Team 1: Access and inclusion (Gülfidan / Züleyha)
Team 2: Learning and creativity (Ebru)
Team 3: Media and information literacy (Aynur)
Team 4: Ethics and empathy (Sabina)
Team 5: Health and well-being (Ülkü)
Team 6: e-Presence and communications (Gülname)
Team 7: Active participation (Ludmila)
Team 8: Rights and responsibilities (Lucia)
Team 9: Privacy and security (Isabel)
Team 10: Consumer awareness (Radek / Nikola)
Ayşe and Zuhal are close friends. They work on a Project. Their topic is quite interesting.They choose ‘sea animals’ as topic. Zuhal is trying to do the research without technology while Ayşe is doing with technological devices. Zuhal thinks on how to make the research.

Ayşe knows without technology it is hard to search for sea animals. She finds pictures, videos and lots of information on the Net. Meanwhile Zuhal struggles with printed books, encyclopedias and so on. She hardly finds information about sea animals. While she thinks about doing the research in a different way, an idea comes to her mind!

Zuhal decides to go to seaside and get information from fishermen.
After visited the fishermen, Zuhal stics the photos from seaside on a paper and writes knowledge about them. Then, Zuhal goes to Ayşe to share her wonderful paper.
Ayshe is surprised how Zuhal found these beautiful photos.She also shows her information. The two girls decide to unite their findings and present it to their friends at school.(Madina and Saleh - Sabina Eminova)
They try to decide how to make their presentation more effective: a digital presentation or a poster presentation? In the end, they decide to prepare a presentation consisting of several digital poster. (Ercan - Gülname Kayhan)
Afonso and Maria are very bored with typical learning techniques. They tell their teacher, Mrs Son, that they are bored with writing reading, memorising in each unit and they want some other ways to learn. Besides While Maria can learn Afonso cannot learn. Mrs Son tells them to search creative ways of learning so they start to search. (eli.ata/ Ebru Apaydın)

Afonso finds a site that teaches anything with games and songs. The teacher on that site teaches the unit topics via songs using technology. She also reinforces the topics with online games. It also includes videos. Maria searches for web 2.0 tools to integrate technology with lessons. She encounters an interesting web 2.0 tool. (Kevser2/AynurKORKMAZ)

The web that Maria has found consists of some new methods to learn topics in an easier way. So they talk between themselves about which website was better: Afonso´s one or Maria´s one. They finished choosing the web of Afonso because the songs were funny and the games were interesting so they told the teacher about it and she said that it was very helpful and she was going to present the web to the whole class.(Emma,Xurde/Isa)

The class loved the website. Then, they wanted to make their songs and games. They wanted to start with songs. They decided to make "The Kitchen"
unit's song.
(Efe/Gülfidan Teacher)

Now it was game time. They started researching sites for online games and discovered many online game creation sites such as Kahoot, Quiziz, LearningApps, Cram, Wordwall, Educaplay. (Kıraç - Gülname Kayhan)

Then, they prepared a game about "the Kitchen " unit. In the game there were words and pictures about the kitchen unit and the game was a matching game. Their friends in the class liked it and they learned all the words about the kitchen unit. (Ayşenur-Züleyha teacher)

Alfonso and Maria played the game with all classmates and it was fun. They borrowed it to other classes. They liked it too. They shared the results on the internet. (Robert and Pavel, Teacher Nikola)
After they share it on the net many students and teachers write comments and ask for more information about it. Their shairing becomes so popular that Alfonso and Maria decide to held an online meeting for students and teachers. The meeting goes great.Everyone enjoys web2 tools and they decide to use them in lesoons more and more to foster creativity. (Lala and Yusif/ Sabina Eminova)

