Ümrehan TOPAL- Şehit Ahmet Özsoy İho Hendek, Türkiye
1. What did Hodja borrow from his neighbour?
( a cauldron)
2. Why did Hodja not return the cauldron next time?
(Because he said, it is dead.)
3. What did Hodja say when he returned the cauldron?
(Your cauldron gave a birth!)
4. What did the neighbour say when Hodja said his cauldron died?
(Cauldrons don't die!)
5. What did Hodja say at the end?
( You believe that it gave birth, then why don't you believe that it died?)
Lali Ambroladze
Terjola N1 Public School!
The Tortoise and the Scorpion!

After reading questions:
1. Who became sworn brothers?
2. What did they have to cross?
3. Who could not swim?
4. Who sat on the tortoise's back?
5. Who began to sting?
6. What did the tortoise do after the scorpion stung him?
7. Who fell in the river?
Aisopou Aikaterini, Georgopoulos Sotiris, Dritsa Aikaterini, Mela Ourania
4th Primary School of Nafplio, Greece

Aisopou Aikaterini, Georgopoulos Sotiris, Dritsa Aikaterini, Mela Ourania
4th Primary School of Nafplio, Greece

Caterina Stasi
"G. BOVIO" Primary School 5^D - ITALY

Barbara Sobczyk, Szkoła Podstawowa w Goleszynie, Poland
Polish legend "The Cracow Dragon"
Dear readers, use this link to watch a story

What do you remember after the story?
Complete the gaps.

Piticariu Simona Nicoleta, Technological High School Dorna Candrenilor, Romania,VI th form

Mohamed Omri, Middle school Sidibouzid west,Tunisia

The questions
3/What lesson did Joha learn from the experience?
Nino Tamarashvili-
Tbilisi, Georgia
School Opiza
Myth of Amirani
(Georgian legend)
A couple who has no children lives in a small village. The man is a hunter but he is blind in one eye. One day when he is hunting, he hears scream of a woman. The voice is coming out of the cave. When the man enters the cave, he sees the goddess of the forest, Dali. Dali is going to have a baby; she is in labor.
Dali asks the man to cut her stomach with a knife and take out a baby. He does it and says that it is a baby boy.

The woman says to the hunter to take the baby with him and name him Amirani. Dali also says that Amirani will become a hero and stronger than God.
Her words come true. Amirani grows very quickly and becomes stronger every day.
He does lots of great things and people love him very much. But Giants and Dragons are afraid of him and hate him. So, they go to the God and say that Amirani wants to become God himself. God gets very angry and comes down to Earth to punish the hero-Amirani.

He chains Amirani to a cave which is surrounded with icy mountains.
Amirani is there ever since. The ravine brings bread and a cup of wine to him every day. His friendly dog stays with him too and licks the chain. The dog wants him to escape. But every Thursday, blacksmiths work to make the chain stronger again. Once every three years, the cave door opens and Amirani sees the world, he tries to break the chain…..

