Hello our dear children. This book was written (from you and for you all) to help you find ways and ideas to stay active and have fun while exercising in any place and under any conditions, whether you are alone or with friends, indoors, outdoors, in the countryside, on the playground, etc.
We have tapped into your ideas, suggestions and through your work we will have another tool to help us build a strong body and a strong wind: "a healthy mind in a healthy body"

Γεια σας αγαπητά μας παιδιά. Αυτό το βιβλίο γράφτηκε (από εσάς και για όλους εσάς) για να σας βοηθήσει να βρείτε τρόπους και ιδέες για να παραμείνετε δραστήριοι και να διασκεδάσετε ενώ γυμνάζεστε σε οποιοδήποτε μέρος και υπό οποιεσδήποτε συνθήκες, είτε είστε μόνοι είτε με φίλους, σε εσωτερικούς χώρους, σε εξωτερικούς χώρους, στην εξοχή, στην παιδική χαρά κ.λπ.
Αξιοποιήσαμε τις ιδέες, τις προτάσεις σας και μέσα από τη δουλειά σας θα έχουμε ένα ακόμη εργαλείο που θα μας βοηθήσει να χτίσουμε ένα δυνατό σώμα και έναν δυνατό άνεμο: "ένα υγιές μυαλό σε ένα υγιές σώμα"
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free versio
Merhaba sevgili çocuklarımız. Bu kitap, ister tek başınıza ister arkadaşlarınızla, içeride, dışarıda, kırda, oyun parkında vb. her yerde ve her koşulda egzersiz yaparken aktif kalmanın ve eğlenmenin yollarını ve fikirlerini bulmanıza yardımcı olmak için yazıldı.
Fikirlerinizden, önerilerinizden yararlandık ve çalışmalarınız sayesinde güçlü bir beden ve güçlü bir rüzgar inşa etmemize yardımcı olacak başka bir araca sahip olacağız: "sağlıklı bir bedende sağlıklı bir zihin"
Hola, queridos niños. Este libro se ha escrito (de vosotros y para todos vosotros) para ayudaros a encontrar formas e ideas para manteneros activos y divertiros haciendo ejercicio en cualquier lugar y bajo cualquier condición, tanto si estáis solos como con amigos, en el interior, al aire libre, en el campo, en el parque infantil, etc.
Hemos recurrido a vuestras ideas y sugerencias y, gracias a vuestro trabajo, dispondremos de otra herramienta que nos ayudará a construir un cuerpo y un viento fuertes: "una mente sana en un cuerpo sano"
Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator
Coucou, chers enfants! C'est livre est conçu et écrit ( de vous même à vous tous ) pour vous aider à trouver des solutions et des idées pour rester actifs et s'amuser en pratiquant des activités sportives à l'école, dans le parc, chez vous, à l'interieur ou en plein air. etc.
Nous avons apprécié vos idées, vos suggestions et votre travail. Grace à votre travail on va obtenir un outil complémentaire qui va nous aider à construire un corps et un air fort:" Un esprit sain dans un corps sain".
Active With Traditional Games

Ally: Students enjoy playing different types of games using different elements: balls, elastic rope, rings...

Name of the game: Sack Race
Description: Competitors have to go to the destination line quickly while inside the sack. Competitors trying to complete the race quickly may fall over. In such a case, his opponent will continue to jump, and his opponent will outstrip him. The person who finishes the game first wins the game. We had a great time playing as the 2/F class of Çamkule Şehit Ömer Sarı Primary School.


Name/origin: Tug of war has ancient roots, in ancient Greece and it dates from the 5th century BC.
Description: Two teams and one observer. One team looks at the other. Between them is a line. The teams hold a rope and try to pull the other team towards them and try to cross the rope. Who resists and don't cross the line is
the winer!
Name of the Game; Handkerchief Santch
Handkerchief snatch is a game played by children and teenagers. Before playing the game, they are divided into 2 groups. Before starting the game, a midwife and a referee to manage the game are selected. The referee takes the selected midwife in the middle and draws a circle with a radius of 1.5-2 meters around it, and puts the groups in a row. The handkerchief freely hangs his hand down at the designated place.

Μαλβίνα: Παραδοσιακό παιχνίδι «τζάμι» Παίζουμε για να μείνουμε υγιείς!!
Εάν ένα παιδί πέσει τα πλακάκια χτυπώντας τα με την μπάλα, τότε οι δύο ομάδες σκορπίζονται στη γύρω περιοχή. Η πρώτη ομάδα επιδιώκει να «κάψει» τους παίκτες της δεύτερης ομάδας χτυπώντας τους με την μπάλα, ενώ η δεύτερη προσπαθεί να ξαναβάλει τα πλακάκια στη θέση τους, ώστε να ξανασχηματιστεί ο πύργος, δηλαδή το «Τζαμί».

