![StoryJumper Logo](https://www.storyjumper.com/images/cloud-logo-250.png)
Project goals:
The goals of the project are to encourage students to get to know the natural characteristics of their own region and the ecological problems in the immediate surroundings in order to recognize the importance of environmental protection.
Personal and social development of students and development of ICT competencies.
- developing students environmental awareness
- developing digital competences
- developing language skills
About the project
Expected results:
Project participants recognize the natural characteristics of their own reign and the reigns of project partners.
Participants are aware of eco problems in their reign and they know how to behave to protect the environment.
Participants know how to reduce waste, how to reuse many things from their households, and how to recycle.
More confident use of IKT technologies, improved communication skills, especially in the foreign language, and improved social skills.
Ekonomska škola Vukovar
OŠ Andrije Kačića Miočića Donja Voća
OŠ grofa Janka Draškovića Klenovnik
Srednja škola Čakovec
Primary School in Dąbrówka
Național College " Cuza Vodă" Huși, România
Tara Barsei High School
IISS Mauro Perrone Castellaneta
Lycée Jean Zay
Collège Sacré Coeur, Sainte Pazanne
-Agrupamento de Escolas Fernão do Pó, Bombarral
Srednja škola Čakovec
OŠ grofa Janka Draškovića Klenovnik
OŠ A. K. Miošića Donja Voća
Țara Bârsei High School Brașov, Romania
Național College " Cuza Vodă" Huși, România
IISS Mauro Perrone, Castellaneta, Italy
Primary School in Dąbrówka, Poland
Agrupamento de Escolas Fernão do Pó, Bombarral - Portugal
Primary School
No. 4 in Zielonka, Poland
Collège Sacré Coeur, Sainte Pazanne, France
Ekonomska škola Vukovar, Croatia
Lycée Polyvalent Jean Zay JARNY
Țara Bârsei High School Brașov, Romania - Keep it green, keep it clean!
Național College " Cuza Vodă" Huși, România - Be a part of the solution, not part of the pollution!
Agrupamento de Escolas Fernão do Pó, Bombarral - Portugal-Help our world, Be eco, Be cool!
Primary School No. 4 in Zielonka, Poland- Let's bee eco, like a bee!
Natural sights of my regions
Bombarral (Portugal)
Jarny : FRANCE
the Marsch
Vukovar (CROATIA)
Klenovnik is a small municipality
located in the north of Croatia.
It is surrounded by
beautiful nature, hills, Ivanšćica mountain, meadows...
It is rich in flora and fauna.
Vindija Cave is an archaeological site associated with Neanderthals and modern humans, located in the municipality of Donja Voća, northern Croatia.
Brasov (ROMANIA)
Szkoła Podstawowa im. Kazimierza Nowaka (Poland)
ECO Postcards
Proposed activities in december: self-made eco-postcards exchange among students
Workshop in Srednja škola Čakovec, Croatia
Workshop in OŠ Donja Voća, Croatia
OŠ Klenovnik - Croatia
Ecopostcards sended by AEFP (Portugal)
On March 1 in Romania, the martisor is worn...a very old tradition... According to it, with the beginning of the month of March, white and red woolen cords were offered to the family and relatives, along with wishes such as luck, prosperity, well-being in family or health.
CNCV Husi, Romania
Received from partners
They are trying to draw attention to the importance of recycling.
Students made posters to
illustrate different topics
about Water and Forests.
Diverse activities dynamized in AEFP, by the students involved in this project for the AEFP students, in the eco-schools day and in the scope of Earth Day.
Ekonomska škola Vukovar, Croatia
Two sides of the digital coin
On the occasion of Earth Day, a workshop was held on the impact of digital technology on the environment - "Two sides of the digital coin". Due to saving time, money, and paper, and performing various tasks from home, without having to travel to another location, at first glance, it seems to us that by using digital technology we are conserving natural resources and reducing pollution. Is it so? How much electricity we use when using digital devices, how much carbon dioxide is produced by using the Internet, and how electronic waste affects the environment were the topics of our workshop.
We talked about how each of us can contribute to the preservation of our Planet by following the slogan six r - reimagine - reuse - reduce - repair - refuse - recycle! The students gave their examples and ideas on how to correct their behavior to preserve the environment. Then we made new things out of old things with a new purpose.
Srednja škola Čakovec, Croatia
Students made a poster about World Water Day.
OŠ Andrije Kačića Miošića Donja Voća, Croatia
Students made posters about the importance of protecting our planet - about World Water Day and Earth Day.
OŠ grofa Janka Draškovića Klenovnik
Students made a digital ECO calendar
with important ECO dates.
ECO calendar
Environmental problems in the local community
Srednja škola Čakovec
Participants in the Be ECO, be COOL project cleaned the school environment and the near area on several occasions.
There is also a big problem with illegal waste disposal sites in Klenovnik Municipality. The students visited some of the mentioned landfills and proposed cleaning actions at the municipal level. We hope that the actions will come to life in the future.
Within the scope of the World Children's Day, the students of the professional courses, involved in the "Be eco, be cool" project, organized several activities in the Bombarral Municipal Forest, the most iconic natural symbol of the town. Inserted in these activities, at the end, they proceeded with a cleaning action of the referred forest, seeking to make the local community aware of the importance of preserving nature.
ZOOM meeting 13.10.2022.
ZOOM meeting 09.05.2023.
Evaluation by students
-46 students responded to the evaluation of the project
Based on the evaluation completed by 46 students, it appears that the majority of students had a positive experience with the project.
Evaluation by Teachers
-9 teachers responded to the evaluation of the project
Based on the evaluation completed by 9 teachers, the majority of teachers had a positive experience with the project.
The activities to do were quite diverse and let us enough freedom to find something that fits into our programs (and that's great!)
It was interesting and the pupils were very invested in their work.
Project activities were interesting and fun to students.
My students and I were very satisfied with all completed tasks. They are aware of the importance of taking care of our environment and they can suggest actions that solve problems.
![StoryJumper Logo](https://www.storyjumper.com/images/cloud-logo-250.png)
Project goals:
The goals of the project are to encourage students to get to know the natural characteristics of their own region and the ecological problems in the immediate surroundings in order to recognize the importance of environmental protection.
Personal and social development of students and development of ICT competencies.
- developing students environmental awareness
- developing digital competences
- developing language skills
About the project
Expected results:
Project participants recognize the natural characteristics of their own reign and the reigns of project partners.
Participants are aware of eco problems in their reign and they know how to behave to protect the environment.
Participants know how to reduce waste, how to reuse many things from their households, and how to recycle.
More confident use of IKT technologies, improved communication skills, especially in the foreign language, and improved social skills.
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