Starting with the title ETWINNING STORY - A WATER DROP'S JOURNEY THROUGH EUROPE, we will create a joint story about water by each partner, adding statements together with the students to continue the story and create a great story together!
At the end of the book, we will post photos from the activities on WATER DAY - MARCH 22
We will be working on the Story Jumper platform
Our Schools, Beautiful, Sustainable, Together

1. Mera Alina Ioana, High School ..Horea, Closca i Crisan, Turda, Rumunia
2. Moț Cornelia Alina, Găvojdia Secondary Svhool, Rumunia
3. Vulpes Daniela, przedszkole Sunflower Resita, Rumunia
4. Vantu Ana Luminita, Trandafir Cocarla Technological High School Caransebes, Rumunia
5. Daniela Grecu, sf. Liceum Dumitru, Craiova, Rumunia
6. Grecu Cornelia Ana, National College CD Loga Caransebes, Rumunia
7. Voicu Corina Valentina, Technological High School Aiud, Rumunia
8. Liceum Teoretyczne Jivulescu Codruta Adelina „Iulia Hasdeu” Lugoj Rumunia
9. Echipa Luminița Melania Dîngă, Liceum Ghelari, Rumunia
10. Oprea Elena, Liceum Raciu, Rumunia
11. Ayfer Kılıç, Szkoła Podstawowa Türmak, Turcja
12. Ioana Coroian, Przedszkole Małego Księcia, Kluż-Napoka, Rumunia
13. Jalbă Doina Luiza, GEPalade Secondary School, Buzău, Rumunia
14. Canan Sipahi Şehit Lütfi Gülşen Kindergarten Türkiye
15. Elvan YETKİN, Kabaklarlı İlkokulu, TÜRKİYE
16. Beata Kubińska, Primary School Bodzanów, Poland
17.Ayla Akhan/Karacaören Primary School/Türkiye
18. Elena Mitrescu- Theoretical High School Filipestii de Padure, Romania
19 Cristina Turițoiu, High School Filipeștii de Pădure, Romania
Primary School. Beata Kubińska, Poland
20.Milenium Primary School, Jolanta Zamoyska, Poland
21. Leman Kamer Ergene, Capitol Secondary School,Turkey
22. Annika Niburska, Primary School of Julian Tuwim, Różyca, Poland
23. Havva Bilgin,Capitol Secondary School,Turkey
24. Ilona Nedzinskienė, Alytus Dzukija school, Lithuania
25. Pilar Garrido, CEIP "Suárez Somonte", Mérida, Spain
26. Isabel Fernández, CEIP. "Suárez Somonte", Mérida, Spain
27. Bors Adi Luminita, secondary school "Ștefan cel Mare" Vaslui, Romania
28.Lavinia Borcila, „Sunflower” Kindergarten, Resita, Romania
29. Evangelia Lagopoulou ,33 Primary School Trikala ,Greece
30. Dobrin Paula, "Stefan cel Mare" Secondary School, Alexandria, Romania
31.Walaa Bakkar, um Salma Primary School. Jordan
32. Dagmara Gembalczyk, Primary School Poland
33. Malvina Cellucci, Lama dei Peligni Primary School, Italy
34. Murgilă Rita, David Voniga Theoretical Hight School, Giroc, Romania
35. Ala Ladaniuc,"Dante Alighieri" Theoretical High School, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
Team Alina Mera, ,,Horea, Closca and Crisan" Secondary School, Turda
In the garden of my house, at sunset, I could smell the fragrance of the flowers, the songs of the birds, the light breeze of the wind and look at the colorful sky.
Suddenly, a drop of water touched my cheek, which whispered to me:
- Do you want me to tell you a story?
- You? You're just a drop of water, what?
story could you tell me?

Team Moț Cornelia Alina, Găvojdia Secondary Svhool, Romania
My story begins on a beautiful spring morning at a school in Romania, when I suddenly wake up on a blade of grass and ready to roll over a leaf.
- Oh! OH!
Then the sun appeared, which began to caress me with its cool morning rays.
- HATRED! HATRED! I am so happy!

- Oooo! But what happens to me? I said. I feel very light. I feel like I can fly.
And really I was rising in the air. From above I could see the flowers, the trees, but also the children who were running and playing happily in the school yard.
Team Vulpes Daniela, Kindergarten Sunflower Resita, Romania

But suddenly you feel that the flowers, the trees, the grass in the schoolyard and the children need it.
Team Vantu Ana Luminita, Trandafir Cocarla Caransebes, Technological High Scool, Romania

Team Grecu Cornelia Ana, National College C. D. Loga Caransebes, Romania
- Where did you come from, little drop of water? asked the puzzled sun. How come that you are alone in here. Are you lost?
-Nooooo! I am a magic drop and I want to travel the world! I wish to fly over seas and countries to see all the beauties. Those will be precious memories to share with my sisters when I will return home.

Echipa Daniela Grecu, Sf. Școala Gimnazială Dumitru, Craiova, România
Indeed, the rays of the spring sun had dried the earth so much that all living things, plants and people, needed it, the drop of water!
So she decided to descend among them and grace them with her presence.

