To Ami, I love you and I hope you enjoy this book!

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The beginning
Chapter 2: Eva
Chapter 3: Flame
Chapter 4: The wild horses
Chapter 5: A mistake, a big mistake
Chapter 6: The fog
Chapter 7: "Are we lost?"
Chapter 8: A night in the forest
Chapter 9: Sounds in the night
Chapter 10: Home at last
Chapter 1
The beginning
Jack smiled quietly to himself as he swept the living room floor. Today he was having a play-date! Jack's friend from school was coming over to his house for a couple of hours. Jack was so excited to show his new friend all around his ranch. But, best of all, Jack was looking forward to showing her his horse, Flame. Jack grinned as he remembered how he had found Flame. Jack had found his horse in the woods during a storm last year, and they had been inseparable ever since.
Jack's mom came bustling into the living room, saw Jack sitting on the sofa, and said, "Jack, are you almost done with your chores? Eva and her mother will be here in about an hour, and I want everything to be neat and clean." "Don't worry mom," Jack replied. "I'm already done all my chores." His mom said, "Did you clean the bathroom?" "Yep." Jack said with a smile. "Did you do the laundry and put away all the clothes?" "Yes." said Jack. His mother raised both her eyebrows, put her hands on her hips and said. "Did you clean your room?"
Jack gasped. "Oh no! I forgot to clean my room." His mother chuckled to herself as she watched Jack jump off the couch and bound up the stairs to his room.
Upstairs, Jack got to work on cleaning his room. He swept and mopped his floor, made his bed, and even folded and put away his clothes. After that, Jack stood back and looked at his room. Although the room looked much better, there were still toys all over the floor. Jack sighed. He bent down, opened his toy chest, and started putting away all of his toys.
About half an hour later, Jack was putting the last of his toys away in his toy chest when he heard the doorbell ring. Jack jumped up and ran down the hall, taking the stairs two at a time. His mother went into the entrance to answer the door, just as Jack came skidding down the stairs. Jack beamed. "They're here!" He shouted happily.
Chapter 2
As the front door opened, Jack peered around his mother's shoulder to get a good glimpse of Eva. "Hello Rosy!" Jack's mother greeted Eva's mom with a smile on her face. "It's nice to finally meet you! This is my son Jack." Eva's mom smiled back, and shook Jack's mother's outstretched hand. "It's nice to meet you too," she said. "This is my daughter Eva. Eva say hi." A young girl not much older then Jack himself, stepped out from behind her mom and said shyly. "Hi." Jack smiled at her. "Hey!" he replied cheerfully. Jack's mother opened the door wider. "Come in, come in." she said.
A few minutes later, Jack and Eva sat across from each other on the sofa staring at one another in complete silence. Jack gulped. This was very awkward. Jack tried to talk to Eva, but she didn't say anything. Whenever he asked her a question or told her something, she would either shake or nod her head or say nothing at all. This was not how Jack thought today would turn out.
Suddenly, Jack remembered something! Flame; his horse. "Do you like horses?" Jack asked. The corner of Eva's mouth turned up in a kind of half smile and she nodded. "I have a horse," Jack said. "His name is Flame. I found him in the woods last year. He helped me get home during a big storm." Jack searched for more to say about his horse.
"Hey!" Jack said suddenly. "Let's go ask our moms if I can bring you out to see Flame. Would you like to meet him?" Eva nodded and smiled.
They got up and ran into the kitchen, where both their mothers sat deep in conversation. "Mom," Jack said. "Can me and Eva go out to the barn? I want to show her my horse." Jack's mom turned to him and smiled. "Sure. Just make sure you grab your coat on your way out. It's quite cold out." "Ok, thank you mom!" Jack said. "Come on Eva. Let's go!"
Chapter 3
A few minutes later, Jack was leading Eva across the yard by the hand. "We're almost there," Jack said as he ran. "Flame is in the pasture right over there."
When they got to the pasture, Jack skid to a stop and jumped up on the fence. Leaning over the top rail of the old grey fence, Jack whistled loudly. "Flame!" he yelled out breathlessly. "Come here boy."
Suddenly, a big black shape came racing from the very back of the pasture. As the shape came closer, it became Flame. Next to him, Jack heard Eva gasp as Flame came racing up to them at top speed, rearing up on his hind legs, and neighing a friendly greeting to Jack.
"Well hello to you to Flame." Jack said laughing, as Flame stuck his nose over the top rail looking for treats. "I've brought a friend with me today. Flame this is Eva. Eva this is my horse Flame." Eva smiled and reached out to pet Flame on his nose. "He's beautiful." she breathed staring at Flame in wonder. "I have never seen a horse run that fast before."
