Hello everyone! Welcome to our guide. We will embark on an informative journey with you. If you have fastened your seat belts, we start with our first question.
I am sure you are wondering about the first question of this guide. If you're curious, come with me to the next page. Come on.
Global English does this by being precise, logical and literal.
It is the language of manual and technical writers who want their writing to be extremely clear to anyone who reads it.

Okay, we explain it well, but now a question will appear in everyone's mind. I understand you very well my friends. I'll tell you before you ask. Our next question is waiting for you on the next page.
Always keep your belts fastened. This will be a long journey.
I'm sure that was the question on your mind.
We will talk about Kachru Model here. We can see the English spoken in today's world in this model.
It includes three circles:
1.) Inner Circle
2.) Outer Circle
3.) Expanding Circle

It's time to review them one by one. Do not worry. Everything is under control.
The Inner Circle is made up the traditional bases of English and its speakers are the ones in charge of providing the norms. These places are where the norms are created and from which they spread to the other circles. Some of the countries that conform the Inner Circle are USA, UK and Canada.

The Outer Circle represents the places where they speak official non-native varieties of English because of their history.
The speakers of these places are the ones who challenge the norms and develop them. They are mainly ESL. Some of the countries that belong to this circle are India, Pakistan and Egypt.

The Expanding Circle is made up by EFL speakers where English is not usually spoken.
In this circle the speakers have to follow the rules established by the Inner Circle and developed or challenged by the Outer one. Some examples of countries that belong to this circle are China, Russia and Brazil.

We said you don't have to worry :)
We learned about the Kachru model, but you just saw some concepts while reading. These concepts were ENL, ESL, EFL and ELF. Since the person who prepared this guide is very intelligent, she can guess that the readers of this guide are also curious about these concepts. Let's examine it.
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Now, we will see the differences of these concepts.
Are you ready? We hope so. :)
1.) ENL: Traditionally referred to as the native speakers.
2.) ESL: Speakers of English as a second language
3.) EFL: Speakers of English as a foreign language.
4.) ELF: Users of English as a lingua franca.

That is not enough of course. Now, if you are ready, we will mention these concepts' locations.
ENL: Kachru's inner circle.
ESL: Kachru's outer circle.
EFL: Kachru's expanding circle.
ELF: No specific location, mainly involves speakers from the expanding and outer circles.

Let's see them in a table.

We recommend that you print out these tables and keep them with you at all times. A good summary for you.

Now you can say, is there another model other than the Kachru model? What are the features, if any? The owner of the guide will not let you worry and will explain it all as always. :)
McArthur's "wheel model" has an idealized central variety called "World Standard English," which is best represented by "written international English." The next circle is made of regional standards or standards that are emerging. Finally, the outer layer consists of localized varieties which may have similarities with the regional standards or emerging standards.

You can see this framework in a chart.
We recommend that you print out these tables and keep them with you at all times. A good summary for you.

In the middle of the chart, we see a concept. I'm sure everyone is wondering. Now let's take a closer look at the concepts of standard and standardizing.
Meanwhile, the journey continues, do not forget that it is a long journey. :)
A standard is considered to be the "best way" of performing something while standardizing is the process by which the standard is established and improved upon.
Standardizing also brings innovation, first because it provides structured methods and reliable data that save time in the innovation process and, second, because it makes it easier to disseminate groundbreaking ideas and knowledge about leading edge techniques.
In this section, the owner of the guide asks you a question. Think well. Good luck!
Is this image of World Englishes different from your original impression of World Englishes? Why?

This page is reserved for you to write your thoughts.

Manfred Görlach's and McArthur's models are reasonably similar. Both exclude English varieties in Europe. As Görlach does not include EFLs at all, his model is more consistent, though less comprehensive.
Do not forget it!

Question break!
Why do you think this model is known more consistently? Discuss with your friends.

Yes! Now we have gotten to know these models a little closer. Our guide continues to guide you. The topics we will talk about next are about global English.

This page has been reserved for you so that you can answer these questions yourself first. We are also curious about your answers. :)

Answer this question yourself first.
We can summarize this question under 4 headings. You can see them all on the next page.

1. Technology and Science
2. British Empire
3. United States of America
4. The Snowball Effect

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Hello everyone! Welcome to our guide. We will embark on an informative journey with you. If you have fastened your seat belts, we start with our first question.
I am sure you are wondering about the first question of this guide. If you're curious, come with me to the next page. Come on.
Global English does this by being precise, logical and literal.
It is the language of manual and technical writers who want their writing to be extremely clear to anyone who reads it.

Okay, we explain it well, but now a question will appear in everyone's mind. I understand you very well my friends. I'll tell you before you ask. Our next question is waiting for you on the next page.
Always keep your belts fastened. This will be a long journey.
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