A teaspoon of pepper
A teaspoon of paprika
1- Wash the potatoes, then cut them as shown in the picture
2- Place the above-mentioned ingredients on the potatoes and place them in the preheated oven

3.Quarter teaspoon of oil
5.A cup of lentils
6.A liter of water
7.A pinch of salt
8.One tablespoon of tomato paste
1.Wash and dice the potatoes, onions and carrots.
2. After heating a quarter tea glass of oil, add the onions you cut into cubes.
3.When the onions turn pink, add some tomato paste. After the tomato paste is browned, add a tablespoon of flour and continue cooking the flour.
4.After the flour is cooked until its smell is gone (about 3 minutes).
5.Then add the red lentils, the carrots and lentils that we cut into cubes.
6. Cook until the vegetables and red lentils are tender. This will take about 30-40 minutes.
7.Once the vegetables and red lentils have softened and blended well, pass the soup through the blender and blend until smooth.
8.If the water has decreased after that, add some more water and cook until it boils.
9.After the soup is cooked, add red pepper flakes and mint to a tablespoon of butter and fry for a few minutes. Add it to the soup. Enjoy meal!

It was prepared by the students of Orhangazi Imam Hatip Secondary School.

Bulakbaşı Secondary School / Şırnak -Uludere- TURKEY
150 g butter at room temperature,
1/4 cup of vegetable oil,
2 tbsp of plain yogurt,
3-3.5 cups of flour,
1 tsp of baking soda,
1/2 cup of grated walnuts.
For Syrup;
2 cups of water,
2 cups of sugar,
1 slice of lemon.
1- In a large mixing bowl combine butter, vegetable oil, yoghurt and baking soda and mix well,
2- Add flour step by step to form a dough that does not stick hands,
3- Divide the dough into 23 equal portions,
Flatten the pieces in your hand and put 1 tsp of grated walnuts in the middle and close,
4-Press each piece of dough over a sieve or a shredder with your fıngers while rolling and shaping into oblongs (do not press through)
5- Place the cookies on a baking sheet and bake in a 180 C degrees preheated oven until golden,
Meanwhile, in a medium pan, add the sugar, water and lemon juice, bring to a boil and let simmer for 2 minutes or until the mixture is syrupy, then remove from heat,
6- After removing the cookies from the oven set aside for 20 minutes,
7- Pour the warm syrup over cookies and set aside until the cookies soak all the syrup.

This sweet was prepared by students of Bulakbaşı Secondary School

Health Life
Healthy Generation
Making Food
Production stages of "Tepsi Kebab" by Rana's hands.

simple and delicious recipe
If you want to try it,
take a look at
the material list and its
6 tablespoons of olive oil
2.5 cups of milk
1.5 teaspoons of salt
2 cups flour
Half a pack of baking powder
1 pinch of parsley
4 onions

MEHMET GÜNEŞOĞLU-Yunus Emre Secondary School/Merkez-Hakkari-TURKEY
2. The pan is lightly oiled with a brush and a ladle of pancake batter is added and cooked on both sides. All dough is cooked in this way.
3. To prepare the pastry, one pancake is placed in a pan, grated cheddar is spread all over, covered on another pancake, heated on low heat, both sides are greased with butter and served hot.
4. All pancakes are prepared and cooked in this way. Good luck to those who will try.
Table of contents


grape leaves
6 tablespoon of olive oil
1 lemon
2 medium- sized onion
1,5 glass of rice
1 glass of hot water
1 tablespoon of black currant
1 teaspoon of black pepper
1 teaspoon of pimento
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of salt

1. To prepare the cooking base of the stuffed grape leaves; mince the onions as small cubes. Heat the olive oil in a cooking pot. Start roasting on medium heat until onions becomes tender.
2. Keep the rice in cool water for 5 minutes. Then wash it with plenty of water and drain the excess water. Add the rice to the cooking pot with the onions and go on roasting a little bit on medium heat .
3. Then add black currants, black pepper, pimento, cinnamon and salt to the pot. Add hot water and cook the cooking base for 5 minutes on low heat and then remove from the cooker.
4. Put the vine leaves on a serving plate by placing the veined portions of the leaves looking towards you. Put the cooking base prepared into the middle of each leaf.
6. Cover the bottom of the cooking pot with several grapevine leaves. Place the wrapped leaves you have prepared, sequentially, side by side. Slice the lemons in circle shape and then put them over the stuffed grape leaves.