"And why can't you? Have a horse, I mean." Jack asked. "We live in the big city in a small house," Eva explained. "We don't have enough room to keep a horse. And even if we did have the room, we would never have enough money to buy a horse like Flame." she sighed, as she stroked Flame's neck softly.
Eva sighed. "Your so lucky, I wish I had a horse like this." It was the most Jack had heard her speak all day.
Jack felt bad for Eva. Suddenly, he had an idea. "Eva!" he cried out. "What if we went into the woods to find you a wild horse just like Flame? I know where Flame's herd is. I saw them just yesterday when I went into the forest to look for mushrooms for my mom. They're really nice and friendly. And best of all once we get a horse you can keep it here, not only will Flame have a new friend, but you could come and visit your horse whenever you want." Eva grinned. "That sounds like a great plan!" she exclaimed happily. "Let's go ask our parents right now!" Jack cried. Jumping off the fence, they raced each other back to the house at top speed.
Half an hour later, Jack and Eva set off along the old brown path into the woods. Eva was riding Flame bareback, while Jack was leading the horse by his halter. "I can't believe they actually said yes!" Eva exclaimed happily. "I know me neither!" Jack said. With a bit of convincing, Jack and Eva had pursued their mothers to let them go for a walk into the woods to find Eva a wild horse of her own. And finally, they had said yes. So, the two young kids and one big black horse set off into the woods.
Chapter 4
The wild horses
About an hour later, after much walking and riding, they burst out of the forest, and into a vast green clearing. It was actually more of a valley, with big rolling hills, and lots of bright green grass, trees, and shrubs. "Wow!" Eva gasped breathlessly, as she looked down at the beautiful valley from the high hill that they stood on. "It's so beautiful here." Jack smiled. "I know, it is beautiful here," he said. "Even though I see this place almost every day, I still can't get enough of it."
Suddenly, Jack gasped and grabbed Eva's arm, turning her around in the direction he was pointing. "Look Eva, look!" he cried. "Look over there, do you see them? Do you see the herd of wild horses?" Eva spun around and looked where Jack was pointing. The grass below the hill that they stood on was dotted with horses of different shapes, sizes, and colors.
Eva gasped. "I see them!" she cried. "Wow! Look how many horses there are! This is amazing!" Jack smiled. "We won't have any problem catching you a horse now." "There is so many horses to choose from." Eva said, as she gazed at all the horses grazing in the grass.
Suddenly, Jack remembered something that made his heart stop. Yanking his small backpack from his back, Jack frantically searched through it; dreading what he would find. When he didn't find what he was looking for, Jack realized his terrible mistake. Oh no, he thought.
Chapter 5
A Mistake, A Big Mistake
Jack gulped. "Uh Eva." he said slowly and quietly. Eva turned to look at him. "Yes Jack? What is it?" she said. "I uh I um I-I," Jack stuttered. "I forgot to bring a lead rope and a halter." Jack blurted out. "What does that mean?" Eva asked, a look of horror coming across her face.
"It means we don't have anything to catch a horse with. I'm so so sorry Eva. This is all my fault. If I hadn't forgotten the lead rope we could have caught you a horse. But now we can't catch a horse, and it's all my fault. I really wanted you to have a wild horse just like Flame, and now you won't be able to all because of me. I'm so sorry." Jack hung his head sadly, ashamed of himself and what he had done; of the horrible mistake he had made.
Eva placed a comforting hand on Jack's shoulder, and said in a soft voice, "It's ok Jack. It doesn't matter really, we all make mistakes. And I don't blame you for anything." "I blame myself," Jack said. "We came all the way out here for nothing if we can't even catch you a horse." Flame nuzzled Jack's shoulder, his ears flat against his head. He didn't like the sad face that his owner wore.
"Plus," she continued quietly. "I made a new friend; you. Trust me Jack, we didn't come all the way out here for nothing." Eva smiled shyly.
"That's not true," Eva said. "Even if we can't get a horse this was still an amazing ride. Think about all the great things you showed me today; I met your wild horse, I rode Flame bareback through the woods, I saw a herd of wild horses, and I saw a whole new place that I never even knew existed!"
"I- I guess that is true," Jack said slowly, starting to smile. "We did do all those things today and it was a great day." Jack reached up and patted Flame on his soft black muzzle. "Well," Jack said with a sigh. "Now that we won't be able to catch you a horse, what do we do? Should we go back home already?" Eva smiled a sly smile, and said. "I have a better idea."
Chapter 6
The Fog
"Come on Jack!" Eva said. "Let's go down and see the horses. See that grass over there? By the trees? It's the perfect spot to sit and watch the horses while we eat lunch. Just until it gets dark. Then we will go back home." Jack bit his lip nervously. "Um I don't know." he began. "It's getting late, maybe we should just head back home." "Aww come on," Eva pouted. "Please Jack, Please?" Jack sighed. "Oh fine," he said. "But just until it gets dark." "Yay!" Eva shouted happily, as she took off down the hill that they stood on. "Let's go!"