Team Voicu Corina Aiud Technological High School Romania
- But you don't want a traveling companion? asked the sun. I could accompany you on your journey. Look, give me your hand, said the Sun, we will travel together.
The little drop of water looked scared:
"But I must not go near the sun," he said in fear. The sisters told me I could evaporate.

Team Jivulescu Codruta Adelina "Iulia Hasdeu" Theoretical High School Lugoj Romania

As it was saying that, it looked at the white fluffy creatures in the sky who were smiling and floating.
Then it looked down at the Earth and it saw the golden light peeping through the trees.
Suddenly, the white creatures turned grey. Then, they were waving their hands and inviting it to join
- ”Come and stay with us!” they shouted at him.

Team Elena Oprea, Secondary School Raciu, Romania
Eager to learn, she decided to come down to earth. But who will help her? A copper leaf swaying gently in the breeze asked her, "What's troubling you, crystal tear?"
- I would like to reach the ground, but I'm afraid! - Let me help you go down slowly and satisfy your curiosity!
-Thank you! The curious toddler lands on the velvet petals of a blood rose.

Team Ayfer Kılıç, Türmak Primary School,Turkey

He inhaled the air. He started to look around.. He looked carefully at the trees. He saw a few birds in a few trees. He was surprised and delighted. she was not alone.
The weather was cloudy but still beautiful. Cloudy weather was a harbinger of rain. He called to the curious little bird.

Birdie, birdie do you want to be my friend?''
'' Sorry, I don't have time, I have to look for a place for a new nest.
"OK good luck! If you're thirsty, call me," said the blob, waving goodbye.
She continued her journey waiting for more adventures.
TEAM JALBĂ DOINA LUIZA _”G.E.Palade” Secondary School , Buzău, România

Suddenly, the sparkling diamond-like drop found itself carried by the wind in the water of a crystal-clear river that gushed and flowed swiftly from the mountain ridges. The emerald forest was mirrored in the clear water of the river. There Picurici met other smiles and, together, they lived an unforgettable adventure. They marveled at the tumbles they joyfully made, rolling like a slide in the swirling water towards the foot of the mountain. While they frolicked happily they met a little fish who, together with his brothers, set off in a race like no other. The little drop was amazed at the speed with which they advanced. He dared to applaud them for their liveliness and ask them where they were hurrying. These…..
Canan Sipahi Şehit Lütfi Gülşen Kindergarten

Elvan YETKİN,Kabaklarlı İlkokulu, TÜRKİYE

Beata Kubińska, Primary School Bodzanów, Poland

A tiny drop of water felt good in the great ocean. She admired coral reefs and beautiful little fish. She started talking to one fish and told her what she had seen in the big city.

Ayla Akhan/Karacaören Primary School/Türkiye
People in this city waste water in vain and do not save any water. One day, it never rained and a great drought began.

The little fish was sad to hear from the little drop what was happening in the big city. But it was still good here. They liked it. Everything was wonderful!
They almost forgot about the big city. The little drop had a lot of friends around her, just like her. She was happy! She was running, spinning, flying with her friends.
Suddenly, she felt a force pick her up, raise her, lower her, throw her into the air, then lower
her again - she was in a wave. He was
beginning to like this game, when
Elena Mitrescu- Theoretical High School Filipestii de Padure, Romania

TEAM : Cristina Turițoiu- High School Filipeștii de Pădure, Romania
Picurici is carried away by the sea currents far away, in the cold regions, in the Land of Ice. Picurici saw polar bears, seals on the ice...

TEAM : Jolanta Zamoyska, Milenium Primary School, Poland
The Water Drop was a little scared because the water around her was icy cold.It turned out that Little Droplet had made it all the way to the North Pole. Unfortunately, the polar bears she encountered did not have good news for her

They had a message for the people living other parts of the world and they asked the little one to deliver it soon.
Little smart raindrop said "Sure but I think I know your message. You want all the humanbeings to be careful about not to destroy your natural habitat, am I right?"
They yelled "YES! the little one!"
TEAM: Leman Kamer ERGENE, Capitol Secondary School, İstanbul, TURKEY

Team: Annika Niburska, Primary School of Julian Tuwim, Różyca, Poland
The Little smart raindrop decided to go somewhere where it has never been. She didn't exactly know where to go. The biggest dream of the little raindrop was to be a part of a big waterfall in the mountains...So it went to...

Havva Bilgin, Capitol Secondary School, Turkey
The small raindrop finally arrived a mountain where it wanted to go. Unfortunately the waterfall wasn't running there . The small raindrop called its friends and they make waterfall running.

Ilona Nedzinskienė, Alytus Dzukija school, Lithuania

Pilar Garrido, CEIP "Suárez Somonte", Mérida, Spain
He remembered how is the water cycle.
First drops of water evaporate,then they condensate creating clouds and finally fall on the land again. It's a never ending motion.

Isabel Fernández. CEIP. Suárez Somonte. Mérida: Spain
The little drop of water thought it was time to go home, but how would she do it? She looked at the sky, it was a sunny day and suddenly she found the answer:
Her friends, the clouds, would help her. A soft breeze lifted her to the sky in search of a friendly cloud that would take her back to her home...

