This is a chain story written by students participating in an eTwinning collaborative project.
In the story, gods, goddesses, and sacred animals from ancient Egypt embark on an adventure to find a valuable object hidden within a mysterious papyrus containing clues.
The partners will work in international teams to write this exciting adventure.
The Adventure in Egypt Begins!
1st Chapter: Serap Sarı (ZEYNEP&ASLI) Turkey
In Ancient Egyptian times, one morning Isis got out of her bed. She looked out of the window and she saw that the weather looked gloomy. She didn't think anything of it. When she went out to water her flowers, she saw that the flowers she worked hard for had withered. She ran to Osiris' room and woke him up. She was angry with him because yesterday was his turn to water the flowers. "Why are you waking me up early in the morning?
You know that this is the only day that l m not busy. Let me
rest" said Osiris. "The flowers are dead!" Said Isis. She knew
that Osiris didn't care and she got mad. She went for a walk
to calm down. When she was walking, she saw a mysterious
papyrus on the side of the road.
1st Chapter: Serap Sarı (ZEYNEP&ASLI) Turkey
Elmanar prepschool_Tunisia
work of the student : Maissa Mehdwani
2nd chapter: Tülin Aktürk (Aleyna & Mert) Turkey
The Mysterious Spear
On the papyrus there is a map. The map shows the top of a mountain. She decides to follow the way of the map even though it looks sketchy. It could be a trap, who knows? She arrives at the destination and sees that it’s a muddy place. She looks back at the map and sees an “X” on the soil. She digs it with her hands and finds a spear. On the spear she reads a spell. When she reads it out loud there comes a light so bright it’s almost blinding. And then it starts to rain. By now Isis is terrified and as if that isn’t enough she starts to fly with the spear on her hand.
2nd chapter: Tülin Aktürk (Aleyna & Mert) Turkey
She accidentally drops the spear and stops flying and the rain as a result of it. That’s when she realizes that the spear must be something important, magical even but possibly dangerous so she decides to go back to tell Osiris before something bad could occur. After she does, Osiris tells her that it’s best if they confront Horus about it. They don’t believe what Horus has to say about it. Turns out the spear has some kind of relation to the eye of the Horus and it’s been lost for ages. Now the question is…Who would send a map that leads to such a powerful object, or should we say, weapon? And how is it that the person who sent the map knew where the spear was and why did they want Isis to find it?

2nd Chapter Misak-ı Milli Secondary School Serap SARI. My student who drew the picture of the story is Ece(6th grade)
3rd chapter: Serap Sonal (İbrahim, Çiğdem) Turkey
Life Begins on the Nile
Isis and Osiris could not decide what to do about it. What would they do with the mysterious spear? What other mysteries were hidden in the mysterious papyrus? They decide to ask Hapi about them. They tell Hapi everything. When Hapi lifts the papyrus towards the sun, he encounters a mysterious inscription. The papyrus read, "Life begins on the Nile." They all looked at each other with a confused expression. Is what they're looking for there? If it's there, how will they get to the hidden object? Hapi "I can help you with that." aforementioned. If he wants, he has the power to dry the Nile in a single move.
3rd chapter: Serap Sonal (İbrahim, Çiğdem) Turkey
It had prevented major floods before. The eyes of Isis and Osiris gleamed. Now they thought that everything could be different. Together with Hapi they went near the river. Hapi raised the mysterious spear in his hand towards the river and shouted “Open” and the waters of the river receded in an instant. They moved towards the river. There they encountered a large underground city. A city in the depths of the Nile river. How can this be? It had a mysterious and dark entrance. They began to make their way into their depths. The walls of the cave were filled with different symbols they had never seen before. Would the symbols here be useful for solving the mystery?

