E twinning project:
The Mediterranean our home

White tower of Thessaloniki
Chrisavgi’s Kindergarten Greece
The White Tower was constructed in the 15th century, following the conquest of Thessaloniki by the Ottomans in 1430.Over time, it has been referred to by various names: the Lion Tower in the 16th century and the Tower of Kalamaria in the 18th century. In the 19th century, it was known by two names, depending on its use: the Janissaries' Tower, and the Tower of Blood (Kanli Kule), when it became a prison and execution site for convicts. In 1883, by order of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, the Tower was whitewashed and given the name White (Beyaz Kule). We are in the second half of the 19th century, a time when the winds of reform were blowing in the Ottoman Empire, following pressure from England, and a tower named "of blood" did not fit the new image of the empire. It was the convict Nathan Guellenti, who, in exchange for his freedom, whitewashed the Tower. Since then, it has retained its current name. Over time, it became the symbol of Thessaloniki, standing alone on the beachfront since 1911, after the demolition of the maritime and eastern walls and its precinct.After the liberation of the city in 1912 and its incorporation into the Greek state, the Tower had various uses. During World War I, one floor was used to store antiquities from excavations carried out by the archaeological service of the Eastern Army. The premises housed the city's air defense, the meteorology laboratory of the Aristotle University, and naval scouting systems.
In 1983, the Tower was handed over to the Ministry of Culture.
27th Kindergarten of Kalamaria (2nd class)
Once upon a time in the very old days in Thessaloniki there were the Byzantine Walls which were just like castles with warriors and gates. All day long the guards protected the city from there. They could see far to the sea and the harbor lest pirates approach and they hurt them. At night they closed all the gates of the walls and early in the morning they opened them for anyone who wanted to enter the city. One day as soon as the Gates were opened, there appeared at the Great Gate a knight, wearing a suit of armor, holding a shield and a sword. He smiled at the guards and said: “ I have come to save Thessaloniki from the pirates”. He went and found his friends to draw up a plan how to protect the city. They bought panoply, swords bows and arrows. They went down to the harbor and they built the Walls even higher, they made a huge castle with many battlements and they lit fires. As soon as the pirates saw it they were so afraid that they did not dare to get off their ships and disappeared forever. The knight's fame after this feat was heard throughout the city. A beautiful girl loved him. They had a nice wedding and everyone was invited. Their friends from then on, lived quietly and peacefully and were never disturbed by any pirates or any other enemies.
"A knight at the Byzantine Walls of Thessaloniki"
A fairy tale from 3rd Kindergarten of Thessaloniki
kindergaten Gramsci" Scandale ITALY
Bice Lucia
Kindergarten D.Alighieri'-Italy
Teacher: Maria Gabriella
Partenope and the Magic Pots
On the Mediterranean Sea at foot of Volcano Vesuvius in Naples, there lived a good chef who cooked delicious things thanks to magical pots, capable of speaking and transforming anything placed inside into edible food. These pots which were, in reality, prisoners of Partenope, the witch owner of Vesuvius, made of incandescent magma had escaped during one of its eruptions. One day Partenope, attracted by the success of this chef, investigates and discovers that he is using his pots and wants them back.
Having emerged from the volcano, Partenope reaches him to take them back, but the magic pots decide to sacrifice themselves by throwing themselves into the lava, to save their chef friend but unfortunately they immediately melt. Suddenly, however, a storm breaks out and the evil lava witch, hit by the fresh rain, succumbs, turning into solidified stone. The chef, happy to have survived, to celebrate, decided to invent a new dish, Pizza, and in honor of his beloved pans he cooked it directly in Vesuvius.

3rd Kindergarten of Thessaloniki
27th Kindergarten of Kalamaria
Teachers: Sissy & Evi
The Tower is in danger !
Once upon a time there was a Tower. The Trigoniou Tower was his name. Enemies came and wanted to take the Tower. The brave lads of the Tower fought to protect him. They fought for many days and the lads got tired and fell asleep. The Tower was left without protection.
And then all the ants of the area came out to protect the Tower. The Queen and the king of ants came out with them. They climbed the battlements of the Tower, gathered all the crumbs they had, made them into balls, and threw them at the enemies.
The enemy was forced to flee. End
Kindergarten of Avlonari, Greece
Kindergarten of Avlonari, Greece
Once upon a time, on a distant hill, there stood an old tower. It had been standing there for years, with only the company of birds nesting in its tower holes. One day, a group of children appeared. As they played around the tower, they suddenly noticed that its large iron door was half-open! They decided to go inside and discover what was there. It was dark, but sunlight streamed in through the broken windows at some points. In one corner, they saw a peculiar rusty box. They approached it and decided to open it. What happened next was magical! The box contained brushes that shimmered! Before they could react, the brushes came to life, emerged from the box, and began painting the tower with the most wonderful colors they had ever seen. The children were thrilled and thought of calling their friends to witness it. From now on, they would come every day to play there. And who knows, they might discover more magical things! The tower smiled. Finally, it wouldn't be alone anymore!
27th Kindergarten of Kalamaria.
teachers : Evi & Sissy

