One day, Tolga came home from school. Tolga was sitting at home. For a moment, a voice was heard from his computer. Tolga had a message. He went straight to his room and went to his computer. Someone he didn't know had written to him. He wasn't on the friend list either. He didn't know what to do. He thought for a while. Their teachers had said that they should not give private information to strangers in class that day. But Tolga was not listening to the lecture at that time! Tolga was 9 years old and in 3rd grade. At the end of the lesson, the teacher gave homework.
Huseyin Yardimci P.S. - Name KAYA
Rize / Turkiye

Tolga was very happy because he had finished her homework.His mum asked him to watch the video her teacher sent them .But he did not watch the video .On the contrary , he began to have a chat with a stranger.He befriended with a boy called Hakan .A few days later ,Hakan asked Tolga to send him his personal information and promissed to send him a swarm via cargo.Tolga shared all the information Tolga asked .But Tolga didn't send him a sword.Tolga told this to his mum.He mum was unhappy because he saw his son was cheated.They called police .Tolga understood that he shouln't talk to strangers online
Kaptan-ı Derya P.S - Murat demiray

4th Primary School of Corinth, Greece
Why Maria is crying?
Maria broke up with her boyfriend and hurried home to her room and started crying. Her broken heart was full of pain and she pasted sad messages on the wall of her room. Through the window she saw the whole world raining down with ugly messages. Even the computer didn't work. We should not be sad, let's seek help from parents and friends.
OŠ Jurja Dobrile Rovinj (Croatia)
4th Primary School of Corinth, Greece

4th Primary School of Corinth, Greece
Stefania loves playing video games.One day, when she came home from school got her cell phone to play an online game.
Everything was normal when one player started talking badly to her and urging the other players
to take her out of the game. He sent her a private message where he insulted and threatened her. Stefania was scared and cried. Then her mom heard her and ran to see what was happening.
Stefania told her everything that had happened. Her mom hugged her to calm her down. The next day they went to the police and filed a complaint. After a few days the police notified them that
they had found the perpetrator and that he would face justice. Stefania had understood that from now on she needs to be more careful with what she does online.
5th Primary School of Pyrgos, Greece

George's story "The first days in the new school"
George has just moved in a new school and his classmates are not friendly with him. One day, after school he received on messenger some humiliating messages and photos of him which looked real but they were digital edited by other people. He was very scared and sad. Next day in the school he could feel all eyes on him as he was walking to class. He could hear other students whispering and and snickering “You are a loser; you have no friends”, “nerd”, "stupid", "fat". He felt helpless and sad. Surprisingly, a girl approached him and advised him to speak to his teacher. They went together to their teacher and they found that a boy from the other class sent the messages and the photos photos. He apologized to George for his actions and promised to be kind from now on. Remember you are not alone and don’t be afraid to ask for help.
4th Primary School of Corinth, Greece
9th Primary School of Lamia,
Susan was a girl who liked spending time on social media and sharing her photos.However; as time passed ,the comments people wrote about her began to upset her.She felt worthless even though she told everyone 'I am fine'.She didn't like her weight,height,nose and actually herself.One day,her teacher saw her crying and they talked about the situation.Her teacher advised her not to overestimate these comments and not to reply to them.He also said that she should think before sharing her photos and use privacy tools.And finally,he said 'You're a beautiful girl'.
Reşat Şemsettin Sirer P.S.- Şerife Özbay

Reşat Şemsettin Sirer Primary School
9th Primary School of Lamia, Greece
One day while Helen was playing her favorite online game, she noticed that someone had sent her a friend request. She accepted the request, after seeing that the profile picture was a girl who appeared to be the same age as her. The days were passing and the two “friends” were chatting and playing together. After several days her “friend” asked Helen to send her a picture of herself in order to get to know her better. Hellen thought that it was a good idea because they had known each other for a long time.
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9th Primary School of Lamia, Greece
The next day when she got home from school, she logged on her computer to play her favorite game. Before joining the game, she noticed that it was a picture of her uploaded online and some people were leaving mean comments on it. Then she realized that her “friend” was the one who had posted the picture. She had also made negative comments about her appearance and character, calling Hellen fat, ugly and a stupid liar. Hellen was very sad and scared, but she didn’t say anything to her parents.
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9th Primary School of Lamia, Greece
Although they noticed that her behaviour was different and they had a discussion with her to make sure she was alright. Hellen explained to them what had happened and they gave her some useful advice. They told her that she shouldn’t accept friend requests from strangers, even if they appear to be as young as her and that she should block her “friend” and report her to the game. They also told her that if she ever experienced cyberbullying again she should report it or talk to an adult she feels she can trust.
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OŠ Jurja Dobrile Rovinj (Croatia)
One usual day, Mary came home from school and decided to play on her computer. While she was playing her favorite online game a stranger started sending her rude messages and swearing at her on the chat. Mary was frightened and began to cry. When her parents heard Mary crying they asked her what happened. She couldn’t explain them because she thought she would be banned from playing. When Mary fell asleep, her father discovered what had happened. Next morning her father decided to talk to Mary. After a very serious discussion, he explained her that she should not open such messages and not reply. If they keep sending her such messages she should block or report them and tell everything to a person of trust.
4th Primary School of Corinth, Greece
4th Primary School of Corinth, Greece

Tea came home from school. Suddenly, she received a message on her cell phone that she was a loser. She ignored the message and went to her laptop to write her homework. But very soon she received inappropriate messages on her laptop that she was stupid and ugly and that everyone hate her. She became very sad and went to sleep but had nightmares about those horrible messages. When a person receives such messages, he feels sad, lonely and afraid. That is why we must not send such messages to others but be friend to each other.
OŠ Jurja Dobrile Rovinj (Croatia)
Mehtap Ardıç Tak / Ertuğrul Gazi Primary School / Pendik/İSTANBUL, Turkey
Sam came home and had a rest for a while. He was happy because he just had Maths homework on that day. After he finished his homework, he got permission from his mother to go online. He looked at his social media account and got shocked. Some of his friends commented very bad things about his last post. He was very sad and heartbroken. He started to cry. His mother came and tried to calm him down. She said "Social media sometimes can be disappointing for us. People (or even sometimes our friends) can be cruel on online networks. They think they have the right to criticise you. But if you don't want to be unhappy, you should learn how to defend you and your feelings. You should learn not to affected by other people's negative comments. Your opinion is more important than the others'. Don't let your friends make you upset. Trust on yourself.
Ayşe EKŞİOĞLU - Şems-i Sivasi RV Secondary School - Merkez / SİVAS

One day, Tolga came home from school. Tolga was sitting at home. For a moment, a voice was heard from his computer. Tolga had a message. He went straight to his room and went to his computer. Someone he didn't know had written to him. He wasn't on the friend list either. He didn't know what to do. He thought for a while. Their teachers had said that they should not give private information to strangers in class that day. But Tolga was not listening to the lecture at that time! Tolga was 9 years old and in 3rd grade. At the end of the lesson, the teacher gave homework.
Huseyin Yardimci P.S. - Name KAYA
Rize / Turkiye

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