7. Pour some hot water and olive oil over the leaves gently. In order to keep them tight and prevent from unwrapping during the cooking process; put a flat serving plate over them.
8. Cook them on low heat for about 35 minutes. You serve them warm or cold. Share them with your loved ones.

The delicious stuffed grape leaves were prepared by the students of Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Girls imam Hatip High&Secondary School.

HELENA GOMES & MARIA MANULA VALENTE - Agrupamento de Escolas de Canedo, Santa Maria da Feira /Portugal
Bacalhau da consoada de Natal (Christmas eve codfish) : Helena GOMES and her students
Rustic salad: Maria MANUAL and her students

Bacalhau da consoada de Natal (Christmas eve codfish)

Preparation method:
1. Before being cooked, the cod must be soaked in water.
2. Meanwhile, peel and cut the potatoes to size.
3. Then choose and wash the Portuguese cabbage leaves well.
4. Then, put water seasoned with salt in a pan and cook the potatoes with the eggs and cod. When it comes to a boil, add the cabbage, and let it cook.

Portuguese Stew
Natividade SANTOS/A Beira Douro Group of Schools/PORTUGAL
Prepared by our students. Thank you to all our students.
Portuguese Stew
As the name implies, Portuguese stew is a very popular meal here in Portugal, usually (at my home) we always serve it with a salad of onions, lettuce and peppers. It is already a tradition at home for my mother to boil some eggs for me and my father since we only eat potatoes with eggs.
Despite being a delicious food, it is also very expensive since it takes a wide variety of meats, so at home we only eat it once in a while.
It is not very common in other families but here in my home Portuguese stew always has cooked rice.
-Potatoes Cabbage;
-Sausage; -Beef;
-Chicken; Salt pork's ear;
-Blood sausage;
-Many other types of meat can be used, it's up to you, here at home we do it as shown above).

Preparation method:
Separate the meat from the potatoes in different pans (in one pan you put all the meats and in another pan you put the potatoes together with carrots and cabbage), if you are going to cook the rice, do it in a different pan and if you are going to boil the eggs it is preferable to cook in the pot of potatoes. With everything separated by pans, we add water and salt, put everything on the fire and wait for it to cook. When everything is cooked we take a plate and make the salad using the vegetables, vinegar and oil.The way of presentation is simple, we cut the meat and put it on a platter all mixed up, on another platter we put the potatoes, cabbage and carrots, as for the rice it is also taken to the table on a plate or on a platter.
Rustic salad

Preparation method:
1. you put the eggs to boil;
2. Wash and cut the lettuce;
3. cut up the avocado and the eggs;
4. Drain the can of tuna, the corn and the soy sprouts;
5. Put everything together in a bowl and season;
6. To finish, place the croutons on top.

Armenian "Khorovats"(barbecue)prepared by student Aren -Armenia /Vedi N2 Basic school
Teacher -Gayane Mayilyan
Preparation metod:
Cut the pork meat into small pieces and add to it very small chopped onion. Add salt, pepper and some basil leaves. Mix all of them together very well and leave in the refrigerator for few hours so the taste of the salt, pepper and the basil leaves penetrates inside the meat.

Armenian Barbecue Ingredients:
2 pounds of pork meat
1 onion
Salt and Pepper (Black Pepper and Red Pepper)
Basil Leaves
Mysoon Bany FAWAZ-King Abdullah 2nd School of Excellence-JORDAN
Prepared by Ahsen
Teacher: Nihan YILDIZ NARİNALP, Şehit Üsteğmen Mustafa Şimşek Ortaokulu, Kayseri / Türkiye

Tomato paste,
Olive oil,
Red pepper.

Put all the ingredients in a tray.

Mix all the ingredients.

Bake it for one hour in 180 C.
Then, it is ready.
Enjoy your meal:)
Baked meatballs with potatoes
For the meatballs
500 gr ground beef
500 gr. minced pork
1 onion
150 gr. bread cut into thick pieces
50 ml 3.5% fat milk
50 ml olive oil
chopped parsley
1 tbsp oregano
1 tbsp dry thyme
1 lemon’s zest
1 egg
1 clove of garlic