Beach rackets : You can play with the beach rackets by the sea but not only. In the playground, in the countryside or even in an indoor sports centre, e.g. a basketball court. It is an excellent activity and keeps us active and healthy.

Name of the game: "Fine salt, coarse salt"
Description: The children squat down with their hands behind their backs and their palms open. The mother who also holds a handkerchief stays outside the circle. He turns around rhythmically singing along with the other children:"Fine salt, coarse salt, I lost my mother and I'm going to find her. He didn't get me shoes to go to school, and if he doesn't get them, I'll try to find them."The mother finishing the song throws the handkerchief to a child who gets up and chases the mother. If she manages to sit in the position where the child was sitting without catching her, she wins and the other child now becomes a mother.

Name of game: "SEKSEK" Turkish or " HOPSCOTCH" English
Description: The game is actually played in two rounds. In the beginning, 1-8 moves forward, while in the second round ,it goes back to 8-1. Another type of hopscotch, if it hits the squares after the stone or tile is thrown, it jumps over the square where the player was moved, and takes the stone back without touching the lines on the turn.

Name of game:"Duck duck goose"-"Le facteur n'est pas passé"-
"To mandilaki"
Description:Duck, Duck, Goose also known as Duck, Duck, Gray Duck. If someone tags your head and yells goose, the chase is on! Run after that person and try to tag him before he gets around the circle and sits in your spot.Tous les joueurs doivent regarder derrière eux et celui qui a reçu l'objet doit se lever et attraper le facteur, en courant autour du cercle. Le facteur doit, quant à lui, prendre la place du joueur qui le poursuit sans se faire toucher. Si le facteur réussi à s'asseoir sans être touché, il a gagné.

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Hello our dear children. This book was written (from you and for you all) to help you find ways and ideas to stay active and have fun while exercising in any place and under any conditions, whether you are alone or with friends, indoors, outdoors, in the countryside, on the playground, etc.
We have tapped into your ideas, suggestions and through your work we will have another tool to help us build a strong body and a strong wind: "a healthy mind in a healthy body"

Γεια σας αγαπητά μας παιδιά. Αυτό το βιβλίο γράφτηκε (από εσάς και για όλους εσάς) για να σας βοηθήσει να βρείτε τρόπους και ιδέες για να παραμείνετε δραστήριοι και να διασκεδάσετε ενώ γυμνάζεστε σε οποιοδήποτε μέρος και υπό οποιεσδήποτε συνθήκες, είτε είστε μόνοι είτε με φίλους, σε εσωτερικούς χώρους, σε εξωτερικούς χώρους, στην εξοχή, στην παιδική χαρά κ.λπ.
Αξιοποιήσαμε τις ιδέες, τις προτάσεις σας και μέσα από τη δουλειά σας θα έχουμε ένα ακόμη εργαλείο που θα μας βοηθήσει να χτίσουμε ένα δυνατό σώμα και έναν δυνατό άνεμο: "ένα υγιές μυαλό σε ένα υγιές σώμα"
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free versio
Merhaba sevgili çocuklarımız. Bu kitap, ister tek başınıza ister arkadaşlarınızla, içeride, dışarıda, kırda, oyun parkında vb. her yerde ve her koşulda egzersiz yaparken aktif kalmanın ve eğlenmenin yollarını ve fikirlerini bulmanıza yardımcı olmak için yazıldı.
Fikirlerinizden, önerilerinizden yararlandık ve çalışmalarınız sayesinde güçlü bir beden ve güçlü bir rüzgar inşa etmemize yardımcı olacak başka bir araca sahip olacağız: "sağlıklı bir bedende sağlıklı bir zihin"
Hola, queridos niños. Este libro se ha escrito (de vosotros y para todos vosotros) para ayudaros a encontrar formas e ideas para manteneros activos y divertiros haciendo ejercicio en cualquier lugar y bajo cualquier condición, tanto si estáis solos como con amigos, en el interior, al aire libre, en el campo, en el parque infantil, etc.
Hemos recurrido a vuestras ideas y sugerencias y, gracias a vuestro trabajo, dispondremos de otra herramienta que nos ayudará a construir un cuerpo y un viento fuertes: "una mente sana en un cuerpo sano"
Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator
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