Mîrzoca Nicoleta, Kindergarten Jebel, Romania
„Vegetables Song”
(Sing to the tune of 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes:)
Sprouts, carrots, peas and beans, Peas and beans,
Sprouts, carrots, peas and beans, Peas and beans,
And onions and corn and potatoes too,
Sprouts, carrots, peas and beans,
Peas and beans!

Anthoula Zissi, 1st Kindergarten of Makrochori/ Imathia/Greece
Stop, look, and listen too,
These are the rules for me and you.
When we're walking down the street,
Always use our eyes and feet.
Traffic rules, traffic rules,
Keep us safe while we go to school.
Look both ways and hold a hand,
Stay together, follow the plan.
When we cross, we stop and wait,
For the green light at the gate.
Look left, look right, and look again,
Crossing safely is our aim.
In the car or on our bike,
Buckle up, it's what we like.
Wearing helmets, being smart,
Always playing our own part.
"Traffic Rules Nursery Rhyme"
(To the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")

Nurten Telli-Zübeyde Hanım Kindergarten-Erzincan-Türkiye
It has more than four wheels,
It always goes a long way,
It brings together those who are longing.( BUS)
It goes in the air,
The soldiers get on.
It is like a plane,
Its propeller rotates. ( HELICOPTER)
It has two wheels,
It gets a little tiring.
Don't think it's a car,
It has a completely different name.(BICYCLE )

Chirila Marlena, Kindergarten Otetoaia/ România
I m a red shape with eight sides,telling you to stop or wait.What am I?(Stop Sign)
I m a triangular warning,often yellow and black stripes.Look out for a hazard,it s not safe.What am I?(Warning Sign)
I m a blue square with a white H,indicating a place to heal your body.What sign do you see?(Hospital Sign)

Trif Flavia, Kindergarten No. 26 Sibiu/Romania
When we’re walking
(Sung to the tune of Rain Is Falling Down)
Hold a grown-up’s hand, hold a grown-up’s hand,
When we’re walking to the shops, Hold a grown-up’s hand. Hold a grown-up’s hand, hold a grown-up’s hand,
When we’re walking near the cars, Hold a grown-up’s hand. Hold a grown-up’s hand, hold a grown-up’s hand,
When we walk across the road, Hold a grown-up’s hand. Hold a grown-up’s hand, hold a grown-up’s hand,
When we walk across the road, Hold a grown-up’s hand.
When you’re going on a hike,
This is the color of the grass that grows.
Of a set of traffic lights,
It means that you should go!
(green light)

In any weather it is present "Traffic Rules Riddles"
At the intersection, be careful
Traffic directs it
The street watches over her. (Traffic Agent)
White, horizontal stripes
Seated at the feet
Help you cross (Pedestrian Crossing)
I have three eyes, in three colors,
I pay attention to passers-by
And I show you speechless
When to pass and when to stay.
Who am I ? Answer me, come on! (Traffic light)
Coroiu Liana Ioana, Kindergarten Jebel, România

Andrei Cristina Simona, High School No. 3 Voluntari/Ilfov/Romania
With fire he fought,
Turn it off immediately,
It saves lives and property
How quickly you called him! (Fireman)

I'm a jolly elf
Curious and playful.
I'm a bit young to think
What will I be when I grow up?
I will become a doctor
I will take care of the sick.
To get healthy
To be happy again!
I know that, any job
She's beautiful, you just know it!
But do it with joy
And with a lot of dedication!

Evanthia Siomou-2nd Kindergarten of Kastoria/Greece
"Earthquake Safety Rules"
When the ground begins to shake,
There are rules we need to take.
Stay safe during an earthquake,
Listen closely for our sake.
First, drop down to your knees,
Cover your head without a freeze.
Find a sturdy table or chair,
Hold on tight, don't be scared.
Stay away from glass and walls,
Find an open space, that's all.
Keep calm and be aware,
Don't run or panic, show you care.
After it stops, stay alert,
Check for injuries, that's the first.
Listen to grown-ups, they will guide,
To a safe place, side by side.

Gergana Penkova, First of June 17 Kindergarten-Dobrich/Bulgaria
All of Me
My hands are for clapping
my arms can huge tight
my fingers ca snap
or can turn out the light.
My legs are for jumping
my eyes help me see
This is my body.
And I love all of me!

MY healthy body
Desislava Gandeva, First of June 17 Kindergarten-Dobrich/Bulgaria
Grandma boiled porridge,
boiled, boiled, boiled,
stirred, stirred, stirred,
gave to one grandchild,
gave to the second grandchild, ...

Ioanna Stamou, 6th Kindergarten of Egaleo-Greece
let's talk about food, young and old.
Veggies and fruits, a rainbow on your plate,
give you energy, make you feel great.
Proteins for muscles, strong and true,
milk and cheese, they're good for you.
Carrots for eyes that sparkle and gleam,
whole grains for a balanced dream.
Sugar and sweets, a treat now and then,
but mostly choose foods that make you grin.
So, little ones, let's dance and play,
with balanced meals, we're happy all day!

