for giving so much joy to a hike in May of 2014.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

This is a tale about a little girl named Marley, who lives in the
foothills of the San Juan Mountains, in Colorado.
One day while playing with her toys, Marley's grandmother came to
her and said, "Marley, would you like to take a hike?" She jumped
up with a big grin, blue eyes wide open and squealed. "Hike Gigi,
Hike." Gigi responded. "Well then let's get our hiking shoes on so
that we won't slip on the rocks. That trail is steep." Marley quickly,
ran to the back door and sat down where a tray of shoes were
waiting for someone to slip them on, for another adventure.
Marley's father is a great outdoor enthusiast. He had cleared the
trail behind their home, up a steep hill, so they could all enjoy the
wonder of the forest, right outside their own home. Nick mountain
bikes and that steep trail was just another challenge for him to

Marley, a bright and spunky two year old, slipped her Merrill hiking
shoes on and even put them on the right feet! Gigi smiled and
commented on what a bright little girl she was. Marley seemed
pleased that her grandmother had noticed.
Suddenly, Marley felt something breathing very heavy behind her.
She spun her head around so fast, she almost bopped him in the
nose. It was Moby, their white shepherd. He wasn't going to let
Marley out of his sight and if they were taking a hike - he was
definitely going. Moby often roamed the foothills, chasing small
lizards and looking for anything he could play with.

Off they went, out the back door, down the deck steps, up the
trail, around the "little house" as they called it, where her Aunt
Natalie lived. Moby ran fast ahead of them, already a ways up
the trail, but before they could go up the next hill, Marley
tugged on Gigi's hand requesting to take a peek into the back
window of Aunt Natalie's house. Pressing her nose on the
window, she was hoping to catch her in the kitchen. But she
didn't see anything except some dishes that were left on the
counter. Aunt Natalie wasn't home from work yet. Maybe next
time, she thought.

They walked slowly, admiring all the trees and plants.
"What a marvelous place to take a hike." said Gigi. It
was late afternoon, in early May and the air was
beginning to cool down, as the sun dropped behind the
mountain. It was perfect weather for a hike. The trees
smelled of pine and the sky was as blue as the ocean.
"Marley, look at that cute pink flowers." said Gigi. "Let's
count them as we walk along." "One, two, four, six", as
Marley spouted out the numbers in a melodic fashion. "Try
again Marley." Gigi counted with her. "One, two, three,
FOUR!", they shouted and both laughed at their good timing in
counting together.

"How about a walking stick?" Gigi asked. She
handed Marley the perfect size stick and found one
for herself, so they could peck away at the stones
and earth, as they walked the steep hill.
Walking sticks are often used to help hikers pay
attention to where they place their feet. If loose
dirt or uneven rocks are there it can help the hiker
maneuver around the object quicker and safer.
Marley is a fabulous hiker, thought Gigi. For a two
year old to be so sure footed is amazing! She's
going to be just like her mommy and daddy. They
both love the outdoors, nature and the beauty of
God's handiwork.

"Look!" said Gigi. "A BEAR CAVE!" Up a ways was a huge
opening. "Shhhhhhh." said Gigi. "We need to be very quiet,
so that we don't wake the bears." "There may be a baby bear in
the cave sleeping and the mama bear wouldn't want us to wake
him." So the two hikers, sneaked by the bear cave. Very quietly
and ever so slowly, so they would not wake the bears.
Marley was so sure there were bears, but she wasn't afraid. She
was respectful that they might be sleeping and didn't want to
wake them up. Gigi, giggled to herself thinking how fun it was
to have her sweet granddaughter, so excited that there might be
bears sleeping in the cave. Marley whispered , "Shhhhh, don't
wake the bears Gigi."

They moved on. "Time for a rest." Gigi sat down on a big
rock. She noticed something hiding under the leaves, crawling
towards them. Moby swarmed in to protect the two hikers.
Suddenly, a gray squirrel scampered up and sat on his hind legs,
with his little gray paws dangling in front. "Hi!" he said "I am
Sammy the Squirrel and I live right there in that hole, up there
in that big pine tree." "Where are you two going?" he asked.
The hikers were taken by surprise that the squirrel could talk.
Gigi responded that they were on their way up the steep hill to a
castle, where they had heard two beautiful princesses live. The
squirrel knew of the castle and two kind princesses and asked if
he could join them.

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for giving so much joy to a hike in May of 2014.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

This is a tale about a little girl named Marley, who lives in the
foothills of the San Juan Mountains, in Colorado.
One day while playing with her toys, Marley's grandmother came to
her and said, "Marley, would you like to take a hike?" She jumped
up with a big grin, blue eyes wide open and squealed. "Hike Gigi,
Hike." Gigi responded. "Well then let's get our hiking shoes on so
that we won't slip on the rocks. That trail is steep." Marley quickly,
ran to the back door and sat down where a tray of shoes were
waiting for someone to slip them on, for another adventure.
Marley's father is a great outdoor enthusiast. He had cleared the
trail behind their home, up a steep hill, so they could all enjoy the
wonder of the forest, right outside their own home. Nick mountain
bikes and that steep trail was just another challenge for him to

Marley, a bright and spunky two year old, slipped her Merrill hiking
shoes on and even put them on the right feet! Gigi smiled and
commented on what a bright little girl she was. Marley seemed
pleased that her grandmother had noticed.
Suddenly, Marley felt something breathing very heavy behind her.
She spun her head around so fast, she almost bopped him in the
nose. It was Moby, their white shepherd. He wasn't going to let
Marley out of his sight and if they were taking a hike - he was
definitely going. Moby often roamed the foothills, chasing small
lizards and looking for anything he could play with.

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