who will never go to Antarctica
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Antarctica (introduction)
Human Impact
Climate Change
Antarctica Treaty
Importance of Antarctica
Why should we protect Antarctica?
Communication in Antarctica
Flora and Fauna
Current Day Tourism

place on earth. It is the fifth largest continent,
but is not a country. It is located on the south
pole and contains 90% of the worlds ice.

Antarctica's seals are hunted for fur,blubber and meat. The meat is
eaten, the fur is used for clothes and handbags and the blubber is is
used for soap , leather and cosmetics.There was once a point in
history when seals nearly became extincted.
Overfishing in Antarctica is bad for the animals and
environment.Krill is being over fished with over 650,00,00 tonnes of
being caught.That means animals will miss out on food.

Tour operators are encouraging more people to come to Antarctica.
And the tourists are leaving more than foot prints , they are leaving
Antarctica's 11 species of whale are being hunted for meat and
blubber.They meat is used for eating and the blubber is used for
candles,soaps and cosmetics.Since 1904, around 13000000 whales
have been killed.

Most pollution in Antarctica is from oil spills.Also sewage and food
waste is aloud to be dumped at sea. This effects other animals.
Global warming is warming up the planet more than it should.That
will cause the ice in Antarctica to melt.

Douglas Mawson, born May 5th 1882, was a famous Australian
Explorer. He was born in England but moved to Australia when he was
two years old.
After graduating from University, He went on his first Antarctica
expedition with Ernest Shackleton. He was part of a five man party
who climbed Mount Erebus, an Active volcano in

When Mawson returned, he continued studied at
university but longed to returned to Antarctica.
On December 2 1911, he returned to Antarctica on the
Aurora. He was accompanied by Mertz and Ninnis. Both
of his partners died on the expedition and Mawson had
to struggle 160 kms alone back to main base.
Douglas Mawson died in 1958 at the age of 76.He is one
of Australia's most famous explorers.

Robert Falcon Scott was born on the 6th of June
1868 in Devonport, England. He was a naval cadet at
the age of thirteen and worked on a number of navy
ships. From 1901-1904 he went on an Antarctica
expedition with Ernest Shackleton.
After he returned he began to plan his own expedition
to Antarctica. He went on the whaling ship Terra
Nova in June 1910. In october they set of from their
main base. By January 1912 only five crew members
remained:Scott ,Wilson ,Oates ,Bowers and Evans.

On 17 January, they reached the south pole only to find
out that a Norwegian Party, lead by Roald Amundsen
had beat them there. On their 1,500 km journey back,
Oates ,suffering from frostbite walked away because
he knew he was holding everyone back and was never
seen again. Evans also died. The three remaining men
died of starvation and exposure in their tents on 29 of
March 1912 only 20 km from there supplies depot.
Eight Months later a search party found their bodies,
tent and Scott's diary.

Occupation: Explorer
Born: July 16, 1872 in Borge , Norway.
Died: June 18 , 1928 during rescue attempt.
Best Known for: First Man to the South Pole.
Roald Amunsden was an Explorer of the North and
South Poles.
Roald grew up with his three brothers in Norway. His
mother wanted him to became a doctor but he left
school to fulfill his dream of Exploring.

He became a crew member on various ships. But in
1903 he commanded his on expedition on his ship
the Gjoa.He travelled to the North Pole. And he
discovered the Northwest Passage that leads from
the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean.
Roald had plans for another North Pole expedition
but changed his plans and went to the Sotuh Pole
to beat Robert Scott.

On January 14 , 1911 Amundsen's ship the Fram
arrived at Bay of Whales in Antarctica. They set
up camp there and prepared for there trip.
They set out on October 20th and finally reached
the South Pole beating Scott on December 14,
1911. Roald planted the Norwegian Flag.
All of Roald's crew members got back safely and
the trip took 99 days.

The Global climate is changing drastically and we
will see more extreme weather changes. The main
cause of this is green house gases Co2 which is
Carbon Dioxide and Co4 which is Carbon
tetroxide.Because of this more animals and plants
in Antarctica will become extinct, the ice caps will
melt and the sea level will rise.

The Antarctica Treaty is the different parts of
Antarctica that different countries are
responsible for and set the rules for. There are 14
parts of the Antarctic treaty and it began in 1961.

New Zealand
South Africa
United Kingdom
United States

Antarctica is important for all of us to enjoy the
beauty of this wonderful continent and it's
wildlife. Also, 90% of the world's fresh water and
ice come from Antarctica.But there not the only
reasons! Antarctica is important to science and
research. The 4 km thick ice holds records of
earth's climate from years ago.

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who will never go to Antarctica
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

Antarctica (introduction)
Human Impact
Climate Change
Antarctica Treaty
Importance of Antarctica
Why should we protect Antarctica?
Communication in Antarctica
Flora and Fauna
Current Day Tourism

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