IC ZEVIO- Scuola dell'infanzia di Palù- Italy
Insegnanti: Sara e Liala
STORY INVENTED BY CHILDREN (Storytelling with dice)
Once upon a time there was a gladiator, who had a lion and a cat as friends.
One day they entered the Arena, everyone thought they were going to fight and instead they pulled a carnival prank.
They positioned themselves in the center of the Arena and the lion pooped.
All the spectators who were in the Arena ran away due to the smell! To get out they made a lot of noise “bang, bang, bang”.
The gladiator with the lion and the cat, left alone, decided to go and have a drink at the bar.
After spending the whole afternoon together, the night arrived and also an envelope with a letter.
It was the invitation to attend Romeo and Juliet's wedding.
27th kindergarten of Kalamaria, 1st class

Kindergarten Aci Bonaccorsi Italy , Rosa e Agata

I am Augustus, the gladiator, and it is I who entertain the crowd with my shows in the most prestigious amphitheater of antiquity, located in Rome, the capital of Italy, in the Colosseum. To celebrate important events, the emperor brings ferocious beasts to the city, kept in cages controlled by hunters who have captured them in the most distant regions of the empire.One day the battle was between a lion and a tiger. The lion won, but he was wounded. I lovingly cared for him because I felt sorry for him, but he was still sad and explained to me that he was sad because he had to kill his tiger friend. Together we decided to ask the emperor to change the rules of the shows, basing them on competitions ofstrength and agility without the need to kill. The emperor, enthusiastic about this proposal, instituted the Olympic Games
Kindergarten "Gramsci"Scandale Italy . Lucia B
Jardim de Infância de Costas-Rua da Escola
3o Kindergarden of Lagada
Maria and Smaro

Kozan İlköğretim Okulu,
Asilo Nido "G.A.Santoro" Santa Severina Italia
A night with the Coliseum.
Once upon a time, there was a boy called Salatiel. One day the boy decided to take a plane trip to Rome, the capital of Italy,
As soon as he arrived in Rome, he went looking for a five-star hotel, which was close to the beautiful and imposing monument, the Colosseum.
Salatiel was amazed by such a huge and equally stunning monument. The Coliseum was indeed wonderful, much more than he had imagined, it was raining and the boy went with an umbrella to visit the imposing Coliseum. Sitting on the walls, he imagined that he was watching a show “Animal Hunt”, he was so distracted that he didn't even notice that it was already dark and so he had to leave. When he left the Coliseum he had a surprise waiting for him. Salatiel's parents were waiting for him. So happy was the boy, he took his parents to eat delicious pepperoni pizza and they finished the meal with vanilla and chocolate ice cream.
What a great adventure, after a great night's sleep in the fantastic five-star hotel, they went to the airport to return to Portugal.
Jardim de Infância de Costas-Rua da Escola
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E twinning project:
The Mediterranean our home

White tower of Thessaloniki
Chrisavgi’s Kindergarten Greece
The White Tower was constructed in the 15th century, following the conquest of Thessaloniki by the Ottomans in 1430.Over time, it has been referred to by various names: the Lion Tower in the 16th century and the Tower of Kalamaria in the 18th century. In the 19th century, it was known by two names, depending on its use: the Janissaries' Tower, and the Tower of Blood (Kanli Kule), when it became a prison and execution site for convicts. In 1883, by order of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, the Tower was whitewashed and given the name White (Beyaz Kule). We are in the second half of the 19th century, a time when the winds of reform were blowing in the Ottoman Empire, following pressure from England, and a tower named "of blood" did not fit the new image of the empire. It was the convict Nathan Guellenti, who, in exchange for his freedom, whitewashed the Tower. Since then, it has retained its current name. Over time, it became the symbol of Thessaloniki, standing alone on the beachfront since 1911, after the demolition of the maritime and eastern walls and its precinct.After the liberation of the city in 1912 and its incorporation into the Greek state, the Tower had various uses. During World War I, one floor was used to store antiquities from excavations carried out by the archaeological service of the Eastern Army. The premises housed the city's air defense, the meteorology laboratory of the Aristotle University, and naval scouting systems.
In 1983, the Tower was handed over to the Ministry of Culture.
27th Kindergarten of Kalamaria (2nd class)
Once upon a time in the very old days in Thessaloniki there were the Byzantine Walls which were just like castles with warriors and gates. All day long the guards protected the city from there. They could see far to the sea and the harbor lest pirates approach and they hurt them. At night they closed all the gates of the walls and early in the morning they opened them for anyone who wanted to enter the city. One day as soon as the Gates were opened, there appeared at the Great Gate a knight, wearing a suit of armor, holding a shield and a sword. He smiled at the guards and said: “ I have come to save Thessaloniki from the pirates”. He went and found his friends to draw up a plan how to protect the city. They bought panoply, swords bows and arrows. They went down to the harbor and they built the Walls even higher, they made a huge castle with many battlements and they lit fires. As soon as the pirates saw it they were so afraid that they did not dare to get off their ships and disappeared forever. The knight's fame after this feat was heard throughout the city. A beautiful girl loved him. They had a nice wedding and everyone was invited. Their friends from then on, lived quietly and peacefully and were never disturbed by any pirates or any other enemies.
"A knight at the Byzantine Walls of Thessaloniki"
A fairy tale from 3rd Kindergarten of Thessaloniki
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