The end

A Nasreddin Hodja funny story

The Legend Of Martisor
Adina Oancea
Liceul cu Program Sportiv, Braila
On the 1st of March – the beginning of a new wonderful season, a day when all people in Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, and North Macedonia traditionally give each other the so-called „mărtișor (martsishor)”, symbols of spring. Mаrtisor means little (or dear) March, which is a symbol of a new life, hope, happiness future, and love.
The red and white thread
It represents a small handmade object in different forms, adorned with a red and white thread, worn in the first month of spring in these countries. Since December 2017, UNESCO has included Martisor in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
There are many legends in Romania about „Martisor”. The legend of Mаrtisor – The hero who freed the sun. The legend goes back to the first century – around the year 106 B.C. when the Roman Empire conquered a part of Dаcia.
Although people were sad due to the lack of sun, no one had the courage to free the sun. One day a young man decided to face the ogre and try to set free the sun. He managed to do so, but unfortunately, the warrior died before he could see and enjoy the spring.
The legend is connected to a solar eclipse. It is believed that the sun, seeing how much fun people on Earth in these regions had, wanted to enjoy the pleasures of a man. So, during a festival, he came disguised as a young man. He was however kidnapped and imprisoned.
Although people were sad due to the lack of sun, no one had the courage to free the sun. One day a young man decided to face the ogre and try to set free the sun. He managed to do so, but unfortunately, the warrior died before he could see and enjoy the spring.
Injured, all the warm blood flowed on the white snow, melting it. That is why on March 1st people give each other presents as a symbol of spring tied with a white (symbol of health, purity, love) and red string (symbol of blood and bravery).
Women in Romania wear this symbol of spring – it can be a brooch or a bracelet, always tied with a white and red string, and they hang the thread in a flowering tree, usually, a fruit tree, to bring them luck and health.
1. What symbolizes the Martisor?
2. What represents the red and white thread?
3. What is the first flower that heralds Spring?
4. Where is celebrated Martisor, except in Romania?
Camelia Podaru
Liceul cu Program Sportiv, Braila, Romania
The Snowdrop Legend and Tradition
Long ago, a beautiful snowdrop, white and sweet, went out from under the snow in the forest. The winter wind saw him, flew into a rage, and unleashed a storm of snow on the flower. The nice snowdrop bitten by the cold cried. The good fairy called Spring Fairy heard the flower sobbing and asked it: "Why are you crying?" "I’m covered with snow and I’m dying of cold,” said the snowdrop. The Spring Fairy removed the snow on the flower.
While she did that she hurt her finger against a small sharp stone hidden side of snowdrops. Her blood fell on the root of the flower, warmed, and the snowdrop came back to life. Another drop of blood fell on the petals and became red.
Immediately another snowdrop, white, uttered near her. „Thus the two inseparable bells, the red and white, became both the symbol of spring, love and hope called Martisor.
Because of its flowering date, the snowdrop is the messenger of spring. The snowdrop is closely linked to Martisor.
Traditionally, men offer women a „Martisor”, a kind of talisman-shaped brooch or pendant made of two twisted sons, one red and one white. In Romania, everyone offers a” Martenitsa/ Martisor” on March 1st to their friends and family.
1. Which is the first flower that heralds Spring?
2. When do we celebrate the first day of Spring?
3. What colour is the snowdrop?.
4. Why was the snowdrop crying?
5. What do we offer on the first day of March?
Ilustrations: https://www.sawanonlinebookstore.com/the-three-wishes-world-famous-fairy-tales/
Sala Secondary School, Latvia
(Salas vidusskola)
Teacher: Inese Sauska
On a winter evening, Mother Fortune (Laima), in her walks around the world, came to a lonely hut and asked permission to go in and warm herself. She was kindly welcomed.
When she was ready to leave, she said:
‘Because you have been so kind to me and have warmed me, you may wish for three good things, and I shall grant them to you.’
Ah, I wish that a link of sausage would be frying in my pan!’ the wife exclaimed.
And the next moment a sausage was frying so that grease splattered all over.
But the man rushed up to the stove and shouted at his wife: ‘You fool! I wish that link of sausage would get stuck to your nose! Couldn’t you wish for money or something valuable?’
But instantly, what the man wished happened: the link of sausage attached itself to the tip of the wife’s nose and could not be pulled off, no matter how hard they both tried.
Then the man got scared and begged Fortune to remove the link.
She satisfied his wish.
As she walked out the door, Mother Fortune spoke thus:
'You are not the first ones who carelessly squander my gifts and your chances. Three things you asked for and three you received.
Good bye.’
The Story of Dracula
Aurel Vlaicu School Arad Romania
Teacher: Calina Diana Gavriluta
Pre reading activity: Choose the correct answer
1.Who do you think Dracula is?
2.How is Dracula?
3. What do you think was his supernatural power?
Who was he?
Vlad Dracul was one of the most famous rulers of Wallachia, many of the inhabitants of the villages surrounding his medieval castles feared he is actually a terrifying, blood-sucking creature. This fear lived on through the ages and managed to place him in the minds of many generations as a character called Count Dracula!
Who started the legend of Dracula?
Published in 1897, Bram Stoker`s Gothic novel, Dracula launched an entire genre of literature and film about vampires, those figures who use their supernatural powers to haunt humans and drink their blood.
Vlad, the Impaler is believed to have been born in 1431 in what is now Transylvania, the central region of modern-day Romania. When Bram Stoker`s book Dracula was published, a connection was made for the first time between Vlad Dracula and vampirism.
Post reading activities?
What qualities does a good leader need?
Was Vlad Tepes a good leader? Why? Why not?
•Once upon a time there was a young princess who lived in a castle far away. Her name was Adrianne and she was very beautiful. Her hair was long and blonde and her eyes were blue like the sea. Her mother died when she was a baby and her father remarried a woman who didn't like the princess. Adrianne was very unhappy because her new mother treated her badly. She always gave the girl difficult chorus around the house and called her ugly and stupid all the time.
The blue rabbit
Children's story
Read by Dobrogean College “Spiru Haret” students, Tulcea, Romania

•Her stepmother was a witch but she was the only one who knew. One night, when Princess Adrianne turned 21, she saw her stepmother in the garden transforming herself into a horrible witch. She didn't know how to tell her father because she was afraid for his life. She couldn't sleep all night thinking how to save everybody from that creature.

•The next morning she found in her garden the strangest animal she had ever seen: a blue rabbit! The strangest thing was that he could talk.
•The rabbit came close and told the girl she had nothing to be afraid of...His name was Adrianne and he was a good wizard transformed by the witch into this strange creature.

•A few years ago the witch was stealing children from their parents in order to breathe the youth out of them. Then she transformed them all in trees. Two years ago she needed thirteen children. The 13th was his cousin who was ten years old. The wizard came after the witch, saved his cousin but he failed to save the other children and he got changed by the witch into this blue rabbit. Since then he is searching for the witch and he found her because he heard that close to this kingdom some children were missing. Years ago he promised he will save all the children from that bad witch's spells.
•The princess agreed to help him defeat the witch. The wizard told Adrianne that to help him change back she had to steal a key the witch was wearing on a chain around her neck. She noticed then a collar around the rabbit's neck and a lock. The key could open the lock and transform him into a human again....
We invite you to the reading!
The Myth of Prometheus – The Thief of Fire
Vamvakofyto Primary School, Greece
Teacher: Eirini Paraponiari
Prometheus is a Titan in Greek mythology who loves humanity. He sees that humans are struggling to survive without fire, so he decides to steal it from the gods and bring it down to Earth.

Students' drawings
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Ümrehan TOPAL- Şehit Ahmet Özsoy İho Hendek, Türkiye
1. What did Hodja borrow from his neighbour?
( a cauldron)
2. Why did Hodja not return the cauldron next time?
(Because he said, it is dead.)
3. What did Hodja say when he returned the cauldron?
(Your cauldron gave a birth!)
4. What did the neighbour say when Hodja said his cauldron died?
(Cauldrons don't die!)
5. What did Hodja say at the end?
( You believe that it gave birth, then why don't you believe that it died?)
Lali Ambroladze
Terjola N1 Public School!
The Tortoise and the Scorpion!

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