Kevser opens computer and writes to search engine ‘ positive and negative effects on media literacy’. She needs to talk online to Mateo, her international and now school friend at the project in two hours. But she couldn’t find trusted information. After some search she can’t trust the information she finds and when she is about to close, her mum enters room and she suggests to have a look at an article website.
Her mum tells her to double check the information she finds on the Internet. One shouldn’t trust every site and should get information from media and information reliable sites. Kevser wonders how to find safe and reliable sites. Her mum suggests her checking the domain name,searching for additional information to back up what she finds. And she adds…
If every homework you do, If you don't research and prepare from several sources, the assignment you shared will be completely wrong. You also give your friends wrong information about the subject you are researching.
Also, Mateo starts to search reliable websites. Then, he finds a few and talks online with Kevser about websites' reliability.
One day Mateo goes on to find a presentation about the environment, he opens the first link he sees and downloads it and he got a virus so he called Kevser to help him.
Kevser came to Mateo's house and helped him remove the virus from his PC from then Mateo learned not to immediately download anything he sees but first confirm it’s not harmful.
Then Kevser and Mateo decide to inform their schoolmates who are playing online games or watching endless videos about the danger coming from the internet. They said them process, analyse and make good decisions before using some sites. And that media and information literacy can help them develop those skills.
They gave more information about media literacy to their friends on the following subjects:
Recognizing Fake News, Using Multiple Sources, Questioning Numbers and Figures, Developing Multimedia Skills, Shaping the Media Ourselves etc.

Madina and Tereza are close friends and they are working on a project about ethics and empathy on digital world. Madına gives importance ethics when she is online and Tereza pays attention feelings of others when she is online. They want to inform other students about these subjects. How can they do this and what do they experience, let's imagine and write.
Medina and Tereza are working on a Project on digital world.First of all, they think about what they will do. After some discussions, they decide to make a poster. The topic of poster is ‘how to be emphatic and ethic in digital world’. They add some pictures then they don’t like and decide to change. Then put a note . It is for those who want to join. (by kay.ata/ Ebru APAYDIN)

In this note it is written something eye-popping. It is “If you are emphatic and ethic in the digital world, you are sympathetic”. They also decide to add some pictures to attract people’s attention.With the help of this poster, all the students become curious about what being emphatic and ethic in the digital world is. Within all these curiosity, Madina and Teresa prepare a presentation.(Medine/AynurKORKMAZ)
After one week they finished the presentation, the next day they would present it in class, so the morning of the presentation ,they were ready and they went to school, the other students were curious about the Tereza and Medina's presentation, but one of the students called Rodrigo asked where they had brought the presentation, so they remembered that they had forgotten the USB in Tereza's home, they got scared and the teacher arrived at class, when it was their turn, the teacher said: "I have high hopes on your presentation", Medina and Tereza were nervious so they thought a plan in order not to be punished by the teacher, so Tereza pretended that she was sick, the teacher called Tereza's home, and their parents said that in the morning Tereza wasn't sick
(Maialen and Lucas/Isabel)
The teacher was surprised, she wanted to speak with Tereza again. The teacher asked about the presentation, Tereza was a bit ashamed. (Abdullah)
Then, Tereza admited that they had forgotten the USB at the home and apologized to their teacher. Medina was very sad from Tereza's behaviour because it wasn't ethics. So she apologised to their teacher.(Ceylin-Züleyha teacher)

Eventually Medina and Tereza woke up and they had just a bad dream. Before they woke up they went play Poker and lost all their money. And after poker they woke up and this all was just bad nightmare.(Marian,Jarda)

After all, the presentation day came and the friends introduce their poster presentation. All their classmates said that they didn't know anything about it. So their teacher asked the rest of the students to create an infographic about ethics and empathy working in groups. And she divided them into 4 groups. Then everything began ... (Khadija and Omer/ Sabina Eminova)
The teacher gave certain titles to all 4 groups to study. These :
respect other's privacy; be kind; avoid personal attacks; and don't use electronic devices while engaging in face-to-face interaction. (Neşe- Gülname Kayhan)

Poyraz and Zulal are close friends, they would like to search about effects of using technology on people's health. They want to warn people and their friends about disadvantages of technology. Let's write a story of a technology addicted person's health and his/her experiences.
This is Poyraz and his close friend Zulal. Today Zulal’s mother goes to hospital and they talk about her because Zulal is anxious about her mum and cannot concentrate on term homework. Poyraz is very sad for his friend but they have to hand in the project in a week but they couldn’t even find a topic. Poyraz asks what is wrong with Zulal’s mum. She answers she has serious backache because she has to sit and work with computer all day. Poyraz comes with an idea and offers to have the term Project on disadvantages of technology. She agrees for sure. (nur.ata/ Ebru APAYDIN)

