Dedicated to Mrs.Zimmerman.

Chapter 1
Today is the day that Olivia is finally allowed to go with her mom, Bella, to the Rainforest! Olivia is an adventurous and curious 10 year old. Olivia was allowed to one her friends, Ruby. Olivia and Ruby do everything together. They live in Brazil, so they are in the car and are driving to the Amazon rainforest.
"Is today really the day I can go with you to the rain forest?" said Olivia excitedly.
Bella nods. She is Olivia’s mom and she is a rainforest scientist. The Rainforest holds the most species in the world
”Thank you so much for inviting me!...ummm Olivia’s… mom?”said Ruby.
“You can call me Mrs.Smith.” Bella replied.
Mrs.Smith asked,”Hey, Olivia did you remember to bring the caps and the bug spray?”
“Oh no!! I think I left on the front porch!” she said
“Olivia!!! You’re as forgetful as a chimpanzee!” said Mrs.Smith
“It’s okay,” said Ruby calmly,”We can just buy them at a gas station”

Once they arrive at the rainforest Ruby and Olivia just stand there in shock. “It’s like we're in a big field of broccoli.” says Olivia amazed.
“My eyes are starting to hurt from looking at all the green,” said Ruby squinting.
As they walk in the rainforest they hear many noises.
“Mooommm!! Why are there so many bugs?” Olivia whined as she kept scratching her bug bites.
Chapter 2
“Did you put on bug spray?” said Ruby
“It’s too smelly!” cried Olivia
“It’s because it is the perfect place for many insects to live and breed in the humid Amazon.” said Mrs.Smith
“Look, look!” said Olivia excitedly.”It’s a monkey!”
“Not just any monkey, it’s a spider monkey,” said Mrs.Smith.
As they walk around the forest they see many different sights and sounds. Ruby took a gazillion pictures and Ruby took notes on all the animals she found.
“Mew, mew, mew.”cried a little animal
“Shhhh! Do you hear that?” said Mrs.Smith.
“Mew, mew, mew”
“There! Do you girls hear that? It sounds like a baby animal.”whispered Mrs.Smith quietly. The girls nodded and they followed the noise. As they got closer they saw what was making the noise.
“Oh my goodness! He’s as tiny as a pebble!” whispered Ruby.
“I want to cuddle him forever and forever!” said Olivia
There lying on the floor was a baby jaguar.
“But what should we do with him?” asked Ruby
“We leave him here for a while to see if his mom comes back for him.” replied Mrs.Smith
Mrs.Smith had taught Ruby a lot about the rainforest.
“But didn’t you say that mother jaguars leave their cubs in their den?” said Ruby.

Chapter 3
Ruby suggested that they take the baby jaguar to a rescue center.
“Now that that's solved,” replied Mrs.Smith,”we have to get this baby into the car.” She wrapped the baby jaguar in a blanket and handed it to Olivia. She then set down her bag on the floor and searched through it for a map. When she found it and picked it up a big gush of wind blew the map away.
“Oh no!! What are we going to do now? Without the map we’re lost.” said Olivia
The Amazon rainforest is about 2.587 million miles. Mrs.Smith thought that they were not too deep in the forest so, she suggested that they just keep walking until they stop seeing so much greenery. Before they started walking they wrapped the baby jaguar in a blanket and carried him. They walked and walked for about half an hour until Olivia started whining again.
“Mooommm!” cried Olivia.”We’ve walked a thousand miles! If I walk any further my legs will fall off!”

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Dedicated to Mrs.Zimmerman.

Chapter 1
Today is the day that Olivia is finally allowed to go with her mom, Bella, to the Rainforest! Olivia is an adventurous and curious 10 year old. Olivia was allowed to one her friends, Ruby. Olivia and Ruby do everything together. They live in Brazil, so they are in the car and are driving to the Amazon rainforest.
"Is today really the day I can go with you to the rain forest?" said Olivia excitedly.
Bella nods. She is Olivia’s mom and she is a rainforest scientist. The Rainforest holds the most species in the world
”Thank you so much for inviting me!...ummm Olivia’s… mom?”said Ruby.
“You can call me Mrs.Smith.” Bella replied.
Mrs.Smith asked,”Hey, Olivia did you remember to bring the caps and the bug spray?”
“Oh no!! I think I left on the front porch!” she said
“Olivia!!! You’re as forgetful as a chimpanzee!” said Mrs.Smith
“It’s okay,” said Ruby calmly,”We can just buy them at a gas station”

- END >
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