3rd Chapter Halıcı Ahmet Urkay Anatolian High School, Tülin AKTÜRK. Drawing by Meltem.
4th chapter: Nursen İsmetoğulları (Ahsen and Akif) Turkey
Ciphers Of Symbols
They thought for a long time, studied the symbols, and were now very tired. They decided to spend the night in this cave. At dawn in the morning Osiris awoke and noticed a thin ray of sunlight seeping through the cave ceiling over the symbols. The light was hitting exactly on the fourth of the symbols. That symbol looked like a cat. Osiris excitedly awoke Isis and Hapi, who were sleeping next to him, and told him what he had seen. Curiously, Isis touched the symbol from which the light came. Suddenly the symbols began to move, in fact they were independent of the rock. They removed all the symbols, took them in their hands and examined them carefully.
4th chapter: Nursen İsmetoğulları (Ahsen and Akif) Turkey
Just then, something strange happened, a sweet and lovely black cat showed itself by rubbing against their feet. Hapi ; “The black cat must be the guardian of these pharaohs,” he said, and they began to follow him.
The black cat was walking up the narrow stairs of the cave. Behind him were Hapi, Osiris, and Isis. And finally they came to a large area. There was a big wall with cavities here, and the black cat stood in front of this wall. The stone symbols in Hapi's hand and this mysterious wall were the new puzzle before them.
4th Chapter Şehitler Secondary School Serap Sonal. My student who drew the picture of the story is Buğlem(7th grade)
5th chapter: Roberto Fernández (Alba and Francesca) Spain
Welcome to hell
Isis, Osiris and Hapi insert the pieces one by one into the cavities, but they realise that one is missing. 'How strange,' they wonder.
The black cat walks to the back of the cave and they follow it until they find a brightly lit room. On the left there is a locked door with a board. There is also a glass case with a key inside and a note that says: 'In me you cannot swim, because you can find a crocodile, but you can fish and catch many fish.' The gods know the answer: 'The Nile River!'
They write it on the board and the door opens. It is a giant glass room with a circular symbol on the ceiling.
5th chapter: Roberto Fernández (Andrés, Dámaris and Shamira) Spain
They enter the room and they hear a deep and strong voice asking them: 'What are you doing here?'
They tell him that they are looking for the Eye of Horus.
He replies that he is the watchman at the gates of hell and he cannot let them pass.
Isis asks him: 'So, are you Anubis?'
He answers: 'Yes, it's me.'
'We think that the Eye of Horus is related to a very powerful spear that brings us here. Please, let us in, and you can gain power too.
Anubis accepts and says: 'Welcome to hell!'

6th chapter: Susana Martín (Zoé, Daniel and Omar) Spain
The Sphinx
The big doors open. It is very dark so they light a candle. They realise that they are inside a pyramid. They can see two passages and a huge sphinx in the middle of them. As they walk towards it, the sphinx start speaking:
"Before going on, you have to answer a question", said the sphinx.
Isis, Osiris and Hapi are puzzled and think how a rock sphinx is talking to them. They accept the challenge and the sphinx makes its question:
"Why am I oriented from West to East?", it asked.

6th chapter: Susana Martín (students) Spain
"Think well your answer, because I will show you the correct passage with a correct answer. And, listen! The correct passage will lead you to what you are looking for: the last piece of the puzzle which leads you to the eye of Horus. But, if you are wrong, your precious object will be destroyed", the sphinx said.
Isis, Osiris and Hapi are very confused. After a while, they decide that their answer is: "You are oriented from West to East because you face the rising sun!"
Inmediately, the sphinx moves itself and light with its eyes the passage on the right.
Aura, Júlia and Thiago
CC Beata Francinaina Cirer
Inca (Spain)
7th chapter: Nena Mandelj (students) Slovenia
Scarabs, help!
The group head down a passage lit by the Sphinx. But soon the light goes out and they find themselves in complete darkness.
"How to proceed down the passage if nothing could be seen?" worries Isis.
"Follow the walls with our palms, and we will be able to continue," Osiris comforts others.
Suddenly they hear a barely perceptible sound.
7th chapter: Nena Mandelj (students) Slovenia
Quiet and distant at first, but growing stronger from moment to moment. Not only the sound but also the soft light coming from somewhere. From where?
"It's scarabs, look how many there are," Hapi exclaims, " their feelers emit a florescent green light. And their little feet make that noise. Really, look how many there are. Where are they rushing and why are they all in the same direction?"
"Let us follow them, I have a feeling that they will lead us to the eye of Horus" Isis gets excited.

Picture drawn by Hugo (CEIP Mare Nostrum, SPAIN)
8th chapter: Ángeles González (Jose and Laura) Spain
The hole
Isis, Osiris and Hapi follow the scarabs till they arrive at an enormous hole on they way. They have to skirt around the hole but Hapi slips and falls inside. In the hole he finds a treasure chest and he starts shouting:
- "There is a treasure chest, but it's closed!"
- "Is there anything else in the hole?", asks Isis.
- "No, there isn´t", answers Hapi.
8th chapter: Ángeles González (Jose and Laura) Spain
- "Is there any papyrus?", asks Osiris.
- "No, but there is an inscription on the chest . The inscription says that inside the chest is the last piece of the puzzle which leads you to Horus' eye".
Isis and Osiris help Hapi to get out from the hole using Osiris' belt. They try to open the treasure chest but they can't.
The lock of the chest is shaped like a spear.
Chapter 8 Osnovna šola Litija -Nena Mandelj. The student who drew the visual of the story Zala, Lovro Slovenya
Capítulo 9 : María Teresa Prieto (Miriam and Marcos) - CEIP Guernica. España
Capítulo 9 : María Teresa Prieto ( Lara and Mario ) - CEIP Guernica.. España
Isis and Hapi stared in horror at the destroyed magic spear.
Osiris apologized and begged Jepry to help them. Jepry was angry but his face changed to terror when he saw the sarcophagus at the base of the pyramid light up, it was Nut...
Jepry told them to run and grab the chest and he would entertain his mother.
Isis, Osiris and Hapi fled...

