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It was a picture perfect memory. As if someone had
recorded that time and stuck it in my head. Everything was
in slow motion and the moment was on repeat. Mother was
young, beautiful, happy, and carefree. She sat on a wooden
bench swing with her dark, brown, wavy hair comfortably
lying a little past her shoulders. Her light skin shined in the
sun as her light brown eyes crinkled as she laughed.
Father’s black hair was pushed back into a natural look. His
naturally colored sky blue eyes twinkled in the sun as he
pushed mother higher and higher on the swing. He was
mumbling words into mother’s ears which only caused her
to laugh louder, revealing her perfect, and straight, white
teeth. My short, seven-year-old legs moved me in circles
around a tree as I attempted to hide from my older sister,

Being myself, I thought I was fast enough and decided to
take a break. Heavy breathes were released from my
mouth as I tried to regain my breath. My small, pale hands
pushed my radiant, auburn red hair out of my eyes as I
turned my head to find my sister. I felt a tap on my
shoulder and turned around to come face to face with
Drizella. I squealed in surprise as she laughed; her brown
curly hair bouncing while she beamed in triumph. Her
brown eyes stared into mine before whispering tapping me
again and saying,
“You’re it!” I laughed again before chasing her around in
circles while mother roared in laughter on the bench, and
father was pushing her on the swing higher and higher.
We were all having so much fun, in our large backyard.
Everything was perfect, but nothing perfect lasts forever.

I sat at the polished, wooden table, picking at the oatmeal that had
been sloppily put in front of me. It was such a bland color of beige.
The squishing noise it made sounded disgusting, but the smell was
worse. My sore back slouched in the soft chair as I let out a heavy
“Sit up, Anastasia, and eat your food.” My mother strictly obeyed me
from the head of the table.
“I’m not hungry.” I muttered, setting my spoon down before forcing
myself to sit up straight.
“You will eat your food, we have the royal ball later, and for once I
would like for you to not look like a fool.” She instructed, her voice
getting more and more annoyed.
“Yeah, try not to look like a fool, Anastasia.” Drizella sneered as I sent
her a glare. I rolled my eyes before forcing a spoonful of disgusting
oatmeal down my throat. While setting my spoon down, my elbow
knocked over the glass of water that was set for me, splashing water
all over the floor.

“Oh dear, not again. Cinderella? Where is that child?
Cinderella!” My mother called in an angry voice. I
heard dainty footsteps echo through the hallway as
she made her way into the room.
“I’m sorry Stepmother; I was just-“Cinderella tried to
“None of your excuses, child. My god, your father
whom I married after my husband’s death, would be
so disappointed in you. I ask only one thing from
you, yet you can’t even do that?” Mother exclaimed.
A small part of me felt bad for her, but the other part
was attempting to hold back a smirk. Cinderella
sighed before grabbing a napkin and dabbing the
water beside my feet.

“When are you going to stop being so clumsy?”
Cinderella whispered so only I could hear her.
“Whenever you learn to hurry up.” I whispered
annoyed. She shot me a glare before continuing
“C’mon Ella, you’re the only person in this dreadful
mansion who I want to talk to. Please, can’t we at least
try to be friends?” I hopefully questioned. It was true,
no one here understood me and I felt like Cinderella
would be the only one who could. She set down her
towel before lifting her head up to look at me. Her blue
eyes studied my brown ones before she stood up and
pushed her golden blonde hair out of her face.
“We may be stepsisters, but we will never be friends.”

I heard a knock at my bedroom door.
“Come in.” I mumbled while I lay on my bed in
“The ball is in an hour. You need to get ready.” I heard
the voice of no one other than Cinderella. I had
completely forgotten about the ball. Mother’s dream for
Drizella and I was to attend the Prince’s royal ball. I had
only ever heard of the prince, but never met him.
Drizella was ecstatic when she found out we were
invited. I on the other hand, was not exited. I was not a
huge fan of dancing, dresses, or prince’s. Now was the
time when I was forced to show up and not even have a
good time; lucky me.
“Ok. You may go.” I told Cinderella as she slammed my
door shut, causing me to jump.

I slowly stood up and made my way over to my
closet, where the dress mother had ordered was
hung. I grabbed the silk, long, elegant, light pink
dress and lay it on my bed. After I was done getting
ready, I curled my hair and let it rest on my
shoulders. Before walking out the door, I took a look
in the mirror. I was beautiful, and I had never looked
better. I quickly slipped on some white shoes and
walked out the door. I made my way down the grand
staircase. At the bottom of the staircase, Mother and
Drizella were waiting for me.

“Hurry up, Anastasia! We are going to be late!” Drizella
whined in an annoying high pitch voice. My feet briskly
made their way down the stairs until I reached the
“Oh Anastasia, you look wonderful!” My mother said in
“For once.” I heard Drizella mumble. I rolled my eyes as
mother lead us outside where our carriage awaited.
“Cinderella, I don’t want any trouble, do you
understand?” She scolded. Cinderella nodded her head
as she looked at the floor, attempting to make herself
look like the innocent victim she always seemed to be.

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