This story includes the following ......

Denji and Power are at home and bored so they decide to go out. Denji was a childish boy, with a naive perception about life and the world. He is stuck in the past, living in his own way. Power had similar attributes to her friend, except she based her communication on false accusations and needs for her and the cat she owned, Meowy. She learned how to be a good liar, also being a human-like supernatural creature. The blood devil.. Aki, on the other hand, was a very different individual. He was mature in other people's perspective, but was a soft-hearted man.
In the kitchen, they were eating breakfast, when out of the blue, Aki had an announcement to make.

" Since Easter is coming up, I thought we could prepare an Easter cake. I don't want you two making a mess. " Aki spoke firmly.
As they sat down at the table, he breathed in deeply. He was too tired to deal with Power and Denji's energetic behaviour.
His voice suddenly was heard:

" You're no fun! Pfft! Try having some for once in your life. Humans are soooo boring!! " Power said, having a proud look on her face. She thought her advice would help Aki.
Power sat down infront of Aki, having her usual grin on her face, her eyes were wide and bright, staring into Aki's soul not blinking.. She was always up to no good. As she made herself comfortable. The girl spoke up.

Denji sat down next to Power, laughly loudly as she finished her sentence. He stopped laughing and took a deep breath. The fork from his hand was loose and made contact with the kitchen floor. Denji's face changed from ecstatic to serious.
As he picked up his fork, he replied: "Yeah dude! Be more fun to actually be around. You're so lame." Denji said, agreeing with Power for once in his life.

Aki looked at the both of them taken a back, he couldn’t stand them, nor their attitudes towards him. But right then and there, he came up with an idea.
“If you two are so much better than me, then how about you both make a cake by yourself without my supervision. Let's see how good you both are as a team.” Aki said, hoping his decision isn’t gonna turn into chaos.

The two of them glared at him, snickering if they should accept his proposal. After some thinking, they spoke.
Denji looked at him and said:
"Okay, challenge accepted! You will see we can do this better than you!". He said proudly.
"Yup, I agree!". Power said, convinced they were better.
Power and Denji they got up from the table and went to the shop, with her childish ways of acting, she proudly put her hands on her hips as they walked togheter.
"As you're just a stupid human, with no sense of humor. I command you to pay for the ingredients! Hehehe..." Power said menancingly, she thought the whole world revolved around her.

The young man looked over his shoulder to the dare-devil behind him, he didn't like the fact that just because he was human, Power could torment him.
"That isn't fair. Just because you're a fiend, doesn't give you any right to boss me around y'hear??" Denji said, staring at her.

Power and Denji left the store and started thinking about how to get the money. Denji suddenly got a brilliant idea. He thought of going to Kobeni and stealing money from her.

“Plus Power, I got a better idea. Why don’t we go and rob Kobeni? She don’t got another option either way!”. He said proud of his decision.

Power looked at him, her eyes widening in mischief. This was the best plan she ever heard in all her life.
“You genius! Of course she can’t say no to me, of all people!” Power smirked at the thought, gaslighting herself.
As Denji and Power marched over to Family Burger (the place where Kobeni worked at). They were snickering about their vicious plan and how it’ll work. Kobeni was an anxious girl who worked at Family diner.
They pulled the restaurant door, looking for a bit before spotting Kobeni.
“W-Welcome t-to F-Family D-Diner..!! H-How may I help you..?!” She said shaking, her expression was pure fear.

“Yo stupid short chick! Gimmie all yo money!! This is uh… A robbery!! Yeah!!” Power said convincingly.
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This story includes the following ......

Denji and Power are at home and bored so they decide to go out. Denji was a childish boy, with a naive perception about life and the world. He is stuck in the past, living in his own way. Power had similar attributes to her friend, except she based her communication on false accusations and needs for her and the cat she owned, Meowy. She learned how to be a good liar, also being a human-like supernatural creature. The blood devil.. Aki, on the other hand, was a very different individual. He was mature in other people's perspective, but was a soft-hearted man.
In the kitchen, they were eating breakfast, when out of the blue, Aki had an announcement to make.

" Since Easter is coming up, I thought we could prepare an Easter cake. I don't want you two making a mess. " Aki spoke firmly.
As they sat down at the table, he breathed in deeply. He was too tired to deal with Power and Denji's energetic behaviour.
His voice suddenly was heard:

" You're no fun! Pfft! Try having some for once in your life. Humans are soooo boring!! " Power said, having a proud look on her face. She thought her advice would help Aki.
Power sat down infront of Aki, having her usual grin on her face, her eyes were wide and bright, staring into Aki's soul not blinking.. She was always up to no good. As she made herself comfortable. The girl spoke up.
- END >
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