Fabio and Sofía.
Pena de Francia School.
Mos, Galicia-Spain
10th Chapter: Stamatia Stamati (Christina, Vaggelis) Greece
Ma'at: Follow the Heart
As they were running, they felt a breeze and heard wings. They saw before them the mighty goddess Maat, the daughter of Ra. The goddess was all shining. He raised the Ankh, the symbol of life, and Nut's darkness disappeared. Maat spoke. "Nut, black soul, stop the malice and injustice! My honor and truth will always drive away your lies and chaos. You know you don't have the strength to face me. The power of honesty and morality always endures and lasts!

10th Chapter: Stamatia Stamati (Christina, Vaggelis) Greece
Ma'at then looked at the chest.
She took the ostrich feather from her head and carved a heart on the chest.
She said to them, "See if the heart is light or heavy. And you should proceed accordingly. I wish you bring harmony and balance. Banish the hubris! Illuminate minds and souls!"
Ma'at put the feather back on her head, closed her huge wings around her and left. Immediately, a pure white down fluttered.

Adriana Benito Vázquez 5ºA
CEIP Guernica San Fernando de Henares, Madrid - España -
Chapter 11th: Monica Frigerio (Minha and Sofia) Italy
Bastet's offer
As the pure white down fluttered around them, Osiris, Isis, and Hapi approached the chest that Ma'at had carved a heart on. They knew that this was the moment of truth, but before they could open the chest, they heard a familiar purring sound. They turned around to see Bastet, the goddess of home, fertility, and cats, standing before them. "Greetings, my friends," she purred. "I heard you were on a quest to find Horus' eye. How may I be of assistance?"Osiris, Isis, and Hapi exchanged glances, unsure if they could trust Bastet.
Chapter 11th: Monica Frigerio (Minka and Sofia) Italy
But Ma'at's words echoed in their minds, reminding them to seek harmony and balance. They decided to take a chance and told Bastet about their quest. eyes widened with excitement. "I know where Horus' eye is hidden," she said. "I can guide you there, but be warned, the path is dangerous and filled with traps." Osiris, Isis, and Hapi looked at each other, nodding in agreement. They knew that they couldn't complete their quest alone, and Bastet's help would be invaluable.

7th Junior High School of Ioannina
by Thalia and Sofia
12th chapter: Inga Kaceviciene (Ugnė and Vakaris) Lithuania
PTAH's help
Osiris, Isis and Hapi were walking along the path and Bastet was leading them.
The path was full of traps. So it was very difficult to Osiris, Isis, Hapi and Bastet to get through. They started to pray...They believed that PTAH will here them and would help. After all PTAH is very important deity, credited with creating the world and listening to prayers.
"I am symbol of creation and as a creator, I am maker of living things in the universe...
12th chapter: Inga Kaceviciene (Ugnė and Vakaris) Lithuania
"Greetings my dear friends. Why do I hear prayers?"
Bastet said: "We need your help, we believe you can tell us everything..."
"I have already heard that you were on a quest to find Horus' eye...
I know who can help you.
Go along this path, and don't afraid there won't be any traps. Mafdet will protect you from poisonous snakes."

