I dedicate this book to my friends Hashmita, Vara, and Natasha for the ideas and help in my book.

"Good morning class!" says Ms Sophie "Our first lesson is math." Meanwhile Ruby is eating in class while Nancy is Drawing. Sophie is a little pissed off and says "Ruby and Nancy please pay attention in class." The children are very undisciplined. they don't even wear a uniform!

"Why teacher? its not like math's is going to do us any good," says Ruby. Ms. Sophie asks " Then how will you calculate?" Ruby starts throwing paper and says "There is something called a calculator!" Ms. Sophie gets irritated and says " stop throwing paper Ruby. What about English?" Ruby exclaims "There is something called Grammarly! " Nancy mentions " Plus Everything is shortened like IDK, IDC, IKR and BRB.

What about EVS? Ruby starts chewing gum and says " We're already amazing at it." Ms. Sophie then asks " ok... What about other languages Hey?" Nancy eats her last candy and says " 3 words Dora The Explorer." Ms Sophie asks "What about Singing or music? Ruby says " YouTube, Spotify, Take your pick." Ms Sophie tries to be calm but shouts " What about drama!?" Ruby spits her gum on Ms Sophie's face and says " TikTok and YouTube! dah!" Ms Sophie is now furious and remarks "Ughh you are so annoying i am calling the principle

The principle calmly announces, " Nancy and Ruby please report to the principal's office immediately." Ms. Sophie smirks and says, "good luck." Nancy says, "thanks I guess." The girls calmly walk into the principal's office like nothing happened." The principle is calm and says " Girls, I have heard that you have not been in discipline therefore you are suspended for 2 weeks." Nancy says " ok! As if we care!" Ruby adds on "we don't need school anyways."

10 years later
the girls are now 18. Did they go to school after their suspension? Yes. but were the disciplined? No. They are still not disciplined even after 10 years. The girls are trying to get their dream job. Ruby likes Architecture and Nancy likes Football. Will they get their dream job?
" Hi, I am here for the architecture interview." says Ruby. The interviewer asks " Sure! Can I see your resume?" Ruby hands it over and says "why not" The interviewer Starts reading the resume and says your name is ruby right? Sounds familiar." The interviewer was actually Ms Sophie! She recalls few memories. Ruby says " yes my name is Ruby. Do I know you?" Sophie says " Umm, Never mind. I Will ask you questions ok?

"Ok" said ruby. The interviewer asks. "
So, A verandah 15 m long and 12 m broad is to be paved with tiles each measuring 500 cm × 300 cm. How many tiles are required to cover the verandah? Ruby is very confused and says, "I don't know." Sophie playfully asks " Where is calculator now? " Ruby is angry and says "My what? Why would I have a calculator? Sophie says " Oh, because there is something called a calculator! Oh, wait I wasn't the one who said this! you did. Remember? 10 years back. I am Ms. Sophie." Ruby fumes with anger and stomps out of the room.

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I dedicate this book to my friends Hashmita, Vara, and Natasha for the ideas and help in my book.

"Good morning class!" says Ms Sophie "Our first lesson is math." Meanwhile Ruby is eating in class while Nancy is Drawing. Sophie is a little pissed off and says "Ruby and Nancy please pay attention in class." The children are very undisciplined. they don't even wear a uniform!

"Why teacher? its not like math's is going to do us any good," says Ruby. Ms. Sophie asks " Then how will you calculate?" Ruby starts throwing paper and says "There is something called a calculator!" Ms. Sophie gets irritated and says " stop throwing paper Ruby. What about English?" Ruby exclaims "There is something called Grammarly! " Nancy mentions " Plus Everything is shortened like IDK, IDC, IKR and BRB.
- END >
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