The Old Farm House is dedicated to my dad who works at York Electric Co-op and who grew up in our farm house.

It was a cold, rainy day in January. In the middle of a big field sat an old blue farm house. This farm house had seen many things change around it over the past 150 years, including the many different people that lived inside her walls, all from the same family. She smiled to think of all the little children who had run around her rooms, growing into adults having more children to also run through her rooms.

Inside the living room of the farm house, 9-year-old Isaac and his father were sitting on the couch watching TV. Isaac's great-great-great-grandfather had built the farm house over 150 years ago!
Suddenly, a commercial on electric cooperations came on, and Isaac asked, "What is an electric cooperation?"
His dad responded, ''An electric cooperation, or co-op, is a private, non-profit, member-owned business."
''York Electric, which is our co-op, was founded in 1941 when 553 strong willing farmers and businessmen wanted power in rural York county. So they started REA, which is now called York Electric Cooperative. Pawpaw, your great-grandfather, who grew up in our house, did not have power until he was 15! All thanks to those men who started the co-op."
The little farm house smiled to think of the old days with Isaac's great-grandfather.
''Before our house had electricity, your Pawpaw had to live by candlelight and kerosene lamps. Their heat came from a fire place, and they cooked food on a wood stove. Just compare that to what we have today."
Isaac thought about that for a second. Life back then must have been hard and frustrating! "Today we have electric heaters, stoves, and lights that come on in a blink of a second. But," Isaac asked, ''how do we get power to our house?''

His dad responded, "First, the power is generated from a power plant. The electricity flows through transmission lines to a substation where the voltage of the electricity is stepped up to a higher level. Then it goes down transmission lines at a longer distance into a smaller substation where the voltage of the electricity is stepped down to a lower level. Then the electricity flows down the power lines you see on the side of the road, which are called distribution lines; and, finally, the electricity travels into our home through the power lines to our meter."
Power Plant
Small Substation
Transmission Lines
Isaac asked, "Why does the power need to be stepped up and down?"
His dad answered, "Good question! The power has to be stepped up so it can travel long distances down the transmission lines. Then when it reaches the small substation, it has to be stepped down so it can be distributed to homes and businesses through the distribution lines."
The old farm house never knew how power had gotten to it. It just thought the power came through the wires from the dead trees!

Isaac was thankful to now have electric lights, a TV, an electric stove, a microwave, a blender, a dishwasher, a refrigerator, and a computer ... all because of those men who started York Electric. The farm house was also glad it had electricity. Because of electricity, the farm house stayed warm on winter nights and cool on hot, summer days.
"At York Electric, we use nuclear, coal, and solar power. The power in our home is a mixture of these elements. Without this energy, we would not be where we are today. At York Electric, we want to provide affordable power. With use of E.V. cars, there will be a demand for more electricity in the future."
Isaac started thinking. He thought about how grateful he was for electricity, for York Electric, and for the men who changed the life in rural York county forever. He was also thankful for the men and women who will continue to help bring power to this part of the state.
The little farm house also started thinking about how grateful it was to live within York Electric boundaries and how happy it was for York Electric power and how it changed the way of life in the farm house for the better.
distribution lines - small lines that carry electricity short distances to your home
electric cooperation - a private, non-profit, member-owned business that provides electricity for its members
generate - to make or create, to produce
meter - a device used for measuring the amount of electricity used by a building
rural - having to do with countryside instead of town
substation - a part of the electrical generation, transmission, and distribution system that changes voltage from high to low or low to high
transmission lines - conductors that carries electricity over large distances
voltage - a measure of how strong a current is in a circuit
Meet the Author and Illustrator
My name is Easton Hall, and I am a 10-year-old fourth grader from York, South Carolina. I enjoy reading and writing, and this book was very exciting to write. My story was inspired by my life growing up in my family's farm house that has been passed down from generation to generation. I interviewed my Dad for this book. He works at York Electric. He also grew up in our farm house. I met with Ms. Erin Powell at York Electric, and she told me about what my topic for this book would be. She also taught me about how York Electric began and how they distribute power to their members.

The Old Farm House is dedicated to my dad who works at York Electric Co-op and who grew up in our farm house.

It was a cold, rainy day in January. In the middle of a big field sat an old blue farm house. This farm house had seen many things change around it over the past 150 years, including the many different people that lived inside her walls, all from the same family. She smiled to think of all the little children who had run around her rooms, growing into adults having more children to also run through her rooms.

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