A few minutes later, Jack and Eva sat side by side on a small blanket, buried in the soft green grass. Flame stood right behind them, quietly grazing in the grass. Jack took his backpack off his shoulder's, and started to take out the lunch and snacks that his mom had packed for them. Their food consisted of two water bottles, two peanut butter and jam sandwiches, two oranges, and some of Jack's mom's amazing homemade cookies and scones. There was even some carrots and apples for Flame. "Mmmm," Eva said looking at all the food spread before them on the mat. "I'm starving! Let's eat!"
About half an hour later, Jack wiped his mouth with a napkin, and said, "Well that was good. What should we do now?" They had just finished eating their sandwiches and oranges. Eva was feeding Flame some carrots out of her hand. When Eva didn't answer Jack, he turned around to find her staring out into the distance, a look of horror on her face. "Eva?" Jack asked, concerned about his friend. "What's wrong?" Eva could not say anything, but simply pointed. Jack turned, and what he saw made his whole body freeze in shock. "Oh no." he said quietly.
Jack stared at the scene before them, his mouth open in shock. The whole field was covered in a thick blanket of fog and even worse, the sun was just starting to set behind the tall mountains. Jack couldn't even tell if the herd of horses were still there or not. If they weren't all alone in the middle of a clearing, all the fog and the sunset might have looked beautiful to them. But they were all alone, and it did not look beautiful at all; in fact, it looked very scary.
"W-what do we do now?" Eva asked, scrambling to her feet beside Jack. "We need to get back home before it gets dark, or else we will never make it back. And we don't want to be stuck out here at night in the fog." Jack said. He grabbed the backpack and started stuffing the rest of the food and water into the bag. Once that was done, Eva handed Jack the blanket they had been sitting on. She had rolled up the blanket, and now Jack stuffed it into his bag along with everything else. Throwing the backpack onto his back, Jack turned around. Thankfully, Flame was still there grazing right behind them, and he stood patiently while Jack helped Eva onto his back.
Using a big rock as a mounting block, Jack jumped onto Flame's back and sat behind Eva. "We need to get home." Jack said urgently. "Now!"
Chapter 7
"Are We Lost?"
After Jack and Eva were seated on Flame's back, Jack gave Flame a sharp kick with his heels, signaling for his horse to walk on. The now thick fog swallowed them up as they started to trot towards what Jack thought was the way home. "Don't worry Eva," Jack said. "We will be home before you know it."
But after about ten minutes of walking around in circles, Jack still had no idea which way was the way home. It wasn't dark yet, but the fog was so thick by now, that they could barely see two feet in front of them. Jack brought Flame to a halt; he didn't know what to do next. Now what? Jack thought. What do we do now?
"I know!" Eva said suddenly, as if she could read Jack's thoughts. "Remember that small hill we came down to get into the clearing? Well we would need to go back up it to get back into the forest, and I don't think we've went up the hill yet which means that we are still in the clearing. So all we have to do is walk around and wait until we go back over the hill again then we walk a little more in a straight line and Bam! we are in the forest."
It sounded so simple when she said it like that, that Jack almost believed it would be that easy. "It's worth a shot." he said.
After walking up and down the field for about five minutes, Jack, Eva, and Flame finally came across the hill that would lead them into the forest. "Do you think this is it?" Eva asked. "Is this the hill?" "I don't know." Jack said. "How do we find out if this is the hill?" "I guess we just keep going and see if we come across the woods." Eva said. Jack bit his lip nervously and said for the second time that day. "I guess it's worth a shot."

"Jack look!" Eva cried out happily. "We're in the forest!" And sure enough, as Jack looked around him, he saw through the fog the faint outline of millions and millions of trees. "We actually made it!" Jack cried. "We're finally in the forest!" But then, Jack noticed something else that made his smile disappear. "Eva," he whispered. "Look, it's finally nighttime." "What does that mean?" Eva whispered back. Jack gulped. "It means we won't be able to get back home tonight." "A-are we l-lost?" Eva whispered in fear. Jack nodded. "I hope not but I think so." he said. "I think so."
Chapter 8
A Night In The Forest
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To Ami, I love you and I hope you enjoy this book!

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The beginning
Chapter 2: Eva
Chapter 3: Flame
Chapter 4: The wild horses
Chapter 5: A mistake, a big mistake
Chapter 6: The fog
Chapter 7: "Are we lost?"
Chapter 8: A night in the forest
Chapter 9: Sounds in the night
Chapter 10: Home at last
Chapter 1
The beginning
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"Horse Stories Book 2 Lost and Alone"
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