Nur, ICS Como Rebbio, Italy
Teacher Monica Frigerio
13th Chapter: Minka Mincheva, Bulgaria
Students - Andrea, Maggy, Kristina
Let's play Senet
Osiris, Isis, Hapi, and Bastet went along the path with Mafdet. They found a game in the sand and quickly opened it. It was Senet - the game of the famous Book of the Dead. Suddenly they heard a strange voice "Let's play Senet: Ancient Egypt's oldest board game!" There wasn't anybody around so Osiris, Isis, and Hapi were a bit scared. 'Let's play!" they said. Osiris threw the sticks and moved one of his pieces. He jumped over other pieces. Osiris and the invisible player threw the sticks and everybody moved his pieces.
13th Chapter: Minka Mincheva, Bulgaria
Students - Andrea, Maggy, Kristina
Suddenly the invisible opponent became stronger. It was dangerous! If he won they wouldn't find the eye of Horus. Then Isis threw the sticks and moved the last piece. They got all their pieces off the board and won. The invisible man and the game suddenly disappeared and Osiris, Isis, and Hapi found only a piece from the game laying on the sand. There were some strange hieroglyphs on it. Osiris, Isis, and Hapi hoped it was the last part of the puzzle and finally they will found the eye of Horus.
14th Chapter: Anna Bebenek (Kuba and Alicja) Poland
Strange hieroglyphs
Osiris, Isis and Hapi were a little tired from this journey and search. Each day faced different challenges, but they knew they were slowly getting closer to solving the mystery. They enjoyed winning Senet, but now they had to decipher the hieroglyphs from a piece of the game.
"I look at these hieroglyphs and I don't understand anything. They look a bit different than the ones I know," said Isis. "We'll never be able to decipher them" worried Hapi. As the three of them sat very worried, they suddenly heard an invisible voice "I will help you". In an instant, Hathor, the beautiful goddess of the sky, stood before them.
"I know these hieroglyphs," said Hathor.
14th Chapter: Anna Bebenek (Kuba and Alicja) Poland
"There are similar ones in my temple in Dendera. When you enter the temple, look for the same inscriptions and touch them, then you will see the translation of the hieroglyphs. However, remember that when you enter the temple, there may be waiting for you traps". "How will we find the way to the temple?" Osiris, Isis and Hapi asked in unison.
"Don't worry," said Hathor, "I will show you the way. I will illuminate it with my sun disc. Follow it and you will surely reach your destination."
Travelers thanked for their help. They continued their journey, which was illuminated by Hathor's sun disk with a bright light. They were glad that no dangerous adventures had happened to them that day, but they wondered what would happen to them tomorrow...
Secondary school 'Hristo Botev', Aytos, Bulgaria
By Fatme, Jeren, Selvet
15th Chapter: Bernarda Škafar (Lara, Kiara, Alina, Valentina) Slovenia
Life or death
They walked in the temple that Hathor told them to. Then the door closed. Heka, the god of magic told them if you want to find the eye of Horus they need to drink them, but there is a catch: one of them was poisoned and the person who drinks it, will die immediately. Osiris drank it and he didn't get poisoned neither did Hapi. Isis knew this was the end. She picked up the cup and drank it, but nothing happened. Heka started laughing.
15th Chapter: Bernarda Škafar (Lara, Kiara, Alina, Valentina) Slovenia
Isis said that is was just a test and none of them is poisoned. Heka kept laughing and said: »You are wrong! All of them are poisoned! If you don't want to die, you have to find the golden key and use it to open the right door, where the medicine is hidden. You have exactly 30 minutes to find it. Otherwise …. You die!«
Kuba. Public Kindergarten No 18 Poland Teacher: Anna Bębenek
The eternal search of the golden key
Isis, Hapi and Osiris walked in the darkness to find the golden key. Suddenly, they started to see a shining and bright light at the end of the path. They came closer and closer until they found a chest. They opened it and inside there was a very beautiful and appealing sacred knife. When they touched the knife they heard rocks falling behind them.
Suddenly a giant ball with spikes appeared and they started running. The ball crushed everything in the way and they were really scary.
16th Chapter: Rocío Mondaca (students) Spain
16th Chapter: Rocío Mondaca (students) Spain
A big hole appeared on the floor and they fell into it. Isis, Hapi and Osiris found themselves in a secret chamber full of golden scarabs. Everything was shinning and the golden scarabs were a great temptation for our dear deities. Hapi was weak and he got the brightest and biggest of all the chamber. Suddenly, the walls started moving and a secret door appeared. What could it be behind that door?