They begin to search for the disadvantages of technology. They recognize that there are so many of them. For example, it increases dependency on technology, the security risk in online platforms, health problems, etc. Poyraz suggests shooting short videos about these problems and gathering all of them in a video. Zulal likes the idea.( Kevser2/AynurKORKMAZ)
Poyraz and Zulal start working very hard. They start doing a powerpoint, but suddenly someone hacks them. Poyraz and Zulal lose all their work, but they ... (Daniel and Mateo/ Isabel)
don't give up working on their presentation video. They start to search about health problems caused by using technology and internet too much. (Buğra-Gülfidan teacher)
Then they prepare their presentation and share . On the other hand, they take precautions not to be hacked.(Zeynep Sare-Züleyha teacher)
Poyraz and Zulal explain their presentation to their classmates. Zulal's mother is the protagonist of her presentations. She explained spending too much time working with the internet, cause serious health problems in her health. She talks about the bad effect of internet addiction on human health. (Poyraz.Ülkü /Ülkü teacher)
Taking into consideration her mother's words Zulal decides to search more about disadvantages of technology. She finds out that today’s over-usage of sounds and images has other effects on children and young people’s well-being too. It can delay development of certain motor co-ordination skills. (Shahrizad/ Sabina Eminova)

As Zülal deepened her research, she began to find quite striking things. One of them is this: excessive use of technology causes impairment in social and communication skills. She immediately thought of a few friends in her class who were tech addicts and had hardly spoken to in a long time, and she felt very sorry for them. This issue was more serious than she thought. (Zülal- Gülname Kayhan)


Nikolas and Liviu are very close friends but they are very away from each other. Liviu’s family needed to move to another country for work suddenly. Before saying goodbye they talk on how to communicate.

Because of the distance between them, they eliminate face-to-face communication. Talking on the phone, texting and making video calls are the first things that come to their minds. Then, Nikolas comes with an idea, sending fun emails to each other can also be an option. Liviu likes the idea and wants to add something to it in the name of learning while having fun.

They start sending funny emails, but with the time they get bored, they think that the best option was chating on their mobile phones, Livius start

They start sending funny emails, but with the time they get bored, they think that the best option was chating on their mobile phones, Livius start

Most of the time, they were able to
Then, Nikolas and Liviu get together in online games and have a lot of fun.Even though they are far away, they are very happy to be together thanks to communication on the net.

One day Nikolas got a homework to do but,because he was lazy he remembered about the homework 4 hours before handing out.And because he didnt know the answers he called Liviu at 4 AM….. He didn’t answer….. This was end for Nikolas so he ran to bed and sleep.The next morning he get up at 6 AM,with 2 hours of sleep he managed to call his friend Liviu and did his homework.Then he get back to sleep and forgot that he even got a school.

His mom tried to wake him up, but in vain. He was sleeping so deeply that even didn't hear her voice. Mom became anxious about it, but she didn't know ...

His mother didn't know that Nikolas had woken up for homework at night. While he was trying to wake his son, his eyes suddenly fell on the phone. Liviu was calling. Liviu hung up the phone saying, "Hey you asshole wake up quick". Nikolas' mother was shocked. It was not a kind speech at all. He should have talked to Nikolas and Liviu about this.

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Team 1: Access and inclusion (Gülfidan / Züleyha)
Team 2: Learning and creativity (Ebru)
Team 3: Media and information literacy (Aynur)
Team 4: Ethics and empathy (Sabina)
Team 5: Health and well-being (Ülkü)
Team 6: e-Presence and communications (Gülname)
Team 7: Active participation (Ludmila)
Team 8: Rights and responsibilities (Lucia)
Team 9: Privacy and security (Isabel)
Team 10: Consumer awareness (Radek / Nikola)
Ayşe and Zuhal are close friends. They work on a Project. Their topic is quite interesting.They choose ‘sea animals’ as topic. Zuhal is trying to do the research without technology while Ayşe is doing with technological devices. Zuhal thinks on how to make the research.

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