Evangelia Pitsavou, 145th Kindergarten of Athens, Greece

It looks like a half moon. It's delicious and it has a lot of vitamins.
It's round, juicy. We eat it in the winter and it's very healthy!
It looks like a ball, it's red with black seeds and this is eaten in summer.
Nurcan KARAYEL, Türk Metal Mustafa Özbek Primary-School Kırıkkale/TÜRKİYE

The two brothers walked (the index finger and middle finger are moved as if walking. A traffic light appeared in front of them and they stopped. (The fingers remain motionless.) The red light said "stop". But the little brother walked (The index finger takes a step.) The older brother pulled him (The index finger moves). his finger is brought back to its original position.) Then it turned green and he said "pass". They walked away (The fingers are moved.) This time the traffic police appeared in front of them and said "Stop" (A stop sign is made with the hand.) The two brothers stopped (The fingers remain motionless.) Traffic The police said "pass" (The pass sign is made by waving hands.) The two brothers passed (A walking motion is made with the fingers.)
Then they ran back home(Fingers run.)
Safiye Çakıcı, Yunus Emre Kindergarten/Sivrihisar/Eskişehir-TÜRKİYE
invisible to the eye
Cannot be held by hand
Those who stay away from him
He never gets sick. (GERM)

It misses germs
It protects from mistakes. (VACCINE)

He will gladly enter. (DOCTOR)

Riddle statement
Slider on hand. (SOAP)

Tuğba AYDIN Dr Ufuk Ege Grădinița Ankara/TÜRKİYE
Traffic rules are very important
Must pay attention to all signs
These lines on the ground to cross the street
Hold your mother's hand, you must walk fast
Traffic rules are very important
Must pay attention to all signs
Stop at red light, go through green light
Look left and right, pay attention to the car
Traffic rules are very important
Must pay attention to all signs
When you get in the car, get in the back seat.
Fasten your seat belt tightly and look around you.
Traffic rules are very important
Must pay attention to all signs

R.Ceren COŞAROĞLU, Havuzlubahçe Pramaryschool, Adana/TÜRKİYE
It lights yellow, red, green. Warn those who are not paying attention ! (Traffic light )
His feet drink water, what comes over him passes ( Bridge)
I have one leg and a hat. ( Mushroom)

Işıl MÜDERRİSOĞLU AKKUŞ, Erguvan Kindergarten /Silivri/İstanbul/TÜRKİYE
Natural disasters
You can't go against nature
It brings people to their knees
The wind takes it away
flying away with the storm
The hose goes in
lifts up
sends away
It's raining and flooding
The vineyard sweeps the garden
Fields become lakes
Allows living things to swim
An earthquake occurs and the ground shakes
Move buildings first
Don't listen to big and small
Buries people in the ground
Health is the greatest blessing
And then disaster comes
Let's take precautions together
This world is all ours
Let's build a solid building
Let's protect the forests
eating clean food
Let's live healthy
If we take precautions for everything
If a natural disaster occurs
There will be no major disaster

Ülkü Gürsoy Alp, Abdullah Aliye Can Kindergarten/ Silivri/İstanbul/ TÜRKİYE

Vitamins Hidden Inside
Those Who Do Not Eat Fruit Are Always Sick
Summer and Winter Fruits Are Always Different
All Are Different Desserts
Apple, Pear, Cherry
You Should Eat Some of All
SEREN ŞAHİN DAL, Zübeyde Hanım Kındergarten-Erzincan-TÜRKİYE
Plate to Eat in Winter
Eggplant, Zucchini, Tomato
An Enthusiasm to Enjoy in Summer
What Would We Eat Without Vegetables?
We Love All of These Very Much.
We Eat Without Discernment,
Strengthens Our Body.

In three colors
He is attentive to passers-by
And show you
When to pass
And when to stay
Trafic Lights
Lacatusiu Roxana, Grădiniţa Jebel, România

Seated at the feet
It helps you cross.

Mîrzoca Nicoleta, Kindergarten Jebel, Romania
„Vegetables Song”
(Sing to the tune of 'Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes:)
Sprouts, carrots, peas and beans, Peas and beans,
Sprouts, carrots, peas and beans, Peas and beans,
And onions and corn and potatoes too,
Sprouts, carrots, peas and beans,
Peas and beans!

Anthoula Zissi, 1st Kindergarten of Makrochori/ Imathia/Greece
Stop, look, and listen too,
These are the rules for me and you.
When we're walking down the street,
Always use our eyes and feet.
Traffic rules, traffic rules,
Keep us safe while we go to school.
Look both ways and hold a hand,
Stay together, follow the plan.
When we cross, we stop and wait,
For the green light at the gate.
Look left, look right, and look again,
Crossing safely is our aim.
In the car or on our bike,
Buckle up, it's what we like.
Wearing helmets, being smart,
Always playing our own part.
"Traffic Rules Nursery Rhyme"
(To the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star")

Nurten Telli-Zübeyde Hanım Kindergarten-Erzincan-Türkiye
It has more than four wheels,
It always goes a long way,
It brings together those who are longing.( BUS)
It goes in the air,
The soldiers get on.
It is like a plane,
Its propeller rotates. ( HELICOPTER)
It has two wheels,
It gets a little tiring.
Don't think it's a car,
It has a completely different name.(BICYCLE )

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