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This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
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It was a cold, dark morning in the middle of the
Amazon Rainforest. The only thing that could be
heard was the soft rustle of the trees in the cool
breeze. A young Australian fighter pilot was getting
ready to take off and fly into a battle he would
never forget. His name was Charles Rosenburg and
he was a tall, olive skinned 23 year old who was born
to fly. He had a scar forged above his eye and down his
nose - he used to be a troublemaker until he joined the
air force. Now he is a bubbly, humorous and responsible

Charles was at the controls of a F18 Super
Hornet, taking off to fly over the Amazon on a
regular patrol. His mission was to watch out for
any Japanese bombers planning to raid the
airbase. It was early morning and Charles was
still drowsy. But this was his duty and he wouldn't
let his men down.

Charles did this flight everyday and wasn't
expecting anything unusual. Suddenly, out
the corner of his eye, he saw a huge
Japanese bomber on the horizon. Realizing he
couldn't take the huge bomber on in his
smaller jet, he fumbled with his radio to contact
the base camp. But before he could bring the
radio to his mouth to speak, a Japanese fighter
jet came screaming up behind the Japanese
bomber, heading straight at him!

Charles dived rapidly towards the planes.
Adrenaline was pumping through his body and
his hands were shaking. His nerves were running
wild as he steadied his aim. He fired the bullets
from his guns and hit the plane.
But they had hit him first.

Charles, always a quick thinker, managed to
eject himself from the plane before he crashed.
He floated above the jungle, dropping past thorn
trees that sliced into his arm. Once he was on the
ground he ripped off a bit of his shirt to stop the

Unfortunately there was a much bigger problem on
his hands. Charles was stuck in the middle of the
Amazon Rainforest with no water, no shelter and only
his radio that he found still in his pocket.
He realized the sun was sinking and he decided to
try light a fire and make a shelter. After much
trouble he eventually managed to succeed. By then
he was tired and drowsy from the depressing day and
went to sleep with his stomach rumbling.

Charles woke up with a fright, hearing rustling
next to him. Sitting up he felt a stinging pain in
the back of this neck. A dart! All of a sudden
everything went black.
He awoke many hours later to the sound of
drums and the pounding of people dancing on
the ground all around him. Amongst them Charles
noticed a short man wearing a strange looking hat.
Suddenly all was quiet.

Hat man came so close to Charles that he could smell his
breath. Now Charles could see his features, he was
tanned and had piercing dark brown eyes and something
told Charles he wasn't a man to mess with.
"You have no right to be here," he said harshly.
“This is our land and we do not like intruders. You have
brought famine and destruction to our land. We shall have
no regrets about disposing of you, you Japanese warrior!"
"Wait! I’m not Japanese! I’m Australian! Look closely! You'll
see!" yelled Charles.
“Why are you taking sides against the Japanese? You play
no part in our war” he continued.
“The Japanese attacking our tribes in the forest," growled
the man, “they must be punished.”

Charles sat there stunned. The soldiers had pledged to
leave the Amazon and its tribes alone and not to involve
them in any conflict. An international agreement kept the
wonders of the rain forest safe.
"My name is Akabob and I’m the leader of the Kitachi tribe.
Sadly the last tribe left alive in the Amazon," Akabob said in
a depressing tone.
"What do you mean last alive?" Charles questioned, "What is
going on here?"
"We shall discuss this later. At the moment the best thing
for you is some food, water and sleep." continued Akabob.
"He shall stay at my hut!” piped up a young tribe member.
"Yes," said Akabob, "go and sleep now, young warrior.”
Charles lied down wearily and did as he was told, glad to

When Charles woke later in the night, he could still
taste the weird flavor of the cooked grubs and leaves
that they had given him to eat, which he had chugged
down with water. From the end of his bed he heard low
muttering coming from his radio. He picked it up and
pressed it against his ear.
"Suzuki, do you copy?" a strange voice said.
"Yes general?" said another unfamiliar voice.
"Are the poisonous gas bombs ready?"
"Yes they arrived on the bomber plane today, we shall
detonate them on the last tribe in 28 days time.”
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Thank you for everything.
This book was created and published on StoryJumper™
©2014 StoryJumper, Inc. All rights reserved.
Publish your own children's book:

It was a cold, dark morning in the middle of the
Amazon Rainforest. The only thing that could be
heard was the soft rustle of the trees in the cool
breeze. A young Australian fighter pilot was getting
ready to take off and fly into a battle he would
never forget. His name was Charles Rosenburg and
he was a tall, olive skinned 23 year old who was born
to fly. He had a scar forged above his eye and down his
nose - he used to be a troublemaker until he joined the
air force. Now he is a bubbly, humorous and responsible

Charles was at the controls of a F18 Super
Hornet, taking off to fly over the Amazon on a
regular patrol. His mission was to watch out for
any Japanese bombers planning to raid the
airbase. It was early morning and Charles was
still drowsy. But this was his duty and he wouldn't
let his men down.
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