Baked meatballs with potatoes
For the potatoes
1 kilo of potatoes
1 lemon’s juice
1 tbsp mild mustard
50 ml olive oil
50 ml white wine
100 ml of water
2 kg fresh chopped rosemary
1 clove of chopped garlic
1 tbsp oregano
1 tbsp dry thyme
For the meatballs
1.Preheat the oven to 180°C in the air.
2.Chop the onion and garlic. Add it to a pan over medium heat and saute with a little olive oil until caramelized and set aside to cool.
3.Cut the toasted bread in the multi-cutter until it becomes crumbs.
4.Put the minced meats in a bowl and mix.
5.Then add milk, olive oil, 1 egg, sautéed onion and garlic, lemon zest, bread and all other ingredients.
6.Mix all the ingredients together and then shape into meatballs in the size of our liking.
For the potatoes
1.Cut the potatoes quince-shaped. Place them in a bowl and add the juice, mustard, olive oil, wine, rosemary, garlic, salt, pepper and mix well.
2.Pour into a 30x40 cm baking pan so that the potatoes and liquids cover the bottom. Add the meatballs.
3.Bake in the oven for 40 minutes covered with aluminum foil and for another 20 minutes uncovered.
Serve them.
Baked meatballs with potatoes

Recipes prepared and written by the students of Elementary School of Kosmio, Komotini, Greece- Elli Kalfa

"Melomakarona" gingerbread
For the syrup
500 gr. water
800 gr. crystal sugar
150 gr. honey
3 cinnamon sticks
3 carnations
1 orange cut in half
Mixture 1
400 gr. orange juice
400 gr. sunflower seed oil
180 gr. olive oil
50 gr. powdered sugar
1/2 tsp. carnation
2-3 tbsp. cinnamon
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1 tbsp baking soda
2 oranges’ zest

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1.GARLIC FRIED FRIES- Rana AL- SHAYEB- Doqara Secondary School for Girls/JORDAN (Page 5-6)
2.TURKISH LENTILS SOUP RECIPE-Halime GÜN-Orhangazi İmam Hatip Secondary School/Söğüt/Bilecik/TURKEY (Page 7-12)
3.KALBURABASTI - Aslıhan ÜRÜN-Bulakbaşı Secondary School / Şırnak -Uludere- TURKEY (Page 13-18)
4.TRAY KEBAB- Ayfer KARATOPUK-Hayriye Kaya Secondary School-TURKEY (Page 19-21)
5.PASTRY- MEHMET GÜNEŞOĞLU-Yunus Emre Secondary School/ Merkez-Hakkari-TURKEY (Page 22-24)
6.STUFFED VINE LEAVES WITH OLIVE OIL- Ayşegül ARITÜRK-Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Girls İmam Hatip High &Secondary School-Toroslar/ Mersin/TURKEY (Page 25-30)
7.BACALHAU DA CONSOADA DE NATAL -Helena GOMES-Agrupamento de Escolas de Canedo, Santa Maria da Feira /PORTUGAL (Page 31-33)
8. PORTUQUESE STEW- Natividade SANTOS/A Beira Douro Group of Schools/PORTUGAL (Page 34-37)
9.RUSTIC SALAD- Maria Manual VALENTE - Agrupam-ento de Escolas de Canedo, Santa Maria da Feira/PORTUGAL (Page 38-19)
10.KHOROVATS- Gayane MAYILYAN-Basic SchoolN2 Vedi -ARMANIAN (Page 40-41)
11.MANSAF-Mysoon Bany FAWAZ-King Abdullah 2nd School of Excellence-JORDAN (Page 42-43)
12.PAN-Nihan YILDIZ NARİNALP, Şehit Üsteğmen Mustafa Şimşek Ortaokulu, Kayseri / TURKEY (Page 44-48)
13. BAKED MEATBALLS WITH POTATES- Elli KALFA- Elementary School of Kosmio, Komotini/Greece (Page 49-53)
14. "MELOMAKARONA" GINGERBREAD- Elli Kalfa- Elementary School of Kosmio, Komotini/Greece (Page 54-57)
15.ZUCCHINI STUFFED WITH RICE AND MEAT - Fidaa MOHAMMED-School Secondary Dokara for Girls (Page 58-63)
16.OLIVE OIL LEAF WRAP - Reyhan GÜLTEKİN-Özlüce Nurettin Topçu Girls Anatolian High School- TURKEY (Page 64-68)
17.MUTABBAL - Hadeel AlRABEE /Kalida Algesha SwiftKey/JORDAN (Page 69-71)
18.GALAYET BANDORA- Baraa MOHAMMAD/Um Shuraik Secondary School for Girls/JORDAN (Page 72-75)
19.BANSKO-Iva Kisyova KALINKOVA/Vocational School of Economics and Management Elias Canetti/BULGARIA (Page 76-80)
20.POLISH ZAPIENKA- Katarzyna ANNA KALISZEWSKA /School Podsawowa Barciany and Straza Border/POLAND (Page 81-84)
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