17th Chapter: Adriana Bujag (Anna-Eliza Efimov, Călin Gurău) Moldova
The mysterious bookshelf
Behind the door was a path to a dead end. They followed the path but nothing seemed to happen. Suddenly the stones under them dissapeared causing Osiris, Isis and Hapi to fall in a deep and dark underground room.
The celling reappeared and they were blocked inside!
Isis looked around and found an unlighted torch and two rocks, then she rubbed the rocks and lit up the torch.
17th Chapter: Adriana Bujag (Anna-Eliza Efimov, Călin Gurău) Moldova
As the fire grew bigger, until the room lit up with light.
They found a bookshelf full of dusty and old books. Accidently, Hapi took a random book from the shelf and secret and long passage appeared...
Classes 5A and 6B, School nr.17 Botosani, Romania
(Loredana Popa)
18th Chapter: Gaia Giorgetti (Barbara, Aurora, Elena) Italy
We are safe!!
The three Gods started walking in the secret passage, Hapi was holding the torch in his hand to light the way, but he was beginning to feel tired and weak and so were his fellow adventurers. They arrived in a circular room with many doors. Each door had an engraved symbol. How to get out? Osiris said: "We are blocked, we have little time left to find the antidote!". Isis then suggests to invoke Sekhmet, the goddess of healing. They started praying her and suddenly they heard a lion's roar coming from the door with an ibis bird drawn on it.
18th Chapter: Gaia Giorgetti (Barbara, Aurora, Elena) Italy
Was that the door to open? Osiride remembered that the book that Hapi picked up in the library, had an identical ibis drawn on the cover He ran back to get it and found a hidden key inside. He returned to the circular room and with the key they opened the door indicated by Sekhmet. They found a table and on it there isa goblet filled with a blue liquid that gave off a great light. Hapi drank it immediately and then the others too. Everyone immediately felt better and strong...
Adriana Bujag, Heritage International School, Moldova ( Sandu, Anna-Eliza, Emilia)
Shu’s riddle
Osiris, Isis and Hapi checked the time on merkhet (as it was dark) and saw that they managed to save themselves in time. They wanted to go back to the temple but didn’t know how. When the merkhet showed midnight, everything disappeared. They found themselves in the middle of the desert. Where to go now? On the floor they saw the papyrus with the map. There was an oasis marked with the x. They decided to go there. They followed the wind which helped them to come to the oasis.
19th Chapter: Vida Bombek (students) Slovenia
19th Chapter: Vida Bombek (students) Slovenia
There the wind changed into Shu, the god of dry air and wind. Shu asked: “What are you looking for?” Isis explained: “My flowers died, and we want to find the reason for that. We were told to find the Eye of Horus. Could you help us?” “You have to answer this: What can run but never walk, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, has a bed but never sleeps?
You can try three times. If you don’t guess, you have to find someone else for help.” First the Osiris tries: “Is it time?” “No.” Then it’s Hapi’s turn: “Is it a child?” “No, it isn’t. You’ve got only one try now.” Isis said: It’s a ….
Francesco R., Sebastian
Castel dell'Aquila
Primary School
20th Chapter: Marisol Montanes Spain (the whole class)
The river again
“It's a river!” said Isis. “It is the Nile River! Let's come back to the river and let’s find out where Horus's eye is.”
They said bye to Shu and walked to the river. They were really upset, because it was being a very long journey.
When they arrived at the river they decided to stop on the green banks of the Nile River. “Tomorrow we will look for a place to cross the river,” said Osiris to their mates. And they were asleep.
The following day, the river was full of hippos, and they took advantage of the situation to cross the River walking on the hippos.
When they were in the middle of the river Isis saw a fish with something shiny in its mouth.
“Look at the fish!” shouted to her friends. “It has something shiny in its mouth! Perhaps it is a new clue!”
No sooner she pronounced these words the hippo in front of them emerged from the river in the form of Tauret, the goddess.
"Hurry up, you need to catch the fish. It has the definitive clue that will help you to solve your enigma." said the goddess.
"Can you help us ,please?" replied the worried Isis.
20th Chapter: Marisol Montanes (students) Spain

Osnovna šola Antona Ingoliča Spodnja Polskava
(Olga and Gaja) Slovenia
21st chapter: Maria Concetta Colombo (students) Italy
"Of course!" replied Tuaret, and soon shook his long crocodile tail strongly to stun the fish that spat out the shiny object that ended up on the banks of the river. Isis, Osiris and Hapi approached the mysterious object... Behind them, Tauret vanished into the waves without uttering a word. Maybe the eye of Horus had finally been found! Osiris approached to look better and when he approached he saw that this was only a piece of the eye and it was the eyebrow ..."Of course!" he exclaimed
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This is a chain story written by students participating in an eTwinning collaborative project.
In the story, gods, goddesses, and sacred animals from ancient Egypt embark on an adventure to find a valuable object hidden within a mysterious papyrus containing clues.
The partners will work in international teams to write this exciting adventure.
The Adventure in Egypt Begins!
1st Chapter: Serap Sarı (ZEYNEP&ASLI) Turkey
In Ancient Egyptian times, one morning Isis got out of her bed. She looked out of the window and she saw that the weather looked gloomy. She didn't think anything of it. When she went out to water her flowers, she saw that the flowers she worked hard for had withered. She ran to Osiris' room and woke him up. She was angry with him because yesterday was his turn to water the flowers. "Why are you waking me up early in the morning?
- END >
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