Team: Borș Adi Luminița - secondary school "Ștefan cel Mare" Vaslui
He first encountered a grumpy cloud.
- Hey cloud! Are you taking me home too?
The grump gave him a sidelong look and replied:
- Don't you see how big and gray I am! Find someone else to teach!
He then discovered a fluffy cloud.
- Hey fluffy cloud, are you taking me home too?
- Get in my crotch and we'll see what happens! answered the fluffy cloud.

Team Lavinia Borcila, „Sunflower” Kindergarten Resita, Romania
The cloud then called all his brothers and, all of them started to stir, to crash into each other, producing loud noises throughout the sky. The little drop was terribly scared!
-What happens? What are these creepy noises?
But the cloud didn't have time to answer him...

Team Lagopoulou Evangelia, 33 Primary School Trikala ,Greece
Then all her brothers and sisters noticed how happy the little drop was.

Droplet had a moment of hesitation as there had been so many life-enhancing experiences to share that she/he couldn't decide which one to start with. She/He chose the most touching one to come first. With her/his eyes welling up, she/he told her brothers and sisters the heart-tearing story of the polar bears complaining about their natural habitat being in danger. After a few minutes, she/he wiped her beautiful "watery" eyes and cheered up sharing with them the exhilarating moments she had while sinking in the depth of the ocen and floating in the air along with her friends, the clouds.
Team Dobrin Paula, "Stefan cel Mare" Secondary School Alexandria, Romania
Walaa Bakkar, um Salma Primary School. Jordan
I am a small drop, I need love and not to waste me when using, I am important to the lives of many and some of them do not find me, so wipe the tears from my eyes and keep me in your eyes.

Dagmara Gembalczyk Primary School Poland
The little droplet said to her/his friends clouds:
- I hope that people around the world will soon understand how important is taking care of water and will do all their best to protect our Planet Earth.

Malvina Cellucci, Lama dei Peligni Primary School, class 5th - Italy
The little drop of water is tired; it wants to stop its trip, but … it is curious to see Italy, a beautiful land with water around this.
The drop of water flies in the air and goes to Italy, but the country is too big and rich of amazing places, so the drop follows the air and reaches a small town where it listens the sound of many other drops.

It is the “Acque Vive” (living waters), in the middle of Italy, where the water falls down in the wood, where the air is cool, the water is cold and clear, the wood is amazing and the people is happy, too.
Now the little drop of water is satisfied and it decides to return home.
Malvina Cellucci, Lama dei Peligni Primary School, class 5th - Italy

Murgilă Rita, David Voniga Theoretical Hight School, Giroc, Romania
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Starting with the title ETWINNING STORY - A WATER DROP'S JOURNEY THROUGH EUROPE, we will create a joint story about water by each partner, adding statements together with the students to continue the story and create a great story together!
At the end of the book, we will post photos from the activities on WATER DAY - MARCH 22
We will be working on the Story Jumper platform
Our Schools, Beautiful, Sustainable, Together

1. Mera Alina Ioana, High School ..Horea, Closca i Crisan, Turda, Rumunia
2. Moț Cornelia Alina, Găvojdia Secondary Svhool, Rumunia
3. Vulpes Daniela, przedszkole Sunflower Resita, Rumunia
4. Vantu Ana Luminita, Trandafir Cocarla Technological High School Caransebes, Rumunia
5. Daniela Grecu, sf. Liceum Dumitru, Craiova, Rumunia
6. Grecu Cornelia Ana, National College CD Loga Caransebes, Rumunia
7. Voicu Corina Valentina, Technological High School Aiud, Rumunia
8. Liceum Teoretyczne Jivulescu Codruta Adelina „Iulia Hasdeu” Lugoj Rumunia
9. Echipa Luminița Melania Dîngă, Liceum Ghelari, Rumunia
10. Oprea Elena, Liceum Raciu, Rumunia
11. Ayfer Kılıç, Szkoła Podstawowa Türmak, Turcja
12. Ioana Coroian, Przedszkole Małego Księcia, Kluż-Napoka, Rumunia
13. Jalbă Doina Luiza, GEPalade Secondary School, Buzău, Rumunia
14. Canan Sipahi Şehit Lütfi Gülşen Kindergarten Türkiye
15. Elvan YETKİN, Kabaklarlı İlkokulu, TÜRKİYE
16. Beata Kubińska, Primary School Bodzanów, Poland
17.Ayla Akhan/Karacaören Primary School/Türkiye
18. Elena Mitrescu- Theoretical High School Filipestii de Padure, Romania
19 Cristina Turițoiu, High School Filipeștii de Pădure, Romania
Primary School. Beata Kubińska, Poland
20.Milenium Primary School, Jolanta Zamoyska, Poland
21. Leman Kamer Ergene, Capitol Secondary School,Turkey
22. Annika Niburska, Primary School of Julian Tuwim, Różyca, Poland
23. Havva Bilgin,Capitol Secondary School,Turkey
24. Ilona Nedzinskienė, Alytus Dzukija school, Lithuania
25. Pilar Garrido, CEIP "Suárez Somonte", Mérida, Spain
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